blob: e5a935c80534e3ebc1a2689f94a84284de2b2c9d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// Contains all repo version detection functionality.
package repo
import (
log ""
var versionYmlMissing = util.FmtNewtError("version.yml missing")
var versionYmlBad = util.FmtNewtError("version.yml bad")
func versString(vers []newtutil.RepoVersion) string {
s := "["
for _, v := range vers {
if len(s) > 1 {
s += ","
s += v.String()
s += "]"
return s
func (r *Repo) DepsForVersion(ver newtutil.RepoVersion) []*RepoDependency {
// If the project uses a specific commit of this repo rather than a version
// specifier, ignore the commit string when calculating dependencies.
// Repos specify dependencies for tags and branches corresponding to
// version numbers rather than this particular commit.
ver.Commit = ""
commit, err := r.CommitFromVer(ver)
if err != nil {
return nil
return r.deps[commit]
// Removes extra information from a git commit string. This throws away
// information and causes some ambiguity, but it allows git commits to be
// specified in a user-friendly manner (e.g., "mynewt_1_3_0_tag" rather than
// "tags/mynewt_1_3_0_tag").
func normalizeCommit(commit string) string {
commit = strings.TrimPrefix(commit, "tags/")
commit = strings.TrimPrefix(commit, "origin/")
commit = strings.TrimPrefix(commit, "heads/")
return commit
// Retrieves the repo's currently checked-out hash.
func (r *Repo) CurrentHash() (string, error) {
dl := r.downloader
if dl == nil {
return "", util.FmtNewtError("No downloader for %s", r.Name())
hash, err := dl.HashFor(r.Path(), "HEAD")
if err != nil {
return "", err
return hash, nil
// Retrieves all commit strings corresponding to the repo's current state.
func (r *Repo) CurrentCommits() ([]string, error) {
commits, err := r.downloader.CommitsFor(r.Path(), "HEAD")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return commits, nil
// Retrieves the commit that the specified version maps to in `repository.yml`.
// Note: This returns the specific commit in `repository.yml`; there may be
// other commits that refer to the same point in the repo's history.
func (r *Repo) CommitFromVer(ver newtutil.RepoVersion) (string, error) {
if ver.Commit != "" {
return ver.Commit, nil
nver, err := r.NormalizeVersion(ver)
if err != nil {
return "", err
commit := r.vers[nver]
if commit == "" {
return "",
"repo \"%s\" version %s does not map to a commit",
r.Name(), nver.String())
return commit, nil
// Determines whether the two specified commits refer to the same point in the
// repo's history.
func (r *Repo) CommitsEquivalent(c1 string, c2 string) (bool, error) {
if c1 == "" {
return c2 == "", nil
} else if c2 == "" {
return false, nil
commits, err := r.downloader.CommitsFor(r.Path(), c1)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, c := range commits {
if c == c2 {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// Retrieves the unique commit hash corresponding to the specified repo
// version.
func (r *Repo) HashFromVer(ver newtutil.RepoVersion) (string, error) {
commit, err := r.CommitFromVer(ver)
if err != nil {
return "", err
hash, err := r.downloader.HashFor(r.Path(), commit)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return hash, nil
// Retrieves all versions that map to the specified commit string.
// Note: This function only considers the specified commit. If any equivalent
// commits exist, they are not considered here.
func (r *Repo) VersFromCommit(commit string) []newtutil.RepoVersion {
var vers []newtutil.RepoVersion
for v, c := range r.vers {
if c == commit {
vers = append(vers, v)
return vers
// Retrieves all versions that map to any of the specified commit strings.
// Note: This function only considers the specified commits. If any equivalent
// commits exist, they are not considered here.
func (r *Repo) VersFromCommits(commits []string) []newtutil.RepoVersion {
var vers []newtutil.RepoVersion
for _, c := range commits {
vers = append(vers, r.VersFromCommit(normalizeCommit(c))...)
return vers
// Retrieves all versions that map to the specified commit. Versions that map
// to equivalent commits are also included.
func (r *Repo) VersFromEquivCommit(
commit string) ([]newtutil.RepoVersion, error) {
commits, err := r.downloader.CommitsFor(r.Path(), commit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.VersFromCommits(commits), nil
// Converts the specified versions to their equivalent x.x.x forms for this
// repo. For example, this might convert "0-dev" to "0.0.0" (depending on the
// `repository.yml` file contents).
func (r *Repo) NormalizedVersions() ([]newtutil.RepoVersion, error) {
verMap := map[newtutil.RepoVersion]struct{}{}
for ver, _ := range r.vers {
nver, err := r.NormalizeVersion(ver)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
verMap[nver] = struct{}{}
vers := make([]newtutil.RepoVersion, 0, len(verMap))
for ver, _ := range verMap {
vers = append(vers, ver)
return vers, nil
// Converts the specified version to its equivalent x.x.x form for this repo.
// For example, this might convert "0-dev" to "0.0.0" (depending on the
// `repository.yml` file contents).
func (r *Repo) NormalizeVersion(
ver newtutil.RepoVersion) (newtutil.RepoVersion, error) {
origVer := ver
for {
if ver.Stability == "" ||
ver.Stability == newtutil.VERSION_STABILITY_NONE {
return ver, nil
verStr := r.vers[ver]
if verStr == "" {
return ver, util.FmtNewtError(
"cannot normalize version \"%s\" for repo \"%s\"; "+
"no mapping to numeric version",
origVer.String(), r.Name())
nextVer, err := newtutil.ParseRepoVersion(verStr)
if err != nil {
return ver, util.PreNewtError(err,
"failure parsing version for repo \"%s\"", r.Name())
ver = nextVer
// Normalizes the version component of a version requirement.
func (r *Repo) NormalizeVerReq(verReq newtutil.RepoVersionReq) (
newtutil.RepoVersionReq, error) {
ver, err := r.NormalizeVersion(verReq.Ver)
if err != nil {
return verReq, err
verReq.Ver = ver
return verReq, nil
// Normalizes the version component of each specified version requirement.
func (r *Repo) NormalizeVerReqs(verReqs []newtutil.RepoVersionReq) (
[]newtutil.RepoVersionReq, error) {
result := make([]newtutil.RepoVersionReq, len(verReqs))
for i, verReq := range verReqs {
n, err := r.NormalizeVerReq(verReq)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result[i] = n
return result, nil
// Compares the two specified versions for equality. Two versions are equal if
// they ultimately map to the same commit object.
func (r *Repo) VersionsEqual(v1 newtutil.RepoVersion,
v2 newtutil.RepoVersion) bool {
h1, err := r.HashFromVer(v1)
if err != nil {
return false
h2, err := r.HashFromVer(v2)
if err != nil {
return false
return h1 == h2
// Parses the `version.yml` file at the specified path. On success, the parsed
// version is returned.
func parseVersionYml(path string) (newtutil.RepoVersion, error) {
yc, err := config.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
if util.IsNotExist(err) {
return newtutil.RepoVersion{}, versionYmlMissing
} else {
return newtutil.RepoVersion{}, versionYmlBad
verString, err := yc.GetValString("repo.version", nil)
if verString == "" {
return newtutil.RepoVersion{}, versionYmlBad
ver, err := newtutil.ParseRepoVersion(verString)
if err != nil || !ver.IsNormalized() {
return newtutil.RepoVersion{}, versionYmlBad
return ver, nil
// Reads and parses the `version.yml` file belonging to an installed repo.
func (r *Repo) installedVersionYml() (*newtutil.RepoVersion, error) {
ver, err := parseVersionYml(r.Path() + "/" + REPO_VER_FILE_NAME)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ver, nil
// Downloads and parses the `version.yml` file from the repo at the specified
// commit.
func (r *Repo) nonInstalledVersionYml(
commit string) (*newtutil.RepoVersion, error) {
filePath, err := r.downloadFile(commit, REPO_VER_FILE_NAME)
if err != nil {
// The download failed. Determine if the commit string is bad or if
// the file just doesn't exist in that commit.
if _, e2 := r.downloader.CommitType(r.localPath, commit); e2 != nil {
// Bad commit string.
return nil, err
// The commit exists, but it doesn't contain a `version.yml` file.
// Assume the commit corresponds to version 0.0.0.
return nil, versionYmlMissing
ver, err := parseVersionYml(filePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ver, nil
// Tries to determine which repo version meets the specified criteria:
// * Maps to the specified commit string (or an equivalent commit).
// * Is equal to the specified version read from `version.yml` (if not-null).
func (r *Repo) inferVersion(commit string, vyVer *newtutil.RepoVersion) (
*newtutil.RepoVersion, error) {
// Search `repository.yml` for versions that the specified commit maps to.
ryVers, err := r.VersFromEquivCommit(commit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If valid versions were derived from both `version.yml` and the specified
// commit+`repository.yml`, look for a common version.
if vyVer != nil {
if len(ryVers) > 0 {
for _, cv := range ryVers {
if newtutil.CompareRepoVersions(*vyVer, cv) == 0 {
return vyVer, nil
"Version mismatch in %s:%s; repository.yml:%s, version.yml:%s",
r.Name(), commit, versString(ryVers), vyVer.String())
} else {
// If the set of commits doesn't contain a version from
// `repository.yml`, record the commit hash in the version
// specifier. This will distinguish the returned version from its
// corresponding official release.
hash, err := r.downloader.HashFor(r.Path(), commit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vyVer.Commit = hash
// Always prefer the version in `version.yml`.
log.Debugf("Inferred version %s from %s:%s from version.yml",
vyVer.String(), r.Name(), commit)
return vyVer, nil
if len(ryVers) > 0 {
log.Debugf("Inferred version %s for %s:%s from repository.yml",
ryVers[0].String(), r.Name(), commit)
return &ryVers[0], nil
return nil, nil
// Retrieves the installed version of the repo. Returns nil if the version
// cannot be detected.
func (r *Repo) InstalledVersion() (*newtutil.RepoVersion, error) {
vyVer, err := r.installedVersionYml()
if err != nil && err != versionYmlMissing && err != versionYmlBad {
return nil, err
hash, err := r.CurrentHash()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if hash == "" {
return nil, nil
ver, err := r.inferVersion(hash, vyVer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ver, nil
// Retrieves the repo version corresponding to the specified commit. Returns
// nil if the version cannot be detected.
func (r *Repo) NonInstalledVersion(
commit string) (*newtutil.RepoVersion, error) {
ver, versionYmlErr := r.nonInstalledVersionYml(commit)
if versionYmlErr != nil &&
versionYmlErr != versionYmlMissing &&
versionYmlErr != versionYmlBad {
return nil, versionYmlErr
ver, err := r.inferVersion(commit, ver)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ver == nil {
if versionYmlErr == versionYmlMissing {
"%s:%s does not contain a `version.yml` file.",
r.Name(), commit)
} else if versionYmlErr == versionYmlBad {
"%s:%s contains a malformed `version.yml` file.",
r.Name(), commit)
return ver, nil