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<title>NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 安装说明</title>
<meta name="description" content="在各种操作系统上安装 NetBeans IDE 的指南">
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<a name="top"></a>
<h1>NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 安装说明 </h1>
<p>以下说明适用于 NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 的安装。 </p>
<div class="greybox">
<p>有关 NetBeans 附加软件包的安装信息,请参见: </p>
<li><a href="mobility-install.html">Mobility Pack 安装说明</a></li>
<li><a href="mobilitycdc-install_zh_CN.html">Mobility Pack for CDC 安装指南</a></li>
<li><a href="vwp-install_zh_CN.html">Visual Web Pack 安装说明</a></li>
<!--<li><a href="">Enterprise Pack Installation Instructions</a></li>-->
<li><a href="">Profiler 安装说明</a></li>
<li><a href="uml-download.html">UML 建模模块安装说明</a></li>
<!--<li><a href="">C/C++ Pack Release Notes</a></li>-->
<p><b>注意:</b>如果希望使用 Enterprise Pack 中的 SOA 和 BPEL 功能,请使用安装了 NetBeans Enterprise Pack 5.5 的 NetBeans IDE 5.5。我们将不再对 NetBeans Enterprise Pack 5.x 发布任何更新。目前我们进行的所有开发都只针对具有 SOA 功能的 NetBeans 6.0。 </p>
<h2 style="color:#0E1B55">目录</h2>
<li><a href="#standalone">安装 NetBeans IDE </a></li>
<!-- <li><a href="#bundle">NetBeans IDE and Sun Java System Application Server
Bundle</a><a href="#bundle"> Installation</a></li>-->
<li><a href="#launching">启动 IDE</a></li>
<!-- <li><a href="#registerstart">Registering and Starting the Application Server</a></li>--> <!-- <li><a href="#other">Other Operating Systems </a></li>-->
<li><a href="#archives">已归档的发行版本 </a></li>
<li><a href="#uninstall">卸载 NetBeans IDE</a></li>
<li><a href="#troubleshooting">疑难解答</a></li>
<p><b>注意:</b>有关系统要求和其他信息(例如,使用不同的启动参数来启动 IDE),请参见<a href="relnotes_zh_CN.html">发行说明</a></p>
<a name="standalone"></a>
<h2>安装 NetBeans IDE </h2>
<p>以下是在每个支持的平台上安装独立 NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 的说明。 </p>
<a name="windows_standalone"></a>
<h2 style="color:#0E1B55">Windows</a></h2>
<p>在运行 Microsoft Windows 操作系统的计算机上,最好使用自解压的安装程序来安装 NetBeans IDE。</p>
<p><b>安装 NetBeans IDE:</b></p>
<li>在下载了安装文件之后,双击安装程序的图标以启动该安装程序。 </li>
<li>指定一个要在其中安装 NetBeans IDE 的空目录。
<p><b>注意:</b>此 NetBeans IDE 不会破坏其他 NetBeans 安装的设置,因为它在启动时会自动创建新的用户目录 (<tt>${HOME}/.netbeans/5.5.1</tt>)。 </li>
<li>从适用选项的列表中选择希望 IDE 使用的 JDK,然后单击“下一步”。</li>
<li>单击“下一步”开始安装。 </li>
<div class="greybox">
<p><b>注意:</b>如果您遇到问题而无法成功完成软件安装,请参见下面的<a href="#troubleshooting">疑难解答</a>部分,以获取有关可能影响安装过程的未解决问题的完整描述以及建议的解决方法。</p>
<a name="solaris_standalone"></a>
<h2 style="color:#0E1B55"> Solaris 操作系统 (Solaris OS)</h2>
<p>在运行 Solaris 操作系统的计算机上,最好使用二进制安装程序来安装 NetBeans IDE。 </p>
<p><b>安装 NetBeans IDE:</b></p>
<blockquote> <code> $&nbsp;chmod&nbsp;+x&nbsp;<i>your_binary_executable</i></code></blockquote>
<p><b>注意:</b>请确保将 <code><i>your_binary_executable</i></code> 替换为您下载的二进制文件的实际文件名。</p></li>
<blockquote> <code>$&nbsp;./<i>your_binary_executable</i></code></blockquote>
<p><b>注意:</b>再次提醒您,请确保将 <code><i>your_binary_executable</i></code> 替换为您下载的二进制文件的实际文件名。</p></li>
<li>在安装向导中,接受“许可证协议”,然后单击“下一步”。 </li>
<li>指定一个要在其中安装 NetBeans IDE 的空目录,然后单击“下一步”。</li>
<li>从适用选项的列表中选择希望 IDE 使用的 JDK,然后单击“下一步”。<br>
<p>安装程序将搜索系统上已安装的 JDK,并提示您指定它应该使用的 JDK。您也可以通过命令行指定 IDE 应该使用的 JDK。例如:
<blockquote><code> $&nbsp;./<i>your_binary_executable</i>&nbsp;-is:javahome&nbsp;<i>path_to_your_jdk</i></code> </blockquote></li>
<li>单击“下一步”开始安装。 </li>
<div class="greybox">
<p><b>注意:</b>如果您遇到问题而无法成功完成软件安装,请参见下面的<a href="#troubleshooting">疑难解答</a>部分,以获取有关可能影响安装过程的未解决问题的完整描述以及建议的解决方法。</p>
<a name="linux_standalone"></a>
<h2 style="color:#0E1B55">Linux</a></h2>
<p>在运行 Linux 操作系统的计算机上,最好使用二进制安装程序来安装 NetBeans IDE。</p>
<p><b>安装 NetBeans IDE:</b></p>
<blockquote> <code> $&nbsp;chmod&nbsp;+x&nbsp;<i>your_binary_executable</i></code></blockquote>
<p><b>注意:</b>请确保将 <code><i>your_binary_executable</i></code> 替换为您下载的二进制文件的实际文件名。</p></li>
<blockquote> <code>$&nbsp;./<i>your_binary_executable</i></code></blockquote>
<p><b>注意:</b>再次提醒您,请确保将 <code><i>your_binary_executable</i></code> 替换为您下载的二进制文件的实际文件名。</p></li>
<li>在安装向导中,接受“许可证协议”,然后单击“下一步”。 </li>
<li>指定一个要在其中安装 NetBeans IDE 的空目录,然后单击“下一步”。</li>
<li>从适用选项的列表中选择希望 IDE 使用的 JDK,然后单击“下一步”。<br>
<p>安装程序将搜索系统上已安装的 JDK,并提示您指定它应该使用的 JDK。您也可以通过命令行指定 IDE 应该使用的 JDK。例如:
<blockquote><code> $&nbsp;./<i>your_binary_executable</i>&nbsp;-is:javahome&nbsp;<i>path_to_your_jdk</i></code></blockquote></li>
<li>单击“下一步”开始安装。 </li>
<div class="greybox">
<p><b>注意:</b>如果您遇到问题而无法成功完成软件安装,请参见下面的<a href="#troubleshooting">疑难解答</a>部分,以获取有关可能影响安装过程的未解决问题的完整描述以及建议的解决方法。</p>
<a name="macintosh_standalone"></a>
<h2 style="color:#0E1B55">Macintosh OS X</h2>
<p>在运行 Macintosh OS X 操作系统的计算机上,NetBeans 被打包为本地应用程序包。最好使用压缩包 (<tt>.tar.gz</tt>) 文件来安装 NetBeans IDE。</p>
<p><b>安装 NetBeans IDE:</b></p>
<li>将压缩包下载到系统上的适当位置。 </li>
<li>双击该文件,将其内容解压缩到系统上。 </li>
<div class="greybox">
<p><b>注意:</b>如果您遇到问题而无法成功完成软件安装,请参见下面的<a href="#troubleshooting">疑难解答</a>部分,以获取有关可能影响安装过程的未解决问题的完整描述以及建议的解决方法。</p>
<p align="center"><a href="#top">返回页首</a></p><br>
<a name="bundle"></a>
<h2>NetBeans IDE and Sun Java System Application Server Bundle Installation</h2>
<p>Following are instructions for installing the NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 and
Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.1 bundle on all supported platforms.</p>
<a name="windows_bundle"></a>
<h2 style="color:#0E1B55"> Windows</h2>
<p>On Microsoft Windows machines, the preferred method of installing
NetBeans IDE and Sun Java System Application Server bundle is using
the self-extracting installer.</p>
<p><b>To install the NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 and Sun Java System Application Server
Platform Edition 9 bundle: </b></p>
<li>Once you have downloaded the installer file, double-click the installer's
icon to launch the installer. </li>
<li>In the install wizard, respond to the License Agreement, then click Next.</li>
<li>Specify an empty directory within which to install the IDE.<br>
<p><b>Note:</b> This NetBeans IDE will not disrupt the settings of
your other NetBeans installations because the IDE automatically creates
a new user directory when launched (<tt>${HOME}/.netbeans/5.5.1</tt>).</li>
<li>On the same page of the wizard, specify an empty directory within which to install the Application
Server and click Next.</li>
<li>Choose the JDK you want the IDE to use from the list of suitable
choices in the list, then click Next.</li>
<li>Verify that the installation location is correct and that you have adequate
space on your system for the installation.</li>
<li>Click Next to begin the installation. </li>
<div class="greybox">
<p><b>Note: </b>If you encounter problems successfully completing the software
installation, see the <a href="#troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a> section
below for full descriptions and suggested workarounds for unresolved
issues that could affect the installation process.</p>
<a name="solaris_bundle"></a>
<h2 style="color:#0E1B55">Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS)</h2>
<p>On machines running Solaris operating system, the binary installer is the preferred method for
installing NetBeans IDE and Sun Java System Application Server bundle. </p>
<p><b>To install the NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 and Sun Java System
Application Server Platform Edition 9 bundle: </b></p>
<li>Navigate to the directory that contains the installer. </li>
<li>If necessary, change the installer file's permissions to make the binary
executable by typing from a command prompt:
<blockquote> <code> $&nbsp;chmod&nbsp;+x&nbsp;<i>your_binary_executable</i></code></blockquote>
<p><b>Note:</b> Be sure to replace <code><i>your_binary_executable</i></code>
with the actual filename of the binary that you downloaded.</p> </li>
<li>Launch the installer by typing from a command prompt:
<blockquote> <code>$&nbsp;./<i>your_binary_executable</i></code></blockquote>
<p><b>Note:</b> Again, be sure to replace <code><i>your_binary_executable</i></code>
with the actual filename of the binary that you downloaded.</p> </li>
<li>In the install wizard, respond to the License Agreement, then click Next. </li>
<li>Specify an empty directory within which to install the IDE.
The installation directory must not contain spaces in its
<li>On the same page of the wizard, specify an empty directory within which to install the Application
Server and click Next.</li>
<li> Choose the JDK you want the IDE to use from the
list of suitable choices in the list, then click Next.
<p>The installer searches for JDKs installed on your system
and prompts you to specify which one it should use. You
can also specify which JDK the IDE should use from
the command line. For example:
<blockquote><code> $&nbsp;./<i>your_binary_executable</i>&nbsp;-is:javahome&nbsp;<i>path_to_your_jdk</i></code> </blockquote></li>
<li>Verify that the installation location is correct and that you have adequate
space on your system for the installation.</li>
<li>Click Next to begin the installation. </li>
<div class="greybox">
<p><b>Note: </b>If you encounter problems successfully completing the software
installation, see the <a href="#troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a> section
below for full descriptions and suggested workarounds for unresolved
issues that could affect the installation process.</p>
<a name="linux_bundle"></a>
<h2 style="color:#0E1B55">Linux</h2>
<p>On Linux machines, the binary installer is the preferred method
for installing NetBeans IDE and Sun Java System Application Server
bundle. </p>
<p><b>To install the NetBeans IDE and Sun Java System Application Server
bundle: </b></p>
<li>Navigate to the directory that contains the installer. </li>
<li>If necessary, change the installer file's permissions to make the binary
executable by typing from a command prompt:
<blockquote> <code> $&nbsp;chmod&nbsp;+x&nbsp;<i>your_binary_executable</i></code></blockquote>
<p><b>Note:</b> Be sure to replace <code><i>your_binary_executable</i></code>
with the actual filename of the binary that you downloaded.</p> </li>
<li>Launch the installer by typing from a command prompt:
<blockquote> <code>$&nbsp;./<i>your_binary_executable</i></code></blockquote>
<p><b>Note:</b> Again, be sure to replace <code><i>your_binary_executable</i></code>
with the actual filename of the binary that you downloaded.</p></li>
<li>In the install wizard, respond to the License Agreement, then click Next. </li>
<li>Specify an empty directory within which to install the IDE.
The installation directory must not contain spaces in its
<li>On the same page of the wizard, specify an empty directory within which to install the Application
Server and click Next.</li>
<li>Choose the JDK you want the IDE to use from the list
of suitable choices in the list, then click Next.
<p>The installer searches for JDKs installed on your system
and prompts you to specify which one it should use. You
can also specify which JDK the IDE should use from
the command line. For example:
<blockquote><code> $&nbsp;./<i>your_binary_executable</i>&nbsp;-is:javahome&nbsp;<i>path_to_your_jdk</i></code> </blockquote></li>
<li>Verify that the installation location is correct and that you have adequate
space on your system for the installation.</li>
<li>Click Next to begin the installation. </li>
<div class="greybox">
<p><b>Note: </b>If you encounter problems successfully completing the software
installation, see the <a href="#troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a> section
below for full descriptions and suggested workarounds for unresolved
issues that could affect the installation process.</p>
<a name="macintosh_bundle"></a>
<h2 style="color:#0E1B55">Macintosh OS X</h2>
<p>On Mac OS X, the NetBeans and Sun Java System Application Server
bundle is packaged as a jar file. </p>
<p><b>To install the NetBeans IDE and Sun Java System Application Server
bundle: </b></p>
<li>Navigate to the directory that contains the installer.
<li>If necessary, change the installer file's permissions to make the binary
executable by typing from a command prompt:
<blockquote> <code> $&nbsp;chmod&nbsp;+x&nbsp;<i>your_binary_executable</i></code></blockquote>
<p><b>Note:</b> be sure to replace <code><i>your_binary_executable</i></code> with
the actual filename of the binary that you downloaded.</p></li>
<li>Launch the installer by double-clicking the bundle installer jar file.</li>
<li>On the install wizard's initial panel, click Next to continue.</li>
<li>In the install wizard, respond to the License Agreement, then click Next.</li>
<li>Specify an empty directory within which to install the IDE.
The installation directory must not contain spaces in its
name. By default, NetBeans is installed in the Applications directory.</li>
<li>On the same page of the wizard, specify an empty directory
within which to install the Application Server and click Next.
By default, the Application server is installed in the
<tt>SUNWappserver</tt> subdirectory of your home directory.</li>
<li>Choose the JDK you want the IDE to use from the list
of suitable choices in the list, then click Next.
<p>The installer searches for JDKs installed on your system
and prompts you to specify which one it should use. You
can also specify which JDK the IDE should use from
the command line. For example:
<blockquote><code> $&nbsp;./<i>your_binary_executable</i>&nbsp;-is:javahome&nbsp;<i>path_to_your_jdk</i></code> </blockquote></li>
<li>Verify that the installation location is correct and that you have adequate
space on your system for the installation.</li>
<li>Click Next to begin the installation. </li>
<div class="greybox">
<p><b>Note: </b>If you encounter problems successfully completing the software
installation, see the <a href="#troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a> section
below for full descriptions and suggested workarounds for unresolved
issues that could affect the installation process.</p>
<p align="center"><a href="#top">top</a></p><br>
<a name="other"> <h2>Other Operating Systems</h2></a>
<p>If you are using an operating system for which there is no installer you can
still use NetBeans IDE by downloading and installing archive distributions.
For more information, see the <a href="#archives">Archive Distributions</a>
section below. </p>
<p align="center"><a href="#top">top</a></p><br>
<a name="launching"></a>
<h2>启动 IDE</h2>
<p>下面是启动 NetBeans IDE 的指导说明。如果没有针对您所使用的操作系统的安装程序,您可以通过下载并安装已归档的发行版本来使用 NetBeans IDE。有关详细信息,请参见下面的<a href="#archives">已归档的发行版本</a>部分。 </p>
<h2 style="color:#0E1B55">Windows</h2>
<p><b>要在 Microsoft Windows 操作系统上启动 IDE,请执行以下某项操作:</b></p>
<li>双击桌面上的 NetBeans IDE 图标。</li>
<li>从“开始”菜单中选择“所有程序”,然后选择 &quot;NetBeans IDE 5.5.1&quot; &gt; &quot;NetBeans IDE&quot;。</li>
<h2 style="color:#0E1B55">Solaris 操作系统 (Solaris OS)</h2>
<p><b>在 Solaris 操作系统上启动 NetBeans IDE:</b></p>
<li>找到安装所在的 <tt>bin</tt> 子目录。 </li>
<li>通过键入 <tt>./netbeans</tt> 执行启动程序脚本。
<h2 style="color:#0E1B55">Linux</h2>
<p><b>在 Linux 操作系统上启动 NetBeans IDE:</b></p>
<li>找到安装所在的 <tt>bin</tt> 子目录。 </li>
<li>通过键入 <tt>./netbeans</tt> 执行启动程序脚本。
<h2 style="color:#0E1B55">Macintosh OS X</h2>
<p><b>在 Mac OS X 操作系统上启动 NetBeans IDE:</b></p>
<li>找到安装目录。 </li>
<li>双击 NetBeans IDE 应用程序图标。 </li>
<p align="center"><a href="#top">返回页首</a></p><br>
<a name="registerstart"> <h2>Registering and Starting the Application Server </h2></a>
<p>If you used the standalone NetBeans IDE installer, you need to register
the Application Server before you can use it.
<p><b>Registering the Sun Java System Application Server</b></p>
<p>To register the Sun Java System Application Server:
<li>Go to Tools &gt;&nbsp;Server Manager.</li>
<li>In the Server Manager, click Add Server. </li>
<li>In the dialog box, select Sun Java System Application Server 9 and click
<li>Enter a name for the server instance. This name is used to identify the
server in the IDE.</li>
<li>Enter the location, user name, and password. You do not need to enter
the installation location and domain if you are registering a remote
instance of the server. You must register a local installation of the
application server before you can register remote instances.</li>
<li>Click Finish. </li>
<p><b>Note:</b> If you used the bundle installer, the Sun Java System Application
Server was installed and configured automatically so it is not necessary to
carry out the registration procedure outlined above. </p>
<p><b>Starting the Sun Java System Application Server</b></p>
<p>To start the Application Server:
<li>In the Runtime window, right-click the newly-created localhost node and
choose Start/Stop Server from the contextual menu. </li>
<li>In the Server Status dialog, click Start Server.</li>
<li> Click Close to close the dialog box.</li>
<div class="greybox">
<p><b>Note: </b>The NetBeans IDE and Sun Java System Application Server bundle
creates the <tt>admin</tt> user with password <tt>adminadmin</tt> by default.
Users should use these settings to log in via the web console. </p>
<p align="center"><a href="#top">top</a></p><br>
<a name="archives"> <h2>已归档的发行版本</h2></a>
<p>如果没有针对您所使用的操作系统的安装程序,您可以通过下载并安装已归档的发行版本来使用 NetBeans IDE。如果要测试内部开发版本,也可以安装 IDE 已归档的发行版本。</p>
<p><b>安装 NetBeans IDE 已归档的发行版本: </b></p>
<li>找到包含归档文件的目录。 </li>
<p><b>启动 NetBeans IDE 已归档的发行版本:</b> </p>
<li>找到 NetBeans IDE 安装的 <tt>bin</tt> 子目录。</li>
<li>执行适于系统的启动程序。 </li>
<p>已归档的发行版本中包含以下启动程序: </p>
<li><tt>netbeans.exe</tt> - Windows</li>
<li><tt>nb.exe</tt> - Windows(通过控制台窗口)</li>
<li><tt>netbeans</tt> - UNIX、Linux </li>
<li><tt>NetBeans </tt> - Mac OS X </li>
<li><tt>netbeans.cmd</tt> - OS/2 </li>
<!--<li><tt></tt> - OpenVMS -->
<p>如果没有针对您的操作系统的特定启动程序,您可能需要通过修改相应的脚本来创建一个启动程序。但是,如果您的计算机支持 JDK 1.5.0 或更高版本,则应该能够运行 IDE。
<p><b>注意</b>:如果创建了启动程序,您可以将其提供给 NetBeans 项目。有关详细信息,请参见<a href="">向 投稿</a></p>
<p align="center"><a href="#top">返回页首</a></p><br>
<a name="uninstall"> <h2>卸载 NetBeans IDE </h2></a>
<p>如有必要,您可以使用以下步骤卸载 NetBeans IDE。</p>
<h3 style="color:#0E1B55">从 Windows 中卸载 NetBeans IDE 5.5.1</h3>
<p><b>卸载 NetBeans IDE:</b></p>
<li>从列表中选择 &quot;NetBeans IDE 5.5.1&quot;,然后单击“删除”。</li>
<!-- <p><b>To uninstall the Sun Java System Application Server
Platform Edition 9:</b></p>
<li>From your system's Start menu, open the Control Panel.</li>
<li>Double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon.</li>
<li>Select the Sun Java System Application Server Platform
Edition 9 from the list and click Remove.</li>
<!-- <p><b>Note:</b> If you uninstall the J2SE JDK software, but
wish to continue using NetBeans IDE, you must set the IDE's
<tt>-jdkhome</tt> parameter to point to an alternate installation of the J2SE
JDK as outlined below.</p>
<h3 style="color:#0E1B55">从 Solaris(SPARC 和 x86 Platform Editions)中卸载 NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 </h3>
<p><b>卸载 NetBeans IDE:</b></p>
<li>找到 NetBeans IDE 安装目录的 <tt>_uninst</tt> 子目录。</li>
<li>键入 <tt>./uninstaller</tt> 以运行 InstallShield 卸载程序。</li>
<p><b>To uninstall the Sun Java System Application Server:</b></p>
<li>Navigate to the installation directory of the Sun
Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.</li>
<li>In a terminal window, type <tt>./uninstall</tt> to run the uninstaller.</li>
<h3 style="color:#0E1B55">从 Linux 中卸载 NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 </h3>
<p><b>卸载 NetBeans IDE:</b></p>
<li>找到 NetBeans IDE 安装目录的 <tt>_uninst</tt> 子目录。</li>
<li>在终端窗口中,键入 <tt>./uninstaller</tt> 以运行 InstallShield 卸载程序。</li>
<p><b>To uninstall the Sun Java System Application Server:</b></p>
<li>Navigate to the installation directory of the Sun
Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.</li>
<li>In a terminal window, type <tt>./uninstall</tt> to run the uninstaller.</li>
<h3 style="color:#0E1B55">从 Macintosh OS X 中卸载 NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 </h3>
<p><b>卸载 NetBeans IDE:</b></p>
<li>找到 NetBeans IDE 的安装位置。缺省情况下,NetBeans 安装在 &quot;Applications&quot; 目录中。</li>
<li>右键单击 NetBeans 图标,然后从弹出式菜单中选择“移到废纸篓”。</li>
<li>In the window that appears, navigate to the <tt>_uninst</tt>
subdirectory. </li>
<li>In a terminal window, type <tt>./uninstaller</tt> to run the InstallShield uninstaller.</li>
<p><b>To uninstall the Sun Java System Application Server:</b></p>
<li>Navigate to the installation directory of the Sun Java System
Application Server Platform Edition 9. By default, the Application
server is installed in the <tt>SUNWappserver</tt> subdirectory of your
home directory.</li>
<li>In a terminal window, type <tt>./uninstall</tt> to run the uninstaller.</li>
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<a name="troubleshooting"><h2>疑难解答</h2></a>
<p>如果您在安装或运行软件时遇到问题,请参见下面的问题列表以获取相应的解决方法。有关已知问题的完整列表、系统要求以及其他有用的信息,请参见<a href="relnotes_zh_CN.html">发行说明</a></p>
<p> 以下是本发行版本中一些可能影响或破坏安装过程的待解决问题: </p>
<!--<li><h3>General Issues</h3>
<p>The installer for the NetBeans IDE and Sun Java System Application
Server bundle does not let you install on JDK 6.0, because Sun Java
System Application Server Platform Edition 8.2 has several serious
issues on pre-release versions of JDK 6.0. However, you can install
the NetBeans IDE standalone installer on JDK 6.0.
<br>--> <!--
<li><a href="">Issue #72601</a>
<p>After specifying the location of the Sun Java System Application
Server and clicking Next, the wizard page becomes blank, and it is impossible to
continue the installation.
<p>In the wizard, press Cancel. On your system, navigate to
the NetBeans IDE installation directory that installer has just created and
delete that directory. Then run the installer again and specify a location for the
application server installation directory that is not inside of the NetBeans IDE
installation directory.</p>
<li> <a href="">问题 #26965</a>
<p>如果 JDK 安装中存在不兼容的 <tt>sax.jar</tt> 版本,则 IDE 安装程序将会崩溃,并显示以下消息:“由于出现以下错误,导致向导无法继续执行:无法装入在 /wizard.inf 中指定的向导 (104)”
<p>在 IDE 安装过程中,暂时将 <tt>jre/lib/endorsed/sax.jar</tt> 从 JDK 目录中移除。
<li><a href="">Issue #52856 (Windows XP only) </a>
<p>Sun Java System Application Server installation fails. Note that
this problem has been known to occur both when using the NetBeans IDE 5.5
and Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.2 Bundle
installer as well as the stand-alone Application Server installer.
This happens when a previous installation of the Application Server has failed and
subsequent attempts at uninstallation were also unsuccessful (i.e. some
registry entries or configuration files weren't deleted).
<p>If this happens, remove all previous installations of the Sun Java
System Application Server. Then delete the installer's <code>&lt;USERHOME&gt;\Local
Settings\temp\</code> directory and the Application Server's <code><userhome>\Application
Data\Sun\tmp\</code> directory (note that files may also be located in <code>&lt;WINDIR&gt;\Sun\</code>).
If a previous uninstallation attempt of the Application Server was
unsuccessful, also delete the <code>&lt;SYSTEMDIR&gt;/productregistry</code> file.
Next, create a new directory within which to install the software
and ensure that the directory is empty and writable. Finally, reinstall
the Application Server in the new location on your system. <!--<b>Note: </b>in
general, it is recommended that users use the provided uninstaller
to remove Application Server installations.
<li><a href="">问题 #65482(仅限 Linux) </a>
<p>在某些 Mandrake/Mandriva Linux 发行版本上无法安装 NetBeans。初始化期间,安装程序会显示以下消息:
<pre>Initializing InstallShield Wizard........<br>./netbeans-5_0-bin-linux.bin: line 189: bc: command not found<br>./netbeans-5_0-bin-linux.bin: line 404: [: : integer expression expected </pre>
<p>NetBeans 安装程序使用 GNU 的 bc 实用程序,缺省情况下该实用程序似乎并未安装在 Mandriva 中。如果遇到此问题,请先手动安装 GNU 的 bc 实用程序,然后再安装 NetBeans。如果存在有效的 Internet 连接,则可以通过在命令行中运行 <tt>urpmi bc</tt> 来完成此操作。请注意,也可以下载相应的 RPM,然后使用 <tt>rpm -i &lt;bc_package&gt;.rpm</tt> 命令进行安装。</p>
<li><a href="">问题 #67530 </a>
<p>启动安装程序后,出现消息 &quot;Welcome to the Install Wizard for ERROR: null&quot;。这可能是由于同时运行多个安装程序或者在一个安装程序退出失败后运行另一个安装程序而导致的。</p>
<p>删除 <tt>\InstallShield\Universal\Common</tt> 目录的内容,然后重新启动安装程序。</p>
<p>在 Windows 操作系统上,此目录位于 <tt>C:\Program Files\Common files\InstallShield\Universal\Common</tt></p>
<p>在 Solaris 和 Linux 操作系统上,此目录位于 <tt><i>/$HOME</i>/InstallShield/Universal/Common</tt></p>
<li> <a href="">问题 #52012(仅限 Windows XP 系统上的土耳其语言环境)</a>
<p>取消安装程序。在您的系统上,切换到“英语(美国)”语言环境,然后重新启动安装程序。 </p>
<p>在 Windows XP 系统上,您可以通过执行以下操作来切换语言环境:选择“开始”&gt;“控制面板”,双击“区域和语言选项”,然后从对话框中“标准和格式”部分的下拉列表中选择语言环境。</p>
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<a name="more_info"></a>
<p>在 NetBeans 项目的 Web 站点上,您可以找到新闻、文章、附加模块以及其他有用的信息。由于 NetBeans 是一个开放源代码项目,因此您还可以通过该 Web 站点访问源代码、错误数据库,并获取有关创建您自己的 NetBeans 模块等信息。 </p>
<p>更多信息,请访问 <a href=""></a></p>
<p>通过注册 NetBeans 项目邮件列表(网址为 <a href=""></a>),您可以获取最新的 NetBeans IDE 并与 NetBeans 社区进行交互。
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