blob: 8858da1a6a4e026bde55284cc6fb08fb9e1d7f70 [file] [log] [blame]
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= Contributing Code
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-tags: community
:jbake-status: published
:keywords: Submitting pull requests to Apache NetBeans
:description: Submitting pull requests to Apache NetBeans
:toc: left
:toclevels: 4
Contributing code to the Apache NetBeans project is not very different to contributing code for any other Apache software project,
so the link:[Apache's Guide for New Project Contributors] is worth a read.
We follow link:[the Apache Code of Conduct], and expect all contributors to follow it as well.
We appreciate new contributors to adhere to the following guidelines, to make things easier for all of us:
. Before starting to code, you may want to discuss the problem in the developer mailing list (see xref:../community/mailing-lists.adoc[mailing lists]), giving the reason for submitting your pull request so that it is clear and more experienced members can suggest appropriate solutions/ideas.
. All commits must include the author's full name and email address. For *important modifications* you will need to submit an link:[Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA)].
. All new files must include the Apache Software Foundation license header. See any NetBeans source code in case of doubt.
. All commits must contain a meaningful commit message.
A meaningful commit message holds in the first line a summary of the commit and in the body (beginning on the third-line) an explanation of what was changed and why it was done.
Remember that in the future this commit message is most probably the only source of information why a change was committed to the code base.
If the commit fixes a reported issue, the summary line should hold the issue number and title `[NETBEANS-XXX] Maven pom.xml file corrupted after inserting dependecies` for example.
. A Pull Request can consist of multiple commits. These commits should group the changes into meaningful entities. Fixup commits should be squashed into the base commit they fix.
. For contributors: Be prepared to be asked questions about your PR
- A reviewer might have questions and you should be able to answer why you did a fix in a certain way and why it is safe and appropriate.
- Remember that the review sometimes takes as long, as creating a patch in the first place.
- Good commit messages help as they anticipate questions.
. For reviewers: Keep in mind that the contributor wants to fix a problem and has put effort into it. So be polite and focused.
. Don't change code that is correct and works.
- Consider a simple loop. In many cases you can switch between for-loop, for-each-loop and stream construct. All are valid solutions, don't change the code if it is not broken.
- An improvement is a different case. For example a try-with-resource construct is in general more correct than the try-finally construct which many developers fail to implement correctly.
- Constructs leading to warnings from the javac are also good candidates for simple fixes.
. Run unit tests and, if you introduce new feature/fixes, add unit tests. So *before you start your work*, check that unit tests for the module you are working on run correctly and *after you are done* keep doing.
- If unit tests fail, fixing these would be a good addition to the code base (it would be good to use a separate commit for this)
. Keep your pull requests up-to-date. When the PR can't be merged directly (it can happen that changes are introduced into the code base, that conflict with your PR) you should then update it accordingly.
. Follow the coding conventions of the file. Your code should match that style and not stand out. For new files, please follow the xref:codeconventions.adoc[code conventions for the NetBeans code base].
. Try to keep the code *readable, maintainable, easy to debug* and *performant*.
== Learn to run and debug NetBeans IDE or Platform applications
xref:build-run-debug-tutorials.adoc[Watch a series of 5 short videos] (2 minutes on average) or see xref:submit-pr.adoc#develop[Developing NetBeans with NetBeans] for help on how to build, run and debug the NetBeans IDE or any NetBeans platform application from sources.
== Contributing to Apache NetBeans in GitHub
=== Bootstrapping (do this once)
Since you don't have write permissions to the GitHub apache mirror, you need to
fork link:[] in GitHub, this is done using
the "fork" button on the top right of the GitHub page.
You then need to clone the forked repository in your computer.
[source, shell]
cd <your-project-dir>
git clone<your-username>/netbeans.git
At this stage it is a good idea to check that you can build and run NetBeans.
[source, shell]
cd netbeans
ant tryme
Finally, in your computer, you need to setup your name and email in GitHub.
This will also help git to rebase in order to fulfill its task.
[source, shell]
git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global ""
The `--global` argument can be removed if you want to setup only the current repository.
Also add the Apache NetBeans project as your *upstream* in order to submit PRs:
git remote add upstream
After all this you're ready to submit pull requests.
=== Branching and submitting pull requests
Before you can start modifying or upgrading the NetBeans code in your repository you should create a **git branch**, like this:
. Change to the `master` branch with `git checkout master`.
. Create a branch with `git checkout -b mybranch` (or, using two commands: `git branch mybranch` and `git checkout mybranch`).
You are now ready to start modifying the NetBeans code. Use `git commit` when appropriate.
- Use `git push -u origin mybranch` to create and push the `mybranch` branch in your GitHub fork.
- Use `git push origin mybranch` afterwards.
If you have submitted many different commits it's a good idea to squash them together. See xref:submit-pr.adoc#squash[squashing commits on pull requests] for help on this.
Once your code is ready to review create a *pull request* using the GitHub interface. See link:[] for help.
=== Be patient
Once your pull request is submitted to Apache NetBeans it will be visible in this address link:[].
The pull request will then be reviewed by the xref:../community/who.adoc[NetBeans Team], once there's time to do so. Please be patient, as this may take some time, depending on other duties and ongoing work.
=== Squashing commits on a Pull Request
Before submitting your Pull Request it should ideally consist of a single commit only. Consider you've done the following on your branch:
[options="header", cols="1,7"]
|X|[NETBEANS-XXX] Improved YAML lexer.
Improved ability for night vision and
the robustness on I/O errors.
|Y|Oops, forgot to include lic file
|Z|Javadoc update - corrected spelling
If the PR is merged into master as-is then all these commits will be in the master too, forever. Therefore, in this example, all three commits should be squashed into one so that only `X` is left.
After submission (and certainly after someone starts reviewing the PR) you shouldn't touch the PR's history.
== Developing NetBeans with NetBeans
These steps assume you have already forked, cloned and configured your NetBeans development repository.
. Configure NetBeans
* Open your currently installed NetBeans
* Enable the _Developing NetBeans_ plugin.
** Open the _Plugins_ dialog (_Tools->Plugins_)
** Find _Developing NetBeans_ in either the _Available_ or _Installed_ list
** If it is _Available_ select its checkbox and click _Install_
** If it is _Installed_ but not _Active_, select its checkbox and click _Activate_
. Add your development repository as a NetBeans Platform
* Open the _NetBeans Platform Manager_ (_Tools->NetBeans Platforms_)
* Click _Add Platform ..._
* Navigate to `<your-project-dir>/netbeans/nbbuild/` and select `netbeans`
* Click _Next >_
* Click _Finish_
* Select the _Sources_ tab
* Click _Add ZIP/Folder ..._
* Select `<your-project-dir>/netbeans` and click _Open_
* Close _NetBeans Platform Manager_
. Create a new project (_File->New Project..._)
* In _Categories:_ select _Java with Ant / NetBeans Modules_
* In _Projects:_ select _Module Suite_
* Click _Next >_
* Enter a _Project Name:_ (e.g. NB-IDE-DEV)
* Optionally change the _Project Location:_
* Click _Finish_
. Locate the source code for your development repository
* Open the _Favorites_ window (_Window->Favorites_)
* Select _Add to Favorites..._ in the right-click context menu
* Select `<your-project-dir>/netbeans` and click _Add_
. Set a breakpoint in the source code. As a start try the entry point `public static void main (String args[])`
* In the _Favorites_ tab navigate to `platform/o.n.bootstrap/src/org/netbeans` and open ``
* Set a breakpoint
. Start the debugger
* Select your IDE project (e.g. NB-IDE-DEV) from the _Run->Set Main Project_ menu
* Start the debugger :
** _Debug->Debug Main Project_ menu,
** *or* Click the Debug toolbar item
** *or* Ctrl+F5
== Donating Code
You may find official information here: link:[]
Donator can use pull request as show above. (squashed for having a better readability of the hash)
In order to accept a donation the Apache NetBeans PMC should do a vote to accept the intention of donation.
PMC will have to setup a form to append the list at link:[] and open an issue to track donation.
Donator must ensure that the following step are ok (PMC member need to check):
- His company fill and send a Software Grant and/or corporate CLA if applicable
- Any contributor involved in donated code has an individual CLA
- License are correct and compatible with Apache.
Once every step are ok, PMC will call a lazy vote at general@incubator.
If no issue are detected the code can be merged.