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<title>NetBeans IDE - JavaFX Development</title>
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<a name="NetBeans IDE JavaFX features"></a>
<h1>JavaFX 2.1</h1>
<p><a href="../../images_www/v7/1/screenshots/javafx2-main-big.png"
title="Editor showing open JavaFX2 project"><img
alt="Editor showing open JavaFX2 project" class="box b-bottom"
width="650" height="183"><br>
<span class="font-11">Click image for full screen preview</span></a> </p>
<p><strong> JavaFX 2 is the next step in the evolution of Java as a
rich client platform. It is designed to provide a lightweight,
hardware-accelerated Java UI platform for enterprise business
applications. With JavaFX 2, developers can create JavaFX
applications completely in the Java programming language using standard
Java development tools. They can even access native system
capabilities, or seamlessly connect to server-based middleware
applications. <span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: normal;">JavaFX 2.1
is bundled in Java JDK 7 update 4, for Windows and Mac. You can also download
JavaFX 2.1 separately from </span><a
style="font-style: italic;" href=""></a><span
style="font-style: italic; font-weight: normal;">.</span> See <a href="../../kb/docs/java/nb_fx_screencast.html" class="arr-link">
Video of JavaFX Support in NetBeans IDE</a> for details.
<table class="features-table">
<td class="valign-top features-col">
<h2>JavaFX Projects&nbsp;<img
src="../../images_www/v6/features/new_small.gif" alt="new" width="36"
<p> Create JavaFX projects in the IDE. NetBeans IDE lets you
create the following types of JavaFX project:</p>
<li><strong>JavaFX FXML Application</strong><strong>.</strong>
JavaFX FXML applications use an FXML document to define graphic layout
and a Java controller class to define actions. NetBeans IDE creates the
FXML document and Java controller class. You can use the IDE's Java and
XML code editing features to develop the application further. </li>
<li><strong>JavaFX Application (without FXML). </strong>NetBeans
IDE also lets you create a "traditional Java-style" JavaFX project,
where graphic layout and actions are both defined in Java classes.</li>
<li><strong>JavaFX Preloader.</strong> A preloader is a small
application that is started before the main application to customize
the startup experience. NetBeans IDE lets you create JavaFX preloaders
either as separate projects or as part of a JavaFX application.</li>
<li><strong>JavaFX in Swing Application</strong> NetBeans IDE simplifies
the creation of Java SE applications that enable you to
embed FX components using the JFXPanel Swing component.</li>
<td class="screenshots-col">
alt="Types of JavaFX Project in New Project wizard"
class="b-bottom margin-around" width="154" height="69"></p>
<td class="valign-top features-col">
<h2>Building and Running JavaFX Applications&nbsp;</h2>
<p>Build and run a JavaFX application as you build and run a
standard Java application, with the difference that you can configure a
JavaFX project to run in the following ways:</p>
<li><b>Standalone application.</b> Project builds and runs as a
standard Java desktop application. </li>
<li><b>Java Web Start.</b> Application uses JNLP. The IDE
generates the JNLP file when it builds the application.</li>
<li><b>In Browser.</b> The IDE embeds the application in a
browser, using an HTML page that calls a JNLP file. The IDE can
generate the HTML page or you can use your own web page. If you run the
application from the IDE, the IDE opens a browser page that points to
the HTML page on your local file system.</li>
<td class="screenshots-col">
alt="JavaFX Project Properties showing build options" width="200"
<td class="valign-top features-col">
<h2>Editing JavaFX Code</h2>
<p> Leverage NetBeans IDE's powerful <a
href="../java/javase.html">Java code editor</a> to code your JavaFX
<td class="screenshots-col"><img
alt="JavaFX2 class in editor" class="b-all" width="200" height="98"></td>
<h2>Debugging JavaFX</h2>
<p>Use NetBeans IDE's <a href="../java/debugger.html">Java
debugging tools</a>, including the new GUI Visual Debugger, to debug
your JavaFX application. </p>
<p><img alt="-" src="../../images_www/v6/arrow-button.gif"
width="15" height="12">&nbsp;See <a
href="../../kb/docs/java/debug-visual.html">Using the Visual Debugger
in NetBeans IDE</a> for more information.</p>
<td class="screenshots-col" align="center"><img
alt="Take GUI Snapshot option from Debug menu"
title="Take GUI Snapshot option from Debug menu" width="149"
<h2>Sample Projects</h2>
<p> Explore the features of JavaFX 2.1 and NetBeans IDE's support
in more than 30 JavaFX 2.1 sample projects. </p>
<td class="screenshots-col"><img
alt="Sample JavaFX projects in New Project wizard"
class="b-bottom b-right" width="200" height="109"></td>
<p><img alt="-" src="../../images_www/v6/arrow-button.gif"
width="15" height="12">&nbsp;<a
href="">JavaFX Documentation
Home</a>: Downloads, demos, FAQs and tutorials.</p>