blob: 2ee9f070b092a6a1a7c64339b042542eacf5df76 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package mfg
import (
type mfgManifest struct {
BuildTime string `json:"build_time"`
MfgHash string `json:"mfg_hash"`
Version string `json:"version"`
MetaSection int `json:"meta_section"`
MetaOffset int `json:"meta_offset"`
type mfgSection struct {
offset int
blob []byte
type createState struct {
// {0:[section0], 1:[section1], ...}
dsMap map[int]mfgSection
metaOffset int
hashOffset int
hash []byte
func insertPartIntoBlob(section mfgSection, part mfgPart) {
partEnd := part.offset + len(
if len(section.blob) < partEnd {
panic("internal error; mfg blob too small")
func (mi *MfgImage) partFromImage(
imgPath string, flashAreaName string) (mfgPart, error) {
part := mfgPart{
// Boot loader and images always go in device 0.
device: 0,
area, ok := mi.bsp.FlashMap.Areas[flashAreaName]
if !ok {
return part, util.FmtNewtError(
"Image at \"%s\" requires undefined flash area \"%s\"",
imgPath, flashAreaName)
} = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", flashAreaName, filepath.Base(imgPath))
part.offset = area.Offset
var err error, err = ioutil.ReadFile(imgPath)
if err != nil {
return part, util.ChildNewtError(err)
overflow := len( - area.Size
if overflow > 0 {
return part, util.FmtNewtError(
"Image \"%s\" is too large to fit in flash area \"%s\"; "+
"image-size=%d flash-area-size=%d overflow=%d",
imgPath, flashAreaName, len(, area.Size, overflow)
// If an image slot is used, the entire flash area is unwritable. This
// restriction comes from the boot loader's need to write status at the end
// of an area. Pad out part with unwriten flash (0xff). This probably
// isn't terribly efficient...
for i := 0; i < -overflow; i++ { = append(, 0xff)
return part, nil
func partFromRawEntry(entry MfgRawEntry, entryIdx int) mfgPart {
return mfgPart{
name: fmt.Sprintf("entry-%d (%s)", entryIdx, entry.filename),
offset: entry.offset,
func (mi *MfgImage) targetParts() ([]mfgPart, error) {
parts := []mfgPart{}
bootPath := mi.dstBootBinPath()
if bootPath != "" {
bootPart, err := mi.partFromImage(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
parts = append(parts, bootPart)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
imgPath := mi.dstImgPath(i)
if imgPath != "" {
areaName, err := areaNameFromImgIdx(i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
part, err := mi.partFromImage(imgPath, areaName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
parts = append(parts, part)
return parts, nil
func sectionSize(parts []mfgPart) (int, int) {
greatest := 0
lowest := 0
if len(parts) > 0 {
lowest = parts[0].offset
for _, part := range parts {
lowest = util.IntMin(lowest, part.offset)
for _, part := range parts {
end := part.offset + len(
greatest = util.IntMax(greatest, end)
return lowest, greatest
func sectionFromParts(parts []mfgPart) mfgSection {
offset, sectionSize := sectionSize(parts)
blob := make([]byte, sectionSize)
section := mfgSection{
offset: offset,
blob: blob,
// Initialize section 0's data as unwritten flash (0xff).
for i, _ := range blob {
blob[i] = 0xff
for _, part := range parts {
insertPartIntoBlob(section, part)
return section
func (mi *MfgImage) devicePartMap() (map[int][]mfgPart, error) {
dpMap := map[int][]mfgPart{}
// Create parts from the raw entries.
for i, entry := range mi.rawEntries {
part := partFromRawEntry(entry, i)
dpMap[entry.device] = append(dpMap[entry.device], part)
// Insert the boot loader and image parts into section 0.
targetParts, err := mi.targetParts()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dpMap[0] = append(dpMap[0], targetParts...)
// Sort each part slice by offset.
for device, _ := range dpMap {
return dpMap, nil
func (mi *MfgImage) deviceSectionMap() (map[int]mfgSection, error) {
dpMap, err := mi.devicePartMap()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Convert each part slice into a section.
dsMap := map[int]mfgSection{}
for device, parts := range dpMap {
dsMap[device] = sectionFromParts(parts)
return dsMap, nil
func (mi *MfgImage) createSections() (createState, error) {
cs := createState{}
var err error
if err := mi.detectOverlaps(); err != nil {
return cs, err
cs.dsMap, err = mi.deviceSectionMap()
if err != nil {
return cs, err
if len(cs.dsMap) < 1 {
panic("Invalid state; no section 0")
cs.metaOffset, cs.hashOffset, err = insertMeta(cs.dsMap[0].blob,
if err != nil {
return cs, err
// Calculate manufacturing hash.
devices := make([]int, 0, len(cs.dsMap))
for device, _ := range cs.dsMap {
devices = append(devices, device)
sections := make([][]byte, len(devices))
for i, device := range devices {
sections[i] = cs.dsMap[device].blob
cs.hash = calcMetaHash(sections)
copy(cs.dsMap[0].blob[cs.hashOffset:cs.hashOffset+META_HASH_SZ], cs.hash)
return cs, nil
func areaNameFromImgIdx(imgIdx int) (string, error) {
switch imgIdx {
case 0:
return flash.FLASH_AREA_NAME_IMAGE_0, nil
case 1:
return flash.FLASH_AREA_NAME_IMAGE_1, nil
return "", util.FmtNewtError("invalid image index: %d", imgIdx)
func bootLoaderFromPaths(t *target.Target) []string {
return []string{
/* boot.elf */
builder.AppElfPath(t.Name(), builder.BUILD_NAME_APP, t.App().Name()),
/* boot.elf.bin */
builder.AppBinPath(t.Name(), builder.BUILD_NAME_APP, t.App().Name()),
/* manifest.json */
builder.ManifestPath(t.Name(), builder.BUILD_NAME_APP, t.App().Name()),
func loaderFromPaths(t *target.Target) []string {
if t.LoaderName == "" {
return nil
return []string{
/* <loader>.elf */
builder.AppElfPath(t.Name(), builder.BUILD_NAME_LOADER,
/* <app>.img */
builder.AppImgPath(t.Name(), builder.BUILD_NAME_LOADER,
func appFromPaths(t *target.Target) []string {
return []string{
/* <app>.elf */
builder.AppElfPath(t.Name(), builder.BUILD_NAME_APP, t.App().Name()),
/* <app>.img */
builder.AppImgPath(t.Name(), builder.BUILD_NAME_APP, t.App().Name()),
/* manifest.json */
builder.ManifestPath(t.Name(), builder.BUILD_NAME_APP, t.App().Name()),
func imageFromPaths(t *target.Target) []string {
paths := loaderFromPaths(t)
paths = append(paths, appFromPaths(t)...)
return paths
func (mi *MfgImage) copyBinFile(srcPath string, dstDir string) error {
dstPath := dstDir + "/" + filepath.Base(srcPath)
util.StatusMessage(util.VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, "copying file %s --> %s\n",
srcPath, dstPath)
if err := util.CopyFile(srcPath, dstPath); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (mi *MfgImage) copyBinFiles() error {
dstPath := MfgBinDir(mi.basePkg.Name())
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(dstPath), 0755); err != nil {
return util.ChildNewtError(err)
bootPaths := bootLoaderFromPaths(mi.boot)
for _, path := range bootPaths {
dstDir := MfgBootDir(mi.basePkg.Name())
if err := mi.copyBinFile(path, dstDir); err != nil {
return err
for i, imgTarget := range mi.images {
imgPaths := imageFromPaths(imgTarget)
dstDir := MfgImageBinDir(mi.basePkg.Name(), i)
for _, path := range imgPaths {
if err := mi.copyBinFile(path, dstDir); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (mi *MfgImage) dstBootBinPath() string {
if mi.boot == nil {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.elf.bin",
func (mi *MfgImage) dstImgPath(slotIdx int) string {
var pack *pkg.LocalPackage
var imgIdx int
if len(mi.images) >= 1 {
switch slotIdx {
case 0:
if mi.images[0].LoaderName != "" {
pack = mi.images[0].Loader()
} else {
pack = mi.images[0].App()
imgIdx = 0
case 1:
if mi.images[0].LoaderName != "" {
pack = mi.images[0].App()
imgIdx = 0
} else {
if len(mi.images) >= 2 {
pack = mi.images[1].App()
imgIdx = 1
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid image index: %d", imgIdx))
if pack == nil {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.img",
MfgImageBinDir(mi.basePkg.Name(), imgIdx), pkg.ShortName(pack))
// Returns a slice containing the path of each file required to build the
// manufacturing image.
func (mi *MfgImage) FromPaths() []string {
paths := []string{}
if mi.boot != nil {
paths = append(paths, bootLoaderFromPaths(mi.boot)...)
if len(mi.images) >= 1 {
paths = append(paths, imageFromPaths(mi.images[0])...)
if len(mi.images) >= 2 {
paths = append(paths, imageFromPaths(mi.images[1])...)
for _, raw := range mi.rawEntries {
paths = append(paths, raw.filename)
return paths
func (mi *MfgImage) build() (createState, error) {
if err := mi.copyBinFiles(); err != nil {
return createState{}, err
cs, err := mi.createSections()
if err != nil {
return cs, err
return cs, nil
func (mi *MfgImage) createManifest(cs createState) ([]byte, error) {
manifest := mfgManifest{
BuildTime: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339),
Version: mi.version.String(),
MfgHash: fmt.Sprintf("%x", cs.hash),
MetaSection: 0,
MetaOffset: cs.metaOffset,
buffer, err := json.MarshalIndent(manifest, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return nil, util.FmtNewtError("Failed to encode mfg manifest: %s",
return buffer, nil
func appendNonEmptyStr(dst []string, src string) []string {
if src != "" {
dst = append(dst, src)
return dst
func (mi *MfgImage) ToPaths() []string {
paths := []string{}
paths = appendNonEmptyStr(paths, mi.BootBinPath())
paths = appendNonEmptyStr(paths, mi.BootElfPath())
paths = appendNonEmptyStr(paths, mi.BootManifestPath())
for i := 0; i < len(mi.images); i++ {
paths = appendNonEmptyStr(paths, mi.LoaderImgPath(i))
paths = appendNonEmptyStr(paths, mi.LoaderElfPath(i))
paths = appendNonEmptyStr(paths, mi.AppImgPath(i))
paths = appendNonEmptyStr(paths, mi.AppElfPath(i))
paths = appendNonEmptyStr(paths, mi.ImageManifestPath(i))
paths = append(paths, mi.SectionBinPaths()...)
paths = append(paths, mi.SectionHexPaths()...)
paths = append(paths, mi.ManifestPath())
return paths
// @return [paths-of-artifacts], error
func (mi *MfgImage) CreateMfgImage() ([]string, error) {
cs, err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sectionDir := MfgSectionBinDir(mi.basePkg.Name())
if err := os.MkdirAll(sectionDir, 0755); err != nil {
return nil, util.ChildNewtError(err)
for device, section := range cs.dsMap {
sectionPath := MfgSectionBinPath(mi.basePkg.Name(), device)
err := ioutil.WriteFile(sectionPath, section.blob[section.offset:], 0644)
if err != nil {
return nil, util.ChildNewtError(err)
hexPath := MfgSectionHexPath(mi.basePkg.Name(), device)
mi.compiler.ConvertBinToHex(sectionPath, hexPath, section.offset)
manifest, err := mi.createManifest(cs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
manifestPath := mi.ManifestPath()
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(manifestPath, manifest, 0644); err != nil {
return nil, util.FmtNewtError("Failed to write mfg manifest file: %s",
return mi.ToPaths(), nil