blob: c32f5611e8757db8b45bb62f170581848b60e8cd [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Catalog for configuration files
LBL_JSFCatalog=JavaServer Faces Catalog
DESC_JSFCatalog=XML Catalog for JavaServer Faces Configuration 1.0 and JavaServer Faces Configuration 1.1.
LBL_loaderName=JSF Configuration File Loader
# Changing jsp index page
LBL_JSF_WELCOME_PAGE=JavaServer Faces Welcome Page
TEXT_SAVE_AS_UTF=Selected encoding {0} is not supported. Save it as UTF-8?
#Message for invalid xml file
TXT_errorMessage={0} [{1},{2}]
MSG_invalidXmlWarning=There were errors found while validating the XML document.\nSave anyway?
TTL_invalidXmlWarning=Invalid XML File
# JSFFrameworkProvider
JSF_Name=JavaServer Faces
JSF_Description=JavaServer Faces support
MSG_OverwriteFile=The file {0} already exists.\nWould you like to replace it?\n\nIf you replace the existing file, its contents will be overwritten.
TTL_OverwriteFile=The file already exists
# {0} = name of file
# {1} = the bad encoding
# {2} = the encoding for reading or saving
MSG_BadEncodingDuringSave=<html>The "<b>{1}</b>" character set that is used in {0} is not a valid character set.<br> Do you want to save the file using the {2} character set?</html>
# {0} = name of file
# {1} = the bad encoding
MSG_BadCharConversion=<html>The {0} contains characters which will probably be damaged during conversion to the {1} character set.<br> Do you want to save the file using this character set?</html>
#{0} = path
ERROR_IS_NOT_VALID_PATH="{0}" is not valid path for a folder.
#{0} = path
ERROR_IS_NOT_JSF_API="{0}" does not contain JavaServer Faces API classes.
#{0} = path
ERROR_THERE_IS_NOT_LIB_FOLDER="{0}" does not contain a lib folder.
# Errors during checking new library name
ERROR_InvalidLibraryName=The library name is not valid.
ERROR_InvalidLibraryNameCharacters=The library name contains invalid characters.
WARN_UnknownDeploymentDescriptorText=<html>Project contains unknown version or unparsable deployment descriptor which was not recognized.<br> You have to register FacesServlet into web.xml manually.</html>
# Usage Logging
# {0} list of jsf suites included into JSF framework
USG_JSF_INCLUDED_SUITE=New JSF component libraries (JSF suites) included into Web Project with JSF framework [JSF suites: {0}]
# {0} - the error message
ERR_WRITE_FACES_CONFIG=Cannot update faces-config.xml: {0}