blob: 41639e112205138afcbf56952e6c5d64589b4dbc [file] [log] [blame]
newtmgr taskstat
Read task statistics from a device.
.. code-block:: console
newtmgr taskstat -c <conn_profile> [flags]
Global Flags:
.. code-block:: console
-c, --conn string connection profile to use
-h, --help help for newtmgr
-l, --loglevel string log level to use (default "info")
--name string name of target BLE device; overrides profile setting
-t, --timeout float timeout in seconds (partial seconds allowed) (default 10)
-r, --tries int total number of tries in case of timeout (default 1)
Reads and displays the task statistics from a device. Newtmgr uses the ``conn_profile`` connection profile to connect
to the device. It lists the following statistics for each task:
- **task**: Task name
- **pri**: Task priority
- **runtime**: The time (ms) that the task has been running for
- **csw**: Number of times the task has switched context
- **stksz**: Stack size allocated for the task
- **stkuse**: Actual stack size the task uses
- **last\_checkin**: Last sanity checkin with the :doc:`Sanity Task <../../os/core_os/sanity/sanity>`
- **next\_checkin**: Next sanity checkin
| Usage | Explanation |
| ``newtmgr taskstat-c profile0`` | Reads and displays the task statistics from a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the ``profile01`` connection profile. |
Here is an example output for the ``myble`` application from the
:doc:`Enabling Newt Manager in any app <../../os/tutorials/add_newtmgr>` tutorial:
.. code-block:: console
$ newtmgr taskstat -c myserial
task pri tid runtime csw stksz stkuse last_checkin next_checkin
ble_ll 0 2 0 12 80 58 0 0
idle 255 0 16713 95 64 31 0 0
main 127 1 2 81 512 275 0 0