| Third-party Resources |
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| This page lists links to information, tutorial, articles, and posts on Apache Mynewt hosted outside the ASF infrastructure. |
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| Helpful Tutorials and Tools |
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| - |sensor_app_link| : A detailed step-by-step guide on how to build your IoT Sensor Network using STM32 Blue Pill, nRF24L01, ESP8266, thethings.io, and Apache Mynewt. |
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| .. |sensor_app_link| raw:: html |
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| <a href="https://medium.com/@ly.lee/build-your-iot-sensor-network-stm32-blue-pill-nrf24l01-esp8266-apache-mynewt-thethings-io-ca7486523f5d" target="_blank">Sensor app and network tutorial</a> |
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| - |ubuntu_vbox_link| : An Ubuntu VirtualBox with the complete Mynewt 1.6.0 source code + build tools for STM32 Blue Pill to go with the tutorial above. ` |
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| .. |ubuntu_vbox_link| raw:: html |
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| <a href="https://github.com/lupyuen/stm32bluepill-mynewt-sensor/releases/tag/v1.0.0" target="_blank">Ubuntu VirtualBox with Source Code and Build Tools</a> |
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