blob: 039c293f1b0d92177f463a6c85c9eca11174abaa [file] [log] [blame]
Installing Newt on macOS
Newt is supported on macOS 64 bit platforms and has been tested on
macOS 10.12 and higher.
This page shows you how to:
- Upgrade to or install the latest release version of newt.
- Install the latest newt from the master branch (unstable).
See :doc:`prev_releases` to install an earlier version of newt.
**Note:** If you would like to contribute to the newt tool, see :doc:`Setting Up Go Environment to Contribute
to Newt and Newtmgr Tools <../../misc/go_env>`.
Installing Homebrew
If you do not have Homebrew installed, run the following command. You
will be prompted for your sudo password.
.. code-block:: console
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
You can also extract (or ``git clone``) Homebrew and install it to
Adding the Mynewt Homebrew Tap
If this is your first time installing newt, add the **JuulLabs-OSS/mynewt**
.. code-block:: console
$ brew tap JuulLabs-OSS/mynewt
==> Tapping juullabs-oss/mynewt
Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/juullabs-oss/homebrew-mynewt'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 16, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (16/16), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
remote: Total 16 (delta 12), reused 3 (delta 3), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (16/16), done.
Tapped 14 formulae (52 files, 51.9KB).
$ brew update
Upgrading to or Installing the Latest Release Version
Perform the following to upgrade or install the latest release version
of newt.
**Note:** The homebrew tap used to live under ``runtimeco/mynewt``, and
although updating should still work, if the tap stops pulling in the latest
releases, please try removing the old tap and adding the new one:
.. code-block:: console
$ brew untap runtimeco/mynewt
$ brew tap JuulLabs-OSS/mynewt
Upgrading to the Latest Release Version of Newt
If you previously installed newt using brew, run the following
commands to upgrade to newt latest:
.. code-block:: console
$ brew update
$ brew upgrade mynewt-newt
==> Upgrading 1 outdated package, with result:
juullabs-oss/mynewt/mynewt-newt 1.5.0
==> Upgrading juullabs-oss/mynewt/mynewt-newt
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring mynewt-newt-1.5.0.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/mynewt-newt/1.5.0: 3 files, 8.1MB
Installing the Latest Release Version of Newt
Run the following command to install the latest release version of newt:
.. code-block:: console
$ brew update
$ brew install mynewt-newt
==> Installing mynewt-newt from juullabs-oss/mynewt
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring mynewt-newt-1.5.0.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
?? /usr/local/Cellar/mynewt-newt/1.5.0: 3 files, 8.1MB
**Notes:** Homebrew bottles for newt are available for macOS Sierra. If you are running an earlier version of macOS,
the installation will install the latest version of Go and compile newt locally.
Checking the Installed Version
Check that you are using the installed version of newt:
.. code-block:: console
$ which newt
$ newt version
Apache Newt version: 1.5.0
**Note:** If you previously built newt from source and the output of
``which newt`` shows
"$GOPATH/bin/newt", you will need to move "$GOPATH/bin" after
"/usr/local/bin" for your PATH in ~/.bash_profile, and source
Get information about newt:
.. code-block:: console
$ newt help
Newt allows you to create your own embedded application based on the Mynewt
operating system. Newt provides both build and package management in a single
tool, which allows you to compose an embedded application, and set of
projects, and then build the necessary artifacts from those projects. For more
information on the Mynewt operating system, please visit
Please use the newt help command, and specify the name of the command you want
help for, for help on how to use a specific command
newt [flags]
newt [command]
newt help [<command-name>]
For help on <command-name>. If not specified, print this message.
Available Commands:
build Build one or more targets
clean Delete build artifacts for one or more targets
create-image Add image header to target binary
debug Open debugger session to target
help Help about any command
info Show project info
install Install project dependencies
load Load built target to board
mfg Manufacturing flash image commands
new Create a new project
pkg Create and manage packages in the current workspace
resign-image Re-sign an image.
run build/create-image/download/debug <target>
size Size of target components
sync Synchronize project dependencies
target Commands to create, delete, configure, and query targets
test Executes unit tests for one or more packages
upgrade Upgrade project dependencies
vals Display valid values for the specified element type(s)
version Display the Newt version number
-h, --help Help for newt commands
-j, --jobs int Number of concurrent build jobs (default 4)
-l, --loglevel string Log level (default "WARN")
-o, --outfile string Filename to tee output to
-q, --quiet Be quiet; only display error output
-s, --silent Be silent; don't output anything
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output when executing commands
Use "newt [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Installing Newt from the Master Branch
We recommend that you use the latest release version of newt. If
you would like to use the master branch with the latest updates, you can
install newt from the HEAD of the master branch.
- The master branch may be unstable.
- This installation will install the latest version of Go on your
computer, if it is not installed, and compile newt locally.
If you previously installed newt using brew, unlink the current
version. Depending on your previous newt version you may have to also uninstall newt.
.. code-block:: console
$ brew unlink mynewt-newt
$ brew uninstall mynewt-newt
Install the latest unstable version of newt from the master branch:
.. code-block:: console
$ brew install mynewt-newt --HEAD
To switch back to the latest stable release version of newt,
you can run:
.. code-block:: console
$ brew switch mynewt-newt 1.5.0