blob: 7001deeaaea38bd70400b9fe463a9f0688e70895 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// this script is taken from olamy works on archiva-jenkins-lib for the Apache Archiva project
def versionpath = ""
def apidocurl = ""
def date = ""
def atomdate = ""
def version=""
def rmversion=""
def month=""
def votecandidate=false
def vote=""
def mavenVersion=""
def tooling=[:]
def repopluginversion="1.7-SNAPSHOT"
def call(Map params = [:]) {
// variable needed for apidoc
pipeline {
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '2'))
timeout(time: 180, unit: 'MINUTES')
agent { node { label 'ubuntu' } }
stages {
stage("Preparing Variable") {
//agent { node { label 'ubuntu' } }
steps {
script {
// test if we can do that
sh 'curl ";a=blob_plain;f=meta/netbeansrelease.json" -o netbeansrelease.json'
def releaseInformation = readJSON file: 'netbeansrelease.json'
sh 'rm -f netbeansrelease.json'
def branch = env.BRANCH_NAME
def githash = env.GIT_COMMIT
println githash
println branch
if (!releaseInformation[branch]) {
// no branch definined in json exit build
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
throw new Exception("No entry in json for $branch")
tooling.myAnt = releaseInformation[branch].ant;
apidocurl = releaseInformation[branch].apidocurl
switch (releaseInformation[branch].releasedate['month']) {
case '01':month = 'Jan'; break;
case '02':month = 'Feb'; break;
case '03':month = 'Mar'; break;
case '04':month = 'Apr'; break;
case '05':month = 'May'; break;
case '06':month = 'Jun'; break;
case '07':month = 'Jul'; break;
case '08':month = 'Aug'; break;
case '09':month = 'Sep'; break;
case '10':month = 'Oct'; break;
case '11':month = 'Nov'; break;
case '12':month = 'Dec'; break;
default: month ='Invalid';
date = releaseInformation[branch].releasedate['day'] + ' '+ month + ' '+releaseInformation[branch].releasedate['year']
atomdate = releaseInformation[branch].releasedate['year']+'-'+releaseInformation[branch].releasedate['month']+'-'+releaseInformation[branch].releasedate['day']+'T12:00:00Z'
tooling.jdktool = releaseInformation[branch].jdk
tooling.myMaven = releaseInformation[branch].maven
version = releaseInformation[branch].versionName;
rmversion = version
if (releaseInformation[branch].milestones) {
releaseInformation[branch].milestones.each{key,value ->
if (key==githash) {
// vote candidate prior
if (value['vote']) {
votecandidate = true
vote = value['vote']
rmversion = rmversion
} else if (value['version']){
// other named version
rmversion = rmversion+'-'+value['version']
stage ('Master build') {
tools {
jdk tooling.jdktool
when {
branch 'master'
stages {
stage ('build javadoc') {
steps {
withAnt(installation: tooling.myAnt) {
sh "ant getallmavencoordinates"
sh "ant build-nbms"
sh "ant build-source-zips"
sh "ant build-javadoc${env.WORKSPACE}/"
archiveArtifacts ''
stage (' Populate Snapshots') {
when {
// thursday
expression { return Calendar.instance.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) == 1 && Calendar.instance.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == 3}
steps {
withAnt(installation: tooling.myAnt) {
script {
def localRepo = "${env.WORKSPACE}/.repository"
def netbeansbase = "nbbuild"
def commonparam = "-Dexternallist=${netbeansbase}/build/"
sh "rm -rf ${env.WORKSPACE}/.repository"
withMaven(maven:tooling.myMaven,jdk:tooling.jdktool,publisherStrategy: 'EXPLICIT',mavenLocalRepo: localRepo)
sh "mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.1.1:get -Dartifact=org.apache.netbeans.utilities:nb-repository-plugin:${repopluginversion} -DremoteRepositories=apache.snapshots.https::::"
//sh "mvn org.apache.netbeans.utilities:nb-repository-plugin:1.5:download -DnexusIndexDirectory=${env.WORKSPACE}/repoindex -DrepositoryUrl="
sh "mvn org.apache.netbeans.utilities:nb-repository-plugin:${repopluginversion}:populate ${commonparam} -DnetbeansNbmDirectory=${netbeansbase}/nbms -DnetbeansInstallDirectory=${netbeansbase}/netbeans -DnetbeansSourcesDirectory=${netbeansbase}/build/source-zips -DnetbeansJavadocDirectory=${netbeansbase}/build/javadoc -DparentGAV=org.apache.netbeans:netbeans-parent:2 -DforcedVersion=${mavenVersion} -DskipInstall=true -DdeployId=apache.snapshots.https -DdeployUrl="
stage ('Released javadoc rebuild') {
tools {
jdk tooling.jdktool
when {
allOf {
expression { BRANCH_NAME ==~ /release[0-9]+/ }
//branch pattern : "release\\d+",comparator:"REGEXP" wait for modern 1.4.1
expression { month !='Invalid'}
stages {
stage ('Archive Javadoc') {
steps {
withAnt(installation: tooling.myAnt) {
sh "ant"
sh "ant build-javadoc${env.WORKSPACE}/"
archiveArtifacts ''
stage ('Release preparation') {
tools {
jdk tooling.jdktool
when {
allOf {
expression { BRANCH_NAME ==~ /release[0-9]+/ }
//branch pattern : "release\\d+",comparator:"REGEXP" wait for modern 1.4.1
expression { month =='Invalid' }
steps {
script {
def clusterconfigs = [['platform','netbeans-platform'],['release','netbeans']]
if (votecandidate) {
versionpath = "${version}/vc${vote}/"
/*steps {
withAnt(installation: tooling.myAnt) {
script {
//sh 'ant'
if (env.BRANCH_NAME=="master") {
// on master we build apidoc + populating snapshot repository
// should be on line for each otherwise cluster are wrong
//sh "rm -rf ${env.WORKSPACE}/repoindex/"
} else if (month !='Invalid') {
// we have a valid month, this package is already released. Build only javadoc
} else {
// we want to setup for release
// apidoc + repomaven + dist bundle
post {
cleanup {
cleanWs() // deleteDirs: true, notFailBuild: true, patterns: [[pattern: '**/.repository/**', type: 'INCLUDE']]
success {
slackSend (channel:'#netbeans-builds', message:"SUCCESS: Job '${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]' (${env.BUILD_URL}) ",color:'#00FF00')
failure {
slackSend (channel:'#netbeans-builds', message:"FAILED: Job '${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]' (${env.BUILD_URL})",color:'#FF0000')
// in fact not parallel otherwise workspace not cleaned
def doParallelClusters(cconfigs) {
for (cluster in cconfigs) {
def clustername = cluster[0]
def path = cluster[1]
stage("prepare ${clustername}") {
sh "rm -rf nbbuild/build"
sh "ant build-source-config -Dcluster.config=${clustername} -Dbuildnum=666"
script {
def targets = ['verify-libs-and-licenses','rat','build']
for (String target in targets) {
stage("${target} for ${clustername}") {
// prepare a clean subfolder target - clustername prefixed
sh "rm -rf ${target}-${clustername}-temp && mkdir ${target}-${clustername}-temp && unzip nbbuild/build/${clustername}*.zip -d ${target}-${clustername}-temp && cp .gitignore ${env.WORKSPACE}/${target}-${clustername}-temp"
def add = "";
if (target=="build" && env.BRANCH_NAME!="release90") {
// build the target on the cluster defined common to all
sh "ant -f ${target}-${clustername}-temp/build.xml ${target} -Dcluster.config=${clustername} ${add}"
// for verify-libs-and-licenses we only want the reports
if (target=='verify-libs-and-licenses') {
junit "verify-libs-and-licenses-${clustername}-temp/nbbuild/build/verifylibsandlicenses.xml"
// for rat we only want the reports (junit fail at the moment empty test)
if (target=='rat') {
// save report and test for rat and verify..
archiveArtifacts "rat-${clustername}-temp/nbbuild/build/rat-report.txt"
junit testResults: "rat-${clustername}-temp/nbbuild/build/rat/*.xml" , allowEmptyResults:true
// build target is more complex,
if (target=='build') {
// prepare versionned path
def versionnedpath = "/${path}/${versionpath}"
sh "mkdir -p dist${versionnedpath}"
// source
sh "cp nbbuild/build/*${clustername}*.zip dist${versionnedpath}${path}-${rmversion}"
// binaries
sh "cp build-${clustername}-temp/nbbuild/*${clustername}*.zip dist${versionnedpath}${path}-${rmversion}"
// special case for release prepare bits, maven, javadoc installer
if (clustername == "release") {
// installer we prepare a folder so that release manager can build mac os on his own
sh "mkdir -p dist${versionnedpath}nbms"
sh "mkdir -p dist/installers"
sh "mkdir -p distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer"
def installer = libraryResource 'org/apache/netbeans/'
writeFile file: "distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer/", text: installer
def installermac = libraryResource 'org/apache/netbeans/'
writeFile file: "distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer/", text: installermac
sh "chmod +x distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer/"
sh "mkdir -p distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer/nbbuild/newbuild && cp build-${clustername}-temp/nbbuild/newbuild/* distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer/nbbuild/newbuild "
sh "mkdir -p distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer/nbbuild/installer && cp -r build-${clustername}-temp/nbbuild/installer distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer/nbbuild "
sh "mkdir -p distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer/nbi && cp -r build-${clustername}-temp/nbi distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer "
sh "cp build-${clustername}-temp/nbbuild/binaries-default-properties.xml distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer/nbbuild/binaries-default-properties.xml "
sh "mkdir -p distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer/nbbuild/build/ && cp -r build-${clustername}-temp/nbbuild/build/antclasses distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer/nbbuild/build/antclasses "
sh "cp build-${clustername}-temp/nbbuild/*${clustername}*.zip dist${versionnedpath}${path}-${rmversion}"
def binaryfile = "${env.WORKSPACE}/dist${versionnedpath}${path}-${rmversion}"
def timestamp = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'date +%y%m%d').trim()
sh "cd distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer && ./ ${binaryfile} ${version} ${timestamp}"
sh "cp distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer/dist/bundles/* dist/installers/ "
sh "rm -rf distpreparation${versionnedpath}installer/dist"
archiveArtifacts 'distpreparation/**'
// the installer phase is ok we should have installer for linux / windows + scripts and a bit of source to build macos later
// additionnal target to have maven ready
// javadoc build
sh "ant -f build-${clustername}-temp/build.xml build-nbms build-source-zips generate-uc-catalog -Dcluster.config=release"
sh "ant -f build-${clustername}-temp/build.xml build-javadoc -Djavadoc.web.root='${apidocurl}' -Dmodules-javadoc-date='${date}' -Datom-date='${atomdate}'${env.WORKSPACE}/"
sh "cp -r build-${clustername}-temp/nbbuild/nbms/** dist${versionnedpath}nbms/"
archiveArtifacts ''
def localRepo = ".repository"
def netbeansbase = "build-${clustername}-temp/nbbuild"
sh "ant -f build-${clustername}-temp/build.xml getallmavencoordinates"
withMaven(maven:tooling.myMaven,jdk:tooling.jdktool,publisherStrategy: 'EXPLICIT',mavenLocalRepo: localRepo,options:[artifactsPublisher(disabled: true)])
sh "mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.1.1:get -Dartifact=org.apache.netbeans.utilities:nb-repository-plugin:${repopluginversion} -Dmaven.repo.local=${env.WORKSPACE}/.repository -DremoteRepositories=apache.snapshots.https::::"
def commonparam = "-Dexternallist=${netbeansbase}/build/"
//sh "mvn org.apache.netbeans.utilities:nb-repository-plugin:1.5:download ${commonparam} -DrepositoryUrl="
sh "mvn org.apache.netbeans.utilities:nb-repository-plugin:${repopluginversion}:populate ${commonparam} -DnetbeansNbmDirectory=${netbeansbase}/nbms -DnetbeansInstallDirectory=${netbeansbase}/netbeans -DnetbeansSourcesDirectory=${netbeansbase}/build/source-zips -DnetbeansJavadocDirectory=${netbeansbase}/build/javadoc -DparentGAV=org.apache.netbeans:netbeans-parent:2 -DforcedVersion=${mavenVersion} -DskipInstall=true -DdeployUrl=file://${env.WORKSPACE}/mavenrepository"
archiveArtifacts 'mavenrepository/**'
// do checksum
def extensions = ['*.zip','*.nbm','*.gz','*.jar','*.xml','*.license']
for (String extension in extensions) {
sh "cd dist"+' && for z in $(find . -name "'+"${extension}"+'") ; do cd $(dirname $z) ; sha512sum ./$(basename $z) > $(basename $z).sha512; cd - >/dev/null; done '
archiveArtifacts 'dist/**'