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The DD API has been developed in order to satisfy the requirement to access the web module deployment descriptor for other Netbeans modules in a simple and servlet spec.-independant way.
<h3>1. The Overall Architecture</h3>
The DD API is based on a bunch of interfaces based on the deployment descriptor xml structure. The names of interfaces correspond to the names of deployment descriptor elements in <b>web.xml</b> file.
The DD API interfaces are organized in a hierarchic tree structure where they are accassible through the root - <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.WebApp}</b> - interface.
The implementation of DD API interfaces is hidden for clients. It is based on schema2beans infrastructure and is the DD version - specific. (there is always requirement to support at least two successive versions of DD specification).
The root of the deployment descriptor is accessible through the <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.DDProvider}</b> class.
<h3>2. What it is not.</h3>
The DD API provides no UI for deployment descriptor editing.
<h3>3. The Hierarchic structure of DD API Interfaces</h3>
Package: <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd}</b>
All DD API interfaces are included to this package. <br>
Here is the hierarchic structure of the DD API interfaces :
<b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.WebApp}</b>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Icon}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.InitParam}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Filter}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Icon}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.InitParam}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.FilterMapping}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Listener}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Icon}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Servlet}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Icon}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.InitParam}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.RunAs}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.SecurityRoleRef}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.ServletMapping}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.SessionConfig}</b><font color = "800040"> [?]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.MimeMapping}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.WelcomeFileList}</b><font color = "800040"> [?]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.ErrorPage}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Taglib}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.JspConfig}</b><font color = "800040"> [?]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Taglib}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.JspPropertyGroup}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.SecurityConstraint}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.WebResourceCollection}</b><font color = "800040"> [+]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.AuthConstraint}</b><font color = "800040"> [?]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.UserDataConstraint}</b><font color = "800040"> [?]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.LoginConfig}</b><font color = "800040"> [?]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.FormLoginConfig}</b><font color = "800040"> [?]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.SecurityRole}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.EnvEntry}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.EjbRef}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.EjbLocalRef}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.ServiceRef}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Icon}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.PortComponentRef}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.ServiceRefHandler}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.InitParam}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.ResourceRef}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.ResourceEnvRef}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.MessageDestinationRef}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.MessageDestination}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Icon}</b><font color = "800040"> [*]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.LocaleEncodingMappingList}</b><font color = "800040"> [?]</font>
- <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.LocaleEncodingMapping}</b><font color = "800040"> [+]</font>
<i><b>Comments : </b></i>
<font color = "800040">[*]</font> - objects occur multiple times in parent object (0-n)
<font color = "800040">[+]</font> - objects occur multiple times in parent object (1-n)
<font color = "800040">[?]</font> - object can occur only once in parent object (0-1)
<h3>4. The structure of method names.</h3>
The syntax and usage of interfaces methods is very simple and straightforward.<br>
If certain object [of XYZ interface] occurs multiple times in parent object these methods are present in parent interface :
<li> <b>XYZ [] getXYZ</b> (); - returns an array of XYZ objects</li>
<li> <b>XYZ getXYZ</b> (int i); -returns an XYZ object at the certain position (i) within the array</li>
<li> <b>void setXYZ</b> (XYZ[] array); - sets the array of XYZ objects</li>
<li> <b>void setXYZ</b> (int i, XYZ object); - sets the XYZ object at certain position (i)</li>
<li> <b>int addXYZ</b> (XYZ object); - adds the XYZ object to the parent object</li>
<li> <b>int removeXYZ</b> (XYZ object); - removes the XYZ object from the parent object</li>
<li> <b>int sizeXYZ</b> (); - returns the size of XYZ array</li>
If certain object [of XYZ interface] can occur only once in parent object these methods are present in parent interface :
<li> <b>XYZ getSingleXYZ</b> (); - returns an XYZ object or null</li>
<li> <b>void setXYZ</b> (XYZ object); - sets the XYZ object to the parent object</li>
Example : The {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.WebApp} interface contains these methods for getting/setting {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Servlet}s and {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.WelcomeFileList} :
<li> {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Servlet} [] <b>getServlet</b> ();</li>
<li> {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Servlet} <b>getServlet</b> (int i);</li>
<li> void <b>setServlet</b> ({@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Servlet}[] servlets);</li>
<li> void <b>setServlet</b> (int i, {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Servlet} servlet);</li>
<li> int <b>addServlet</b> ({@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Servlet}servlet);</li>
<li> int <b>removeServlet</b> ({@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Servlet} servlet);</li>
<li> int <b>sizeServlet</b> ();</li>
<li> {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.WelcomeFileList} <b>getSingleWelcomeFileList</b> ();</li>
<li> void <b>setWelcomeFileList</b> ({@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.WelcomeFileList} list);</li>
Interfaces contain additional methods corresponding to the simple(String) properties following the deployment descriptor xml syntax.<br>
Example : The {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Taglib} interface contains these additional getters/setters :
<li> String <b>getTaglibUri</b> ();</li>
<li> String <b>getTaglibLocation</b> ();</li>
<li> void <b>setTaglibUri</b> (String uri);</li>
<li> void <b>setTaglibLocation</b> (String location);</li>
Interfaces usually extends some interfaces from the <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.common}</b> package. For example if a DD element has the description property, it extends the {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.common.DescriptionInterface} containing the methods for description property handling.<br>
Example : The {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.WebApp}, {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Servlet}, {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Filter}, {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.Listener}, {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.ServiceRef}, {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.WebResourceCollection} interfaces have the additional functionality for description proprty.
<h3>5. DDProvider class - getting the root interface from web.xml file.</h3>
Package: <b>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd}</b>
Provides the access to the deployment descriptor root - {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.WebApp} - object.
The {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.DDProvider} class is a singleton and caches the WebApp objects in IDE.<br>
There are following methods for accessing {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.WebApp} object in DDProvider : <br>
<li>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.DDProvider#getDDRoot(org.openide.filesystems.FileObject)};</li>
<li>{@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.DDProvider#getDDRoot(};</li>
<h3>6. Deployment descriptor modification.</h3>
DD API enables the full modification of deployment descriptor elements including:
<li>adding new elements</li>
<li>removing elements</li>
<li>changing the value of elements</li>
See the <b><a href="arch/usage.html">Examples of usage</a></b>.
<h3>7. Writing changes.</h3>
The modificated {@link org.netbeans.api.web.dd.WebApp} object can be serialized to FileObject using :
<li>void write({@link org.openide.filesystems.FileObject} fo) throws {@link};</li>
There is also another <b>write</b> mathod available on any interface to serialize the fraction of deployment descriptor to OutputStream :
<li>void write({@link} os) throws {@link};</li>
See the <b><a href="arch/usage.html">Examples of usage</a></b>.
See also :
<li><a href="architecture-summary.html">Architecture Summary</a></li>
<li><a href="apichanges.html">API Changes</a></li>
<li><a href="arch/ddapi_architecture.html">Original Architecture Document for the Web part of DD API</a></li>
<!-- Contributors & Reviewers:
Petr Jiricka
Pavel Buzek
Jaroslav Tulach
Tomas Pavek