blob: 69492805e7db77fff5eb4caacbcb661f5691c4f7 [file] [log] [blame]
newtmgr log
Manage logs on a device.
.. code-block:: console
newtmgr log [command] -c <conn_profile> [flags]
Global Flags:
.. code-block:: console
-c, --conn string connection profile to use
-h, --help help for newtmgr
-l, --loglevel string log level to use (default "info")
--name string name of target BLE device; overrides profile setting
-t, --timeout float timeout in seconds (partial seconds allowed) (default 10)
-r, --tries int total number of tries in case of timeout (default 1)
The log command provides subcommands to manage logs on a device. Newtmgr uses the ``conn_profile`` connection profile
to connect to the device.
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Sub-command Explanation
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clear The ``newtmgr log clear`` command clears the logs on a device.
level_list The ``newtmgr level_list`` command shows the log levels on a device.
list The ``newtmgr log list`` command shows the log names on a device.
module_list The ``newtmgr log module_list`` command shows the log module names on a device.
show The ``newtmgr log show`` command displays logs on a device. The command format
is: ``newtmgr log show [log_name [min-index [min-timestamp]]] -c <conn_profile>``
The following optional parameters can be used to filter the logs to display:
Name of log to display. If log_name is not specified, all logs are displayed.
Minimum index of the log entries to display. This
value is only valid when a log_name is specified. The value can
be ``last`` or a number. If the value is ``last``, only the last
log entry is displayed. If the value is a number, log entries with
an index equal to or higher than min-index are displayed.
Minimum timestamp of log entries to display.
The value is only valid if min-index is specified and is not the
value ``last``. Only log entries with a timestamp equal to or later
than min-timestamp are displayed. Log entries with a timestamp equal
to min-timestamp are only displayed if the log entry index is equal
to or higher than min-index.
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| Sub-command | Usage | Explanation |
| clear | ``newtmgr log clear-c profile01`` | Clears the logs on a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the ``profile01`` connection profile. |
| level_list | ``newtmgr log level_list -c profile01`` | Shows the log levels on a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the ``profile01`` connection profile. |
| list | ``newtmgr log list-c profile01`` | Shows the log names on a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the ``profile01`` connection profile. |
| module_list | ``newtmgr log module_list-c profile01`` | Shows the log module names on a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the ``profile01`` connection profile. |
| show | ``newtmgr log show -c profile01`` | Displays all logs on a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the ``profile01`` connection profile. |
| show | ``newtmgr log show reboot_log -c profile01`` | Displays all log entries for the reboot_log on a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the ``profile01`` connection profile. |
| show | ``newtmgr log show reboot_log last -c profile01`` | Displays the last entry from the reboot_log on a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the ``profile01`` connection profile. |
| show | ``newtmgr log show reboot_log 2 -c profile01`` | Displays the reboot_log log entries with an index 2 and higher on a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the ``profile01`` connection profile. |
| show | ``newtmgr log show reboot_log 5 123456 -c profile01``| Displays the reboot_log log entries with a timestamp higher than 123456 and log entries with a timestamp equal to 123456 and an index equal to or higher than 5. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the ``profile01`` connection profile. |