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= Apache NetBeans 11.1 Features
:jbake-type: page-noaside
:jbake-tags: 11.1 features
:jbake-status: published
:keywords: Apache NetBeans 11.1 IDE features
:icons: font
:description: Apache NetBeans 11.1 features
:toc: left
:toclevels: 4
:syntax: true
:source-highlighter: pygments
Apache NetBeans 11.1 is the first Apache NetBeans release outside the Apache Incubator and the link:[first release of the new quarterly release cycle].
TIP: The LTS release of the Apache NetBeans 11 cycle is Apache NetBeans 11.0. The 11.1 release has not been tested as heavily as the LTS release and may therefore be less stable. Use 11.1 to use the latest features and to provide feedback for the next LTS release, scheduled for April 2020. Go here to download link:/download/nb110/nb110.html[Apache NetBeans 11.0], the current LTS release.
link:/download/nb111/nb111.html[Download, role="button success"]
== Java EE
The highlights of enhancements in the Java EE area are the new Java EE 8 support, as well as the new and updated integration with Payara and GlassFish.
- Java EE 8 support, for the first time, for Maven-based and Gradle-based Web applications. The new Java EE 8 support provides the ability to create Java EE 8 applications and deploy to a Java EE 8 container, with new "webapp-javaee8" Maven archetype created for use with Apache NetBeans.
- Payara integration out of the box for the first time, with thanks to the Payara team.
- Support for GlassFish 5.0.1.
== Java
The highlights of enhancements in the Java area are the support for new Java language features, integration with Gluon OpenJFX samples, together with enhancements and fixes for usage of the Maven and Gradle build systems.
=== Java Editor
The highlights of enhancements specifically in the Java Editor area are the support for new Java language features, including those provided by JEP-325 and JEP-330, as well as the initial support for inline parameters.
- Integration of support for JEP-330: link:[]
- Initial support for inline parameter name hints for Java: link:[]
- Code completion for JEP-325 preview feature for multiple case labelslink:[]
- Hint for converting to JEP-325 preview feature for switch expressionslink:[]
- Hint to turn on Preview Features in Maven-based Java projects: link:[]
- Java Migration profiles: link:[]
- "main" is a new shortcut, that does the same as "psvm", i.e., creates 'public static void main'link:[]
- Fixing automatic Jigsaw module name generationlink:[]
=== OpenJFX
- OpenJFX samples included, with thanks to the Gluon teamlink:[]
=== Maven
- Java compiler args, e.g., "--enable-preview", passed to Java editor from Mavenlink:[]
- JaCoCo Maven integration is broken in NB 11.0link:[]
- Prevent Maven libraries from being excludedlink:[]
=== Gradle
- Gradle JavaEE Supportlink:[]
- Initial support for modular Java project in Gradlelink:[]
- Java Frontend Application wizard for Gradlelink:[]
- Add debugger support for Gradle Web Projectslink:[]
- Enable Always show Gradle Build output by defaultlink:[]
- Fixes in the Gradle Java action/replace token providerslink:[]
- Polishing Gradle HTML UIlink:[]
- Update TestSuites in a Gradle Test Run upon completionlink:[]
- Fix startup message re Gradle position infolink:[] 
=== Other
Other enhancements broadly related to the Java area are listed below.
- Using Graal.js 19.0.0 via Scripting in platform/core.networklink:[]
- Separate Truffle source caches between multiple debugging sessionslink:[]
- Syntax coloring for Kotlin ".kt" fileslink:[]
- Correct license information for Kotlin icon/grammarlink:[]
== Web Frontend: JavaScript/HTML5/PHP
PHP 7.4 is not supported completely yet.
- PHP 7.4 (Only link:[Null Coalescing Assignment Operator]): link:[]
- Jade template code completionlink:[]
- Update PHP sampleslink:[]
== NetBeans Platform / NetBeans APIs
- Create Mode from client codelink:[]
- Adding Java-level registration for TextMate grammarslink:[]
- Missing source level 11 and 12 in a NetBeans module projectlink:[]
- Fixed "Behavior of BooleanStateAction has changed" issuelink:[]
== Appearance
- HiDPI splash screen with product versionlink:[]
- Improve tabcontrol border appearance (HiDPI): link:[]
- Improve icon scaling on HiDPI displays, and prepare ImageUtilities for HiDPI iconslink:[]
== Miscellaneous
- Popupswitcher npe fixeslink:[]
- Open Recent file not workinglink:[]
- Added nb.laf.norestart system property to prevent restart on LaF changeslink:[]