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<title>NetBeans IDE - Java SE Development</title>
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<meta name="description" content="NetBeans IDE - Integrated tools for Java SE developers">
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<h1>Java SE (Standard Edition)</h1>
<a href="../../images_www/v7/screenshots/java-se.png"><img alt="Java SE development in the NetBeans IDE" src="../../images_www/v7/screenshots/java-se-cut1.png" height="196" width="649"><br><span class="font-11">Click image for fullscreen preview</span></a>
The NetBeans IDE provides Java developers with all the tools they need
to create professional Java SE applications.
The NetBeans IDE supports development for JDK 6 and JDK 7.
<table class="features-table">
<h2>Desktop Application Development</h2>
<p>Java SE is the programming platform for developers who create
browser applets, command line tools, and graphical user interfaces
targeted for desktop users. Applications written in Java
run on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Solaris and other operating systems.</p>
<h2>Annotation Processors&nbsp;</h2>
Attach annotation processors to a project and use them while working on
your code. The NetBeans IDE supports third-party annotation processors,
such as JPA 2.0 from JEE or custom ones. </p>
<h2>Javadoc Integration</h2>
Use the Auto Comment action to generate Javadoc code for your methods.
Use the Javadoc Analyzer plugin to check and fix existing Javadoc comments.
<h2>Java Call Hierarchy</h2>
The Java Call Hierarchy view displays a tree representing
the hierarchy of callers and callees of the selected method in a project.
<h2>Compile on Save</h2>
The Build action has been replaced by the Compile on Save feature:
Now the IDE builds your project automatically and the
run/debug/test actions are immediately available after saving a file.
If you save changes to a method while the debugger is already running
the running application will be automatically reloaded.
Compilation errors inside a method don't stop you from running your program:
The debugger will halt when the program runs into the method in question.
<td class="screenshots-col">
<p><img alt="Java SE logo" src="../../images_www/screenshots/6.0/javaSE_logo_150px.png" height="150" width="150"></p>
<p><img alt="Annotation processing" src="../../images_www/v6/9/features/annotation-processor.png" height="65" width="200"></p>
<p><img alt="Java call hierchy" src="../../images_www/v6/5/features/java-call-hierarchy.png" height="248" width="200"></p>
<h2>Unit Testing Tools</h2>
JUnit 3 and 4 are integrated into the IDE.
You can quickly create, run and re-run unit tests and view the test results in the IDE.
The editor provides keyboard shortcuts
for fast navigation between the test and the class it is testing.
<td class="screenshots-col">
<p><img alt="JUnit testing" src="../../images_www/v6/9/features/unit-test.png" height="90" width="200"></p>
<h2>Non-Proprietary Project Build System</h2>
The NetBeans IDE stores your project information
in open, extendible, non-proprietary formats
such as Apache Ant and Maven scripts.
<h2>Integrated Tools</h2>
The Java Bean support makes Bean property generation and BeanInfo editing easier.
The NetBeans GUI Builder assists you with Java Swing development,
from the prototype to the final graphical user interface.
The well-integrated NetBeans debugger and the NetBeans profiler
help you to write rock-solid Java desktop software.
<td class="screenshots-col">
<img alt="Ant logo" src="../../images_www/screenshots/6.0/baseIDE_ant_powered_150px.png" height="120" width="150">
<p><img alt="-" src="../../images_www/v6/arrow-button.gif" height="12" width="15">&nbsp;<a href="../../kb/trails/java-se.html">Basic IDE and Java Programming Learning Trail</a></p>
<p><img alt="-" src="../../images_www/v6/arrow-button.gif" height="12" width="15">&nbsp;<a href="../../kb/trails/platform.html">NetBeans Platform Learning Trail</a></p>