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Characteristic Access
.. contents::
:depth: 2
A characteristic's access callback implements its behavior. Recall that
services and characteristics are registered with NimBLE via attribute
tables. Each characteristic definition in an attribute table contains an
*access_cb* field. The *access_cb* field is an application callback
that gets executed whenever a peer device attempts to read or write the
Earlier in this tutorial, we looked at how *bleprph* implements the GAP
service. Let's take another look at how *bleprph* specifies the first
few characteristics in this service.
.. code:: c
static const struct ble_gatt_svc_def gatt_svr_svcs[] = {
/*** Service: Security test. */
.uuid = &gatt_svr_svc_sec_test_uuid.u,
.characteristics = (struct ble_gatt_chr_def[]) { {
/*** Characteristic: Random number generator. */
.uuid = &gatt_svr_chr_sec_test_rand_uuid.u,
.access_cb = gatt_svr_chr_access_sec_test,
}, {
/*** Characteristic: Static value. */
.uuid = gatt_svr_chr_sec_test_static_uuid.u,
.access_cb = gatt_svr_chr_access_sec_test,
.flags = BLE_GATT_CHR_F_READ |
}, {
// [...]
As you can see, *bleprph* uses the same *access_cb* function for all
the GAP service characteristics, but the developer could have
implemented separate functions for each characteristic if they
preferred. Here is the *access_cb* function that the GAP service
characteristics use:
.. code:: c
static int
gatt_svr_chr_access_sec_test(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t attr_handle,
struct ble_gatt_access_ctxt *ctxt,
void *arg)
const ble_uuid_t *uuid;
int rand_num;
int rc;
uuid = ctxt->chr->uuid;
/* Determine which characteristic is being accessed by examining its
* 128-bit UUID.
if (ble_uuid_cmp(uuid, &gatt_svr_chr_sec_test_rand_uuid.u) == 0) {
assert(ctxt->op == BLE_GATT_ACCESS_OP_READ_CHR);
/* Respond with a 32-bit random number. */
rand_num = rand();
rc = os_mbuf_append(ctxt->om, &rand_num, sizeof rand_num);
return rc == 0 ? 0 : BLE_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RES;
if (ble_uuid_cmp(uuid, &gatt_svr_chr_sec_test_static_uuid.u) == 0) {
switch (ctxt->op) {
rc = os_mbuf_append(ctxt->om, &gatt_svr_sec_test_static_val,
sizeof gatt_svr_sec_test_static_val);
return rc == 0 ? 0 : BLE_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RES;
rc = gatt_svr_chr_write(ctxt->om,
sizeof gatt_svr_sec_test_static_val,
sizeof gatt_svr_sec_test_static_val,
&gatt_svr_sec_test_static_val, NULL);
return rc;
/* Unknown characteristic; the nimble stack should not have called this
* function.
After you've taken a moment to examine the structure of this function,
let's explore some details.
Function signature
.. code:: c
static int
gatt_svr_chr_access_sec_test(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t attr_handle,
struct ble_gatt_access_ctxt *ctxt, void *arg)
A characteristic access function always takes this same set of
parameters and always returns an int. The parameters to this function
type are documented below.
| **Parameter** | **Purpose** | **Notes** |
| conn\_handle | Indicates | Use this |
| | which | value to |
| | connection | determine |
| | the | which peer |
| | characterist | is |
| | ic | accessing |
| | access was | the |
| | sent over. | characteri |
| | | stic. |
| attr\_handle | The | Can be |
| | low-level | used to |
| | ATT handle | determine |
| | of the | which |
| | characterist | characteri |
| | ic | stic |
| | value | is being |
| | attribute. | accessed |
| | | if you |
| | | don't want |
| | | to perform |
| | | a UUID |
| | | lookup. |
| ctxt | Contains the | For |
| | characterist | characteri |
| | ic | stic |
| | value | accesses, |
| | pointer that | use the |
| | the | *ctxt->chr |
| | application | \_access* |
| | needs to | member; |
| | access. | for |
| | | descriptor |
| | | accesses, |
| | | use the |
| | | *ctxt->dsc |
| | | \_access* |
| | | member. |
The return value of the access function tells the NimBLE stack how to
respond to the peer performing the operation. A value of 0 indicates
success. For failures, the function returns the specific ATT error code
that the NimBLE stack should respond with. The ATT error codes are
defined in
`net/nimble/host/include/host/ble\_att.h <>`__.
Determine characteristic being accessed
.. code:: c
ble_uuid_cmp(uuid, &gatt_svr_chr_sec_test_rand_uuid.u)
The function compares UUID with UUIDs of characteristic - if it fits,
characteristic is being accessed. There are two alternative methods *bleprph*
could have used to accomplish this task:
- Map characteristics to ATT handles during service registration; use
the *attr\_handle* parameter as a key into this table during
characteristic access.
- Implement a dedicated function for each characteristic; each function
inherently knows which characteristic it corresponds to.
Read access
.. code:: c
rc = os_mbuf_append(ctxt->om, &gatt_svr_sec_test_static_val,
sizeof gatt_svr_sec_test_static_val);
return rc == 0 ? 0 : BLE_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RES;
This code excerpt handles read accesses to the device characteristic.
*ctxt->om* is chained memory buffer that for reads is being populated
with characteristic data. Returned value is either 0 for success or
*BLE_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RES* if failed. The check makes sure the
NimBLE stack is doing its job; this characteristic was registered as
read-only, so the stack should have prevented write accesses.
Write access
.. code:: c
static int
gatt_svr_chr_write(struct os_mbuf *om, uint16_t min_len, uint16_t max_len,
void *dst, uint16_t *len)
uint16_t om_len;
int rc;
om_len = OS_MBUF_PKTLEN(om);
if (om_len < min_len || om_len > max_len) {
rc = ble_hs_mbuf_to_flat(om, dst, max_len, len);
if (rc != 0) {
return 0;
// [...]
rc = gatt_svr_chr_write(ctxt->om,
sizeof gatt_svr_sec_test_static_val,
sizeof gatt_svr_sec_test_static_val,
&gatt_svr_sec_test_static_val, NULL);
return rc;
This code excerpt handles writes to the Static value
characteristic. This characteristic was registered as read-write, so the
*return rc* here is just a safety precaution to ensure the NimBLE stack
is doing its job.
Data is written to the *ctxt->om* buffer from *gatt_svr_sec_test_static_val*
by ``ble_hs_mbuf_to_flat()`` function. If length of written data greater or
smaller than length of *gatt_svr_sec_test_static_val*, function return error.
Many characteristics have strict length requirements for write