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Issue # 711 - Jan 22, 2016
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<h1>Project News</h1>
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<h2><a href="">Plans for NetBeans IDE 8.2</a></h2>
<p style="margin-left:8px;">
ECMAScript 6 support, NodeJS enhancements, Oracle JET features, PHP7 support, Docker, and editor multicarets... are some of the many features being planned for the next release of NetBeans IDE. Check out the schedule and keep up to date with another exciting NetBeans release!</p>
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<h2><a href="">Everlaw: Angular 2, TypeScript, and NetBeans IDE</a></h2>
<p style="margin-left:8px;">
The architecture of Angular 2 is completely different to previous releases - it is component based and there are no controllers or scopes. The app code is loaded with a SystemJS loader. A component is a class annotated with @Component, which includes the HTML fragment (template). Find out how NetBeans IDE supports this combination with thanks to its partner <a href="">Everlaw</a>.</p>
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<h2><a href="">IDR Solutions: From Mercurial to Git with NetBeans IDE</a></h2>
<p style="margin-left:8px;">
NetBeans partner IDR Solutions explains the details of how they switched versioning and build systems, in clearly explained and illustrated steps.</p>
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<h2><a href="">Plugin: Darcula LAF for NetBeans</a></h2>
<p style="margin-left:8px;">
The excellent new plugin that integrates Darcula into NetBeans IDE has been further updated and is now available in the NetBeans IDE 8.1 Plugin Manager, under the Tools menu.</p>
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<h2><a href="">Murach's Beginning Java with NetBeans</a></h2>
<p style="margin-left:8px;">
Murach's "Beginning Java with NetBeans" is specifically for beginning programmers and programmers with limited experience who want to learn Java at a professional level. By the time you finish this book, you’ll have all the core Java skills that you need and you will have learned to use NetBeans too!</p>
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<h2><a href="">White House Honor for NetBeans Dream Team Member</a></h2>
<p style="margin-left:8px;">
Congratulations to NetBeans Dream Team member Andreas Stefik who received a phone call from the White House to tell him that he has been nominated for an honor called "Champion of Change" for his work broadly in computer science education.</p>
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<h2><a href="">Tweet of the Week: ‏@TheNanodude</a></h2>
<p style="margin-left:8px;">
<i>I've tried out many different IDEs in the past 7 years but @netbeans is my favorite!</i></p>
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<h2><a href="">17 February: NetBeans Day Netherlands 2016</a></h2>
<p style="margin-left:8px;">
A free event, featuring Adam Bien and several workshops, the NetBeans community invites you to a day filled with free sessions and workshops, where you will learn about the latest technology trends and gain many practical experiences with some of the latest powerful technologies and techniques.</p>
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