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= DefFaqMapApisToTasks
:jbake-type: wiki
:jbake-tags: wiki, devfaq, needsreview
:jbake-status: published
:keywords: Apache NetBeans wiki DefFaqMapApisToTasks
:description: Apache NetBeans wiki DefFaqMapApisToTasks
:toc: left
:syntax: true
== What API do I use for ...
Here is a list of common things people need to do, and a very short description of how you do them. From here, use the Javadoc and tutorials to get more information.
== I want to ...
=== Show my component in the main window
Use the link:[Window System API]. You will want to create a subclass of link:[TopComponent], a JPanel-like class, and call its `open()` method to show it.
=== Write to the output window
Use the link:[I/O API]. Call `IOProvider.getDefault().getInputOutput("Something")`. The object returned has getters for standard output, standard error and input streams which write to and read from a tab in the output window.
=== Show a Tree, List or other control with a list of some objects
Use the link:[Nodes API] to create a hierarchy of link:[Node] objects, each representing one object in your data model. Then use the link:[Explorer API] to show the Nodes - it contains tree, list, table, combo box and other controls which can show a hierarchy of Nodes. Nodes are very easy to add popup menus to, decorate with icons and html-ized display names, etc. and are a lot less work than using Swing components directly. See also the link:[Nodes API Tutorial].
=== Provide an Editor for a particular kind of file
Use the new File Type template. You will end up using the link:[Data Systems API] (DataObject, DataLoader, etc.) and link:[Nodes API] primarily, plus the link:[Filesystems API] for accessing and parsing the file. The link:[Text API] provides general support for creating editors for files.
=== Add a menu item to the main menu
No specific NetBeans APIs are needed - you can just create a subclass of Swing's `AbstractAction`, and link:DevFaqActionAddMenuBar.asciidoc[register it in your modules layer.xml file]. Or, use the new Action template in the IDE to generate a subclass of `SystemAction` for you and all the registration code, and fill in the action-performing logic.
=== Show content in the Navigator window when a file of a certain type is selected
Use the link:[Navigator API] to create a navigator panel provider; you then somehow parse the file and can create any component you want to show in the Navigator, and populate it with whatever you want.
=== Show a progress bar
Use the link:[Progress API] - call `ProgressHandleFactory` to create a `ProgressHandle` for you. That is an object with methods for setting the progress, status text, number of steps, etc. and is fairly self-explanatory. Remember to make sure the code showing progress is not running in the AWT Event thread.
=== Set the main window's statusbar text
Use the link:[UI Utilities API]. Simply call `StatusDisplayer.getDefault().setStatusText()`.
=== Allow other modules to register objects and then find those objects dynamically at runtime
Define a folder in the link:DevFaqSystemFilesystem.asciidoc[System Filesystem] in the XML layer file of your module. Other modules can register instances of whatever class you specify by declaring `.instance` files in their own XML layer files. You can find them at runtime using `Lookups.forPath("path/to/my/folder")` to get an instance of link:DevFaqLookup.asciidoc[Lookup] that you can query for these objects.
=== Save some settings persistently
Use the link:[Utilities API], specifically link:[NbPreferences] - which is just an implementation of the JDK's Preferences API which stores things in the user's settings directory rather than globally. It's just like using standard JDK Preferences.
=== Run some code at application startup/shutdown
Use the link:[Module System API]. Implement a subclass of link:[ModuleInstall] and override `restored()`, `close()`, etc. Remember it is best to avoid running code on startup unless you really need to.
=== Add a Panel to the Options dialog
Use the link:[Options API], implementing link:[OptionsCategory] to define the category in the dialog and link:[OptionsPanelController] to manage the UI component.
=== Find/listen to/manipulate the set of open projects
Use the link:[Project UI API], specifically link:[OpenProjects].
=== Create a graph editor such as the Mobility Pack uses
Use the link:[Visual Library], which builds on top of Swing to make animated, graph-oriented UIs easy to build. More info, tutorials and webcasts can be found in the link:[] project.
=== Apache Migration Information
The content in this page was kindly donated by Oracle Corp. to the
Apache Software Foundation.
This page was exported from link:[] ,
that was last modified by NetBeans user Skygo
on 2013-12-13T23:52:13Z.
*NOTE:* This document was automatically converted to the AsciiDoc format on 2018-02-07, and needs to be reviewed.