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<title>Getting Started with JAX-WS Web Services - NetBeans IDE Tutorial</title>
<meta name="description"
content="This tutorial shows how to use NetBeans IDE 7.0 or later to develop a JAX-WS web service
and consume it in a Java class in a Java SE application, or in
a servlet or JSP page">
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<h1>Getting Started with JAX-WS Web Services</h1>
<p><a target="_blank" href="">Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS), JSR 224</a>, is an important part
of the Java EE platform. A follow-up to the release of Java API for
XML-based RPC 1.1(JAX-RPC), JAX-WS simplifies the task of
developing web services using Java technology. It addresses some
of the issues in JAX-RPC 1.1 by providing support for multiple
protocols such as SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, XML, and by providing
a facility for supporting additional protocols along with HTTP.
JAX-WS uses JAXB 2.0 for data binding and supports
customizations to control generated service endpoint interfaces.
With its support for annotations, JAX-WS simplifies web service
development and reduces the size of runtime JAR files.</p>
<p>This document demonstrates the basics of using the IDE to develop a JAX-WS web service.
After you create the web service, you write three different web service clients that use the web service over a network, which is called &quot;consuming&quot; a web service. The three clients are a Java class in a Java SE application,
a servlet, and a JSP page
in a web application. A more
advanced tutorial focusing on clients is
<a href="./client.html">Developing JAX-WS Web Service Clients</a>.</p>
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/73/netbeans-stamp-80-74-73.png" class="stamp" alt="Content on this page applies to NetBeans IDE 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 8.0" title="Content on this page applies to the NetBeans IDE 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 8.0" >
<li><a href="#extschema">Enabling Access to External Schema</a></li>
<li><a href="#Exercise_1">Creating a Web Service</a></li>
<li><a href="#Exercise_2">
Designing the Web Service</a></li>
<li><a href="#Exercise_2_1">
Deploying and Testing the Web Service</a></li>
<li><a href="#samples">Samples</a></li>
Consuming the Web Service in
<ul><li><a href="#Exercise_3_1">a Java class in a Java SE Application</a></li>
<li><a href="#Exercise_3_2">a servlet in a web application</a></li>
<li><a href="#Exercise_3_3">a JSP page in a web application</a></li>
<p><b>To follow this tutorial, you need the following software and resources.</b></p>
<th class="tblheader" scope="col">Software or Resource</th>
<th class="tblheader" scope="col">Version Required</th>
<td class="tbltd1"><a target="_blank" href="">NetBeans IDE</a></td>
<td class="tbltd1">Java EE download bundle</td>
<td class="tbltd1"><a target="_blank" href="">Java Development Kit (JDK)</a></td>
<td class="tbltd1">JDK 7 or JDK 8<br></td>
<td class="tbltd1">Java EE-compliant web or application server</td>
<td class="tbltd1">
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition <br>
Oracle WebLogic Server</td>
<p class="notes"><strong>Note: </strong>The GlassFish server can be installed with the Java EE distribution of NetBeans IDE.
Alternatively, you can visit the <a href="">the GlassFish server downloads page</a> or the <a target="_blank" href="">Apache Tomcat downloads page</a>.</p>
<p class="alert"><strong>Important: </strong>Java EE projects require GlassFish Server or Oracle WebLogic Server 12c.
<!-- ===================================================================================== -->
<h2 id="extschema">Enabling Access to External Schema</h2>
<p>You need to enable the IDE and the GlassFish Server to access
external schema to parse the WSDL file of the web service.
To enable access you need to modify the configuration files of the IDE and the GlassFish Server.
For more details, see the FAQ
<a href="">How to enable parsing of WSDL with an external schema?</a></p>
<div class="indent">
<h3 class="tutorial">Configuring the IDE</h3>
<p>To generate a web service client in the IDE from a web service or WSDL file
you need to modify the IDE configuration file (<code>netbeans.conf</code>)
to add the following switch to <code>netbeans_default_options</code>.</p>
<pre class="examplecode">-J-Djavax.xml.accessExternalSchema=all</pre>
<p>For more about locating and modifying the <code>netbeans.conf</code> configuration file,
see <a href="">Netbeans Conf FAQ</a>.</p>
<h3 class="tutorial">Configuring the GlassFish Server</h3>
<p>If you are deploying to the GlassFish
Server you need to modify the configuration file of the GlassFish Server (<code>domain.xml</code>) to enable
the server to access external schemas to parse the wsdl file and generate the test client.
To enable access to external schemas, open the GlassFish
configuration file (<code><em>GLASSFISH_INSTALL</em>/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml</code>)
and add the following JVM option element (in <strong>bold</strong>).
You will need to restart the server for the change to take effect.
<pre class="examplecode">&lt;/java-config&gt;
<!-- ===================================================================================== -->
<h2><a name="Exercise_1"></a>
<!--Exercise 1: -->
Creating a Web Service</h2>
<p>The goal of this exercise is to create a project appropriate to the deployment container that you decide to use. Once
you have a project, you will create a web service in it.</p>
<div class="indent">
<h3 class="tutorial">Choosing a Container</h3>
<p>You can either deploy your web service in a web container or in an EJB container. This depends on your choice of implementation. If you are creating a Java EE application, use a web container in any case, because you can put EJBs directly in a web application.
For example, if you plan to deploy to the Tomcat Web Server, which only has a web container, create a web application,
not an EJB module.</p>
<li> Choose File &gt; New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N on Linux and Windows, &#8984;-Shift-N on MacOS). Select Web Application from
the Java Web category or EJB Module from the Java EE category.
<p class="notes"><strong>Note.</strong> You can create a JAX-WS web service in a Maven project. Choose File &gt; New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N on Linux and Windows, &#8984;-Shift-N on MacOS) and then Maven Web Application or Maven EJB module from the Maven category. If you haven't used Maven with NetBeans before, see <a target="_blank" href="">Maven Best Practices</a>.
<li>Name the project <tt>CalculatorWSApplication</tt>.
Select a location for the project. Click Next.
<li>Select your server and Java EE version and click Finish.
<p class="notes"><strong>Note.</strong> To use the Oracle WebLogic server, <a href="../web/jsf-jpa-weblogic.html#01">register the server with the IDE</a>.
Also, if you are using the WebLogic server, watch the screencast on
<a href="../javaee/weblogic-javaee-m1-screencast.html">Deploying a Web Application to Oracle WebLogic</a>.</p> </li>
<h3 class="tutorial">Creating a Web Service from a Java Class</h3>
<li>Right-click the <tt>CalculatorWSApplication</tt> node and
choose New &gt; Web Service.</li>
<li>Name the web service <tt>CalculatorWS</tt> and type <tt></tt> in
Package. Leave Create Web Service from Scratch selected.</li>
<li>If you are creating a Java EE project on GlassFish or WebLogic, select Implement Web Service as a Stateless Session Bean.
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/generate-ws-ee6.png" width="528" height="365" alt="New Web Service Wizard for EE, with bean options" class="margin-around b-all"></li>
<li>Click Finish.
The Projects window displays the structure of
the new web service and the source code is shown in the editor area.<br>
<!-- ===================================================================================== -->
<h2><a name="Exercise_2"></a>
<!--Exercise 2: -->
Adding an Operation to the Web Service</h2>
<p>The goal of this exercise is to add to the web service an operation that adds two numbers
received from a client. The NetBeans IDE provides a dialog for adding an operation to a web service. You can open this dialog either in the web service visual designer or in the web service context menu. </p>
<p class="alert"><b>Warning:</b> The visual designer is not available in Maven projects.</p>
<p><strong>To add an operation to the web service:</strong></p>
<li>Change to the Design view in the editor. <br>
<img class="margin-around b-all" src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/design-view.png" height="454" width="436" alt="Design view of web service editor"> </li></ul>
<li>Find the web service's node in the Projects window. Right-click that node. A context menu opens.<br>
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/add-op-cx-menu-item.png" height="274" width="259" class="margin-around b-right b-bottom" alt="Web service node's context menu with Add Operation item highlighted"></li></ul></li>
<li>Click Add Operation in either the visual designer or the context menu. The Add Operation dialog opens.</li>
<li>In the upper part of the Add Operation dialog box, type <tt>add</tt> in Name and type <tt>int</tt> in
the Return Type drop-down list.</li>
<li>In the lower part of the Add Operation dialog box, click Add and create a parameter of type <tt>int</tt>
named <tt>i</tt>.</li>
<li>Click Add again and create a parameter of type <tt>int</tt> called <tt>j</tt>.
<p>You now see the following:</p>
<br><img class="margin-around b-all" src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/jaxws-60-add-operation.png" alt="Add Operation dialog"></li>
<li>Click OK at the bottom of the Add Operation dialog box. You return to the editor.</li>
<li>Remove the default <tt>hello</tt> operation, either by deleting the <tt>hello()</tt> method in the source code or by selecting the <tt>hello</tt> operation in the visual designer and clicking Remove Operation.
<p>The visual designer now displays the following:</p>
<br><img class="margin-around b-all" src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/design-view-with-op.png" alt="Web service visual designer showing added operation" width="449" height="478" title="Web service visual designer showing added operation"></li>
<li>Click Source and view the code that you generated in the previous steps.
It differs whether you created the service as an Java EE stateless bean or not.
Can you see the difference in the screenshots below?
(A Java EE 6 or Java EE 7 service that is not implemented as a stateless bean resembles a Java EE 5 service.)<br>
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/jaxws-60-source.png" alt="Result: EE5" width="412" height="441" class="margin-around b-top b-left">
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/stateless-ejb-code1.png" width="389" height="469" class="margin-around b-all" alt="Result: EE 6 stateless bean">
<p class="notes"><strong>Note.</strong> In NetBeans IDE 7.3 and 7.4 you will notice that in the generated <tt>@WebService</tt> annotation the service name is specified explicitly:<br>
<tt>@WebService(serviceName = "CalculatorWS")</tt>.</p>
<li>In the editor, extend the skeleton <tt>add</tt> operation to the following (changes are in bold):
<pre class="examplecode"> @WebMethod
public int add(@WebParam(name = "i") int i, @WebParam(name = "j") int j) {
<b>int k = i + j;</b>
return <b>k</b>;
<p>As you can see from the preceding code, the web service simply receives
two numbers and then returns their sum. In the next section, you use the IDE
to test the web service.
<!-- ======================================================================================== -->
<h2 class="tutorial"><a name="Exercise_2_1"></a>Deploying and Testing the Web Service</h2>
<p>After you deploy a web service to a server, you can use the IDE to open the server's test
client, if the server has a test client.
The GlassFish and WebLogic servers provide test clients. </p>
<p>If you are using the Tomcat Web Server, there is no test client. You can only run the project and see if the Tomcat Web Services page opens.
In this case, before you run the project, you need to make the web service the entry point to your application.
To make the web service the entry point to your application,
right-click the CalculatorWSApplication project node and choose Properties.
Open the Run properties and type <tt>/CalculatorWS</tt> in the Relative URL field.
Click OK. To run the project, right-click the project node again and select Run.</p>
<p><b>To test successful deployment to a GlassFish or WebLogic server:</b></p>
<li>Right-click the project and choose Deploy.
The IDE starts the application server, builds the application, and deploys the application to the server.
You can follow the progress of these operations in the
CalculatorWSApplication (run-deploy) and the GlassFish server or Tomcat tabs in the Output view.</li>
<li>In the IDE's Projects tab, expand the Web Services node of the CalculatorWSApplication project.
Right-click the CalculatorWS node, and choose Test Web Service.
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/jax-ws-testws.png" class="margin-around b-all" alt="Projects tab showing Test Web Service context menu option">
<p>The IDE opens the tester page
in your browser, if you
deployed a web application to the GlassFish server.
For the Tomcat Web Server
and deployment of EJB modules, the situation is different:</p>
<li>If you deployed to the GlassFish server, type two numbers
in the tester page, as shown below:
<br><img src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/jax-ws-tester.png" alt="Web service tester page when service successfully deployed to the GlassFish server" width="497" height="283" class="margin-around b-all">
<p>The sum of the two numbers is displayed:</p>
<br><img src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/jax-ws-tester2.png" alt="Web page showing result of web service test" width="248" height="345" class="margin-around b-all"></li>
<!-- ======================================================================================== -->
<h2><a name="samples">Samples</a></h2>
<p>You can open a complete Java EE stateless bean version of the Calculator service by choosing File &gt; New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N on Linux and Windows, &#8984;-Shift-N on MacOS) and navigating to Samples &gt; Web Services &gt; Calculator (EE6).</p>
<p>A Maven Calculator Service and a Maven Calculator Client are available in Samples &gt; Maven.</p>
<h2 class="tutorial"><a name="Exercise_3"></a> Consuming the Web Service</h2>
<p class="tutorial">Now that you have deployed the web service,
you need to create a client to make use of the web service's <tt>add</tt> method. Here,
you create three clients&#8212; a Java class in a Java SE application,
a servlet, and a JSP page
in a web application.</p>
<p class="notes"><b>Note:</b> A more
advanced tutorial focusing on clients is
<a href="../../../kb/docs/websvc/client.html">Developing JAX-WS Web Service Clients</a>.</p>
<div class="indent">
<h3 class="tutorial"><a name="Exercise_3_1"></a>Client 1: Java Class in Java SE Application</h3>
<p>In this section, you create a standard Java application. The wizard
that you use to create the application also creates a Java class.
You then use the IDE's tools to create a client and consume the web service that you
created at the start of this tutorial.</p>
<li>Choose File &gt; New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N on Linux and Windows, &#8984;-Shift-N on MacOS). Select Java Application from
the Java category. Name the project <tt>CalculatorWS_Client_Application</tt>. Leave Create Main Class selected and accept all other default settings. Click Finish.</li>
<li>Right-click the <tt>CalculatorWS_Client_Application</tt> node and
choose New &gt; Web Service Client. The New Web Service Client wizard opens. </li>
<li>Select Project as the WSDL source. Click Browse. Browse to the CalculatorWS web service in the CalculatorWSApplication project.
When you have selected the web service, click OK.<br>
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/80/websvc/jax-ws/browse-ws.png" alt="Browse Web Services dialog showing CalculatorWS service" class="margin-around b-all"></li>
<li>Do not select a package name. Leave this field empty.<br>
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/80/websvc/jax-ws/javaclient-pkg.png" alt="New Web Service Client wizard showing package name" class="margin-around b-all"></li>
<li>Leave the other settings at default and click Finish.
<p>The Projects window displays the new web service client, with a node
for the <tt>add</tt> method that you created:</p>
<br><img src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/ws-ref-in-client-project.png" alt="New web service client in Java SE application displayed in the Projects window" height="294" width="311" class="margin-around b-right b-top"> </li>
<li>Double-click your main class so that it opens in the
Source Editor. Drag
the <tt>add</tt> node below the <tt>main()</tt> method.<br><img src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/dnd-add.png" alt="Dragging and dropping the add operation into the main class body" height="186" width="527" class="margin-around b-all">
<p> You now see the following:</p>
<pre class="examplecode">public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
private static int add(int i, int j) { service = new; port = service.getCalculatorWSPort();
return port.add(i, j);
<p><b>Note:</b> Alternatively, instead of dragging
the <tt>add</tt> node, you can right-click in the editor
and then choose Insert Code &gt; Call Web Service Operation. </li>
<li>In the <tt>main()</tt> method body, replace the TODO comment with code that initializes values for <tt>i</tt> and <tt>j</tt>, calls <tt>add()</tt>, and prints the result.
<pre class="examplecode">public static void main(String[] args) {<br> int i = 3;<br> int j = 4;<br> int result = add(i, j);<br> System.out.println(&quot;Result = &quot; + result);
<li>Surround the <tt>main()</tt> method code with a try/catch block that prints an exception.
<pre class="examplecode">public static void main(String[] args) {<br> try {<br> int i = 3;<br> int j = 4;<br> int result = add(i, j);<br> System.out.println(&quot;Result = &quot; + result);<br> } catch (Exception ex) {<br> System.out.println(&quot;Exception: &quot; + ex);<br> }
<li>Right-click the project node and choose Run.
<p>The Output window now shows the sum:</p>
<pre class="examplecode"> compile:
Result = 7
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second)</pre>
<h3><a name="Exercise_3_2"></a>Client 2: Servlet in Web Application</h3>
<p>In this section, you create a new web application, after which
you create a servlet. You then use the servlet to consume the
web service that you created at the start of this tutorial.
<li> Choose File &gt; New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N on Linux and Windows, &#8984;-Shift-N on MacOS). Select Web Application from
the Java Web category. Name the project <tt>CalculatorWSServletClient</tt>.
Click Next and then click Finish.</li>
<li>Right-click the <tt>CalculatorWSServletClient</tt> node and
choose New &gt; Web Service Client.
<p>The New Web Service Client wizard opens.</p>
<li>Select Project as the WSDL source and click Browse to open the Browse Web Services dialog box.</li>
<li>Select the CalculatorWS web service in the CalculatorWSApplication project.
Click OK to close the Browse Web Services dialog box.<br>
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/80/websvc/jax-ws/browse-ws.png" alt="Browse Web Services dialog showing CalculatorWS service" class="margin-around b-all"></li>
<li>Confirm that the package name is empty in the New Web Service Client wizard
and leave the other settings at the default value. Click Finish.
<p>The Web Service References node in the Projects window displays
the structure of your newly created client, including
the <tt>add</tt> operation that you created earlier
in this tutorial.</p>
<li>Right-click the <tt>CalculatorWSServletClient</tt> project node and choose New &gt; Servlet. Name
the servlet <tt>ClientServlet</tt> and place it in a package called <tt></tt>.
Click Finish.
<li>To make the servlet the entry point to your application,
right-click the CalculatorWSServletClient project node and choose Properties. Open the Run properties and
type <tt>/ClientServlet</tt> in the Relative URL field. Click OK.
<li>If there
are error icons for <tt></tt>, right-click the project node and
select Clean and Build.
<li>In the <tt>processRequest()</tt> method, add some empty lines after this line:
<pre class="examplecode"> out.println("&lt;h1&gt;Servlet ClientServlet at " + request.getContextPath () + "&lt;/h1&gt;");</pre>
<li>In the Source Editor, drag the <tt>add</tt> operation anywhere in the body of the <tt>ClientServlet</tt> class.
The <tt>add()</tt> method appears at the end of the class code.
<p class="notes"><b>Note:</b> Alternatively, instead of dragging
the <tt>add</tt> node, you can right-click in the editor
and then choose Insert Code &gt; Call Web Service Operation.</p>
<pre class="examplecode">private int add(int i, int j) {<br> port = service.getCalculatorWSPort();<br> return port.add(i, j);
<li>Add code that initializes values for <tt>i</tt> and <tt>j</tt>, calls <tt>add()</tt>, and prints the result. The added code is in <b>boldface</b>:
<pre class="examplecode">protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
try {
out.println("&lt;title&gt;Servlet ClientServlet&lt;/title&gt;");
out.println("&lt;h1&gt;Servlet ClientServlet at " + request.getContextPath () + "&lt;/h1&gt;");
<strong> int i = 3;<br> int j = 4;<br> int result = add(i, j);<br> out.println(&quot;Result = &quot; + result);</strong>
} finally { <br> out.close();<br> }<br>}</pre>
<li>Surround the added code with a try/catch block that prints an exception.
<pre class="examplecode">protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
try {
out.println("&lt;title&gt;Servlet ClientServlet&lt;/title&gt;");
out.println("&lt;h1&gt;Servlet ClientServlet at " + request.getContextPath () + "&lt;/h1&gt;");
<strong>try {</strong>
int i = 3;<br> int j = 4;<br> int result = add(i, j);<br> out.println(&quot;Result = &quot; + result);
<strong>} catch (Exception ex) {
out.println(&quot;Exception: &quot; + ex);
} finally { <br> out.close();<br> }<br>}</pre>
<li>Right-click the project node and choose Run.
<p>The server starts, the application is built and deployed, and the browser
opens, displaying the calculation result, as shown below:
<br><img class="margin-around b-all" src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/jaxws-60-webclient.png" alt="New web service client in servlet displayed in the Projects window"> </li>
<h3><a name="Exercise_3_3"></a>Client 3: JSP Page in Web Application</h3>
<p>In this section, you create a new web application and
then consume the web service in the default JSP page
that the Web Application wizard creates.</p>
<p class="notes"><b>Note:</b> If you want to run a JSP web application client on Oracle WebLogic, see <a href="../web/jsf-jpa-weblogic.html">Running a Java Server Faces 2.0 Application on WebLogic</a>.</p>
<li> Choose File &gt; New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N on Linux and Windows, &#8984;-Shift-N on MacOS). Select Web Application from
the Java Web category. Name the project <tt>CalculatorWSJSPClient</tt>. Click Next and then click Finish.</li>
<li>Expand the Web Pages node under the project node and delete <tt>index.html</tt>.</li>
<li>Right-click the <tt>Web Pages</tt> node and choose New &gt; JSP in the popup menu.
<p>If JSP is not available in the popup menu, choose New &gt; Other and select JSP
in the Web category of the New File wizard.</p></li>
<li>Type <strong>index</strong> for the name of the JSP file in the New File wizard. Click Finish.</li>
<li>Right-click the <tt>CalculatorWSJSPClient</tt> node and
choose New &gt; Web Service Client.</li>
<li>Select Project as the WSDL source. Click Browse. Browse to the CalculatorWS web service in the CalculatorWSApplication project.
When you have selected the web service, click OK.<br>
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/80/websvc/jax-ws/browse-ws.png" alt="Browse Web Services dialog showing CalculatorWS service" class="margin-around b-all"></li>
<li>Do not select a package name. Leave this field empty.</li>
<li>Leave the other settings at default and click Finish.
<p>The Projects window displays the new web service client, as shown below:</p>
<img class="margin-around b-all" src="../../../images_www/articles/72/websvc/jax-ws/ws-ref-in-jsp-client.png" alt="New web service client in servlet displayed in the Projects window"></li>
<li>In the Web Service References node, expand
the node that represents the web service. The <tt>add</tt> operation, which you will
invoke from the client, is now exposed.</li>
<li>Drag the <tt>add</tt> operation to the client's <tt>index.jsp</tt> page,
and drop it below the H1 tags. The code for invoking the service's operation
is now generated in the <tt>index.jsp</tt> page,
as you can see here:
<pre class="examplecode">&lt;%
try { service = new; port = service.getCalculatorWSPort();
// TODO initialize WS operation arguments here
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
// TODO process result here
int result = port.add(i, j);
out.println("Result = "+result);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// TODO handle custom exceptions here
<p>Change the value for <tt>i</tt> and <tt>j</tt> from 0 to other integers, such as 3 and 4. Replace the commented out TODO line in the catch block with <tt>out.println(&quot;exception&quot; + ex);</tt>.</p>
<li>Right-click the project node and choose Run.
<p>The server starts, if
it wasn't running already. The application is built and deployed, and the browser
opens, displaying the calculation result:</p>
<img class="margin-around b-all" src="../../../images_www/articles/80/websvc/jax-ws/jax-ws-project-jsp-result.png" alt="JSP page showing result"></li>
<div class="feedback-box" ><a href="/about/contact_form.html?to=3&amp;subject=Feedback:%20JAX-WS%20Services%20in%20NetBeans%20IDE">Send Feedback on This Tutorial</a></div>
<br style="clear:both;">
<!-- ======================================================================================= -->
<h2><a name="seealso"></a>See Also</h2>
<p>For more information about using NetBeans IDE to develop Java EE applications, see the following resources:
<li><a href="./client.html">Developing JAX-WS Web Service Clients</a></li>
<li><a href="./rest.html">Getting Started with RESTful Web Services</a></li>
<li><a href="./wsit.html">Advanced Web Service Interoperability</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../kb/trails/web.html">Web Services Learning Trail</a></li>
<p>To send comments and suggestions, get support, and keep informed about the latest
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