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<title>Connecting a Dojo Tree to an ArrayList using JSON - NetBeans Tutorial</title>
Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
<h1>Connecting a Dojo Tree to an ArrayList using JSON</h1>
<p>Web 2.0 features are becoming increasingly predominant in web applications.
Many web applications now use JavaScript toolkits such as
<a href="">Dojo</a>, which allow web pages to behave
more like desktop interfaces while overcoming browser incompatibilities and
utilizing code that is maintainable, accessible, and standards-compliant.</p>
<p>This tutorial has been adapted from the
<a href="">Java
One Hands-On Lab: Leveraging JavaScript Toolkits for End-to-End Connectivity
in Web Applications</a>, and demonstrates how to add and configure a
<a href="">Dojo Tree widget</a>
in a web page and enable the server-side to respond to Tree requests in JSON
format. In doing so, you will utilize a set of freely available Java classes from
<a href=""></a> to process data from an ArrayList
into JSON format.</p>
<p><img src="../../../images_www/articles/69/netbeans-stamp-69-70-71.png" class="stamp" width="114" height="114"
alt="Content on this page applies to NetBeans IDE 6.7 - 7.1"
title="Content on this page applies to NetBeans IDE 6.7 - 7.1"></p>
<ul class="toc">
<li><a href="#addLib">Adding the Dojo Toolkit to a NetBeans Project</a></li>
<li><a href="#linkFromFile">Linking to the Toolkit Resources from a Project File</a></li>
<li><a href="#addWidget">Adding and Configuring the Dojo Tree Widget</a></li>
<li><a href="#addJSON">Adding Third-Party JSON Conversion Sources as a JAR File to the Project</a></li>
<li><a href="#prepareServlet">Preparing a Servlet to Initiate a JSON Response</a></li>
<li><a href="#seeAlso">See Also</a></li>
<a name="requiredSoftware"></a>
<p><strong>To complete this document, you need the following software and resources.</strong></p>
<th class="tblheader" scope="col">Software or Resource</th>
<th class="tblheader" scope="col">Version Required</th>
<td class="tbltd1"><a href="">NetBeans
IDE, Java EE bundle</a></td>
<td class="tbltd1">6.7 or later</td>
<td class="tbltd1"><a href="">Java
Development Kit (JDK)</a></td>
<td class="tbltd1">6 or 7</td>
<td class="tbltd1">GlassFish server
<br><em class="indent margin-around">or</em>
<br>Tomcat servlet container</td>
<td class="tbltd1">Open Source Edition 3.1.x
<br><em class="margin-around indent">&nbsp;</em>
<br>6.x or 7.x</td>
<td class="tbltd1"><a href="">Dojo Toolkit</a></td>
<td class="tbltd1">version 1.2.x or more recent</td>
<td class="tbltd1"><a href="">Dojo sample project</a></td>
<td class="tbltd1">n/a</td>
<p><strong class="notes">Notes:</strong></p>
<li>You will require an Internet connection to complete several of the steps
included in this tutorial.</li>
<li>The IDE's Java download bundle enables you to optionally install and register
the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition with the IDE. You require a server to simulate
client-server communication in this tutorial.</li>
<li>It is possible to use a previous version of the IDE for this tutorial.
In version 6.5, various toolkits were bundled with the IDE; the core Dojo
library, version 1.1.0, is included in NetBeans 6.5. This tutorial requires
components from both the <a href="">Dojo
Core</a> library, as well as the <a href="">Dijit</a>
library. You would need to download an updated version of the toolkit (1.2.x
or more recent) that contains both Core and Dijit libraries, and register it
using the IDE's JavaScript Library Manager.
<li><a name="final"></a>The completed project looks as follows:
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/dojo-tree-complete.png"
alt="Completed exercise viewed in browser"
title="Completed exercise viewed in a browser"
class="b-all margin-around">
<br><a name="addLib"></a>
<h2>Adding the Dojo Toolkit to a NetBeans Project</h2>
<p>Begin by opening the sample project in the IDE. Once the project is opened, copy
the Dojo resources directly into your project in the IDE's Projects window:</p>
<li>Download the tutorial's <a href="">Dojo
sample project</a> to a location on your computer.</li>
<li>Start NetBeans and click the Open Project button (
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/open-project-btn.png"
alt="Open Project button"> ) in the IDE's toolbar.</li>
<li>In the Open Project dialog that displays, navigate to the location of the
Dojo sample project on your computer and click Open Project.
When you open the <code>DojoTreeSample</code> project in the IDE, it initially
displays in red text with an error badge, indicating that a reference problem exists:
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/proj-win-ref-problems.png"
alt="Projects window displaying DojoTreeSample project in red text and with error badge"
class="b-all margin-around"
title="Project reference problems are indicated by red text and error badge">
The reference problem exists because the Java classes used in the project (<code>Tribe</code>,
and <code>TribeDataManager</code>) reference classes found in the JSON JAR file, which you will
later add in the section <a href="#addJSON">Adding the JSON JAR Files to the Project</a>.</li>
<li>Create a folder within the project to contain the Dojo resources you're about to add.
To do so, right-click the <code>Web Pages</code> node in the Projects window, and choose
New &gt; Folder. In the New Folder dialog, type in '<code>resources</code>' in the
Folder Name field. Note that '<code>web</code>' is entered by default in the Parent
Folder field. Click Finish to create the new folder, and see that it is now listed
under the <code>Web Pages</code> node in the Projects window.
<strong class="notes">Note: </strong>The Projects window (Ctrl-1; &#8984;-1 on Mac)
provides a <em>logical view</em> of important project contents, and is the main entry
point to your project sources. The Files window (Ctrl-2; &#8984;-2 on Mac) shows a
<em>directory-based view</em> of your projects, and includes any files and folders
that are not displayed in the Projects Window. In the New Folder dialog in this step,
'<code>web</code>' is entered by default in the Parent Folder field when creating a
new item from the <code>Web Pages</code> node. If you open the Files window, you'll
now see the new <code>resources</code> folder listed under the <code>web</code> directory.</li>
<li>Obtain a copy of the <a href="">Dojo toolkit</a>
(version 1.2.x or more recent). You can download the Dojo toolkit from
<a href=""></a>.
Note that the current version of the Dojo toolkit includes the
<a href="">Dojo Core</a>,
<a href="">Dijit</a>, and
<a href="">DojoX</a> libraries.
In order to implement Dojo's Tree widget, you essentially require 2 components:
the <code>ItemFileReadStore</code> module from the Core library, and the
<code>Tree</code> widget itself, contained in the Dijit library.
<li><code><a href=""></a></code>:
reads the JSON structured contents from an HTTP endpoint (in this tutorial,
a servlet) and stores all the items in-memory for simple and quick access.</li>
<li><code><a href="">dijit.Tree</a></code>:
The Tree widget that provides a view of the JSON data retrieved from
<li>To add Dojo resources to your project, simply copy them (Ctrl-C; &#8984;-C on Mac) from
their location on your computer, then, in the IDE, right-click the new <code>resources</code>
node and choose Paste (or simply select the <code>resources</code> node and press (Ctrl-V;
&#8984;-V on Mac).
Recall that you only require the <code>Dojo Core</code> and <code>Dijit</code>
libraries, so if you've just downloaded a recent copy of the toolkit, note that
you <em>do not</em> need to add the <code>DojoX</code> library to your project.
After you've added the <code>Dojo Core</code> and <code>Dijit</code> libraries,
your Projects window should look as follows:
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/proj-win-dojo-resources.png"
alt="Projects window displaying Dojo resources"
class="b-all margin-around"
title="Dojo and Dijit libraries are added to the Project's 'resources' folder">
<p>At this stage, you've successfully opened the <code>DojoTreeSample</code> project in
the IDE, and have added necessary Dojo resources to the project. In the next step,
you'll begin working in the HTML file that will display the Tree widget to the end
<br><a name="linkFromFile"></a>
<h2>Linking to the Toolkit Resources from a Project File</h2>
<p>In order to use resources from the toolkit, you need to link to the <code>dojo.js</code>
file, found in the Core library. The <code>dojo.js</code> file is the <em>source loader</em>
for Dojo and determines the correct host environment to use. While doing so, you can
also configure <code>djConfig</code> by adding the <code>parseOnLoad</code> parameter.</p>
<li>In the Projects window, double-click the <code>dojoDemo.html</code> file to open it
in the editor.</li>
<li>In the <code>dojoDemo.html</code> file, replace the
<pre class="examplecode">&lt;!-- TODO: link to Dojo resources here --&gt;</pre>
comment with the following <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> tags:
<pre class="examplecode">&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;
djConfig=&quot;parseOnLoad: true&quot;&gt;
<li><code><a href="">djConfig</a></code>
allows you to override global settings that control how Dojo operates
(e.g., using the <code>parseOnLoad</code> property).</li>
<li><code>parseOnLoad</code> set to <code>true</code> ensures that widgets
and page mark-up are parsed as the page is loaded.</li>
<li><a name="themes"></a>Link to a <a href="">sample
theme</a> contained in the toolkit. Dijit provides three sample themes:
<code>tundra</code>, <code>soria</code> and <code>nihilo</code>. These
are contained in the <code>dijit/themes</code> folder, which you can verify
from the Projects window:
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/dijit-themes.png"
alt="Dijit theme folders displayed in Projects window"
class="b-all margin-around"
title="Dijit sample themes are contained in the 'dijit/themes' folder">
To link to the <code>nihilo</code> theme, add the following <code>@import</code>
statement to the page. You can add it between the page's <code>&lt;head&gt;</code>
tags, for example just beneath the <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> tags you
just added (changes in <strong>bold</strong>):
<pre class="examplecode">&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;
djConfig=&quot;parseOnLoad: true&quot;&gt;
<strong>&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
@import &quot;resources/dijit/themes/nihilo/nihilo.css&quot;;
<li>Add a class to the page's <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> tag specifying the name of
the theme you are using. When you do this, any Dojo widget which has been loaded
into the page will be rendered using the styles associated with the theme.
<pre class="examplecode">&lt;body <strong>class=&quot;nihilo&quot;</strong>&gt;</pre>
<p>At this stage, the <code>dojoDemo.html</code> file is ready to accept any code
that references the Dojo Core and Dijit libraries, and will render any widgets
using Dojo's <code>nihilo</code> theme.</p>
<br><a name="addWidget"></a>
<h2>Adding and Configuring the Dojo Tree Widget</h2>
<p>Once you've linked to <code>dojo.js</code>, you can begin adding code to utilize
Dojo's modules and widgets. First add code to load the <code>dijit.Tree</code>
widget and <code></code> using
<code><a href="">dojo.require</a></code>
statements. Then, add the widget and module themselves to the page.</p>
<li>Replace the
<pre class="examplecode">// TODO: add dojo.require statements here</pre>
comment (line 8) with the following <code>dojo.require</code> statements:
<pre class="examplecode">dojo.require(&quot;;);
<li><code><a href=""></a></code>:
reads the JSON structured contents from an HTTP endpoint (In
<a href="#prepareServlet">Preparing a Servlet to Initiate a JSON
Response</a>, you'll implement a servlet for this purpose.) and
stores all the items in-memory for simple and quick access.</li>
<li><code><a href="">digit.Tree</a></code>:
The Tree widget that provides a view of the JSON data retrieved from
<li><a name="TribeServlet"></a>Add an <code>ItemFileReadStore</code> and <code>Tree</code>
widget to the page. Replace the
<pre class="examplecode">&lt;!-- TODO: specify AJAX retrieval --&gt;
&lt;!-- TODO: add Tree widget and configure attributes --&gt;</pre>
comments with the following:
<pre class="examplecode">&lt;div dojoType=&quot;;
&lt;div dojoType=&quot;dijit.Tree&quot;
label=&quot;North American Indians&quot;&gt;
<li><code>ItemFileReadStore</code> requires you to specify the <code>url</code>
property by pointing to the server-side resource that returns the JSON
data. As will be later demonstrated, this is the <code>TribeServlet</code>.
You can use the <code>jsId</code> property to give the retrieved JSON
data an id, which widgets can then use to refer to the data store.</li>
<li><code>Tree</code> uses the <code>store</code> property to point to the
<code>ItemFileReadStore</code>, which provides the JSON data. The <code>query</code>
property enables you to arrange the display of data, based on a keyword
used in the JSON file.</li>
<p>At this stage, your <code>dojoDemo.html</code> file is complete, and all <em>client-side</em>
modifications to the project are in place. In the following two steps, you'll make changes
that affect the project's <em>server-side</em> behavior when Tree requests are made.</p>
<br><a name="addJSON"></a>
<h2>Adding Third-Party JSON Conversion Sources as a JAR File to the Project</h2>
<p>In this tutorial, the logic that extracts the ArrayList sample data has been prepared
for you in the <code>Tribe</code> and <code>TribeDataManager</code> classes. Essentially,
it is only necessary to include the third-party Java classes that handle JSON conversion
to the project, then add <code>import</code> statements for these classes in the
<code>Tribe</code> and <code>TribeDataManager</code> classes. To accomplish this however,
you need to first compile the third-party Java classes and create a Java Archive (JAR file).
The IDE can help you do this using the Java Class Library wizard.</p>
<li>Visit <a href=""></a> and note that Java
classes for JSON conversion are freely available. Click the 'Free source code
is available' link to download a <code></code> file that contains
the sources.</li>
<li>Unzip the <code></code> file and note that the extracted folder contains
the sources listed on <a href=""></a>.
At this point, we want to compile these sources and create a Java archive (JAR file)
which we'll be able to add to the <code>DojoTreeSample</code> project.</li>
<li>In the IDE's main toolbar, click the New Project button (
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/new-project-btn.png"
alt="New Project button"> ).</li>
<li>In the wizard that displays, under Categories select Java, and under Projects
select Java Class Library, then click Next.</li>
<li>In the Name and Location panel of the Java Class library wizard, name the new
project '<code>json</code>', then click Finish. The new project is created
and opens in the Projects window.
In the same way that you copied the Dojo toolkit resources and pasted them
into the <code>resources</code> folder in the IDE's Projects window, you are
going to copy the sources that you just downloaded and paste them directly
into the new <code>json</code> project.</li>
<li>Go to the location on your computer where the extracted <code></code>
file exists and copy (Ctrl-C; &#8984;-C on Mac) the <code>json</code> folder.
The <code>json</code> folder contains the source files.</li>
<li>In the IDE's Projects window, right-click the <code>&lt;default package&gt;</code>
node in the <code>json</code> project and choose Paste.
When you do this, '<code>json</code>' becomes the package name, and all sources
are listed therein.
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/proj-win-json-sources.png"
alt="Projects window - sources contained in 'json' project" class="b-all margin-around"
title="Sources are now contained in the new 'json' project"></li>
<li>Build the <code>json</code> project. To do so, right-click the <code>json</code>
project node in the Projects window, and choose Clean and Build.
When you build your project, all Java classes get compiled into <code>.class</code>
files. The IDE creates a <code>build</code> folder to contain compiled classes, as
well as a <code>dist</code> folder that contains a JAR file for the project. These
folders can be viewed from the IDE's Files window.
After building the <code>json</code> project, open the Files window (Ctrl-2;
&#8984;-2 on Mac) and expand the <code>json</code> folder. The <code>build</code>
folder contains the compiled sources from the <code></code> file, and
the <code>dist</code> folder contains the JAR file which the <code>DojoTreeSample</code>
project needs to reference.
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/files-win-compiled-classes.png"
alt="Files window - compiled sources shown in 'build' folder" class="b-all margin-around"
title="Compiled sources can be viewed in a project's 'build' folder">
Now that you have the <code>json.jar</code> file, you can resolve the reference
problems that the <code>DojoTreeSample</code> project has been exhibiting since
you opened it.</li>
<li>In the Projects window, right-click the <code>DojoTreeSample</code>'s Libraries
node and choose Add JAR/Folder. Then, in the dialog, navigate to the location of
the <code>json</code> project's <code>dist</code> folder and select the
<code>json.jar</code> file.
When you exit the dialog, the <code>json.jar</code> file is listed under the
project's <code>Libraries</code> node.
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/libraries-json-jar.png"
alt="Projects window - JAR file added to Libraries node" class="b-all margin-around"
title="JAR file is referenced by the project">
<strong class="notes">Note: </strong>Although the <code>json.jar</code> file is
listed under the project's <code>Libraries</code> node, it is referenced from its
original location - not copied and added to the project (e.g., you won't be able
to locate it under the <code>DojoTreeSample</code> project in the Files window).
Therefore, if you change the location of the JAR file, the reference will be broken.</li>
<li>Expand the <code>Source Packages</code> &gt; <code>dojo.indians</code> package
and double-click the <code>Tribe</code> and <code>TribeDataManager</code> classes
to open them in the editor.</li>
<li>Add necessary import statements to both classes. In each class, right-click
in the editor and choose Fix Imports.
The <code>Tribe</code> class requires the following imports:
<pre class="examplecode">import;
The <code>TribeDataManager</code> class requires the following imports:
<pre class="examplecode">import;
<p class="tips">Note that the APIs for JSON classes are also provided at
<a href=""></a> - you may want
to keep this page open as you later examine code in <code>Tribe</code>
and <code>TribeDataManager</code>.</p></li>
<li>Examine the ArrayList in <code>TribeDataManager</code>. The ArrayList is a
collection of <code>Tribe</code> objects. Looking at the first element of
the ArrayList, you can see a new <code>Tribe</code> object created and added
to the list:
<pre class="examplecode">indians.add(new Tribe(&quot;Eskimo-Aleut&quot;, &quot;Arctic&quot;, &quot;Alaska Natives&quot;));</pre>
Each <code>Tribe</code> object captures three points of information: <em>tribe</em>,
<em>category</em>, and <em>region</em>. The data for this exercise has been taken
from Wikipedia's entry on
<a href="">Native
Americans in the United States</a>. As you can determine, multiple <em>tribes</em>
are classified within a <em>category</em>, and numerous categories may be contained
within a larger <em>region</em>.</li>
<li>Open the <code>Tribe</code> class in the editor, and note that it is basically a
<a href="">JavaBean</a>,
with the exception of the <code>toJSONObject()</code> method:
<pre class="examplecode">public JSONObject toJSONObject() throws JSONException {
JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
jo.put(&quot;type&quot;, &quot;tribe&quot;);
return jo;
<li>Switch back to <code>TribeDataManager</code> (Ctrl-Tab) and examine the methods
included in the class. Open the Navigator (Ctrl-7; &#8984;-7 on Mac) to view a
list of fields and properties contained in the class.
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/dojo-navigator.png"
alt="TribeDataManager class viewed in the Navigator" class="margin-around"
title="Use the Navigator to view class fields and properties">
The most significant method contained therein is <code>getIndiansAsJSONObject()</code>.
This method scans the ArrayList, processes the data, and returns it in the form of a
<code>JSONObject</code>. The <code>String</code> form of the JSONObject is what is
required by Dojo's <code>ItemFileReadStore</code>.
<pre class="examplecode">public static JSONObject getIndiansAsJSONObject() throws JSONException {
JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
JSONArray itemsArray = new JSONArray();
jo.put(&quot;identifier&quot;, &quot;name&quot;);
jo.put(&quot;label&quot;, &quot;name&quot;);
// add regions
// add categories
// add tribes
jo.put(&quot;items&quot;, itemsArray);
return jo;
<li>Open the Javadoc on the <code>getIndiansAsJSONObject()</code> method.
You can do this by returning to the Navigator (Ctrl-7; &#8984;-7 on Mac)
and hovering over the method. Otherwise, choose Window &gt; Other &gt;
Javadoc from the main menu, then click on the method signature in the
<br><a name="javadoc"></a>
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/javadoc-window.png"
alt="Javadoc window opened to TribeDataManager class" class="margin-around"
title="The Javadoc for TribeDataManager provides an example of JSON data"></li>
<li>Examine the example of JSON data that is provided in the Javadoc. Note
that the format of the data conforms to the examples provided in the
<a href="">Dojo
<div class="indent">
<div class="feedback-box float-left" style="width:700px">
<h3>NetBeans IDE's Java Debugger</h3>
<p>You will implement a servlet that calls the
<code>getIndiansAsJSONObject()</code> method in the next step.
Once you do this, you can use the IDE's Java debugger to step
through the method and examine how the <code>JSONObject</code>
is formed. You could do this by:</p>
<li>Setting a breakpoint on the method (click the line number
(i.e., line 99) in the left margin of the editor),
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/debugger-breakpoint.png"
alt="Method breakpoint set in the editor" class="margin-around b-all"
title="Use the Java Debugger to step through code"></li>
<li>Running the debugger (click the Debug Main Project button (
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/debug-btn.png"
alt="Debug Main Project button"> ) from the IDE's toolbar),</li>
<li>Using the Step Into (
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/step-into-btn.png"
alt="Step Into button"> ) and Step Over (
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/step-over-btn.png"
alt="Step Over button"> ) buttons in the Debugger toolbar,</li>
<li>Examining variable and expression values in the Local Variables
window (Window &gt; Debugging &gt; Local Variables).</li>
<p>For more information on the Java Debugger, see the following screencasts:</p>
<li><a href="../java/debug-stepinto-screencast.html">Visual Step Into Action in NetBeans Debugger</a></li>
<li><a href="../java/debug-deadlock-screencast.html">Deadlock Detection Using the NetBeans Debugger</a></li>
<li><a href="../java/debug-evaluator-screencast.html">Using the Code Snippet Evaluator in the NetBeans Debugger</a></li>
<br style="clear:both;">
<p>Within this step, you've compiled third-party sources from <a href=""></a>
and added them as a JAR file to the <code>DojoTreeSample</code> project. You then
added import statements to classes from the JAR file in the <code>Tribe</code> and
<code>TribeDataManager</code> classes. Finally, you examined some of the methods
contained in <code>TribeDataManager</code> which are used to convert the ArrayList
data into a JSON string.</p>
<p>In the next step, you'll create a servlet which will handle incoming requests by
calling the <code>TribeDataManager</code>'s <code>getIndiansAsJSONObject()</code>
method, and send the resulting JSON string a response to the client.</p>
<br><a name="prepareServlet"></a>
<h2>Preparing a Servlet to Initiate a JSON Response</h2>
<p><a href="#TribeServlet">Recall that you specified '<code>TribeServlet</code>'
as the value for the <code>url</code> property</a> when adding the <code>ItemFileReadStore</code>
to your web page. This is the destination on the server-side that is tasked
with preparing and returning the JSON data to the client. Let's now create this
<li>In the Projects window, right-click the <code>dojo.indians</code> source
package and choose New &gt; Servlet.</li>
<li>In the New Servlet dialog, type in <code>TribeServlet</code> for the class
name. Also, have the servlet created in the <code>dojo.indians</code> package.
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/new-servlet-wizard.png"
alt="New servlet wizard" class="margin-around b-all"
title="Use the New Servlet wizard to create servlets">
Click Next.</li>
<li>Note that in the wizard's Configure Servlet Deployment step, the 'Add information to
deployment descriptor' option is selected by default, meaning that the default servlet
name and URL pattern will automatically be added to <code>web.xml</code>. Consequently,
any requests to the host domain (i.e., <code>http://localhost:8080/DojoTreeSample/</code>)
for <code>TribeServlet</code> will be handled by the <code>dojo.indians.TribeServlet</code>
<li>Click Finish. A skeleton class for the new servlet is generated and opens in the editor.
The function of the servlet is to call the <code>getIndiansAsJSONObject()</code> method,
and use the data from this method to respond to the client request. In order to prepare
a response in JSON format, we have to first set the mime type of the response to JSON
<li><a name="contentType"></a>Locate the <code>processRequest()</code> method, and change
<pre class="examplecode">response.setContentType(&quot;text/html;charset=UTF-8&quot;);</pre>
<pre class="examplecode">response.setContentType(&quot;application/json&quot;);</pre>
This sets the <code>Content-Type</code> header of the HTTP Response to indicate that
any returned content is in JSON format.</li>
<li>Replace the commented code within the <code>processRequest()</code> method's <code>try</code>
block with the following (changes in <strong>bold</strong>):
<pre class="examplecode">try {
<strong>JSONObject jo = null;
try {
jo = TribeDataManager.getIndiansAsJSONObject();
} catch (JSONException ex) {
System.out.println(&quot;Unable to get JSONObject: &quot; + ex.getMessage());
} finally {
<p class="tips">To reformat your code, right-click within the editor and choose
<li>Use the IDE's hints to add necessary import statements. These are:
<pre class="examplecode">import;
<li>To run the project, select the <code>DojoTreeSample</code> project node in
the Projects window, then click the Run Project (
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/71/web/js-toolkits-dojo/run-project-btn.png"
alt="Run Main Project button"> ) button in the IDE's toolbar.
The browser opens to display the welcome page (<code>dojoDemo.html</code>),
and you can see that the Dojo Tree widget is displaying data from
the ArrayList properly, as in the <a href="#final">screenshot above</a>.</li>
<div class="feedback-box">
<a href="/about/contact_form.html?to=3&amp;subject=Feedback: Connecting a Dojo Tree to an ArrayList">Send
Us Your Feedback</a></div>
<br style="clear:both;">
<a name="seeAlso"></a>
<h2>See Also</h2>
<p>For more information about Dojo, refer to the official documentation:</p>
<li>Dojo Toolkit Reference Guide: <a href="">Reference Guide</a></li>
<li>Online API Reference: <a href=""></a></li>
<li>Dojo Demo: <a href=""></a></li>
<p>For more information about JavaScript and JavaScript toolkit features on
<a href=""></a>, see the following resources:</p>
<li><a href="js-toolkits-jquery.html">Using jQuery to Enhance the Appearance and Usability of a Web Page</a>.
An introduction to jQuery is provided, and steps are given showing how to
apply jQuery's accordion widget to HTML markup in a web page.</li>
<li><a href="ajax-quickstart.html">Introduction to Ajax (Java)</a>. Describes how to
build a simple application using servlet technology while teaching the underlying
process flow of an Ajax request.</li>
<li><a href="../../73/ide/javascript-editor.html">Editing JavaScript</a>. A document
describing basic JavaScript editing features provided by the IDE.</li>