Generate JS stub files for webcommon/javascript2.editor module from typescript definitions

This generator uses the type definitions files for the JS core
libraries distributed with the typescript compiler to generate the JS
stubs NetBeans uses to provide the user with code completion.
4 files changed
tree: 9fcf5fc51bc19909d5a44c8a93bf6223624f6885
  1. convert/
  2. html-convert/
  3. jsstub-generator/
  4. licencereviewsite/
  5. nbpackage/
  6. pp3/
  7. proxy-chooser/
  8. snap-packages/
  9. synergy/
  10. translations/
  11. tutorials-convert/
  12. wiki-convert/
  13. wiki-export/
  14. .gitignore
  16. NOTICE


Mirror of Apache NetBeans Tools.

Repository of tools and other utilties created and used by the Apache NetBeans community.

Currently Available Tools

  • convert: Tool for automatically converting Sun Microsystems and Oracle licenses to Apache.

  • html-convert: Tool that reads tutorials in HTML format from the 3rd Oracle donation and converts these to the AsciiDoc format.

  • licensereviewsite: Tool consisting of a Maven plugin to generate report for crosschecking Jenkins / Confluence for external and licence. (More details.)

  • pp3: Plugin Portal, live at

  • wiki-export: Tool for extracting WikiText data from (More details.)

  • wiki-convert: Tool for converting extracted WikiText data to AsciiDoc, suitable for using with the jBake static generator tool.