blob: d33714b2c7a78eb471b2e7886fa1df78a643b60d [file] [log] [blame]
site_name: Apache Mynewt
theme_dir: 'custom-theme'
- Home: ''
- Pages:
- Bluetooth Low Energy 4.2: 'pages/'
- Newt build and configuration Tool: 'pages/'
- Quick Start: ''
- About: ''
- Talks: ''
- Download: ''
- Community: ''
- Events: ''
- Mynewt Documentation:
- toc: 'os/'
- Basic Setup:
- toc: 'os/get_started/'
- 'Docker Container Option': 'os/get_started/'
- 'Native install Option':
- toc: 'os/get_started/'
- 'Install Newt on Mac': 'newt/install/'
- 'Install Newt on Linux': 'newt/install/'
- 'Install Cross Tools for ARM': 'os/get_started/'
- 'Create Your First Project': 'os/get_started/'
- Concepts: 'os/get_started/'
- Tutorials:
- toc: 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Project Blinky':
- 'Blinky on Arduino Zero': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Blinky on Arduino Primo': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Blinky on Olimex': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Blinky on STM32F303':
- toc: 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Pinwheel Blinky': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Blinky on nRF52': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Run Blinky from SRAM, no bootloader': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Work with repositories':
- toc: 'os/tutorials/repo/'
- 'Upgrade a repo': 'os/tutorials/repo/'
- 'Turn project into a repo': 'os/tutorials/repo/'
- 'A Sample Lesson':
- 'Lesson Unit on Tasks and Priority Management': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Enable Wi-Fi on Arduino Zero': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Write a Test Suite for a Package': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Air-quality Sensor project': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Add task to manage multiple events': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Project Slinky for remote comms':
- 'Slinky on sim device': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Slinky on STM32 board': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'Enable newtmgr in any app': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'BLE app to check stats via console': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'BLE peripheral project':
- toc: 'os/tutorials/bleprph/'
- 'Service Registration': 'os/tutorials/bleprph/'
- 'Characteristic Access': 'os/tutorials/bleprph/'
- 'Advertising': 'os/tutorials/bleprph/'
- 'GAP Event Callbacks': 'os/tutorials/bleprph/'
- 'BLE iBeacon': 'os/tutorials/'
- 'BLE HCI interface': 'os/tutorials/'
- OS User Guide:
- toc: 'os/'
- OS Core:
- toc: 'os/core_os/'
- System-level Functions:
- 'os_init': 'os/core_os/'
- 'os_start': 'os/core_os/'
- 'os_started': 'os/core_os/'
- Scheduler:
- toc: 'os/core_os/context_switch/'
- 'Functions':
- 'os_sched': 'os/core_os/context_switch/'
- 'os_arch_ctx_sw': 'os/core_os/context_switch/'
- 'os_sched_ctx_sw_hook': 'os/core_os/context_switch/'
- 'os_sched_get_current_task': 'os/core_os/context_switch/'
- 'os_sched_insert': 'os/core_os/context_switch/'
- 'os_sched_next_task': 'os/core_os/context_switch/'
- 'os_sched_os_timer_exp': 'os/core_os/context_switch/'
- 'os_sched_resort': 'os/core_os/context_switch/'
- 'os_sched_set_current_task': 'os/core_os/context_switch/'
- 'os_sched_sleep': 'os/core_os/context_switch/'
- 'os_sched_wakeup': 'os/core_os/context_switch/'
- Time:
- toc: 'os/core_os/time/'
- 'Functions':
- 'os_time_delay': 'os/core_os/time/'
- 'os_time_get': 'os/core_os/time/'
- 'os_time_tick': 'os/core_os/time/'
- 'os_gettimeofday': 'os/core_os/time/'
- 'os_settimeofday': 'os/core_os/time/'
- Tasks:
- toc: 'os/core_os/task/'
- 'Functions':
- 'os_task_count': 'os/core_os/task/'
- 'os_task_info_get_next': 'os/core_os/task/'
- 'os_task_init': 'os/core_os/task/'
- Event Queues:
- toc: 'os/core_os/event_queue/'
- 'Functions':
- 'os_eventq_get': 'os/core_os/event_queue/'
- 'os_eventq_init': 'os/core_os/event_queue/'
- 'os_eventq_put': 'os/core_os/event_queue/'
- 'os_eventq_remove': 'os/core_os/event_queue/'
- Semaphores:
- toc: 'os/core_os/semaphore/'
- 'Functions':
- 'os_sem_init': 'os/core_os/semaphore/'
- 'os_sem_pend': 'os/core_os/semaphore/'
- 'os_sem_release': 'os/core_os/semaphore/'
- Mutexes:
- toc: 'os/core_os/mutex/'
- 'Functions':
- 'os_mutex_init': 'os/core_os/mutex/'
- 'os_mutex_pend': 'os/core_os/mutex/'
- 'os_mutex_release': 'os/core_os/mutex/'
- Memory Pools:
- toc: 'os/core_os/memory_pool/'
- 'Functions/Macros':
- 'os_memblock_get': 'os/core_os/memory_pool/'
- 'os_mempool_init': 'os/core_os/memory_pool/'
- 'os_memblock_put': 'os/core_os/memory_pool/'
- 'OS_MEMPOOL_BYTES': 'os/core_os/memory_pool/'
- 'OS_MEMPOOL_SIZE': 'os/core_os/memory_pool/'
- Heap:
- toc: 'os/core_os/heap/'
- 'Functions':
- 'os_free': 'os/core_os/heap/'
- 'os_malloc': 'os/core_os/heap/'
- 'os_realloc': 'os/core_os/heap/'
- Memory Buffers:
- Mbuf:
- toc: 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'Functions/Macros':
- 'OS_MBUF_PKTHDR': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'OS_MBUF_PKTHDR_TO_MBUF': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'OS_MBUF_PKTLEN': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'OS_MBUF_DATA': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'OS_MBUF_USRHDR': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'OS_MBUF_USRHDR_LEN': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'OS_MBUF_LEADINGSPACE': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'OS_MBUF_TRAILINGSPACE': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_adj': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_append': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_concat': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_copydata': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_copyinto': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_dup': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_extend': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_free_chain': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_get': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_get_pkthdr': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_memcmp': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_off': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_pool_init': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_prepend': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- 'os_mbuf_pullup': 'os/core_os/mbuf/'
- Msys:
- toc: 'os/core_os/msys/'
- 'Functions':
- 'os_msys_get': 'os/core_os/msys/'
- 'os_msys_get_pkthdr': 'os/core_os/msys/'
- 'os_msys_register': 'os/core_os/msys/'
- 'os_msys_reset': 'os/core_os/msys/'
- MQueue:
- toc: 'os/core_os/mqueue/'
- Functions:
- 'os_mqueue_init': 'os/core_os/mqueue/'
- 'os_mqueue_get': 'os/core_os/mqueue/'
- 'os_mqueue_put': 'os/core_os/mqueue/'
- Sanity:
- toc: 'os/core_os/sanity/'
- 'Functions':
- 'os_sanity_check_init': 'os/core_os/sanity/'
- 'os_sanity_check_register': 'os/core_os/sanity/'
- 'os_sanity_check_reset': 'os/core_os/sanity/'
- 'os_sanity_task_checkin': 'os/core_os/sanity/'
- 'os_sanity_task_init': 'os/core_os/sanity/'
- Callouts:
- toc: 'os/core_os/callout/'
- 'Functions':
- 'os_callout_func_init': 'os/core_os/callout/'
- 'os_callout_init': 'os/core_os/callout/'
- 'os_callout_queued': 'os/core_os/callout/'
- 'os_callout_reset': 'os/core_os/callout/'
- 'os_callout_stop': 'os/core_os/callout/'
- Porting to your Platform:
- toc: 'os/core_os/porting/'
- 'BSP Porting': 'os/core_os/porting/'
- 'MCU Porting': 'os/core_os/porting/'
- 'CPU Porting': 'os/core_os/porting/'
- Console:
- toc: 'os/modules/console/'
- 'Functions':
- 'console_blocking_mode': 'os/modules/console/'
- 'console_echo': 'os/modules/console/'
- 'console_init': 'os/modules/console/'
- 'console_is_init': 'os/modules/console/'
- 'console_printf': 'os/modules/console/'
- 'console_read': 'os/modules/console/'
- 'console_write': 'os/modules/console/'
- Shell:
- toc: 'os/modules/shell/'
- 'Functions':
- 'shell_task_init': 'os/modules/shell/'
- 'shell_cmd_register': 'os/modules/shell/'
- 'shell_nlip_input_register': 'os/modules/shell/'
- 'shell_nlip_output': 'os/modules/shell/'
- Split Images:
- toc: 'os/modules/split/'
- Bootloader:
- toc: 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'Functions':
- 'boot_build_status': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_build_status_one': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_clear_status': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_copy_area': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_copy_image': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_erase_area': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_fill_slot': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_find_image_area_idx': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_find_image_part': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_find_image_slot': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_go': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_init_flash': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_move_area': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_read_image_header': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_read_image_headers': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_read_status': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_select_image_slot': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_slot_addr': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_slot_to_area_idx': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_swap_areas': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_vect_delete_main': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_vect_delete_test': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_vect_read_main': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_vect_read_one': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_vect_read_test': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- 'boot_write_status': 'os/modules/bootloader/'
- File System:
- 'File System Abstraction':
- toc: 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'Return Codes': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'Data Structures':
- 'struct fs_ops': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'Functions':
- 'fs_close': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_closedir': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_dirent_is_dir': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_dirent_name': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_filelen': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_getpos': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_mkdir': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_open': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_opendir': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_read': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_readdir': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_register': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_rename': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_seek': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_unlink': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fs_write': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fsutil_read_file': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'fsutil_write_file': 'os/modules/fs/fs/'
- 'Newtron Flash File System':
- toc: 'os/modules/fs/nffs/'
- 'Data Structures':
- 'struct nffs_area_desc': 'os/modules/fs/nffs/'
- 'struct nffs_config': 'os/modules/fs/nffs/'
- 'Functions':
- 'nffs_detect': 'os/modules/fs/nffs/'
- 'nffs_format': 'os/modules/fs/nffs/'
- 'nffs_init': 'os/modules/fs/nffs/'
- 'Internals': 'os/modules/fs/nffs/'
- 'Other File Systems': 'os/modules/fs/'
- Hardware Abstraction Layer:
- toc: 'os/modules/hal/'
- Architecture: 'os/modules/hal/'
- 'API':
- 'Summary': 'os/modules/hal/'
- 'ADC': 'os/modules/hal/hal_adc/'
- 'CPU timer': 'os/modules/hal/hal_cputime/'
- 'DAC': 'os/modules/hal/hal_dac/'
- 'Flash memory':
- 'Overview': 'os/modules/hal/hal_flash/'
- 'flash_int': 'os/modules/hal/hal_flash/'
- 'flash_map': 'os/modules/hal/hal_flash/'
- 'GPIO': 'os/modules/hal/hal_gpio/'
- 'I2C': 'os/modules/hal/hal_i2c/'
- 'PWM': 'os/modules/hal/hal_pwm/'
- 'SPI': 'os/modules/hal/hal_spi/'
- 'System': 'os/modules/hal/hal_system/'
- 'UART': 'os/modules/hal/hal_uart/'
- 'Using HAL': 'os/modules/hal/'
- 'Creating HAL': 'os/modules/hal/'
- Test Utilities:
- toc: 'os/modules/testutil/'
- 'Functions/Macros':
- 'tu_init': 'os/modules/testutil/'
- 'TEST_ASSERT': 'os/modules/testutil/'
- 'TEST_PASS': 'os/modules/testutil/'
- 'TEST_SUITE': 'os/modules/testutil/'
- 'TEST_CASE': 'os/modules/testutil/'
- 'TEST_CASE_DECL': 'os/modules/testutil/'
- 'tu_restart': 'os/modules/testutil/'
- Image Manager:
- toc: 'os/modules/imgmgr/'
- 'Functions':
- 'imgmgr_module_init': 'os/modules/imgmgr/'
- 'imgr_ver_parse': 'os/modules/imgmgr/'
- 'imgr_ver_str': 'os/modules/imgmgr/'
- 'Baselibc library': 'os/modules/'
- Embedded Lua:
- toc: 'os/modules/elua/'
- 'Functions':
- 'lua_init': 'os/modules/elua/'
- 'lua_main': 'os/modules/elua/'
- toc: 'os/modules/json/'
- 'Functions':
- 'json_encode_object_entry': 'os/modules/json/'
- 'json_encode_object_finish': 'os/modules/json/'
- 'json_encode_object_key': 'os/modules/json/'
- 'json_encode_object_start': 'os/modules/json/'
- 'json_read_object': 'os/modules/json/'
- Flash Circular Buffer:
- toc: 'os/modules/fcb/'
- 'Functions':
- 'fcb_init': 'os/modules/fcb/'
- 'fcb_append': 'os/modules/fcb/'
- 'fcb_append_finish': 'os/modules/fcb/'
- 'fcb_walk': 'os/modules/fcb/'
- 'fcb_getnext': 'os/modules/fcb/'
- 'fcb_rotate': 'os/modules/fcb/'
- 'fcb_append_to_scratch': 'os/modules/fcb/'
- 'fcb_is_empty': 'os/modules/fcb/'
- 'fcb_offset_last_n': 'os/modules/fcb/'
- 'fcb_clear': 'os/modules/fcb/'
- Stats:
- toc: 'os/modules/stats/'
- Logs:
- toc: 'os/modules/logs/'
- BLE User Guide:
- NimBLE Introduction: 'network/ble/'
- NimBLE Security: 'network/ble/'
- Set up application: 'network/ble/'
- Initialize stack:
- toc: 'network/ble/ini_stack/'
- 'Add cputime': 'network/ble/ini_stack/'
- 'Create mem pool': 'network/ble/ini_stack/'
- 'Initialize device addr': 'network/ble/ini_stack/'
- 'Initialize stats pkg': 'network/ble/ini_stack/'
- 'Initialize console pkg': 'network/ble/ini_stack/'
- 'Initialize controller': 'network/ble/ini_stack/'
- 'Initialize parent task': 'network/ble/ini_stack/'
- 'Initialize host': 'network/ble/ini_stack/'
- NimBLE Host API:
- toc: 'network/ble/ble_hs/'
- 'Return codes': 'network/ble/ble_hs/'
- 'Init and config':
- toc: 'network/ble/ble_hs/init/'
- 'Definitions':
- 'Init and config definitions': 'network/ble/ble_hs/init/definitions/'
- 'Functions':
- 'ble_hs_start': 'network/ble/ble_hs/init/functions/'
- 'ble_hs_init': 'network/ble/ble_hs/init/functions/'
- 'ble_hs_synced': 'network/ble/ble_hs/init/functions/'
- 'GAP':
- toc: 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/'
- 'Definitions':
- 'GAP definitions': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/definitions/'
- 'Functions':
- 'ble_gap_adv_active': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_adv_rsp_set_fields': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_adv_set_fields': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_adv_start': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_adv_stop': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_conn_active': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_conn_cancel': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_conn_find': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_conn_rssi': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_connect': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_disc': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_disc_active': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_disc_cancel': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_security_initiate': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_terminate': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_update_params': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'ble_gap_wl_set': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gap/functions/'
- 'GATT client':
- toc: 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/'
- 'Definitions':
- 'GATT client definitions': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/definitions/'
- 'Functions':
- 'ble_gattc_disc_all_chrs': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_disc_all_dscs': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_disc_all_svcs': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_disc_chrs_by_uuid': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_disc_svc_by_uuid': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_exchange_mtu': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_find_inc_svcs': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_indicate': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_notify': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_notify_custom': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_read': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_read_by_uuid': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_read_long': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_read_mult': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_write': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_write_flat': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_write_long': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_write_no_rsp': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_write_no_rsp_flat': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'ble_gattc_write_reliable': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gattc/functions/'
- 'GATT server':
- toc: 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gatts/'
- 'Definitions':
- 'GATT server definitions': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gatts/definitions/'
- 'Functions':
- 'ble_gatts_count_cfg': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gatts/functions/'
- 'ble_gatts_count_resources': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gatts/functions/'
- 'ble_gatts_find_chr': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gatts/functions/'
- 'ble_gatts_register_svcs': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gatts/functions/'
- 'ble_gatts_add_svcs': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gatts/functions/'
- 'ble_gatts_find_svc': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gatts/functions/'
- 'ble_gatts_find_dsc': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_gatts/functions/'
- 'Identity':
- toc: 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_hs_id/'
- 'Functions':
- 'ble_hs_id_copy_addr': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_hs_id/functions/'
- 'ble_hs_id_gen_rnd': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_hs_id/functions/'
- 'ble_hs_id_set_rnd': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_hs_id/functions/'
- 'ATT':
- toc: 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_att/'
- 'Functions':
- 'ble_att_mtu': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_att/functions/'
- 'ble_att_set_preferred_mtu': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_att/functions/'
- 'ble_att_svr_read_local': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_att/functions/'
- 'ble_att_svr_write_local': 'network/ble/ble_hs/ble_att/functions/'
- 'Other':
- toc: 'network/ble/ble_hs/other/'
- 'Functions':
- 'ble_eddystone_set_adv_data_uid': 'network/ble/ble_hs/other/functions/'
- 'ble_eddystone_set_adv_data_url': 'network/ble/ble_hs/other/functions/'
- 'ble_hs_mbuf_att_pkt': 'network/ble/ble_hs/other/functions/'
- 'ble_hs_mbuf_from_flat': 'network/ble/ble_hs/other/functions/'
- 'ble_hs_mbuf_to_flat': 'network/ble/ble_hs/other/functions/'
- 'ble_ibeacon_set_adv_data': 'network/ble/ble_hs/other/functions/'
- 'ble_uuid_128_to_16': 'network/ble/ble_hs/other/functions/'
- 'ble_uuid_16_to_128': 'network/ble/ble_hs/other/functions/'
- bletiny app Usage API:
- toc: 'network/ble/bletiny/'
- 'GAP in bletiny': 'network/ble/bletiny/'
- 'GATT in bletiny': 'network/ble/bletiny/'
- 'Advertisement Data Fields': 'network/ble/bletiny/'
- Newt Tool Guide:
- toc: 'newt/'
- Newt Theory of Ops: 'newt/'
- Command Guide:
- toc: 'newt/'
- 'newt build': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt clean': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt create-image': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt debug': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt help': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt info': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt install': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt load': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt new': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt run': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt size': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt target': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt test': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt upgrade': 'newt/command_list/'
- 'newt version': 'newt/command_list/'
- Newt Manager Guide:
- toc: 'newtmgr/'
- 'Install': 'newtmgr/'
- Appendix:
- 'Edit Docs': 'faq/'
- 'FAQ': 'faq/'
- toc:
permalink: False
- sane_lists
- codehilite:
guess_lang: False
use_pygments: True
noclasses: True
pygments_style: xcode
version: 'none'
- label: 'develop'
branch: 'develop'
latest: False
- label: '0.9.0'
branch: 'v0_9_0'
latest: True
doc_path: 'os/introduction'
Chapter 1 - Get Started: 'The chapter organization is outlined below. Each chapter will include one or more tutorials for hands-on experience with the material in each chapter.'
Chapter 2 - Get Acclimated: 'Delves deeper into the concepts crucial to the software development effort.'
Chapter 3 - Newt Tool: 'Describes the command structure and details all the available commands to help you with your project.'
Chapter 4 - Mynewt OS: 'Provides an overview of the features available and how to customize for your hardware and software application.'
Chapter 5 - Modules: 'Lays out all the available modules such as HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer), console, le system, networking stacks, and other middleware components.'
Chapter 6 - Packaging it: 'Packages for distribution delineates the process of creating complete packages to load on your embedded device to get it up, connected, and ready for remote management.'
event 1:
title: 'ARM TechCon'
description: 'See Apache Mynewt in action in Booth #805. Watch it enable a variety of functionalities on different boards!'
location: "Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA, USA"
date: '25-27 October, 2016'
event 2:
title: 'Linaro Connect - Keynote Presentation'
description: 'LAS16-104: Mynewt Technical Overview. Apache Mynewt developers will be available until September 28th to meet and discuss Mynewt OS and associated Newt tool.'
location: "Grand Ballroom C, JW Marriott Resort and Spa Hotel, Las Vegas, NV"
date: 'Time: 16:10 - 16:45, Date: 26 September 2016, 2016'
copyright: 'Copyright © 2015 The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 Apache and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.'
google_analytics: ['UA-72162311-1', 'auto']