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= Apache NetBeans 11.2 Features
:jbake-type: page-noaside
:jbake-tags: 11.2 features
:jbake-status: published
:keywords: Apache NetBeans 11.2 IDE features
:icons: font
:description: Apache NetBeans 11.2 features
:toc: left
:toclevels: 4
:syntax: true
:source-highlighter: pygments
Apache NetBeans 11.2 is the second Apache NetBeans release outside the Apache Incubator and the link:[second release of the new quarterly release cycle].
TIP: The LTS release of the Apache NetBeans 11 cycle is Apache NetBeans 11.0. The 11.1 and 11.2 releases have not been tested as heavily as the LTS release and may therefore be less stable. Use 11.2 to use the latest features and to provide feedback for the next LTS release, scheduled for April 2020. Go here to download link:/download/nb110/nb110.html[Apache NetBeans 11.0], the current LTS release.
== Release Drivers
=== Java
The highlights of enhancements in the Java area are focused on support for JDK 13.
- JEP 354: Switch Expressions (Preview Feature): link:[]
- JEP 355: Text Blocks (Preview Feature): link:[]
=== PHP
The highlights of enhancements in the PHP area are focused on support for PHP 7.4.
- PHP RFC: Typed Properties 2.0: link:[]
- PHP RFC: Null Coalescing Assignment Operator: link:[]
- PHP RFC: Spread Operator in Array Expression: link:[]
- PHP RFC: Arrow Functions 2.0: link:[]
PHP RFC: Numeric Literal Separator: link:[]
- PHP RFC: New custom object serialization mechanism: link:[]
== Enhancements and Fixes
Closed issues for 11.2: link:[]
The highlights of the enhancements and fixes are listed below.
=== Enhancements
- JavaScript parser is now correctly licensed and no longer needs to be installed separately: link:[]
- Enhancement to the installer enables subsets of Apache NetBeans to be installed:
- Performance enhancement: link:[]
- Upgraded Payara support to Payara Platform 5.193: link:[]
- Various Gradle enhancements, include being able to read JVM arguments, such as the JDK's "--enable-preview": link:[]
- Amazon-related updates: link:[]
- LSP server for Java: link:[]
- HTML5 attribute syntax support: link:[]
- Cleaned up Welcome Screen no longer refers to Oracle backends: link:[]
=== Fixes
- Maven-based NetBeans modules can now be created again: link:[]
- "Copy Dependent Libraries" in Ant-based projects works again: link:[]
- OpenJFX Gluon samples are now correctly registered: link:[]
== Notes
- The donation of the NetBeans C and C++ features from Oracle to Apache was not complete at the time of the 11.2 release, though it is not far off, and the 11.3 release (January 2020) is scheduled to focus primarily on the integration of the C and C++ features, once they land in the Apache NetBeans GitHub. Until then, go to the Plugin Manager, enable the NetBeans IDE 8.2 Update Center, which lets you install the NetBeans IDE 8.2 modules providing C and C++ features.
- WildFly integration is supported by means of the link:[WildFly Application Server] plugin located in the Plugin Portal.
- Support for JSF 2.3 is available as a pull request, too late for inclusion in 11.2, scheduled for 11.3: link:[]