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= Apache NetBeans 12.4 Features
:jbake-type: page_noaside
:jbake-tags: 12.4 features
:jbake-status: published
:keywords: Apache NetBeans 12.4 IDE features
:icons: font
:description: Apache NetBeans 12.4 features
:toc: left
:toclevels: 4
:syntax: true
:source-highlighter: pygments
Welcome to Apache NetBeans 12.4, the fourth feature release of the Apache NetBeans 12 cycle!
TIP: The LTS release of the Apache NetBeans 12 cycle is Apache NetBeans 12.0. The 12.4 release has not been tested as heavily as the LTS release and may therefore be less stable. Use 12.4 to use the latest features and to provide feedback for the next LTS release. Go here to download xref:../nb120/nb120.adoc[Apache NetBeans 12.0], the current LTS release.
xref:nb124.adoc[Download, role="button success"]
The full list of pull requests integrated in the 12.4 timeframe link:[is found here], while the highlights are listed below.
== Java Enhancements
=== Java 16 Support
- Java 16, the latest release of Java at the time of Apache NetBeans 12.4, is supported, including nb-javac which has been upgraded to support Java 16.
nbjavac-upgrade-to-jdk-16: link:[]
- Replace usage of JDK internal, or in-house Base64 codecs by java.util.Base64: link:[]
=== Install OpenJDK
Go to Tools | Java Platform, click Add Platform, and then "Remote Universal OpenJDK Service", and you'll be able to download and register OpenJDK distros of your choice.
=== Jakarta EE
Jakarta EE 9 Project Support: link:[]
=== Micronaut
In the New Project dialog, choose "Java with Maven" and then "Micronaut Project", to get started with Micronaut development in Apache NetBeans 12.4.
- New Micronaut project wizard
- Code completion in Micronaut yaml config files implemented
- HyperlinkProvider for Micronaut yaml config files implemented
- WhereUsed RefactoringPlugin for Micronaut yaml config files implemented
=== Payara
Automatically detect & list Payara Platform version in the server registration panel: link:[]
=== Maven
- Support for VM/app argument injection to (Maven) run and debug project actions: link:[]
- Avoid NPE when executing some Maven projects: link:[]
=== Gradle
- Upgrade Gradle Tooling to 7.0: link:[]
- Support Gradle Source Groups from Alien Projects: link:[]
- Fix NPE on Gradle settings when no network connection: link:[]
- Upgradle to JaCoCo 0.8.6 for Gradle Code Coverage: link:[]
- Clear NB Non-Project cache when we have more info from Gradle: link:[]
=== Ant
- Support Ant Freeform projects with source Level 9+: link:[]
- Update nbbuild freeform project to open without errors: link:[]
- Improve Java/Jakarta EE with Ant based projects: link:[]
== Web Frontend Enhancements
=== PHP Enhancements
- PHP 8.0 Support: Named Arguments: link:[]
- Prevent generating abstract methods with PHPDoc return array type: link:[]
- Improved Fix Uses dialog: link:[]
- Fixed compatibility with Phing 3: link:[]
- Show new configuration files for PHP-CS-Fixer 3 in Important files : link:[]
=== HTML
- Improved code completion for HTML forms: link:[]
== Miscellaneous Enhancements
=== Markdown
- Files with extension ".md" are recognized, with a special icon, and basic syntax coloring: link:[]
=== FlatLaf Enhancements
- Update FlatLaf from 1.0 to 1.1.1 and added "FlatLaf" options: link:[]
- Fix/improve styling of quicksearch field in menubar: link:[]
- Update from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 and fix/improve options: link:[]
=== Error Notifications
- Always display errors as an icon in bottom right corner in development builds: link:[]