blob: 5a64c2b8cc643767cc1ddd9273a83ff888c5b675 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.payara.eecommon.api.config;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.netbeans.modules.payara.eecommon.api.Utils;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.CommonDDBean;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.EjbRef;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.MessageDestination;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.MessageDestinationRef;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.PortComponentRef;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.ResourceEnvRef;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.ResourceRef;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.RootInterface;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.SecurityRole;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.ServiceRef;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.EnterpriseBeans;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.Entity;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.EntityAndSession;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.MessageDriven;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.ejb.Session;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.webservices.PortComponent;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.webservices.ServiceImplBean;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.webservices.WebserviceDescription;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.webservices.Webservices;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;
/** Listens for changes made in the standard and webservice descriptor files.
* Responses configure certain key default properties in the corresponding
* SJSAS descriptor file as needed for zero-configuration.
* For example:
* JNDI names for J2EE 1.4 EJB's with remote interfaces
* Endpoint URI for EJB hosted web services.
* This system also monitors the event stream for certain delete/create event
* pairs that actually represent beans being renamed or otherwise changed in
* some way.
* @author Peter Williams
public class DescriptorListener implements PropertyChangeListener {
private final PayaraConfiguration config;
private RootInterface stdRootDD = null;
private PropertyChangeListener stdRootDDWeakListener = null;
private RootInterface wsRootDD = null;
private PropertyChangeListener wsRootDDWeakListener = null;
private static final int EVENT_DELAY = 100;
private PropertyChangeEvent lastEvent = null;
private final Object lastEventMonitor = new Object();
private final RequestProcessor.Task lastEventTask =
RequestProcessor.getDefault().create(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
synchronized (lastEventMonitor) {
if(lastEvent != null) {
lastEvent = null;
}, true);
public DescriptorListener(final PayaraConfiguration sdc) {
config = sdc;
public void addListener(final RootInterface rootDD) {
PropertyChangeListener weakListener = WeakListeners.propertyChange(this, rootDD);
if(rootDD instanceof Webservices) {
if(wsRootDD != null && wsRootDDWeakListener != null) {
wsRootDD = rootDD;
wsRootDDWeakListener = weakListener;
} else {
if(stdRootDD != null && stdRootDDWeakListener != null) {
stdRootDD = rootDD;
stdRootDDWeakListener = weakListener;
public void removeListener(final RootInterface rootDD) {
if(wsRootDD == rootDD) {
wsRootDDWeakListener = null;
wsRootDD = null;
} else if(stdRootDD == rootDD) {
stdRootDDWeakListener = null;
stdRootDD = null;
public void removeListeners() {
if(stdRootDD != null) {
if(wsRootDD != null) {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
synchronized (lastEventMonitor) {
Logger.getLogger("payara-eecommon").log(Level.FINEST, "RAW EVENT: " + evt.getPropertyName() +
", old = " + evt.getOldValue() + ", new = " + evt.getNewValue() +
", source = " + evt.getSource());
if(lastEvent != null) {
// Cancel scheduled task. If this were to return false (already run/running)
// then one of the following must be true:
// (a) the task finished, but then lastEvent == null and we can't get here in
// in the first place.
// (b) the task started, but this thread grabbed the lastEventMonitor first
// in which case the task will be stalled until this block completes
// and then lastEvent will be null in the task and the task will
// do nothing (so it doesn't matter that we couldn't cancel it.)
if(!isCreateBeanEvent(evt) || !isVeiledRenameEvent(lastEvent, evt) ||
!processAsChangeNameEvent(lastEvent, evt)) {
lastEvent = null;
} else {
if(isDeleteBeanEvent(evt)) {
// store delete bean event and return.
lastEvent = evt;
} else {
private boolean isDeleteBeanEvent(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
return evt.getOldValue() instanceof CommonDDBean && evt.getNewValue() == null;
private boolean isCreateBeanEvent(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
return evt.getOldValue()== null && evt.getNewValue() instanceof CommonDDBean;
private boolean isVeiledRenameEvent(PropertyChangeEvent deleteEvent, PropertyChangeEvent createEvent) {
// Check for different event source
if(deleteEvent.getSource() != createEvent.getSource()) {
return false;
// Check for different bean type
if(!deleteEvent.getOldValue().getClass().equals(createEvent.getNewValue().getClass())) {
return false;
// Check for different bean path
if(!xcompare(deleteEvent.getPropertyName(), createEvent.getPropertyName())) {
return false;
// FIXME Should check bean properties (except for name).
return true;
private boolean processAsChangeNameEvent(PropertyChangeEvent deleteEvent, PropertyChangeEvent createEvent) {
boolean result = false;
// swap old bean pointer for new bean.
// change name field.
CommonDDBean newBean = (CommonDDBean) createEvent.getNewValue();
NameVisitor nameVisitor = getNameVisitor(newBean);
if(nameVisitor != null) {
CommonDDBean oldBean = (CommonDDBean) deleteEvent.getOldValue();
String oldName = nameVisitor.getName(oldBean);
String newName = nameVisitor.getName(newBean);
// If names are not the same, assume this is a name change event.
if(!Utils.strEquals(oldName, newName)) {
PropertyChangeEvent changeEvent = new PropertyChangeEvent(newBean, createEvent.getPropertyName() + nameVisitor.getNameProperty(), oldName, newName);
Logger.getLogger("payara-eecommon").log(Level.FINE, "processing delete/create sequence as change name event.");
result = true;
} else {
Logger.getLogger("payara-eecommon").log(Level.FINE, "No support for delete/create sequence from type " + newBean.getClass().getSimpleName());
return result;
private void processEvent(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
Logger.getLogger("payara-eecommon").log(Level.FINER, "PROCESSED EVENT: " + evt.getPropertyName() +
", old = " + evt.getOldValue() + ", new = " + evt.getNewValue() +
", source = " + evt.getSource());
String xpath = makeXpath(evt.getPropertyName());
BeanVisitor visitor = handlerCache.get(xpath);
if(visitor != null) {
Object oldValue = evt.getOldValue();
Object newValue = evt.getNewValue();
if(oldValue == null) {
if(newValue instanceof CommonDDBean) {
// !PW FIXME check type on getSource().
visitor.beanCreated(config, xpath, (CommonDDBean) evt.getSource(), (CommonDDBean) newValue);
} else if(newValue != null) {
visitor.fieldCreated(config, xpath, (CommonDDBean) evt.getSource(), newValue);
} else if(newValue == null) {
if(oldValue instanceof CommonDDBean) {
visitor.beanDeleted(config, xpath, (CommonDDBean) evt.getSource(), (CommonDDBean) oldValue);
} else if(oldValue != null) {
visitor.fieldDeleted(config, xpath, (CommonDDBean) evt.getSource(), oldValue);
} else {
if(oldValue instanceof CommonDDBean && newValue instanceof CommonDDBean) {
visitor.beanChanged(config, xpath, (CommonDDBean) evt.getSource(), (CommonDDBean) oldValue, (CommonDDBean) newValue);
} else if(oldValue != null && newValue != null) {
visitor.fieldChanged(config, xpath, (CommonDDBean) evt.getSource(), oldValue, newValue);
// else {
// // FIXME performance could be better w/ some form of sorted set lookup.
// int minKeyLength = xpath.length() + 1;
// for(String key: handlerCache.keySet()) {
// if(key.length() > minKeyLength && key.startsWith(xpath)) {
// // locate proper child bean(s) and fire correct event.
// String subKeyGroup = key.substring(minKeyLength);
// Logger.getLogger("payara-eecommon").log(Level.FINEST, "Child bean: " + subKeyGroup);
// String [] subKeys = subKeyGroup.split("/");
// if(subKeys != null && subKeys.length > 0) {
// try {
// Object oldValue = evt.getOldValue();
// Object newValue = evt.getNewValue();
// CommonDDBean sourceBean = null;
// boolean createEvent = true;
// if(oldValue == null && newValue instanceof CommonDDBean) {
// sourceBean = (CommonDDBean) newValue;
// } else if(newValue == null && oldValue instanceof CommonDDBean) {
// sourceBean = (CommonDDBean) oldValue;
// createEvent = false;
// }
// if(sourceBean != null) {
// for(String subKey: subKeys) {
// Method subKeyGetter = sourceBean.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("get" + subKey, (Class) null);
// if (subKeyGetter != null) {
// Object beanCandidate = subKeyGetter.invoke(sourceBean, (Object) null);
//// if (beanCandidate instanceof CommonDDBean []) {
//// CommonDDBean [] beanArray = (CommonDDBean []) beanCandidate;
//// // handle each bean
//// } else if (beanCandidate instanceof CommonDDBean) {
//// CommonDDBean bean = (CommonDDBean) beanCandidate;
//// }
// if (beanCandidate instanceof CommonDDBean) {
// CommonDDBean [] tmp = new CommonDDBean[1];
// tmp[0] = (CommonDDBean) beanCandidate;
// beanCandidate = tmp;
// }
// if (beanCandidate instanceof CommonDDBean []) {
// CommonDDBean [] beanArray = (CommonDDBean []) beanCandidate;
// // handle each bean
// for(int i = 0; i < beanArray.length; i++) {
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
// ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex);
// } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex);
// } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
// ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex);
// } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
// ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex);
// } catch (SecurityException ex) {
// ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
/** Convert a property event string into a pseudo absolute xpath.
* For example,
* "/EjbJar/EnterpriseBeans/Session.12ei0"
* is converted to
* "/EjbJar/EnterpriseBeans/Session"
* The proper xpath would have been
* "/ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/session"
* However, by leaving the string mixed case with no hyphens, it's a little
* easier to convert back to property get/set methods, which we need to do
* for xpaths that don't have visitor mappings themselves, but contain
* children that do.
* For example:
* /Webservices contains /Webservices/WebserviceDescription/PortComponent
private String makeXpath(String ddpath) {
StringBuilder xpathBuilder = new StringBuilder(ddpath.length());
int len = ddpath.length();
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
char c = ddpath.charAt(i);
if(c == '.') {
while(++i < len && (c = ddpath.charAt(i)) != '/') {
// skip these.
if(i < len) {
return xpathBuilder.toString();
/** Quickly compare two property event strings to see if they represent
* the same xpath -- requires ignoring any embedded object id's.
* For example, these two events should match, since they differ only by
* the id of the generating Session object.
* /EjbJar/EnterpriseBeans/Session.12ei0
* /EjbJar/EnterpriseBeans/Session.13f
private static boolean xcompare(String a, String b) {
boolean result = true;
int alen = a.length();
int blen = b.length();
int i = 0, j = 0;
for(; i < alen && j < blen; i++, j++) {
char aa = a.charAt(i);
char bb = b.charAt(j);
if(aa == bb) {
if(aa == '.') {
// skip contents following dot for both strings.
boolean aslash = false, bslash = false;
while(++i < alen) {
if(a.charAt(i) == '/') {
aslash = true;
while(++j < blen) {
if(b.charAt(j) == '/') {
bslash = true;
if(aslash != bslash) {
result = false;
} else {
result = false;
if(result && (i < alen || j < blen)) {
result = false;
return result;
private static WeakHashMap<Class, WeakReference<NameVisitor>> visitorCache =
new WeakHashMap<Class, WeakReference<NameVisitor>>();
public static synchronized NameVisitor getNameVisitor(CommonDDBean bean) {
NameVisitor result = null;
Class beanClass = bean.getClass();
WeakReference<NameVisitor> ref = visitorCache.get(beanClass);
if(ref != null) {
result = ref.get();
if(result == null) {
result = createNameVisitor(bean);
if(result != null) {
visitorCache.put(beanClass, new WeakReference<NameVisitor>(result));
return result;
private static final List<NameVisitorFactory> nameVisitorFactories =
new CopyOnWriteArrayList<NameVisitorFactory>();
static {
nameVisitorFactories.add(new BasicNameVisitorFactory());
public static void addNameVisitorFactory(NameVisitorFactory factory) {
private static final NameVisitor createNameVisitor(CommonDDBean bean) {
NameVisitor result = null;
for(NameVisitorFactory factory: nameVisitorFactories) {
result = factory.createNameVisitor(bean);
if(result != null) {
return result;
public static interface NameVisitorFactory {
public NameVisitor createNameVisitor(CommonDDBean bean);
private static final class BasicNameVisitorFactory implements NameVisitorFactory {
public NameVisitor createNameVisitor(CommonDDBean bean) {
NameVisitor result = null;
if(bean instanceof Session) {
result = new SessionBeanVisitor();
} else if(bean instanceof MessageDriven) {
result = new MDBeanVisitor();
} else if(bean instanceof Entity) {
result = new EntityBeanVisitor();
} else if(bean instanceof EjbRef) {
result = new EjbRefVisitor();
} else if(bean instanceof MessageDestinationRef) {
result = new MessageDestinationRefVisitor();
} else if(bean instanceof ResourceEnvRef) {
result = new ResourceEnvRefVisitor();
} else if(bean instanceof ResourceRef) {
result = new ResourceRefVisitor();
} else if(bean instanceof ServiceRef) {
result = new ServiceRefVisitor();
} else if(bean instanceof MessageDestination) {
result = new MessageDestinationVisitor();
} else if(bean instanceof SecurityRole) {
result = new SecurityRoleVisitor();
} else if(bean instanceof PortComponent) {
result = new PortComponentVisitor();
} else if(bean instanceof PortComponentRef) {
result = new PortComponentRefVisitor();
return result;
public static interface NameVisitor {
public String getName(CommonDDBean bean);
public String getNameProperty();
// Three types of ejbs
public static class SessionBeanVisitor implements NameVisitor {
public String getName(CommonDDBean bean) {
return ((Session) bean).getEjbName();
public String getNameProperty() {
return "/" + Session.EJB_NAME;
public static class MDBeanVisitor implements NameVisitor {
public String getName(CommonDDBean bean) {
return ((MessageDriven) bean).getEjbName();
public String getNameProperty() {
return "/" + MessageDriven.EJB_NAME;
public static class EntityBeanVisitor implements NameVisitor {
public String getName(CommonDDBean bean) {
return ((Entity) bean).getEjbName();
public String getNameProperty() {
return "/" + Entity.EJB_NAME;
// All the common reference types
public static class EjbRefVisitor implements NameVisitor {
public String getName(CommonDDBean bean) {
return ((EjbRef) bean).getEjbRefName();
public String getNameProperty() {
return "/" + EjbRef.EJB_REF_NAME;
public static class MessageDestinationRefVisitor implements NameVisitor {
public String getName(CommonDDBean bean) {
return ((MessageDestinationRef) bean).getMessageDestinationRefName();
public String getNameProperty() {
return "/" + MessageDestinationRef.MESSAGE_DESTINATION_REF_NAME;
public static class ResourceEnvRefVisitor implements NameVisitor {
public String getName(CommonDDBean bean) {
return ((ResourceEnvRef) bean).getResourceEnvRefName();
public String getNameProperty() {
return "/" + ResourceEnvRef.RESOURCE_ENV_REF_NAME;
public static class ResourceRefVisitor implements NameVisitor {
public String getName(CommonDDBean bean) {
return ((ResourceRef) bean).getResRefName();
public String getNameProperty() {
return "/" + ResourceRef.RES_REF_NAME;
public static class ServiceRefVisitor implements NameVisitor {
public String getName(CommonDDBean bean) {
return ((ServiceRef) bean).getServiceRefName();
public String getNameProperty() {
return "/" + ServiceRef.SERVICE_REF_NAME;
public static class PortComponentRefVisitor implements NameVisitor {
public String getName(CommonDDBean bean) {
return ((PortComponentRef) bean).getServiceEndpointInterface();
public String getNameProperty() {
return "/" + PortComponentRef.SERVICE_ENDPOINT_INTERFACE;
public static class PortComponentVisitor implements NameVisitor {
public String getName(CommonDDBean bean) {
return ((PortComponent) bean).getPortComponentName();
public String getNameProperty() {
return "/" + PortComponent.PORT_COMPONENT_NAME;
// Message destination
public static class MessageDestinationVisitor implements NameVisitor {
public String getName(CommonDDBean bean) {
return ((MessageDestination) bean).getMessageDestinationName();
public String getNameProperty() {
return "/" + MessageDestination.MESSAGE_DESTINATION_NAME;
// Security
public static class SecurityRoleVisitor implements NameVisitor {
public String getName(CommonDDBean bean) {
return ((SecurityRole) bean).getRoleName();
public String getNameProperty() {
return "/" + SecurityRole.ROLE_NAME;
private static Map<String, BeanVisitor> handlerCache =
new HashMap<String, BeanVisitor>(37);
static {
// !PW FIXME this ought to be synchronized somehow, but I don't think it's
// required and this method is only ever called from one place for one thing.
public static void addBeanVisitorMappings(Map<String, BeanVisitor> mappings) {
private static void initBeanVisitorMap() {
EntityAndSessionVisitor entitySessionVisitor = new EntityAndSessionVisitor();
EntityAndSessionRemoteVisitor entitySessionRemoteVisitor = new EntityAndSessionRemoteVisitor();
handlerCache.put("/EjbJar/EnterpriseBeans", entitySessionVisitor);
handlerCache.put("/EjbJar/EnterpriseBeans/Session", entitySessionVisitor);
handlerCache.put("/EjbJar/EnterpriseBeans/Session/Remote", entitySessionRemoteVisitor);
handlerCache.put("/EjbJar/EnterpriseBeans/Entity", entitySessionVisitor);
handlerCache.put("/EjbJar/EnterpriseBeans/Entity/Remote", entitySessionRemoteVisitor);
// handlerCache.put("/EjbJar/EnterpriseBeans/MessageDriven", new MessageDrivenVisitor());
WebserviceDescriptionBeanVisitor wsDescVisitor = new WebserviceDescriptionBeanVisitor();
handlerCache.put("/Webservices/WebserviceDescription", wsDescVisitor);
handlerCache.put("/Webservices/WebserviceDescription/PortComponent", wsDescVisitor);
public static interface BeanVisitor {
public void beanCreated(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath,
CommonDDBean sourceDD, CommonDDBean newDD);
public void beanDeleted(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath,
CommonDDBean sourceDD, CommonDDBean oldDD);
public void beanChanged(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath,
CommonDDBean sourceDD, CommonDDBean oldDD, CommonDDBean newDD);
public void fieldCreated(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath,
Object sourceDD, Object newValue);
public void fieldDeleted(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath,
Object sourceDD, Object oldValue);
public void fieldChanged(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath,
Object sourceDD, Object oldValue, Object newValue);
public static abstract class AbstractBeanVisitor implements BeanVisitor {
public void beanCreated(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath,
CommonDDBean sourceDD, CommonDDBean newDD) {
public void beanDeleted(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath,
CommonDDBean sourceDD, CommonDDBean oldDD) {
public void beanChanged(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath,
CommonDDBean sourceDD, CommonDDBean oldDD, CommonDDBean newDD) {
public void fieldCreated(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath,
Object sourceDD, Object newValue) {
public void fieldDeleted(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath,
Object sourceDD, Object oldValue) {
public void fieldChanged(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath,
Object sourceDD, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
public static final class WebserviceDescriptionBeanVisitor extends AbstractBeanVisitor {
public void beanCreated(final PayaraConfiguration config, final String xpath,
final CommonDDBean sourceDD, final CommonDDBean newDD) {
if(newDD instanceof WebserviceDescription) {
webserviceDescriptionUpdated(config, (WebserviceDescription) newDD,
} else if(newDD instanceof PortComponent) {
portComponentUpdated(config, (PortComponent) newDD,
public void beanDeleted(final PayaraConfiguration config, final String xpath,
final CommonDDBean sourceDD, final CommonDDBean oldDD) {
if(oldDD instanceof WebserviceDescription) {
webserviceDescriptionUpdated(config, (WebserviceDescription) oldDD,
} else if(oldDD instanceof PortComponent) {
portComponentUpdated(config, (PortComponent) oldDD,
private void webserviceDescriptionUpdated(final PayaraConfiguration config,
final WebserviceDescription wsDescDD, final PayaraConfiguration.ChangeOperation operation) {
PortComponent [] portDDs = wsDescDD.getPortComponent();
if(portDDs != null && portDDs.length > 0) {
for(PortComponent portDD : portDDs) {
if(portDD != null) {
portComponentUpdated(config, portDD, operation);
private void portComponentUpdated(final PayaraConfiguration config,
final PortComponent portDD, final PayaraConfiguration.ChangeOperation operation) {
String portName = portDD.getPortComponentName();
String linkName = getLinkName(portDD);
if(Utils.notEmpty(portName) && Utils.notEmpty(linkName)) {
config.updateDefaultEjbEndpointUri(linkName, portName, operation);
private String getLinkName(final PortComponent portDD) {
String result = null;
ServiceImplBean sib = portDD.getServiceImplBean();
if(sib != null) {
result = sib.getServletLink();
if(result == null) {
result = sib.getEjbLink();
return result;
public static class EntityAndSessionVisitor extends AbstractBeanVisitor {
public void beanCreated(final PayaraConfiguration config, final String xpath,
final CommonDDBean sourceDD, final CommonDDBean newDD) {
if(newDD instanceof EntityAndSession) {
entitySessionUpdated(config, (EntityAndSession) newDD,
} else if(newDD instanceof EnterpriseBeans) {
enterpriseBeansUpdated(config, (EnterpriseBeans) newDD,
public void beanDeleted(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath, CommonDDBean sourceDD, CommonDDBean oldDD) {
if(oldDD instanceof EntityAndSession) {
entitySessionUpdated(config, (EntityAndSession) oldDD,
} else if(oldDD instanceof EnterpriseBeans) {
enterpriseBeansUpdated(config, (EnterpriseBeans) oldDD,
private void enterpriseBeansUpdated(final PayaraConfiguration config,
final EnterpriseBeans ebDD, final PayaraConfiguration.ChangeOperation operation) {
Session [] sessionDDs = ebDD.getSession();
if(sessionDDs != null && sessionDDs.length > 0) {
for(Session sessionDD : sessionDDs) {
if(sessionDD != null) {
entitySessionUpdated(config, sessionDD, operation);
Entity [] entityDDs = ebDD.getEntity();
if(entityDDs != null && entityDDs.length > 0) {
for(Entity entityDD : entityDDs) {
if(entityDD != null) {
entitySessionUpdated(config, entityDD, operation);
private void entitySessionUpdated(final PayaraConfiguration config,
final EntityAndSession ejbDD, final PayaraConfiguration.ChangeOperation operation) {
String ejbName = ejbDD.getEjbName();
String remote = ejbDD.getRemote();
if(Utils.notEmpty(ejbName) &&
(operation == PayaraConfiguration.ChangeOperation.DELETE || Utils.notEmpty(remote))) {
config.updateDefaultEjbJndiName(ejbName, "ejb/", operation);
public static final class EntityAndSessionRemoteVisitor extends AbstractBeanVisitor {
public void fieldCreated(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath, Object sourceDD, Object newValue) {
remoteFieldUpdated(config, (EntityAndSession) sourceDD, (String) newValue,
public void fieldDeleted(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath, Object sourceDD, Object newValue) {
remoteFieldUpdated(config, (EntityAndSession) sourceDD, null,
private void remoteFieldUpdated(PayaraConfiguration config, EntityAndSession ejbDD,
String remote, PayaraConfiguration.ChangeOperation operation) {
String ejbName = ejbDD.getEjbName();
if(Utils.notEmpty(ejbName) &&
(operation == PayaraConfiguration.ChangeOperation.DELETE || Utils.notEmpty(remote))) {
config.updateDefaultEjbJndiName(ejbName, "ejb/", operation);
public static final class MessageDrivenVisitor extends AbstractBeanVisitor {
public void beanCreated(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath, CommonDDBean sourceDD, CommonDDBean newDD) {
mdbUpdated(config, (MessageDriven) newDD, PayaraConfiguration.ChangeOperation.CREATE);
public void beanDeleted(PayaraConfiguration config, String xpath, CommonDDBean sourceDD, CommonDDBean oldDD) {
mdbUpdated(config, (MessageDriven) oldDD, PayaraConfiguration.ChangeOperation.DELETE);
private void mdbUpdated(PayaraConfiguration config, MessageDriven mdbDD,
PayaraConfiguration.ChangeOperation operation) {
String ejbName = mdbDD.getEjbName();
if(Utils.notEmpty(ejbName)) {
config.updateDefaultEjbJndiName(ejbName, "jms/", operation);