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<h1 id="section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-UpdateDescriptorSpecification">Understanding AutoUpdate Descriptors</h1>
<div class="toc">
<h4>Table of Contents</h4>
<li> <a
Descriptor Specification</a>
<li> <a
<li> <a
of the catalog</a> </li>
<li> <a
of each one attribute</a>
<li> <a
<li> <a
<li> <a
<li> <a href="#section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-Module">module</a>
<li> <a
<li> <a
<li> <a
href="#section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-Manifest">manifest</a> </li>
<li> <a href="#section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-L10n">l10n</a>
<li> <a href="#section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-License">license</a>
<li> <a href="#section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-Errors">errors</a>
<h3 id="section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-Introduction">
<p>The NetBeans platform supplies the AutoUpdate functionality. This
feature makes possible to
distribute new features and keep the product up-to-date. The AutoUpdate
consists of <b>Update Center</b> and
a <b>client</b> in NetBeans.
Update Center (commonly on some web server) offers an set of updates
and the AutoUpdate client
connects this Update Center and allow an user select, download and
install some of them.
<p><b>Update Center</b> is described by XML file (call a <b>catalog</b>
or <b>Update Center Descriptor</b>). I would like to show to you the
structure of catalog, meaning of its elements and attributes, optional
use-cases of attributes.
<h3 id="section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-StructureOfTheCatalog">
Structure of the catalog</h3>
<p>The catalog contains from modules which can be organized into groups
of modules, licenses
and some others elements which are not currently used.
<p>The basic element of the catalog is <tt>module</tt>. More modules
can but may not be a module group.
Modules can be publish with a license thus license are also part of
<p>The important for <tt>module</tt> description is a link to place
where the module can be downloaded from
and a manifest which identifies the module in NetBeans module system (<tt>module</tt>
can be also
a localization of some module but about this later).
<p>I hope this caught the relevant components of Update Center
Descriptor aka catalog.
<p>See as the real-world looks like at <a class="external"
Description of each one attribute</h3>
<p>Let's look on the DTD schema of catalog.xml at <a class="external"
<h4 id="section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-Module_updates">
<p>The root element is <tt>module_updates</tt>:
<pre>&lt;!ELEMENT module_updates ((notification?, (module_group|module)*, license*)|error)&gt;<br>&lt;!ATTLIST module_updates timestamp CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;<br></pre>
The important (and only one) attribute is <tt>timestamp</tt>. The
AutoUpdate client checks periodically
the subscribed Update Center and compares the timestamp of the last
check and Update Center's timestamp
thus the attribute decide if the content of the Update Center will be
read or not.
<p>As I said above, <tt>module_updates</tt> covers elements:
<li> <tt>notification</tt> - only one per catalog, </li>
<li> several <tt>module_group</tt> or <tt>module</tt> </li>
<li> corresponding <tt>license</tt> </li>
<li> <tt>error</tt> which is not currently used. </li>
<h4 id="section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-Notification">
<pre>&lt;!ELEMENT notification (#PCDATA)&gt;<br>&lt;!ATTLIST notification url CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;<br></pre>
<p>Why the <tt>Notification</tt> would be needed for? Not much, it's
more like a workaround
how to promote users about a special content of the catalog. Or
additional information
how to handle the updates. How it works? AutoUpdate client reads the <tt>notification</tt>
element and immediately displays the Notification dialog with text from
this element.
The Show URL button in Notification dialog invokes the URL given by <tt>url</tt>
As I said before, it's a workaround, not pretty well UI designed. It
better avoid this way if possible.
<h4 id="section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-Module_group">
<p>The modules can be organized in groups, one module group can contain
an another module group.
Module groups can create a tree structure.
<pre>&lt;!ELEMENT module_group ((module_group|module)*)&gt;<br>&lt;!ATTLIST module_group name CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;<br></pre>
<p>The <tt>name</tt> is name of the group, displayed in Update Center
<h4 id="section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-Module"> module</h4>
<p>The module is basic element of Update Center Descriptor. This
element can represent either module update
or module's localization. Module update is described by <tt>manifest</tt>
element, a module localization is described
by special <tt>l10n</tt> element. Other additional <tt>module</tt>
sub-element are:
<li> <tt>description</tt> - only one attribute commonly in use -
describes the module in Update Center Wizard, </li>
<li> <tt>module_notification</tt> - an special module's
notification, something such as &lt;notification&gt; element but on
module's level, </li>
<li> <tt>external_package</tt> - AFAIK not currently used.
Undocumented and unsupported. </li>
<pre>&lt;!ELEMENT module (description?, module_notification?, external_package*, (manifest | l10n) )&gt;
<br>&lt;!ATTLIST module codenamebase CDATA #REQUIRED
distribution CDATA #REQUIRED
downloadsize CDATA #REQUIRED
needsrestart CDATA #IMPLIED
moduleauthor CDATA #IMPLIED
releasedate CDATA #IMPLIED
targetcluster CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;<br></pre>
<li> <tt>codenamebase</tt> - the code name of the module, required
to identification of updates within AutoUpdate framework. </li>
<li> <tt>homepage</tt> - URL to module's homepage. When an user
invokes <tt><b>More</b></tt> button in <tt>Update Center Wizard -
Select Modules to Install</tt> then this URL is opened in Web browser.
Not mandatory, if is empty then <tt>More</tt> buttom is disabled. </li>
<li> <tt>distribution</tt> - URL to an place where the update (its <b>NBM
file</b>) is stored. AutoUpdate client will download the update from
this place. It's mandatory attribute. The URL can link to any server
w/o restrictions. </li>
<li> <tt>license</tt> - name of a license file. The license is
displayed in the separate window and user has to agree with to continue
with corresponding update. If more module are under same license (ie.
have the same license file name) then an user should agree with only
once within currently running <tt>Update Center Wizard</tt>.
<li> Pay attention to have as same license file name for
identical licenses. </li>
<li> The text of license is search through the current catalog
(by <tt>lincence</tt> attribute). External links is not supported for
license files. </li>
<li> <tt>downloadsize</tt> - the declared size of {NBM file} in
Bytes, shown in the wizard and used by progress bar while downloading. </li>
<li> <tt>needsrestart</tt> - boolean attribute which can control if
the IDE has to be restarted or not after download this update.
<li> the attribute is <b>not required</b>. If it is not present
then the AutoUpdate client doesn't restart IDE after download updates
except as follows:
<li> update of some of the <b>already installed</b> module, </li>
<li> install into the <b>installation</b> directory (not
into default user dir) </li>
<li> <tt>true</tt> value forces restart the IDE regardless if
needed or not </li>
<li> <tt>false</tt> is the default and behaves as same as not
present </li>
<li> <tt>moduleauthor - free name of author of module, shown in the
*description area* of Update Center Wizard - Select Modules to Install
if the attribute <tt>moduleauthor</tt> present and not null. <i>Default:
empty</i> </tt></li>
<li><tt> <tt>releasedate</tt> - generated date of module/update
release. Shown in as same area as <tt>moduleauthor</tt> above. </tt></li>
<li><tt> <tt>global</tt> - boolean attribute which can control if
the module/update will be installed into the installation directory or
into user's dir </tt>
<p style="margin-left: 40px;" title="Global versus local installation">
<tt> <i><img src="tip.gif" alt="Note">Note: the NetBeans installation layout consists from
several <tt>clusters</tt> (ie. subdirectories of the <tt>NetBeans</tt>
top level <b>installation</b> home - also called as <b>shared dirs</b>)
and a special <tt>cluster</tt> for user's settings - called <b>userdir</b>.
Each module is installed to one of them. The <b>global</b> attribute
controls where install: userdir or shared dir</i> </tt>
<li><tt> the attribute is <b>not required</b>. If it is not
present then the AutoUpdate client installs all modules or updates into <tt>userdir</tt>
except as follows: </tt>
<li><tt> the module/update will write into special
directories <tt>lib</tt> or <tt>core</tt> - it forces installation
into the shared <tt>platform</tt> cluster ie. global installation </tt></li>
<li><tt> an user can choose in <tt>Update Center Wizard</tt>
if install global or not </tt></li>
<li><tt> <tt>true</tt> value forces global installation, an user
cannot change it </tt></li>
<li><tt> <tt>false</tt> value forces local installation in the
user dir, an user cannot change it too </tt></li>
<li><tt><a href="#what-is-target-cluster">What Is
Target Cluster?</a></tt></li>
<!-- description of attribute: targetcluster See issue 64873. -->
<li><tt>targetcluster (<i><img src="warning.gif" alt="Since">Since NB6.0)</i></tt> - name of <b>cluster</b> where new module/update
will be installed if installation into <b>shared dir</b> is chosen</tt>
<li>the attribute is ignored if local installation (i.e. into <tt>userdir</tt>) chosen</li>
<li>the attribute is <b>not required</b>. If it is not
present then the AutoUpdate client installs all modules or updates into the first cluster in list of <code>netbeans.dirs</code>
<p id="what-is-target-cluster" style="margin-left: 40px;" title="What is target cluster">
<tt> <i><img src="tip.gif" alt="Note">Note: Clusters in NetBeans installation structure are defined in
the launcher, the list of cluster can be extended with </i><code>netbeans_extraclusters</code><i> property
in </i><code>netbeans.conf</code><i>.<br>New Module or Update can declare a target
cluster where should be installed. Determination which cluster is determine by these rules:
<li>module/update are installed in <code>userdir</code> as default
(exceptions are described above), in this case the <code>target cluster</code> is ignored</li>
<br>The rest rules are valid only for global installation (needs to speficy by <code><b>global</b></code> attribute):
<li>a update of already installed module will be install in as same cluster as original module</li>
<li>new module will installed in the <code>target cluster</code></li>
<li>if <code>target cluster</code> is <b>one of defined clusters</b>,
if the cluster is defined but doesn't exist then the cluster will be created</li>
<li>if <code>target cluster</code> is <b>not defined</b> cluster then
it's <b>ignored</b> and the module will be installed into first defined cluster</li>
<h4 id="section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-Description"><tt>
<pre><tt>&lt;!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)&gt;<br></tt></pre>
<p><tt>Text of description showing in Description area in the wizard.
It this element is missing or it's empty, not worry the long
description from the <tt>manifest</tt> element is used.
<h4 id="section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-Module_notification"><tt>
<pre><tt>&lt;!ELEMENT module_notification (#PCDATA)&gt;<br></tt></pre>
<tt>Contains text which is shown in a separate window when this module
is added between module to install. Can be used to promote any extra
module's functionality or alert possible problems with module or such
information. Not wide used in NetBeans Update Center.
<h4 id="section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-Manifest"><tt> manifest</tt></h4>
<tt>The key part of each module/update specification. It determines if
a module will available in the wizard, if can or cannot be installed
separately, module's dependencies and so on.
<p><tt>The first important update property is <b>specification version</b>,
is determining for updates, new module needn't handle it much. The
update is available if (and only if) have a bigger specification
version then its module.
<p><tt>If a module have any <b>dependencies</b> then this dependent
modules are automatically selected together with the module. This
feature is useful if we want install more modules in a pack e.g. a
master module and its libraries.
If any of declared dependencies cannot satisfied by currently installed
module nor by another modules from <tt>catalog</tt> then the
AutoUpdate Wizard show a warning about this problem, the wizard allows
to install this module but it cannot be loaded and enable till missing
module is available.
<p><tt>The <tt>manifest</tt> element is based on NetBeans Module
System, the attributes corresponds to identical with attributes in
NetBeans Modules API, see <a class="external"
<pre><tt>&lt;!ELEMENT manifest EMPTY&gt;<br>&lt;!ATTLIST manifest OpenIDE-Module CDATA #REQUIRED<br> OpenIDE-Module-Name CDATA #REQUIRED<br> OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version CDATA #REQUIRED<br> OpenIDE-Module-Implementation-Version CDATA #IMPLIED<br> OpenIDE-Module-Module-Dependencies CDATA #IMPLIED|<br> OpenIDE-Module-Package-Dependencies CDATA #IMPLIED<br> OpenIDE-Module-Java-Dependencies CDATA #IMPLIED<br> OpenIDE-Module-IDE-Dependencies CDATA #IMPLIED<br> OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description CDATA #IMPLIED<br> OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description CDATA #IMPLIED<br> OpenIDE-Module-Display-Category CDATA #IMPLIED<br> OpenIDE-Module-Provides CDATA #IMPLIED<br> OpenIDE-Module-Requires CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;<br></tt></pre>
<li><tt> The <tt>manifest</tt> element is nearly a duplicate of the
really manifest in module's jar file (from the corresponing <tt>NBM</tt>
file), but this <tt>manifest</tt> element is used by AutoUpdate client
and <tt>manifest</tt> from the jar file is used by NetBeans Module
System. <i>It is not forced to be fully identical, if I want to do a
little hacking the catalog then I just change some attribute to get
what I want.</i> </tt></li>
<li><tt> <tt>OpenIDE-Module-Requires</tt> - it's useful if want to
distribute a OS specific modules (i.e. operating system specific). If I
have a module which is aplicable only of Mac platform, just write <tt>org.openide.modules.os.MacOSX</tt>
in this element. AutoUpdate client reads this and shows a module if
this requirement is satisfied. For more info see <a class="external"
<li><tt> Long-descrption - it's show in the Description area in the
wizard if <tt>description</tt> element is empty. <i>If do you want to
add a <tt>HTML</tt> tag into description then add it but remember to
escape the <span style="font-family: monospace;">&lt;, &gt;, "</span>
etc.</i> </tt></li>
<h4 id="section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-L10n"><tt> l10n</tt></h4>
<tt>Support for module localization, about this later. See <a
href="how-to-do-localization.html">How to Localize</a>.
<h4 id="section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-License"><tt> license</tt></h4>
<p><tt>The license associated to module or update. An user has to agree
with this license when install it.
<pre><tt>&lt;!ELEMENT license (#PCDATA)&gt;<br>&lt;!ATTLIST license name CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;<br><br></tt></pre>
<li><tt> <tt>name</tt> - name of license, used to mapping to <tt>module|license</tt>
attribute. </tt></li>
<h4 id="section-UpdateDescriptorSpecification-Errors"><tt> errors</tt></h4>
<p><tt>Undocumented, unsupported, not used.
<pre><tt>&lt;!ELEMENT error (auth_error|other_error)&gt;<br><br>&lt;!ELEMENT auth_error EMPTY&gt;<br><br>&lt;!ELEMENT other_error EMPTY&gt;<br>&lt;!ATTLIST other_error message CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;<br></tt></pre>
<tt> <br clear="all">
<!-- ======================================================================================== -->
<h2><a name="version"></a>Versioning </h2>
<div class="indent">
<table width="76%" border="1">
<div align="left"><b>Version</b></div>
<div align="left"><b>Date</b></div>
<div align="left"><b>Changes</b></div>
3 March 2006
<td>Initial version
4 April 2006
<td>New Attribute <code>target cluster</code> - since NB6.0