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= DevFaqNoClassDefFound
:jbake-type: wiki
:jbake-tags: wiki, devfaq, needsreview
:jbake-status: published
:keywords: Apache NetBeans wiki DevFaqNoClassDefFound
:description: Apache NetBeans wiki DevFaqNoClassDefFound
:toc: left
:syntax: true
=== My module uses some class from NetBeans' APIs. It compiles, but I get a NoClassDefFoundError at runtime. Why?
Normally this should not happen because the module build harness tries to protect you from such cases. Still, if it does happen, it could mean
1. your module is trying to use a class, but your module does not declare a dependency on the module that provides that class ... or
2. you are declaring a dependency on the right module, but you are accessing a class that is not in one of the packages that module says are public (for use by other modules) ... or
3. your module is not a "friend" of the module that provides the class.
If the problem is #1, you need to declare a dependency on the module where the class is (remember that all of NetBeans APIs are modules, and in separate jars - so if it's the IO API, that's a module ``, if it's the Window System, that's a module ``... and so forth).
Setting dependencies is easy - open the *Properties* for your project, and choose the *Libraries* page. (Or just get the context menu for the *Libraries* node under the project in the *Projects* window.) Click *Add* and a small dialog opens - just type the name of a class you need to use, and it will filter the list to find the module that provides that class - so you don't have to memorize a huge list of mappings from classes to modules.
If it's problem #2, then you are already declaring a dependency, but to get full access to all classes in a module, you need to declare an implementation dependency (link:DevFaqImplementationDependency.asciidoc[DevFaqImplementationDependency]).
Be sure you _really_ need to use the class you're trying to use, in this case - it will make your module hard to upgrade because generally it will need to be paired with the exact version of the other module's JAR that it was built with - if that module is upgraded, your module may end up being disabled.
Also check if class you are trying to use from other module is mark as public to outside modules (right-click on module and select _Properties_, then _API Versioning_ and in _Public Packages_ check whether package of your class is ticked).
Problem #3 may happen if you change your modules name. If some module declared yours as a friend
it will no longer recognize it.
==== Checking for errors eagerly
For a nice way to resolve all module dependencies at once, to force all of the errors to be exposed simultaneously, just add the following to the command line when starting NetBeans:
The message displayed states that when using this flag, you should _not_ use the `-J-Xverify:none` flag (often specified in the IDE configuration file), so you may need to edit the `.conf` file to remove the -Xverify option before using the pre-resolve option.
==== More tips
For help on working with class paths, please see
Applies to: NetBeans 6.x
Platforms: all
=== Apache Migration Information
The content in this page was kindly donated by Oracle Corp. to the
Apache Software Foundation.
This page was exported from link:[] ,
that was last modified by NetBeans user LiborJelinek
on 2011-08-19T08:08:17Z.
*NOTE:* This document was automatically converted to the AsciiDoc format on 2018-02-07, and needs to be reviewed.