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Created on : June 9, 2007, 5:37 PM
Author : vstejskal
The vocabulary for an editor code templates settings file.
PUBLIC ID : -//NetBeans//DTD Editor Code Templates settings 1.0//EN
<!ELEMENT codetemplates ( codetemplate )* >
<!ATTLIST codetemplates>
abbreviation: (String, required) Shortcut text that you type in
the editor to expand your code template.
descriptionId: (String) A resource bundle key with description text for
this code template. Modules are encouraged to use this
instead of <description/> element to make their templates
contexts: (String) The list of comma separated contexts for filtering
templates offered in code completion. Presently this is only
used by java module, which registers its own CodeTemplateFilter.Factory.
uuid: (String) An id that uniquely identifies this template. If you
provide one for your template make sure it is a real unique id.
remove: When 'true' this code template will be removed and all its
optional attributes and elements will be ignored.
<!ELEMENT codetemplate ( code?, description? ) >
<!ATTLIST codetemplate
abbreviation CDATA #REQUIRED
descriptionId CDATA #IMPLIED
remove ( true | false ) "false"
xml:space ( default | preserve ) "default"
Contains the actual code of the code template. In API this is also called
parametrized text. It should be raw text enclosed in <![CDATA[ ]]> section.
No character translation is done when loading the code text (eg. pipe '|'
characters are left alone). See editor/codetemplates module's documentation
for the list of supported parameters (eg. ${cursor} for positioning the caret).
<!ELEMENT code ( #PCDATA ) >
<!ATTLIST code>
Contains description for a code template in form of raw text enclosed in
<![CDATA[ ]]> section. This is designed for users custom code templates or
when they change description provided by a module. The modules should use
'descriptionId' attribute instead.
<!ELEMENT description ( #PCDATA ) >
<!ATTLIST description>