blob: 6aedd5689897d7d4cb6225a88cba61a3103491a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package repo
import (
log ""
const REPO_NAME_LOCAL = "local"
const REPO_FILE_NAME = "repository.yml"
const REPO_VER_FILE_NAME = "version.yml"
const REPOS_DIR = "repos"
type Repo struct {
name string
downloader downloader.Downloader
localPath string
ignDirs []string
updated bool
local bool
ncMap compat.NewtCompatMap
// True if this repo was cloned during this invocation of newt.
newlyCloned bool
// commit => [dependencies]
deps map[string][]*RepoDependency
// version => commit
vers map[newtutil.RepoVersion]string
type RepoDependency struct {
Name string
VerReqs []newtutil.RepoVersionReq
Fields map[string]string
func (r *Repo) CommitDepMap() map[string][]*RepoDependency {
return r.deps
func (r *Repo) AllDeps() []*RepoDependency {
commits := make([]string, 0, len(r.deps))
for commit, _ := range r.deps {
commits = append(commits, commit)
deps := []*RepoDependency{}
for _, b := range commits {
deps = append(deps, r.deps[b]...)
return deps
func (r *Repo) AddIgnoreDir(ignDir string) {
r.ignDirs = append(r.ignDirs, ignDir)
func (r *Repo) ignoreDir(dir string) bool {
for _, idir := range r.ignDirs {
if idir == dir {
return true
return false
func (r *Repo) Downloader() downloader.Downloader {
return r.downloader
func (repo *Repo) FilteredSearchList(
curPath string, searchedMap map[string]struct{}) ([]string, error) {
list := []string{}
path := filepath.Join(repo.Path(), curPath)
dirList, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
if err != nil {
// The repo could not be found in the `repos` directory. Display a
// warning if the `project.state` file indicates that the repo has been
// installed.
var warning error
if interfaces.GetProject().RepoIsInstalled(repo.Name()) {
warning = util.FmtNewtError("failed to read repo \"%s\": %s",
repo.Name(), err.Error())
return list, warning
for _, dirEnt := range dirList {
// Resolve symbolic links.
entPath := filepath.Join(path, dirEnt.Name())
entry, err := os.Stat(entPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, util.ChildNewtError(err)
name := entry.Name()
if err != nil {
if !entry.IsDir() {
// Don't search the same directory twice. This check is necessary in
// case of symlink cycles.
absPath, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(entPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, util.ChildNewtError(err)
if _, ok := searchedMap[absPath]; ok {
searchedMap[absPath] = struct{}{}
if strings.HasPrefix(name, ".") {
if repo.ignoreDir(filepath.Join(curPath, name)) {
list = append(list, name)
return list, nil
func (r *Repo) Name() string {
func (r *Repo) Path() string {
return r.localPath
func (r *Repo) IsLocal() bool {
return r.local
func (r *Repo) IsNewlyCloned() bool {
return r.newlyCloned
func RepoFilePath(repoName string) string {
return interfaces.GetProject().Path() + "/" + REPOS_DIR + "/" +
".configs/" + repoName
func (r *Repo) repoFilePath() string {
return RepoFilePath(
func (r *Repo) patchesFilePath() string {
return interfaces.GetProject().Path() + "/" + REPOS_DIR +
func (r *Repo) downloadRepo(commit string) error {
dl := r.downloader
tmpdir, err := newtutil.MakeTempRepoDir()
if err != nil {
return err
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)
// Download the git repo, returns the git repo, checked out to that commit
if err := dl.Clone(commit, tmpdir); err != nil {
return util.FmtNewtError("Error downloading repository %s: %s",
r.Name(), err.Error())
// Copy the Git repo into the the desired local path of the repo
if err := util.CopyDir(tmpdir, r.Path()); err != nil {
// Cleanup any directory that might have been created if we error out
// here.
return err
r.newlyCloned = true
return nil
func (r *Repo) CheckExists() bool {
return util.NodeExist(r.Path())
func (r *Repo) updateRepo(commit string) error {
// Clone the repo if it doesn't exist.
if err := r.EnsureExists(); err != nil {
return err
// Fetch and checkout the specified commit.
if err := r.downloader.Fetch(r.Path()); err != nil {
return util.FmtNewtError(
"Error updating \"%s\": %s", r.Name(), err.Error())
// If the specified commit doesn't exist, try inserting "_rc#" into the
// string. This is useful when a release candidate is being tested. In
// this case, the "rc" tags exist, but the official release tag has not
// been created yet.
if _, err := r.downloader.CommitType(r.Path(), commit); err != nil {
newCommit, err := r.downloader.LatestRc(r.Path(), commit)
if err != nil {
return util.FmtNewtError(
"Error updating \"%s\": %s", r.Name(), err.Error())
if newCommit != "" {
"in repo \"%s\": commit \"%s\" does not exist; "+
"using \"%s\" instead\n",
r.Name(), commit, newCommit)
commit = newCommit
if err := r.downloader.Checkout(r.Path(), commit); err != nil {
return util.FmtNewtError(
"Error updating \"%s\": %s", r.Name(), err.Error())
return nil
// Indicates whether the specified repo is in a clean or dirty state.
// @return string Text describing repo's dirty state, or "" if
// clean.
// @return error Error.
func (r *Repo) DirtyState() (string, error) {
return r.downloader.DirtyState(r.Path())
func (r *Repo) Upgrade(ver newtutil.RepoVersion) error {
commit, err := r.CommitFromVer(ver)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := r.updateRepo(commit); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Fetches all remotes and downloads an up to date copy of `repository.yml`
// from master. The repo object is then populated with the contents of the
// downladed file. If this repo has already had its descriptor updated, this
// function is a no-op.
func (r *Repo) UpdateDesc() (bool, error) {
if r.updated {
return false, nil
util.StatusMessage(util.VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, "[%s]:\n", r.Name())
// Make sure the repo's "origin" remote points to the correct URL. This is
// necessary in case the user changed his `project.yml` file to point to a
// different fork.
if err := r.downloader.FixupOrigin(r.localPath); err != nil {
return false, err
// Download `repository.yml`.
if err := r.DownloadDesc(); err != nil {
return false, err
// Read `repository.yml` and populate this repo object.
if err := r.Read(); err != nil {
return false, err
r.updated = true
return true, nil
func (r *Repo) EnsureExists() error {
// Clone the repo if it doesn't exist.
if !r.CheckExists() {
if err := r.downloadRepo("master"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (r *Repo) downloadFile(commit string, srcPath string) (string, error) {
dl := r.downloader
// Clone the repo if it doesn't exist.
if err := r.EnsureExists(); err != nil {
return "", err
cpath := r.repoFilePath()
if err := os.MkdirAll(cpath, REPO_DEFAULT_PERMS); err != nil {
return "", util.ChildNewtError(err)
if err := dl.FetchFile(commit, r.localPath, srcPath, cpath); err != nil {
return "", util.FmtNewtError(
"Download of \"%s\" from repo:%s commit:%s failed: %s",
srcPath, r.Name(), commit, err.Error())
"Download of \"%s\" from repo:%s commit:%s successful\n",
srcPath, r.Name(), commit)
return cpath + "/" + srcPath, nil
func (r *Repo) downloadRepositoryYml() error {
if _, err := r.downloadFile("master", REPO_FILE_NAME); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Downloads the repository description, i.e., `repository.yml`.
func (r *Repo) DownloadDesc() error {
util.StatusMessage(util.VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, "Downloading "+
"repository description\n")
// Remember if the directory already exists. If it doesn't, we'll create
// it. If downloading fails, only remove the directory if we just created
// it.
createdDir := false
// Configuration path
cpath := r.repoFilePath()
if util.NodeNotExist(cpath) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(cpath, REPO_DEFAULT_PERMS); err != nil {
return util.NewNewtError(err.Error())
createdDir = true
if err := r.downloadRepositoryYml(); err != nil {
if createdDir {
return err
return nil
// IsDetached indicates whether a repo is in a "detached head" state.
func (r *Repo) IsDetached() (bool, error) {
branch, err := r.downloader.CurrentBranch(r.Path())
if err != nil {
return false, err
return branch == "", nil
func parseRepoDepMap(depName string,
repoMapYml interface{}) (map[string]*RepoDependency, error) {
result := map[string]*RepoDependency{}
tlMap, err := cast.ToStringMapE(repoMapYml)
if err != nil {
return nil, util.FmtNewtError("missing \"repository.yml\" file")
versYml, ok := tlMap["vers"]
if !ok {
return nil, util.FmtNewtError("missing \"vers\" map")
versMap, err := cast.ToStringMapStringE(versYml)
if !ok {
return nil, util.FmtNewtError("invalid \"vers\" map")
fields := map[string]string{}
for k, v := range tlMap {
if s, ok := v.(string); ok {
fields[k] = s
for commit, verReqsStr := range versMap {
verReqs, err := newtutil.ParseRepoVersionReqs(verReqsStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, util.FmtNewtError("invalid version string: %s: %s",
verReqsStr, err.Error())
result[commit] = &RepoDependency{
Name: depName,
VerReqs: verReqs,
Fields: fields,
return result, nil
func (r *Repo) readDepRepos(yc ycfg.YCfg) error {
depMap, err := yc.GetValStringMap("repo.deps", nil)
for depName, repoMapYml := range depMap {
rdm, err := parseRepoDepMap(depName, repoMapYml)
if err != nil {
return util.FmtNewtError(
"Error while parsing 'repo.deps' for repo \"%s\", "+
"dependency \"%s\": %s", r.Name(), depName, err.Error())
for commit, dep := range rdm {
r.deps[commit] = append(r.deps[commit], dep)
return nil
// Reads a `repository.yml` file and populates the receiver repo with its
// contents.
func (r *Repo) Read() error {
r.Init(r.Name(), r.downloader)
yc, err := config.ReadFile(r.repoFilePath() + "/" + REPO_FILE_NAME)
if err != nil {
return err
versMap, err := yc.GetValStringMapString("repo.versions", nil)
for versStr, commit := range versMap {
log.Debugf("Printing version %s for remote repo %s", versStr,
vers, err := newtutil.ParseRepoVersion(versStr)
if err != nil {
return util.PreNewtError(err,
"failure parsing version for repo \"%s\"", r.Name())
// store commit->version mapping
r.vers[vers] = commit
if err := r.readDepRepos(yc); err != nil {
return err
// Read the newt version compatibility map.
r.ncMap, err = compat.ReadNcMap(yc)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (r *Repo) Init(repoName string, d downloader.Downloader) error { = repoName
r.downloader = d
r.deps = map[string][]*RepoDependency{}
r.vers = map[newtutil.RepoVersion]string{}
path := interfaces.GetProject().Path()
if r.local {
r.localPath = filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Clean(path))
} else {
r.localPath = filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Clean(path + "/" + REPOS_DIR + "/" +
return nil
func (r *Repo) CheckNewtCompatibility(
rvers newtutil.RepoVersion, nvers newtutil.Version) (
compat.NewtCompatCode, string) {
// If this repo doesn't have a newt compatibility map, just assume there is
// no incompatibility.
if len(r.ncMap) == 0 {
return compat.NEWT_COMPAT_GOOD, ""
rnuver := rvers.ToNuVersion()
tbl, ok := r.ncMap[rnuver]
if !ok {
// Unknown repo version.
return compat.NEWT_COMPAT_WARN,
r.Name() + ": Repo version missing from compatibility map"
code, text := tbl.CheckNewtVer(nvers)
if code == compat.NEWT_COMPAT_GOOD {
return code, text
return code, fmt.Sprintf("This version of newt (%s) is incompatible with "+
"your version of the %s repo (%s); %s",
nvers.String(),, rnuver.String(), text)
func NewRepo(repoName string, d downloader.Downloader) (*Repo, error) {
r := &Repo{
local: false,
if err := r.Init(repoName, d); err != nil {
return nil, err
return r, nil
func NewLocalRepo(repoName string) (*Repo, error) {
r := &Repo{
local: true,
// Local repos always get a git downloader. The downloader is needed to
// determine the git state of the project.
if err := r.Init(repoName, downloader.NewGitDownloader()); err != nil {
return nil, err
return r, nil