blob: 7a9423999a6a0c2a7f0593e7fc311b384488af5a [file] [log] [blame]
newt resign-image
Sign or re-sign an existing image file.
.. code-block:: console
newt resign-image <image-file> [signing-key [key-id]][flags]
Global Flags:
.. code-block:: console
-h, --help Help for newt commands
-j, --jobs int Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)
-l, --loglevel string Log level (default "WARN")
-o, --outfile string Filename to tee output to
-q, --quiet Be quiet; only display error output
-s, --silent Be silent; don't output anything
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output when executing commands
Changes the signature of an existing image file. To sign an image, specify a .pem file for the ``signing-key`` and an
optional ``key-id``. ``key-id`` must be a value between 0-255. If a signing key is not specified, the command strips the
current signature from the image file.
A new image header is created. The rest of the image is byte-for-byte equivalent to the original image.
Warning: The image hash will change if you change the key-id or the type of key used for signing.
| Usage | Explanation |
| ``newt resign-image bin/targets/myble/app/apps/btshell/btshell.img private.pem`` | Signs the ``bin/targets/myble/app/apps/btshell/btshell.img`` file with the private.pem key. |
| ``newt resign-image bin/targets/myble/app/apps/btshell/btshell.img`` | Strips the current signature from ``bin/targets/myble/app/apps/btshell/btshell.img`` file. |