blob: 7a25e76b0029a0ed3cfb5ea2ca9752f1bacf5753 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package builder
import (
log ""
type Builder struct {
PkgMap map[*resolve.ResolvePackage]*BuildPackage
apiMap map[string]*BuildPackage
appPkg *BuildPackage
bspPkg *BuildPackage
compilerPkg *BuildPackage
targetPkg *BuildPackage
testPkg *BuildPackage
compilerInfo *toolchain.CompilerInfo
targetBuilder *TargetBuilder
cfg syscfg.Cfg
linkerScripts []string
buildName string
linkElf string
injectedSettings map[string]string
func NewBuilder(
t *TargetBuilder,
buildName string,
rpkgs []*resolve.ResolvePackage,
apiMap map[string]*resolve.ResolvePackage,
cfg syscfg.Cfg) (*Builder, error) {
b := &Builder{
PkgMap: make(map[*resolve.ResolvePackage]*BuildPackage, len(rpkgs)),
cfg: cfg,
buildName: buildName,
apiMap: make(map[string]*BuildPackage, len(apiMap)),
linkElf: "",
targetBuilder: t,
injectedSettings: map[string]string{},
for _, rpkg := range rpkgs {
if _, err := b.addPackage(rpkg); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create the pseudo build packages.
if _, err := b.addSysinitBpkg(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := b.addUserPreBuildBpkg(); err != nil {
return nil, err
for api, rpkg := range apiMap {
bpkg := b.PkgMap[rpkg]
if bpkg == nil {
return nil, util.FmtNewtError(
"Unexpected unsatisfied API: %s; required by: %s", api,
b.apiMap[api] = bpkg
return b, nil
func (b *Builder) addPackage(rpkg *resolve.ResolvePackage) (
*BuildPackage, error) {
// Don't allow nil entries to the map
if rpkg == nil {
panic("Cannot add nil package builder map")
bpkg := b.PkgMap[rpkg]
if bpkg == nil {
bpkg = NewBuildPackage(rpkg)
switch bpkg.rpkg.Lpkg.Type() {
if b.appPkg != nil {
return nil, pkgTypeConflictErr(b.appPkg, bpkg)
b.appPkg = bpkg
if b.bspPkg != nil {
return nil, pkgTypeConflictErr(b.bspPkg, bpkg)
b.bspPkg = bpkg
if b.compilerPkg != nil {
return nil, pkgTypeConflictErr(b.compilerPkg, bpkg)
b.compilerPkg = bpkg
if b.targetPkg != nil {
return nil, pkgTypeConflictErr(b.targetPkg, bpkg)
b.targetPkg = bpkg
b.PkgMap[rpkg] = bpkg
return bpkg, nil
func pkgTypeConflictErr(p1 *BuildPackage, p2 *BuildPackage) error {
return util.FmtNewtError("Two %s packages in build: %s, %s",
// Recursively compiles all the .c and .s files in the specified directory.
// Architecture-specific files are also compiled.
func collectCompileEntriesDir(srcDir string, c *toolchain.Compiler,
arch string, ignDirs []string) ([]toolchain.CompilerJob, error) {
// Quietly succeed if the source directory doesn't exist.
if util.NodeNotExist(srcDir) {
return nil, nil
"Compiling src in base directory: %s\n", srcDir)
// Start from the source directory.
// Ignore architecture-specific source files for now. Use a temporary
// string slice here so that the "arch" directory is not ignored in the
// subsequent architecture-specific compile phase.
ignDirsArch := append(ignDirs, "arch")
entries := []toolchain.CompilerJob{}
subEntries, err := c.RecursiveCollectEntries(toolchain.COMPILER_TYPE_C,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
entries = append(entries, subEntries...)
// Compile CPP files
subEntries, err = c.RecursiveCollectEntries(toolchain.COMPILER_TYPE_CPP,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
entries = append(entries, subEntries...)
// Copy in pre-compiled library files
subEntries, err = c.RecursiveCollectEntries(
toolchain.COMPILER_TYPE_ARCHIVE, ignDirsArch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
entries = append(entries, subEntries...)
archDir := srcDir + "/arch/" + arch + "/"
if util.NodeExist(archDir) {
"Compiling architecture specific src pkgs in directory: %s\n",
// Compile C source.
subEntries, err = c.RecursiveCollectEntries(
toolchain.COMPILER_TYPE_C, ignDirs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
entries = append(entries, subEntries...)
// Compile CPP source
subEntries, err = c.RecursiveCollectEntries(
toolchain.COMPILER_TYPE_CPP, ignDirs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
entries = append(entries, subEntries...)
// Compile assembly source (only architecture-specific).
subEntries, err = c.RecursiveCollectEntries(
toolchain.COMPILER_TYPE_ASM, ignDirs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
entries = append(entries, subEntries...)
// Copy in pre-compiled library files
subEntries, err = c.RecursiveCollectEntries(
toolchain.COMPILER_TYPE_ARCHIVE, ignDirs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
entries = append(entries, subEntries...)
return entries, nil
// Determines which build profile to use when building the specified package.
// 1. If the package specifies a "pkg.build_profile" value, that is returned:
// pkg.build_profile: debug
// 2. Else if the target specifies this package in its
// "target.package_profiles" map, that value is returned:
// target.package_profiles:
// 'apps/blinky': debug
// '@apache-mynewt-core/sys/log/full': debug
// 3. Else, "" is returned (falls back to the target's general build profile).
func (b *Builder) buildProfileFor(bpkg *BuildPackage) string {
tgt := b.targetBuilder.GetTarget()
bp := tgt.PkgProfiles[bpkg.rpkg.Lpkg.FullName()]
if bp != "" {
return bp
return bpkg.BuildProfile(b)
func (b *Builder) newCompiler(bpkg *BuildPackage,
dstDir string) (*toolchain.Compiler, error) {
var buildProfile string
if bpkg != nil {
buildProfile = b.buildProfileFor(bpkg)
c, err := b.targetBuilder.NewCompiler(dstDir, buildProfile)
if err != nil {
// If default build profile was used, just return an error.
// Otherwise we emit a warning and try with default build profile.
if buildProfile == "" {
return nil, err
log.Warnf("Unsupported build profile for package, using default build profile "+
"(pkg=\"%s\" build_profile=\"%s\" OS=\"%s\")",
bpkg.rpkg.Lpkg.FullName(), buildProfile, runtime.GOOS)
c, err = b.targetBuilder.NewCompiler(dstDir, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bpkg != nil {
log.Debugf("Generating build flags for package %s",
ci, err := bpkg.CompilerInfo(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
func (b *Builder) collectCompileEntriesBpkg(bpkg *BuildPackage) (
[]toolchain.CompilerJob, error) {
c, err := b.newCompiler(bpkg, b.PkgBinDir(bpkg))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
srcDirs := []string{}
if len(bpkg.SourceDirectories) > 0 {
for _, relDir := range bpkg.SourceDirectories {
dir := bpkg.rpkg.Lpkg.BasePath() + "/" + relDir
if util.NodeNotExist(dir) {
return nil, util.NewNewtError(fmt.Sprintf(
"Specified source directory %s, does not exist.",
srcDirs = append(srcDirs, dir)
} else {
srcDir := bpkg.rpkg.Lpkg.BasePath() + "/src"
if util.NodeNotExist(srcDir) {
// Nothing to compile.
return nil, nil
srcDirs = append(srcDirs, srcDir)
entries := []toolchain.CompilerJob{}
for _, dir := range srcDirs {
subEntries, err := collectCompileEntriesDir(dir, c,
b.targetBuilder.bspPkg.Arch, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
entries = append(entries, subEntries...)
return entries, nil
func (b *Builder) CollectCompileEntriesBpkg(bpkg *BuildPackage) (
[]toolchain.CompilerJob, error) {
return b.collectCompileEntriesBpkg(bpkg)
func (b *Builder) createArchive(c *toolchain.Compiler,
bpkg *BuildPackage) error {
// Create a static library ("archive").
archiveFile := b.ArchivePath(bpkg)
if err := c.CompileArchive(archiveFile); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (b *Builder) RemovePackages(cmn map[string]bool) error {
for pkgName, _ := range cmn {
for lp, bpkg := range b.PkgMap {
if bpkg.rpkg.Lpkg.Name() == pkgName {
delete(b.PkgMap, lp)
return nil
func (b *Builder) ExtractSymbolInfo() (error, *symbol.SymbolMap) {
syms := symbol.NewSymbolMap()
for _, bpkg := range b.PkgMap {
err, sm := b.ParseObjectLibrary(bpkg)
if err == nil {
syms, err = (*syms).Merge(sm)
if err != nil {
return err, nil
return nil, syms
func (b *Builder) link(elfName string, linkerScripts []string,
keepSymbols []string, extraADirs []string) error {
c, err := b.newCompiler(b.appPkg, b.FileBinDir(elfName))
if err != nil {
return err
// Calculate the list of directories containing source .a files.
var dirs []string
for _, bpkg := range b.sortedBuildPackages() {
dirs = append(dirs, b.PkgBinDir(bpkg))
// Collect lflags from all constituent packages. Discard everything
// from the compiler info except lflags; that is all that is relevant
// to the link command.
ci, err := bpkg.CompilerInfo(b)
if err != nil {
return err
c.AddInfo(&toolchain.CompilerInfo{Lflags: ci.Lflags})
dirs = append(dirs, extraADirs...)
// Find all .a files in the input directories.
trimmedANames := []string{}
for _, dir := range dirs {
fullANames, _ := filepath.Glob(dir + "/*.a")
for i, archiveName := range fullANames {
fullANames[i] = filepath.ToSlash(archiveName)
trimmedANames = append(trimmedANames, fullANames...)
c.LinkerScripts = linkerScripts
err = c.CompileElf(elfName, trimmedANames, keepSymbols, b.linkElf)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Populates the builder with all the packages that need to be built and
// configures each package's build settings. After this function executes,
// packages are ready to be built.
func (b *Builder) PrepBuild() error {
// Populate the base set of compiler flags. Flags from the following
// packages get applied to every source file:
// * target
// * app (if present)
// * bsp
// * compiler (not added here)
// In the case of conflicting flags, the higher priority package's flag
// wins. Package priorities are assigned as follows (highest priority
// first):
// * target
// * app (if present)
// * bsp
// * <library package>
// * compiler
baseCi := toolchain.NewCompilerInfo()
// Target flags.
log.Debugf("Generating build flags for target %s",
targetCi, err := b.targetPkg.CompilerInfo(b)
if err != nil {
return err
// App flags.
if b.appPkg != nil {
log.Debugf("Generating build flags for app %s",
appCi, err := b.appPkg.CompilerInfo(b)
if err != nil {
return err
// Bsp flags.
log.Debugf("Generating build flags for bsp %s",
bspCi, err := b.bspPkg.CompilerInfo(b)
if err != nil {
return err
// Define a cpp symbol indicating the BSP architecture, name of the
// BSP and app.
// The arch, app, and bsp defines are kept here for backwards compatiblity.
// Users should prefer the equivalent syscfg defines.
archName := b.targetBuilder.bspPkg.Arch
bspCi.Cflags = append(bspCi.Cflags, "-DARCH_"+util.CIdentifier(archName))
bspCi.Cflags = append(bspCi.Cflags, "-DARCH_NAME="+archName+"")
if b.appPkg != nil {
appName := filepath.Base(b.appPkg.rpkg.Lpkg.Name())
bspCi.Cflags = append(bspCi.Cflags, "-DAPP_"+util.CIdentifier(appName))
bspCi.Cflags = append(bspCi.Cflags, "-DAPP_NAME="+appName+"")
bspName := filepath.Base(b.bspPkg.rpkg.Lpkg.Name())
bspCi.Cflags = append(bspCi.Cflags, "-DBSP_"+util.CIdentifier(bspName))
bspCi.Cflags = append(bspCi.Cflags, "-DBSP_NAME="+bspName+"")
// All packages have access to the generated code header directory.
baseCi.Includes = append(baseCi.Includes,
// All packages have access to the user generated header directory.
baseCi.Includes = append(baseCi.Includes,
// Let multiplatform libraries know that a Mynewt binary is being build.
baseCi.Cflags = append(baseCi.Cflags, "-DMYNEWT=1")
// Note: The compiler package's flags get added at the end, after the flags
// for library package being built are calculated.
b.compilerInfo = baseCi
return nil
func (b *Builder) AddCompilerInfo(info *toolchain.CompilerInfo) {
// addPseudoBpkg creates a dynamic build package and adds it to the builder.
func (b *Builder) addPseudoBpkg(name string,
dir string) (*BuildPackage, error) {
lpkg := pkg.NewLocalPackage(b.targetPkg.rpkg.Lpkg.Repo().(*repo.Repo), dir)
"%s-%s", pkg.ShortName(b.targetPkg.rpkg.Lpkg), name))
rpkg := resolve.NewResolvePkg(lpkg)
return b.addPackage(rpkg)
// addSysinitBpkg adds the pseudo sysinit build package to the builder.
func (b *Builder) addSysinitBpkg() (*BuildPackage, error) {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", "sysinit", b.buildName)
dir := GeneratedBaseDir(b.targetPkg.rpkg.Lpkg.FullName())
return b.addPseudoBpkg(name, dir)
// addUserPreBuildBpkg adds the pseudo user build package to the builder. The
// user build package contains inputs emitted by external scripts.
func (b *Builder) addUserPreBuildBpkg() (*BuildPackage, error) {
return b.addPseudoBpkg("user-pre-build",
// Runs build jobs while any remain. On failure, signals the other workers to
// stop via the stop channel. On error, the error object is signaled via the
// results channel. On successful completion, nil is signaled via the results
// channel.
func buildWorker(
id int,
jobs <-chan toolchain.CompilerJob,
stop chan struct{},
results chan error) {
// Execute each job until failure or until a stop is signalled.
for {
select {
case s := <-stop:
// Re-enqueue the stop signal for the other routines.
stop <- s
// Terminate this go routine.
results <- nil
case j := <-jobs:
if err := toolchain.RunJob(j); err != nil {
// Stop the other routines.
stop <- struct{}{}
// Report the error back to the master thread and terminate.
results <- err
// Terminate this go routine.
results <- nil
func (b *Builder) Build() error {
// Build the packages alphabetically to ensure a consistent order.
bpkgs := b.sortedBuildPackages()
// Calculate the list of jobs. Each record represents a single file that
// needs to be compiled.
entries := []toolchain.CompilerJob{}
bpkgCompilerMap := map[*BuildPackage]*toolchain.Compiler{}
for _, bpkg := range bpkgs {
subEntries, err := b.collectCompileEntriesBpkg(bpkg)
if err != nil {
return err
entries = append(entries, subEntries...)
if len(subEntries) > 0 {
bpkgCompilerMap[bpkg] = subEntries[0].Compiler
// Build each file in parallel.
jobs := make(chan toolchain.CompilerJob, len(entries))
defer close(jobs)
stop := make(chan struct{}, newtutil.NewtNumJobs)
defer close(stop)
errors := make(chan error, newtutil.NewtNumJobs)
defer close(errors)
for _, entry := range entries {
jobs <- entry
for i := 0; i < newtutil.NewtNumJobs; i++ {
go buildWorker(i, jobs, stop, errors)
var err error
for i := 0; i < newtutil.NewtNumJobs; i++ {
subErr := <-errors
if err == nil && subErr != nil {
err = subErr
if err != nil {
return err
for _, bpkg := range bpkgs {
c := bpkgCompilerMap[bpkg]
if c != nil {
if err := b.createArchive(c, bpkg); err != nil {
return err
var compileCommands []toolchain.CompileCommand
for _, bpkg := range bpkgs {
c := bpkgCompilerMap[bpkg]
if c != nil {
compileCommands = append(compileCommands,
projectPath := interfaces.GetProject().Path() + "/"
for i := range compileCommands {
compileCommands[i].Directory = projectPath
cmdBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(compileCommands, "", " ")
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to encode compilation commands as JSON")
return nil
cmdPath := b.CompileCmdsPath()
errWrite := ioutil.WriteFile(cmdPath, cmdBytes, 0644)
if errWrite != nil {
return util.FmtNewtError(
"Unable to write compile_commands.json file; reason: %s",
return nil
func (b *Builder) Link(linkerScripts []string, extraADirs []string) error {
if err :=, linkerScripts, nil,
extraADirs); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (b *Builder) KeepLink(linkerScripts []string, keepMap *symbol.SymbolMap,
extraADirs []string) error {
keepSymbols := make([]string, 0)
if keepMap != nil {
for _, info := range *keepMap {
keepSymbols = append(keepSymbols, info.Name)
if err :=, linkerScripts, keepSymbols,
extraADirs); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (b *Builder) TentativeLink(linkerScripts []string,
extraADirs []string) error {
if err :=, linkerScripts, nil,
extraADirs); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (b *Builder) pkgWithPath(path string) *BuildPackage {
for _, bpkg := range b.PkgMap {
if bpkg.rpkg.Lpkg.BasePath() == path {
return bpkg
return nil
func (b *Builder) FetchSymbolMap() (error, *symbol.SymbolMap) {
loaderSm := symbol.NewSymbolMap()
for _, bpkg := range b.PkgMap {
err, sm := b.ParseObjectLibrary(bpkg)
if err == nil {
"Size of %s Loader Map %d\n", bpkg.rpkg.Lpkg.Name(), len(*sm))
loaderSm, err = loaderSm.Merge(sm)
if err != nil {
return err, nil
return nil, loaderSm
func (b *Builder) GetCompilerInfo() *toolchain.CompilerInfo {
return b.compilerInfo
func (b *Builder) GetTarget() *target.Target {
return b.targetBuilder.GetTarget()
func (b *Builder) buildRomElf(common *symbol.SymbolMap) error {
// check dependencies on the ROM ELF. This is really dependent on
// all of the .a files, but since we already depend on the loader
// .as to build the initial elf, we only need to check the app .a
c, err := b.targetBuilder.NewCompiler(b.AppElfPath(), "")
d := toolchain.NewDepTracker(c)
if err != nil {
return err
archNames := []string{}
// build the set of archive file names
for _, bpkg := range b.PkgMap {
archiveNames, _ := filepath.Glob(b.PkgBinDir(bpkg) + "/*.a")
archNames = append(archNames, archiveNames...)
bld, err := d.RomElfBuildRequired(b.AppLinkerElfPath(),
b.AppElfPath(), archNames)
if err != nil {
return err
if !bld {
return nil
"Generating ROM elf \n")
/* the linker needs these symbols kept for the split app
* to initialize the loader data and bss */
/* the split app may need this to access interrupts */
err = b.CopySymbols(common)
if err != nil {
return err
/* These symbols are needed by the split app so it can zero
* bss and copy data from the loader app before it restarts,
* but we have to rename them since it has its own copies of
* these special linker symbols */
tmp_sm := symbol.NewSymbolMap()
err = c.RenameSymbols(tmp_sm, b.AppLinkerElfPath(), "_loader")
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Deletes files that should never be reused for a subsequent build. This
// list includes:
// <app>.img
// <app>.elf.bin
// manifest.json
func (b *Builder) CleanArtifacts() {
if b.appPkg == nil {
paths := []string{
// Attempt to delete each artifact, ignoring errors.
for _, p := range paths {