blob: cc47173c2f2795bf04a5e92a2e0485e572b8b74d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -e
if [[ "$1" != "build" ]]; then
echo "Build the mynewt website"
echo "Make sure git status is clean and run from the master branch"
echo "Usage: $0 build"
echo mkdocs clean build:
mkdocs build --clean
echo Remove unwanted html templates
find site -name "*.html" | xargs grep '{%.*%}' -l | xargs rm
echo Copy extras into site
cp -a extras/ site/
echo Change git branch to asf-site
git checkout asf-site
echo Remove old content
ls | grep -v site | xargs rm -rf
echo Copy contents of site to serving directory
cp -a site/ .
echo ---
echo --- You are now on the asf-site branch
echo --- Review git diffs before commiting
echo ---
git status