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<h1>NetBeans worldTour - More cities, more code, more fun!</h1>
<img src="../../../images_www/articles/worldtour/netbeans-worldtour-06-07.png"
style="margin-right:15px; float:left;" alt="NetBeans WorldTour">
Join us again when we come to you with <a href="../../../kb/55/flash.html">demos of upcoming features</a>,
IDE tips &amp; tricks, and special guests such as James Gosling.
After the wildly popular series of NetBeans events between
<a href="../javaone/2005/nb-day.html">NetBeans Software Day 2005</a>
and <a href="../javaone/2006/nb-day.html">2006</a> in San Francisco,
the NetBeans team will once again hit the road for a worldTour in 2006/2007.</p>
<br style='clear:both;'/>
<p><br /></p>
<h2>What To Expect...</h2>
The NetBeans worldTour is a <b>FREE</b> and exciting learning opportunity.
See first-hand how NetBeans IDE can help you become more productive
with its unmatched out-of-the-box experience.
Members of the NetBeans team will discuss what's new in the <a href="../../../community/releases/55/index.html">IDE</a>,
the <a href="">Platform</a>
and the <a href="../../../features/index.html">Add-on Packs</a> -- have a look at the <a href="#agenda">agenda</a>.
<p>This is a great opportunity for community members
to connect with each other face-to-face, interact with the NetBeans team,
and meet Java luminaries like <b>James Gosling</b>.
The dates are organized around
<a href="">Sun Tech Days</a>
so you will not only get the latest on NetBeans,
but will have an opportunity to see what is new and exciting at Sun Microsystems.</p>
<h2>Get Your Own NetBeans Day in a Box</h2>
<p><img alt="logo" src="../../../images_www/cube.gif" border="0" align="left" />
Invite your friends over, grab some popcorn, and have a tech day right in your living room:
<a href="">NetBeans Day in a Box</a>
includes original demo scripts and slides from NetBeans Days.
And even more importantly, it's a wiki, this means, you can suggest your own new topics by adding them to the page!
<p><br /></p>
<h2>NetBeans worldTour Cities and Dates</h2>
Check this page again soon for more detailed information about registration and venues!
Last updated: <font color="#AA0000">2007-05-02.</font> <font size="-2">(subject to change)</font></p>
<li><span style="color: rgb(99, 99, 99);"><b>Seattle, WA, USA</b> &mdash; September 6, 2006 </span>
<!--<br> at Marion Oliver McCaw Hall at Seattle Center
(<a href="">more info</a>)
, <a href="">register now</a>-->.
<li><span style="color: rgb(99, 99, 99);"><b>Shanghai, China</b> &mdash; September 22, 2006 </span>
<!--<br> Detailed <a href="">agenda</a>,
<a href="">venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">Register now</a>! -->
Read the <a href="">Shanghai photo report</a>!
<li><span style="color: rgb(99, 99, 99);"><b>Beijing, China</b> &mdash; September 29, 2006 </span>
<!--<br> Detailed <a href="">agenda</a>,
<a href="">venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">Register now</a>!-->
<p />
<li><span style="color: rgb(99, 99, 99);"><b>Buenos Aires, Argentina</b> &mdash; October 23, 2006</span>
<!--<br> at Hotel Hilton,
detailed <a href="">agenda</a>,
<a href="">venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">Register now!</a>-->
<li><span style="color: rgb(99, 99, 99);"><b>Seoul, Korea</b> &mdash; November 8, 2006</span>
<!--<br> at <a href="">COEX</a> convention center,
detailed <a href="">agenda</a>,
<a href="">venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">Register now!</a> -->
<li><span style="color: rgb(99, 99, 99);"><b>Prague, Czech Republic</b> &mdash; November 14, 2006</span>
<!--<br> at <a href="">Prague Congress centre</a>,
detailed <a href="">agenda</a>,
<a href="">venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">Register now!</a>-->
<p />
<li><span style="color: rgb(99, 99, 99);"><b>Atlanta, GA, USA</b> &mdash; Jan 16, 2007 </span>
<!--<br> at <a href="">Cobb Galleria Centre </a>,
<a href="">agenda</a> as PDF,
<a href="">venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">Register now!</a>-->
<li><span style="color: rgb(99, 99, 99);"><b>Hyderabad, India</b> &mdash; February 23, 2007</span>
<!--<br> at <a href="">Hyderabad International
Convention Centre</a>; <a href="">
agenda, venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">
Register now!</a> -->
<li><span style="color: rgb(99, 99, 99);"><b>Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia</b> &mdash; March 6, 2007</span>
<!--<br> at <a href="">Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre</a> in Level 3 - Ballroom 1,
detailed <a href="">agenda</a>,
<a href="">venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">Register now!</a>-->
<li><span style="color: rgb(99, 99, 99);"><b>London, UK</b> &mdash; March 13, 2007 </span>
<!--<br> at <a href="">Central Hall Westminster</a>,
detailed <a href="">agenda</a>,
<a href="">agenda and contact info</a>.
<a href="">Register now!</a> -->
<li><span style="color: rgb(99, 99, 99);"><b>Paris, France</b> &mdash; March 19, 2007 </span>
<!--<br> at <a href="">Espace Grande Arche</a>,
detailed <a href="">agenda</a>,
<a href="">venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">Register now!</a>-->
<p />
<li><span style="color: rgb(99, 99, 99);"><b>St. Petersburg, Russia</b> &mdash; April 13, 2007</span>
<!--<br> at <a href="">LenExpo</a>;
<a href="">agenda</a>,
<a href="">venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">Register now!</a> -->
<li><span style="color: rgb(99, 99, 99);"><b>Sao Paulo, Brazil</b> &mdash; April 18, 2007</span>
<!--<br> at Expo Transamérica;
<a href="">agenda, venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">Register now!</a>-->
<p />
<li><b>San Francisco, USA</b> &mdash; May 7, 2007
<br>NetBeans Day San Francisco is a companion event to the
<a href="../javaone/2007/index.html">JavaOne conference</a>.
<a href="../javaone/2007/nb-day.html">Learn more</a> and register now!
<p />
<li><b>Mexico City, Mexico</b> &mdash; May 18, 2007
<br> at <a href="">Centro Banamex</a>,
detailed <a href="">agenda</a>,
<a href="">venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">Register now!</a>
<li><b>Washington DC, USA</b> &mdash; June 6, 2007
<br> at <a href="">Ronald Reagan Building</a>,
detailed <a href="">agenda</a>,
<a href="">venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">Register now!</a>
<li><b>Z&uuml;rich, Switzerland</b> &mdash; June 23, 2007
<br> at <a href="">Hotel Four Points by Sihlcity</a>,
detailed <a href="">agenda</a>,
<a href="">venue and contact info</a> available.
<a href="">Register now!</a>
<p><br /></p>
<h2><a name="agenda">Agenda</a></h2>
<p>More details about the content can also be found in the
<a href="">worldtour wiki</a>.
<p>Confirmed keynote speakers: <em>Tim Cramer</em> (Seattle);
<em>Bob Brewin</em> (Shanghai); <em>James Gosling</em> (Beijing, Hyderabad, Kuala Lumpur, London);
<em>Laurie Tolson</em> and <em>Karen Padir</em> (Buenos Aires); <em>Alen Brenner</em> (Seoul);
<em>Jeff Jackson</em> (Prague, St. Petersburg); <em>Rich Green</em> (Hyderabad, Sao Paulo);
<em>Juan Soto</em> (Mexico City).
(More speakers to be announced.)
<li><b>On the Move with NetBeans</b> (50 Minutes)
<p>If you know NetBeans, then you know we innovate quickly.
This session will show you all the latest features and how to best use them to your advantage.
You will also get a preview of what you can look forward to in future releases of NetBeans.</p></li>
<li><b>Java EE 5 - Did You Get Your Tools With That?</b> (50 Minutes)
<p>A Key focus of the forthcoming NetBeans 5.5 release is to support Java EE 5
and its related technologies such as EJB 3.0 and Java Persistence.
In this session we will demonstrate the new features in NetBeans 5.5
that can help accelerate your development of Java EE 5 applications.
<li><b>Unpack Your Favorite Feature</b> (50 Minutes)
<p>NetBeans has fantastic out of the box experience, however, the fun does not stop there.
Bundles of additional functionality such as application profiling,
Java ME, UML, SOA and C/C++ are available in feature packs.
This session will review the various packs so you can choose the ones that work best for you.</p></li>
<li><b>Step Onto Our Platform</b> (50 Minutes)
<p>If you do any type of web development, you most likely use framework,
such as JSF or Struts because it helps with many common tasks, such as page navigation.
If you are building a Swing application, it most likely also has features in common
with all other desktop applications, such as menus, window management and user preferences.
This session introduces the NetBeans Platform and how you can take advantage of it
as the foundation for building your Swing desktop applications or extending NetBeans itself.</p></li>
<li><b>Is This the Enterprise in Your Pocket?</b> (50 Minutes)
Creating standalone applications for your mobile device can be fun, say a tip calculator or currency converter.
However, we're talking about a CONNECTED device, so let's build an application that connects to something.
Hey, how about our enterprise data center - so for example,
I could track the status of my machines from anywhere in the world?
And what if I could build that application using a drag & drop visual designer?
Get it to seamlessly run on emulators from Nokia, Sprint and others?
Better yet, we'll end the talk by deploying the application over the air (OTA),
so audience members can run it on their own phones.
Yes, you will literally walk away from this talk with the enterprise in your pocket.
<p><br /></p>