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<div class='annotation'>Top Level Project</div>
<h1>Apache NetBeans is now a Top Level Apache Project</h1>
After two years and a half as an Apache Incubator Podling, Apache
NetBeans is now a Top Level Apache Project.
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<div class='annotation'>Apache NetBeans Transition News</div>
<h1>Apache NetBeans 11.1 Features</h1>
JDK 12, Java EE, Gradle and more!
<p><a class='button success' href="/download/index.html">Features</a></p>
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<div class='annotation'>Duke's Choice Award</div>
<h1>Apache NetBeans - A 2018 Winner!</h1>
In keeping with its 16-year history, the 2018 Duke's
Choice Award winners were announced at the Groundbreakers Hub at Code One.
Apache NetBeans is one of the winners! </p>
<p><a class='button success' href="">Read more</a></p>
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<div class='annotation'>Apache NetBeans Transition News</div>
<h1>Apache NetBeans 11.1 Released!</h1>
Download Apache NetBeans 11.1 from an Apache mirror near you.
<p><a class='button success' href="/download/index.html">Download</a></p>
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<div class='annotation'>Apache NetBeans Transition News</div>
<h1>Join the Apache NetBeans Community</h1>
<p>You can now be part of Apache NetBeans.</p>
<p><a class="button success" href="/participate/index.html">Join us!!</a></p>
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