Add Codelerity to support options

Add Codelerity Ltd. to list of commercial support options.
diff --git a/ b/
index a8f83ad..88068fe 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
 |Applicant Name|Skills|Details|Location|Contact details
+| Codelerity Ltd.
+| Apache NetBeans APIs, platform, IDE and packaging; native interop; Java core, desktop and compiler APIs.
+| Codelerity was founded in 2019 by Neil C Smith, and offers software development, consultancy and advice. Neil is a member of the NetBeans PMC and Apache Software Foundation, with over two decades experience of Java development. Codelerity develop a range of NetBeans related tools, and also build and distribute community installers of NetBeans IDE.
+| Oxford / London, UK
+|[], link:[]
 | Oliver Rettig
 | Java Swing,NetBeans APIs, NetBeans Platform
 | Oliver Rettig is a scientist in the field of motion analysis and a Java developer with a decade of experience in scientific desktop  application development, usually based on Swing and the NetBeans Platform (link:[] and  link:[]). Oliver is available for work through his own company ORAT (link:[]).