update community page to reflect Github issues

change from issue tracking in JIRA to Github. May need additional info. Could also be a good idea (if possible) to allow the person reporting an issue to label it accordingly.
diff --git a/custom-theme/community.html b/custom-theme/community.html
index b5715c5..48a2d2f 100644
--- a/custom-theme/community.html
+++ b/custom-theme/community.html
@@ -59,15 +59,9 @@
                 <p> If you wish to contribute code, a quick look at the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MYNEWT/Contributing+to+Apache+Mynewt"> recommended steps </a> should help.  
                 <h3>Bug Submission and Issue Tracking</h3>
-                <p>Issues, features, improvements, and wish-lists are tracked using <a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/Mynewt/">ASF JIRA</a>, the Atlassian JIRA software on Apache Software Foundation </p>
-                <li> 
-                <p><a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20MYNEWT%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20WISHLIST%20ORDER%20BY%20updated%20DESC%2C%20priority%20DESC%2C%20created%20ASC">Click here to see WISHLIST for Mynewt</a></p>
-                </li>
-                <li>
-                Sign up for an account on JIRA and submit a request to the dev@ mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. Editing a ticket requires an account.
-                </li>
-                <li> Log in and report a bug by choosing the "MYNEWT" project, clicking on the "Create" button, and creating a ticket with an appropriate Issue Type (e.g. Bug, Wish).  </p>
-                <p> If you are a contributor and wish to work on a change, open a JIRA ticket first. It's always a good idea to introduce the change in the dev@ mailing list and refer to that ticket. When you generate a pull request into the github mirror for your change, always reference the JIRA ticket number in the title. JIRA is set up to resolve the ticket when your code is merged into the ASF git repository and the pull request closed. </p>
+                <p> Issues, features, improvements, and wish-lists are now tracked on the <a href="https://github.com/apache/mynewt-core/issues">Mynewt Core Github Repo</a>. New issues will be marked with the appropriate label by a committer who will review them. </p>
+                <p> If you are a contributor and wish to work on a change, it's always a good idea to introduce the change in the dev@ mailing list before submitting a pull request into the github mirror for your change. </p>