blob: 9c4c544dcea338531e7d7c0d23c132afe006f0bc [file] [log] [blame]
newt create-image
Create and sign an image by adding an image header to the binary file created for a target. Version number in the header is set to <version>. To sign an image provide a .pem file for the signing-key and an optional key-id.
.. code-block:: console
newt create-image <target-name> <version> [signing-key [key-id]][flags]
Global Flags:
.. code-block:: console
-h, --help Help for newt commands
-j, --jobs int Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)
-l, --loglevel string Log level (default "WARN")
-o, --outfile string Filename to tee output to
-q, --quiet Be quiet; only display error output
-s, --silent Be silent; don't output anything
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output when executing commands
Adds an image header to the created binary file for the ``target-name`` target. The image version is set to ``version``. It creates a ``<app-name>.img`` file the image, where ``app-name`` is the value specified in the target ``app`` variable, and stores the file in the '/bin/targets/<target-name>/app/apps/<app-name>/' directory. It also creates a ``<app-name>.hex`` file for the image in the same directory, and adds the version, build id, image file name, and image hash to the ``manifest.json`` file that the ``newt build`` command created.
To sign an image, provide a .pem file for the ``signing-key`` and an optional ``key-id``. ``key-id`` must be a value between 0-255.
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Usage Explanation
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``newt create-image myble2`` Creates an image for target ``myble2`` and assigns it version
For the following target definition:
| targets/myble2
| app=\@apache-mynewt-core/apps/btshell
| bsp=\@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk
| build\_profile=optimized
| syscfg=STATS\_NAMES=1
the 'bin/targets/myble2/app/apps/btshell/btshell.img' and
'bin/targets/myble2/app/apps/btshell/btshell.hex' files are created,
and the manifest in 'bin/targets/myble2/app/apps/btshell/manifest.json'
is updated with the image information.
``newt create-image myble2 private.pem`` Creates an image for target ``myble2`` and assigns it the version
````. Signs the image using private key specified by the private.pem file.
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