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= DevFaqTweakRegistryByCodeReplacement
:jbake-type: wiki
:jbake-tags: wiki, devfaq, needsreview
:jbake-status: published
:keywords: Apache NetBeans wiki DevFaqTweakRegistryByCodeReplacement
:description: Apache NetBeans wiki DevFaqTweakRegistryByCodeReplacement
:toc: left
:syntax: true
=== How do I have only shortcut keys for an action?
The *New Action* wizard allows you to uncheck both menu and toolbar placement for your action and only assign a keyboard shortcut. To learn how to do this manually, read on.
Refer to link:TaT_HackingNetBeansXMLLayerPartOne.asciidoc[TaT_HackingNetBeansXMLLayerPartOne] for more details.
==== Trick #1
* Retain the action's basic registration:
<folder name="Actions">
<folder name="Tools">
<file name="org-nvarun-tat-SayCheez.instance"/>
* This registers an action as a *Global Menu Item*:
<folder name="Menu">
<folder name="Tools">
<file name="org-nvarun-tat-SayCheez.shadow">
<attr name="originalFile"
<attr name="position" intvalue="150"/>
* This registers an action as a *Global Toolbar Button*:
<folder name="Toolbars">
<folder name="Build">
<file name="org-nvarun-tat-SayCheez.shadow">
<attr name="originalFile"
<attr name="position" intvalue="325"/>
* To assign a shortcut key, replace either or both of them with something like the following:
<folder name="Shortcuts">
<file name="O-F3.shadow">
<attr name="originalFile"
==== Trick #2
* In the above example the action has the shortcut key *Alt+F3*, which is represented as `O-F3`. In general, if you have some key combination that uses *Alt* (or the equivalent on Mac OS X), then use `O`. Separate modifiers from the base keycode name with `-`, and append `.shadow` for the filename. *Ctrl* (or its Mac equivalent) is represented by `D`, and *Shift*by `S`. (`C` and `A` represent the literal *Ctrl* and *Alt* keys, but this is less portable.)
==== Tips to Remember
1. Following are some keycode equivalents. See Javadoc for `KeyEvent` for the full list:
* *A* to *Z* (as is), *F1* to *F12* (as is), *0* to *9* (as is)
* */* as `SLASH`, *\* as `BACK_SLASH`
* *;* as `SEMI_COLON`
* *.* as `PERIOD`
* *‘* as `QUOTE`
See also link:DevFaqKeybindings.asciidoc[DevFaqKeybindings].
(Reposted from link:[this entry on NetBeans Zone].)
=== Apache Migration Information
The content in this page was kindly donated by Oracle Corp. to the
Apache Software Foundation.
This page was exported from link:[] ,
that was last modified by NetBeans user Jtulach
on 2010-07-24T20:39:23Z.
*NOTE:* This document was automatically converted to the AsciiDoc format on 2018-02-07, and needs to be reviewed.