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<title>NetBeans Support Resources</title>
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<h1>NetBeans Support Resources</h1>
<img src="../images_www/v6/support.gif" alt="ringbuoy"
style="float: left; margin-right: 5px;">
<p> When you run into a problem, it's good to know you can turn to
experts for help. NetBeans products come with different levels of
support that fit any developer environment, from individual developers
to large enterprise development teams. </p>
<h2><a name="prof_support" id="prof_support">Professional Support for
NetBeans Software</a></h2>
<table cellpadding="0">
<p>The <a
Java Development Tools Support</strong></a> offering covers NetBeans,
Oracle JDeveloper, and Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. </p>
<p>This offering includes:</p>
<li>Assistance with service requests 24 hours per day, 7 days a
week </li>
<li>Access to My Oracle Support and Sun Connection Service,
SunSpectrum Member Support Center, SunSolve Online Program (24 x 7
web-based technical support system), including the ability to log
service requests online </li>
<li>Unlimited incident support </li>
<li>Non-technical customer service during normal business hours
(e.g., assistance with support identification numbers, assistance with
logging into My Oracle Support) </li>
<li>(Note: "Upgrades to new releases" is not listed as a
component of this offering since these products are freely available.) </li>
<td class="align-center" valign="top">
src="../images_www/v6/buy_now.gif" alt="Buy" title="Buy"
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 68px; height: 23px;"></a> <br>
$1,200 per user per year </p>
<h2><a name="comm_support" id="comm_support">Community Support for
NetBeans Software</a></h2>
<p>The <strong>NetBeans community</strong> offers numerous other, free
support resources:</p>
<li>Get free <a href="./index.html">tutorials, video demos, and
sample projects</a>.</li>
<li>Check the <a
href=""> NetBeans
User FAQs</a> or the <a
Module Developer FAQs</a>.</li>
<li>Read the extensive built-in documentation in the IDE itself,
available under the Help menu.</li>
<li>Search the <a
mailing list archives</a> — it is quite possible that your question has
already been asked and answered on the list. If not, <a
href="../community/lists/top.html">ask the nbusers list</a> for help
(you must <a href="">subscribe</a>
to post).</li>
<li>Check the <a href="../community/issues.html">bug-tracking system</a>
to see if your problem is caused by a reported issue; if not, enter a
new issue for this problem (you must be logged in to enter a new issue).</li>
<li>Review the <a href="">patch
information</a> for the current NetBeans release. </li>
<li>Check out <a href="./training.html">community training</a>