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<title>What's New in NetBeans Platform 7.1?</title>
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<h1>What's New in NetBeans Platform 7.1?</h1>
<p>An overview of changes relating to
<a href="">NetBeans Platform 7.1</a>, which is the
Swing framework that underpins applications such as NetBeans IDE.</p>
<p><b>Note:</b> <a href="70.html">Click here</a> for the previous
release of this document.</p>
<p>The most important new features & enhancements provided in the 7.1 release
are as follows:
<div class="indent">
<li><b>Window System API.</b>
<li><p><b>Roles.</b> Multiple window layouts are supported. The
TopComponent registration annotation has been enhanced to
include a new "roles" attribute, so that each TopComponent
can optionally be assigned to one or more roles. It is
possible to programmatically switch between different roles
and then the window layout is automatically updated to
support the newly selected role.</p>
<li><tt><a href="">roles</a></tt></li>
<li><tt><a href="">WindowManager.setRole</a></tt></li>
<li><tt><a href="">WindowManager.getRole</a></tt></li>
<li><b>Enriched Group Behavior.</b>
in "View" modes can now be undocked
moved, minimized/maximized together.</li>
in "View" modes can now be dropped into
"Editor" modes and vice versa. </li>
<li>There is
a new mode, named "topSlidingSide" for
docking TopComponents in a minimized state
in the upper side of the application.</li>
<li><p><b>Window Layout Designer.</b> In the New File dialog, there is
now a Window Layout designer:</p>
<p><img src="images/71/layout-wizard-1.png"/></p>
<p>It starts up a new instance
of your application,
then shows all the modes defined in your application, and
lets you reposition and rename existing modes while also letting
you create new ones. When you close the designer, you can save
changed and new mode definition files into your module, and
they will automatically be registered in the module's layer file.</p>
<p>The new "Redefine" button in the Window wizard lets you do the same:</p>
<p><img src="images/71/layout-wizard-2.png"/></p>
<li><b>MultiView Windows API.</b>
<li><b>MultiView Registration Annotation.</b> The new
annotation <a href=""><tt>@MultiViewElement.Registration</tt></a> registers
a <tt><a href="">MultiViewElement</a></tt> for a MIME type.</li>
<li><p><b>File Type Wizard With MultiView Component.</b> In the
New File Type dialog, there is a new "Use MultiView" checkbox.
When the checkbox is checked, the wizard generates a <tt>JPanel</tt>
that implements <tt><a href="">MultiViewElement</a></tt>
and registers it in the <tt>DataObject</tt>, using the new annotation above:</p>
<p><img src="images/71/multiview-wizard.png"/></p>
<li><b>File System API.</b>
<li><b><tt>FileUtil.getConfigObject</tt>.</b> In addition to <tt><a href="">FileUtil.getConfigRoot</a></tt>
and <tt><a href="">FileUtil.getConfigFile</a></tt>, there is now also <tt><a href=",%20java.lang.Class%29">FileUtil.getConfigObject</a></tt>.
It returns an object from the filesystem
via the object's full path, together with its type, such as to
an Action or to your own type, for example:
<p><pre class="examplecode">Feed feed = FileUtil.getConfigObject("RssFeeds/sample.instance", Feed.class);</pre></p>
<p><pre class="examplecode">Action myAction = FileUtil.getConfigObject("Actions/MyFolder/MyAction.instance", Action.class);</pre></p>
<p class="notes"><b>Note:</b> In NetBeans Platform 7.2, the above will be superseded by <tt>Actions.forID("MyFolder", "MyAction")</tt>.</p>
<li><p><b>New Layer Wizard.</b> The New Module Project wizard does not let
you define a layer.xml file for your module anymore. Instead, there is
a new template in the New File dialog for creating a layer file:</p>
<p><img src="images/71/layerxml-wizard.png"/></p>
template creates an empty layer file and registers it in the manifest.</p></li>
<li><b>Datasystems API.</b>
<li><p><b>Template Registration Annotation.</b> Registers a template in the filesystem.
May be placed on a class (with a default constructor) or
static method (with no arguments) to register
an <tt>WizardDescriptor.InstantiatingIterator</tt> for a
custom template or on a package to register a
plain-file template with no custom behavior.</p>
<li><tt><a href="">TemplateRegistrations</a></tt></li>
<li><tt><a href="">TemplateRegistration</a></tt></li>
<li><b>UI Utilities API.</b>
<li><p><b><tt>SaveCookie</tt>.</b> The <tt>SaveCookie</tt> interface
is replaced by the <tt>Savable</tt> interface, with
a default implementation provided
by <tt>AbstractSavable</tt>. However, <tt>SaveCookie</tt>
can still be used exactly as before.</p>
<li><tt><a href="">Savable</a></tt></li>
<li><tt><a href="">AbstractSavable</a></tt></li>
<li><b>Explorer & Property Sheet API.</b>
<li><b>Corrected <tt>PropertyPanel</tt> Component.</b> Prior to 7.1, it was not
possible to drag and drop a <tt>PropertyPanel</tt> from the Palette into a container
in the Matisse GUI Builder. That bug has been fixed and now, once you
have registered the <tt>PropertyPanel</tt> in
the palette, you can drag and drop it.</li>
<p>For a list of all the changes, see <a href=""></a></p>