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<h1>Meet a NetBeans Module Writer: Tor Norbye</h1>
<p>30 March 2007
<p><small><a href="">Feedback</a></small></p>
<table class="ltblue" align="right" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="190">
<td align="center"><img src="nbm_interviews/tor/tor.PNG" alt="Tor's picture" align="middle">
<br><b>Tor Norbye</b></td>
<td>Tor's Hot Links:
<li><a href="">My Blog</a>
<li><a href="">The Java Posse</a>
<li><a href="">NetBeans Developers FAQ</a>
<p>Tor Norbye, big hitter at Sun Microsystems, blogger, podcast personality, and...
NetBeans module writer. Here he shares his experiences, and we take a peek under the
hood of his Ruby development work for NetBeans IDE.
<h3>Hi Tor! Please give us a snippet of contextual information about yourself,
for the three programmers in the world who don't know about you!</h3>
<p>Well, I'm Norwegian, but I work at Sun Microsystems in Silicon Valley where
I have been for nearly 11 years now. I'm also a co-anchor of a weekly Java podcast
called <a href="">The Java Posse</a>, where we basically
talk about IDEs and unintentionally butcher name pronunciations on a weekly basis...
<h3>So, you work at Sun. What kind of work have you done at Sun thus far?</h3>
<p>I have worked on tools the whole time. The first five years I was working on the
native tools (C/C++/Fortran), particularly in the debuggigng area. Then I worked on
Creator (Sun Java Studio Creator), the predecessor to the Visual Web Pack for NetBeans IDE.
I then spent a year working on Visual Basic tooling, which didn't really work out, and for
the last six to nine months I have been working on Ruby support for NetBeans IDE.
<h3>In relation to the NetBeans Platform, how have your experiences been? What have you created?
How was the process?</h3>
<p>I've done NetBeans module development since the beginning (when Sun acquired NetBeans),
and I think I can divide the history into three eras, like Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary:
<p><li>First: Developing NetBeans modules using only the Openide Javadocs.
This was really tricky since documentation was spotty, and some of the API
names were difficult to understand (such as "Cookie", which had a different meaning
than the traditional software meaning of opaque token.)
<p><li>Second: NetBeans was open sourced. It was extremely helpful to be able
to look at existing NetBeans source code to figure out how to add something
like editor support for a language.
<p><li>Third: NetBeans 5.0, which introduced tooling support for building IDE plugins.
This was a huge leap forward: I no longer had to maintain the <tt>project.xml</tt> files by
hand, I could easily add window components or actions through wizards, etc.
<p>I started out writing NetBeans support for C and C++; I just took a peek and some
of that code is still in the <a href="">NetBeans C/C++ Development Pack</a>. In fact, this poetic comment is still in the
C++ syntax lexer:
<pre>// But this might require some convoluted logic since the
// compiler PARTIALLY allows other code sets.
// Nay, I say, isJ* is okay!</pre>
<p>I also in my spare time wrote a todo list module and started the <a href=""></a>
project. Here's a screenshot of the suggestions module I wrote&#8212;and for kicks, take a
look at the NetBeans look and feel around it :-)
<p><img src="nbm_interviews/tor/tasklist.png" alt="suggestions" border="1" align="middle">
<p>I then worked on Creator, which was built on top of a customized version of
NetBeans, where I wrote the visual web page designer and page navigator.
<p>Last year I was working on Project Semplice, building tooling around the Visual
Basic compiler somebody else was writing, and this year I'm working on Ruby.
<h3>You've recently hit the headlines with your work on providing Ruby support for NetBeans IDE.
Can you give us some background, first of all?</h3>
<p>When we started Project Semplice, the goal was to support scripting languages
better for the Java platform. In addition to looking at things like the invokedynamic
bytecode, we worked on a source-to-bytecode compiler for Visual Basic, and tooling around it.
I was doing the tools part, and since we wanted to do scripting languages in general,
not just Visual Basic in particular, one of the key things I looked at was doing the architecture
in such a way that we wouldn't have to start from scratch for each additional scripting
language we supported.
<p>Then, when Ruby came along (e.g., when Charlie Nutter and Tom Enebo, two JRuby developers
were hired by Sun last fall), I immediately started looking at making my Visual Basic tooling
work for Ruby as well. When the Visual Basic project slowed down (because the other
two developers on the team left Sun to pursue other career opportunities), I changed
focus and started targeting Ruby.
<h3>But isn't NetBeans IDE really an IDE for Java developers? What's the story here?</h3>
<p>NetBeans IDE has clearly been focusing on Java, but it hasn't exclusively
been a Java IDE; Sun has had a C/C++ IDE built on top of NetBeans for several years.
In addition, it supports other languages like XML (and ant, BPEL, etc.), JSP, and so on.
There have also been additional language plugins like the <a href="">Coyote project</a>, which I've seen
is being upgraded to 6.0, at least for Groovy.
<p>In addition, NetBeans 6.0 is taking multi-language support to the next level with
the "<a href="">Schliemann Project</a>", which makes it trivial to add basic support for a wide variety of
languages&#8212;and a number of languages are supported. For example, manifest files and patch
files are finally given better treatment than plain text files.
<p>So adding Ruby to the IDE is a natural progression, and I think you'll see additional
languages added in the future.
<h3>What's the competition in Ruby IDE land? How is NetBeans currently stacking up, with
what you've got now, and how will it stack up in the future?</h3>
<p>Ruby programmers have traditionally been using editors rather than IDEs.
Ruby is a dynamic language, so providing IDE features like Code Completion, Go To Declaration etc.
is very tricky to support. For example, look at this method:
<p><pre>def max(a,b)
# Code logic to return the largest element&#8212;a or b
<p>Here we've got two parameters&#8212;named <tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt>. But what are their types?
What methods are available on them? There's no type declaration, so we just don't know. That's
the root problem of doing features like code completion in a dynamic language.
<p>That doesn't mean it's impossible. For example, let's say this is the method body:
<P><pre>def max(a,b)
# more code
<p>If I know that there's only <i>one</i> class in the program and libraries which have
a method named "numerify", then I can deduce that the type of <tt>a,b</tt> is that particular class.
<p>As another example, let's say I'm tracking all call sites to this method, and I know the types
of the parameters for all those sites. In that case I may also be able to narrow the types. The point
is that there are a lot of heuristics and approaches to making the tools work better&#8212;and that's the
approach we're taking in the Ruby support in NetBeans IDE. I'm giving a technical talk at JavaOne which
gets into more detail on the various approaches.
<p>But, because of problems such as these, the field of Ruby IDEs is pretty young. However, there's healthy competition.
I'm obviously not a neutral observer, but I think NetBeans compares favorably with all the
other IDEs, and I'm hard at work to ensure we stay competitive.
<h3>So you're providing comprehensive support for Ruby. Which are your personal favorite features?</h3>
<p>Code completion with documentation popups. Ruby has its own set of libraries, which I don't
know well. Even in Java, I often rely on the Javadoc popups in code completion to
remind me what parameters I need to pass to a method. Having code completion pop up
with full documentation on the class or method and its parameters is really useful.
Being able to warp from there to the actual implementation method (Ctrl-click) is also pretty handy!
<p>Here's a screenshot:
<p><img src="nbm_interviews/tor/instance-completion.png" border="1" alt="instance completion" align="middle">
<p>If you want to see more pictures, go to <a href=""></a>.
<p>I also like the "Instant Rename" feature, which lets you quickly rename parameters
and local variables, right there in-place in the editor.
Here's a screenshot:
<p><img src="nbm_interviews/tor/instant-rename.png" border="1" alt="instant rename" align="middle">
<p>However, it's hard to "get" this until you try it!
<h3>When 6.0 is released, what Ruby features will be missing? What will we be able to expect in the future?</h3>
<p>The goal is to basically support anything you can do with Java. For now, we have
deep editing support, debugging, and web application support (using Ruby On Rails).
<p>I have a number of features on my todo list, and I'm not sure what I'll be able to
get done by 6.0, but it's pretty likely that GUI building (using Matisse) for Ruby will
not be there, nor will UML support or profiling support.
<p>The features I plan to attack next are refactoring, improved Rails support
(particularly editing of their JSP-equivalent: RHTML files), and improved Java<->Ruby
integration such that you can access Java libraries from within your Ruby applications.
<h3>How has your experience been in developing this Ruby support? You must have used
many NetBeans APIs. What can you say about them?</h3>
<p>I've had a lot of fun. I've been using a lot of the new 6.0 APIs, such as the
lexer apis, which are very nice and makes it trivial to support embedded languages.
In the Ruby support for example, I have special syntax highlighting of literal strings,
and comments, and even Ruby code within literal strings within Ruby code!
<p>I've also been heavily borrowing from the new Java editing infrastructure,
which contains a lot of improvements.
<p>It's really fun to work on a platform that is improving so rapidly.
<h3>You've been using the new new Lexer modules. How do they compare to the pre-Lexer approach?</h3>
<p>Doing the lexing was never the really hard part of adding editing support for
a new language; there were just a large number of classes and extension points you
had to implement, and if you did anything wrong, you'd just be staring at a plain text editor.
The Schliemann Project makes a dramatic difference in this area, where you just have to
write a configuration file, and everything else is done for you.
<p>Having said that, the new Lexer API has made a couple of things much easier:
<p><li>Writing embedded languages, as described above.
<p><li>Incremental lexing, such that your lexer will only need to re-analyze small portions of a document when it's being edited. This is a huge performance win for large documents, and the infrastructure takes care of all the hard work. All your lexer has to do is return its state after each token, and continue from a given state.
<p><li>Lookahead lexing, where you look ahead at upcoming input, and if it matches, you return a new token and if not you discard the input and proceed as usual.
<p><li>Unit testing your lexer. There are utility classes which makes it trivial to write a number of different tests: incremental lexing (where it repeatedly edits a document and compares the results of incremental lexing with full lexing), stress testing (where it just feeds your lexer lots of random data to make sure your lexer doesn't freak out), and of course tests to make sure you return the correct tokens.
For example, you write an input line like this:
<pre>.t.e.s.t. Special markers
.t.e.s.t. NOT special markers
<p>The testing infrastructure generates this :
<p><pre>.t.e.s.t. Special markers
COMMENT_HTMLTAG "+terminal+"
COMMENT_ITALIC "_italic_", la=1
----- EOF -----
.t.e.s.t. NOT special markers
COMMENT_TEXT "\\*bold*\n"
COMMENT_TEXT "*bold\\", la=1
COMMENT_TEXT "*\nx*y\n"
COMMENT_TEXT "this_is\n"
COMMENT_TEXT "_myidentifier\n", la=2
COMMENT_TEXT "hel*lo*you", la=1
----- EOF -----</pre>
<p>These are the tokens for my input. I look through them and verify
that the tokens are correct. From now on, the testing infrastructure
will run the lexer on the input and verify that the output matches the
golden file that I have already checked.
<h3>Can you tell us about language embedding? Have you made use of this in your Ruby support modules?</h3>
<p>The above unit test examples comes from my comment lexer. I'm processing
comments in the Ruby code with a separate lexer. This lexer recognizes various
Ruby comment conventions. For example, HTML tags are highlighted, such that you
can write the following:
<p><pre>The _first_ thing this method does is call String#scanf, unless x < y</pre>
<p>Here the word "<tt>first</tt>" will be highlighted and shown in italics, because
words surrounded by <tt>_</tt> are known to be italic. "<tt>String#scanf</tt>" will be highlighted,
because this follows the syntactic conventions of a <tt>class#method</tt> call in Ruby.
And so on.
<p>Being able to write this as a separate lexer (which is only processing
comments) is much cleaner than trying to graft this into the already
extremely complicated Ruby lexer.
<p>And the lexer infrastructure makes it trivial to create embeddings. I basically
implement an "embedded" method where if I see a particular token (in my case, COMMENT),
I can return another lexer language. The contents of that token will then be processed
by the editor such that the individual characters are lexed by a lexer for the other
language. This can happen recursively, and frequently does.
<p>Here's Ruby code which contains a String, and inside that String
I have Ruby code, and inside that Ruby code I have a String! This is
4 levels of nesting&#8212;and it works beautifully. Take a look!
<p><img src="nbm_interviews/tor/embedded.png" alt="embedded stuff" border="1" align="middle">
<p>As you can see, the inner string is tokenized as unquoted strings
(where "<tt>\n</tt>" is highlighted as a wrong escape), and the outer string is
tokenizing it as quoted strings (the final "<tt>\n</tt>" is shown in bold).
<p>You can also see that the comment inside the string inside code is
tokenized such that the "<tt>_token_</tt>" is shown in italic (and blue).
<h3>What is the common scripting framework?</h3>
<p>It's the infrastructure I started when working on Project Semplice.
Its only client at the moment is Ruby. More importantly, it's not available
for any other languages at the moment; the API is in rapid motion
(I'm sure it will change more when I do more source-rewriting support, for
example, for refactoring) and I don't want to be locked down in staying compatible
to support other languages. And finally, producing an official API will require a
lot of review and involvement from others; at the moment it's really a convenient
architecture which keeps IDE logic on one side and language specific logic on the
other side. Schliemann keeps pushing deeper and deeper into editing support, so
in the future perhaps it won't be necessary at all.
<h3>How does what you're doing relate to the new Schliemann project,
the new approach for declarative token, grammar, and language feature definitions?</h3>
<p>Schliemann lets you write a grammar declaration, and everything else
is done for you&#8212;in particular, lexing and parsing. In the Ruby support,
the language plugin (Ruby) is completely responsible for parsing on its own.
It produces its own ASTs (abstract syntax trees), and for features like instant-rename,
or code completion, it walks its own ASTs to compute its results. I'm using JRuby as
the lexer and parser, so the "hard part" of supporting Ruby is done by JRuby.
<p>I also plan to use Schliemann for various other language types
needed for Ruby support, such as RHTML files (I want to use Schliemann
to define the "outer" language, RHTML, and then have it delegate to my
Ruby support for the embedded Ruby regions), as well as YAML files.
<p>There are some other areas that I work on which Schliemann doesn't
address, such as project support. I'm not sure it's possible to do anything
"automated" in this area for other languages&#8212;I think it's unlikely that you could
write a descriptor file which would produce decent project support for another language.
When it comes to providing logical views of the project, providing project actions
(like "generate ruby documentation" etc.), you just have to write custom code for
each language.
<p>This sometimes overlaps with editing. For example, one of the key portions
of the deep Ruby editing support is that it maintains an index of the user's
code as well as the Ruby libraries, such that it can offer cross-file code
completion etc.
<h3>Can you share any NetBeans API tips and tricks with us?</h3>
<p>No, they are trade secrets!
<p>Seriously though... I only recently
discovered the <a href="">NetBeans Developers FAQ</a>
and it looks like it contains a wealth of information that I have had
to dig up the hard way in the past.
<h3>Tor, you're also a prolific blogger and podcaster! Has that fed into your NetBeans module work at all somehow?</h3>
<p>Not really&#8212;it's mostly the other way around. With the Ruby module development in particular,
I'm releasing weekly screenshots of features I've just added. I've gotten lots of feedback on this,
which sometimes leads to improving the feature. It's really great to have
an ongoing "dialogue" (thanks to the blog comments feature it's not just one-way) with the users.
When I worked on Creator, the source base was not yet open source, so I couldn't write
about new features until they were released, sometimes a year later. Being able to work in open
source and discuss the development openly in blogs and podcasts is really a lot of fun.
<h3>Do you have plans for the upcoming NetBeans Day and JavaOne in San Francisco?</h3>
<p>Yes! The Java Posse will be appearing both at NetBeans Day as well as at
our own Birds of a Feather session, which was a lot of fun last year and will hopefully
be equally successful this year. I will also be doing a technical session at JavaOne, on
the "State of the Art in Ruby Tooling". And if I can get some really compelling features
working in the next few weeks, perhaps I can get myself into a keynote demo! I am at least
going to try!
<h3>Which technical sessions or BOFs have you heard about that you're thinking about attending?</h3>
<p>I honestly haven't looked at the schedule yet. I usually do everything last minute,
but with the new Java One reservation system (where signing up in advance gives you the
right to be in the room when its over crowded, which often happens for the best talks)
I may have to go sign up soon!
<h3>Anything else you'd like to tell us about?</h3>
<p>Sure! I'd like the help get word out about podcasts.
When I've mentioned our podcast to some Java programmers, they
said things like "sorry, I don't have an ipod!". It's a common
misconception (which Apple probably benefits from) that podcasting
requires an ipod.
<p>A podcast is simply an audio file you can listen to. However,
the podcasts are wrapped in some extra metadata which makes them
easier to deal with. For example, you can subscribe to a podcast,
which means that as soon as new episodes are released, they are downloaded for you.
<p>Others have asked me why they would want to <i>listen</i> to computer
news when they can <i>read</i> the same information so much faster in blogs.
Podcasts are not a replacement for blogs, in much the same way that radio
is not a replacement for newspapers. I read blogs when I'm at my computer. But
when I'm commuting to work, or washing dishes, or just cleaning the house,
I like to listen to podcasts using my ipod (hence the name podcast, but any
portable music player will do).
<p>I prefer podcasts over listening to the radio, because radio programs
typically have to cater their programming to general population interest
topics: celebrity news and sports. With podcasts, you can have extremely
specialized interest programs, and even if there is just one listener in
each town, that makes a pretty large listener population worldwide.
<p>So, if you haven't checked out podcasts yet, give it a try and see if
you like our Java related podcast&#8212;the <a href="">The Java Posse</a>.
<h3>Thanks Tor, please keep us updated on your Ruby support module. It sounds like a gem!</h3>