blob: 75168d8d5685b1c9f03bda9e3730ac6f62c99276 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// deprepo: Package for resolving repo dependencies.
package deprepo
import (
// [repo-name] => repo
type RepoMap map[string]*repo.Repo
// [repo-name] => repo-version
type VersionMap map[string]newtutil.RepoVersion
// [repo-name] => requirements-for-key-repo
type RequirementMap map[string][]newtutil.RepoVersionReq
// Indicates an inability to find an acceptable version of a particular repo.
type Conflict struct {
RepoName string
Filters []Filter
// Returns a sorted slice of all constituent repo names.
func (vm VersionMap) SortedNames() []string {
names := make([]string, 0, len(vm))
for name, _ := range vm {
names = append(names, name)
return names
// Returns a slice of all constituent repos, sorted by name.
func (rm RepoMap) Sorted() []*repo.Repo {
names := make([]string, 0, len(rm))
for n, _ := range rm {
names = append(names, n)
repos := make([]*repo.Repo, len(names))
for i, n := range names {
repos[i] = rm[n]
return repos
func (vm VersionMap) String() string {
s := ""
for repoName, ver := range vm {
if len(s) > 0 {
s += "\n"
s += fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", repoName, ver.String())
return s
// Constructs a version matrix from the specified repos. Each row in the
// resulting matrix corresponds to a repo in the supplied slice. Each row node
// represents a single version of the repo.
func BuildMatrix(repos []*repo.Repo, vm VersionMap) (Matrix, error) {
m := Matrix{}
for _, r := range repos {
if !r.IsLocal() {
vers, err := r.NormalizedVersions()
if err != nil {
return m, err
if err := m.AddRow(r.Name(), vers); err != nil {
return m, err
return m, nil
// Builds a repo dependency graph from the repo requirements expressed in the
// `project.yml` file.
func BuildDepGraph(repos RepoMap, rootReqs RequirementMap) (DepGraph, error) {
dg := DepGraph{}
// First, add the hard dependencies expressed in `project.yml`.
for repoName, verReqs := range rootReqs {
repo := repos[repoName]
normalizedReqs, err := repo.NormalizeVerReqs(verReqs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := dg.AddRootDep(repoName, normalizedReqs); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add inter-repo dependencies to the graph.
for _, r := range repos.Sorted() {
nvers, err := r.NormalizedVersions()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, v := range nvers {
deps := r.DepsForVersion(v)
reqMap := RequirementMap{}
for _, d := range deps {
depRepo := repos[d.Name]
verReqs, err := depRepo.NormalizeVerReqs(d.VerReqs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reqMap[d.Name] = verReqs
if err := dg.AddRepoVer(r.Name(), v, reqMap); err != nil {
return nil, err
return dg, nil
// Prunes unusable repo versions from the specified matrix.
func PruneMatrix(m *Matrix, repos RepoMap, rootReqs RequirementMap) error {
pruned := map[*repo.RepoDependency]struct{}{}
// Removes versions of the depended-on package that fail to satisfy the
// dependent's requirements. Each of the depended-on package's
// dependencies are then recursively visited.
var recurse func(dependentName string, dep *repo.RepoDependency) error
recurse = func(dependentName string, dep *repo.RepoDependency) error {
// Don't prune the same dependency twice; prevents infinite
// recursion.
if _, ok := pruned[dep]; ok {
return nil
pruned[dep] = struct{}{}
// Remove versions of this depended-on package that don't satisfy the
// dependency's version requirements.
r := repos[dep.Name]
normalizedReqs, err := r.NormalizeVerReqs(dep.VerReqs)
if err != nil {
return err
filter := Filter{
Name: dependentName,
Reqs: normalizedReqs,
m.ApplyFilter(dep.Name, filter)
// If there is only one version of the depended-on package left in the
// matrix, we can recursively call this function on all its
// dependencies.
// We don't do it, but it is possible to prune when there is more than
// one version remaining. To accomplish this, we would collect the
// requirements from all versions, find their union, and remove
// depended-on packages that satisfy none of the requirements in the
// union. The actual implementation (only prune when one version
// remains) is a simplified implementation of this general procedure.
// In exchange for simplicity, some unusable versions remain in the
// matrix that could have been pruned. These unsuable versions must be
// evaluated unnecessarily when the matrix is being searched for an
// acceptable version set.
row := m.FindRow(r.Name())
if row != nil && len(row.Vers) == 1 {
ver := row.Vers[0]
commit, err := r.CommitFromVer(ver)
if err != nil {
return err
depRepo := repos[dep.Name]
for _, ddep := range depRepo.CommitDepMap()[commit] {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", depRepo.Name(), ver.String())
if err := recurse(name, ddep); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Prune versions that are guaranteed to be unusable. Any repo version
// which doesn't satisfy a requirement in `project.yml` is a
// known-bad-version and can be removed. These repos' dependencies can
// then be pruned in turn.
for repoName, reqs := range rootReqs {
if len(reqs) > 0 {
dep := &repo.RepoDependency{
Name: repoName,
VerReqs: reqs,
if err := recurse("project.yml", dep); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Produces an error describing the specified set of repo conflicts.
func ConflictError(conflicts []Conflict) error {
s := ""
for _, c := range conflicts {
if s != "" {
s += "\n\n"
s += fmt.Sprintf(" Installation of repo \"%s\" is blocked:",
lines := []string{}
for _, f := range c.Filters {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\n %30s requires %s %s",
f.Name, c.RepoName, newtutil.RepoVerReqsString(f.Reqs)))
s += strings.Join(lines, "")
return util.NewNewtError("Repository conflicts:\n" + s)
// Searches a version matrix for a set of acceptable repo versions. If there
// isn't an acceptable set of versions, the set with the fewest conflicts is
// returned.
// @param m Matrix containing all unpruned repo versions.
// @param dg The repo dependency graph.
// @return VersionMap The first perfect set of repo versions, or the
// closest match if there is no perfect set.
// @return []string nil if a perfect set was found, else the names
// of the repos that lack a suitable version
// in the returned version map.
func findClosestMatch(m Matrix, dg DepGraph) (VersionMap, []string) {
// Tracks the best match seen so far.
type Best struct {
vm VersionMap
failures []string
var best Best
for {
vm := m.CurVersions()
badRepos := dg.conflictingRepos(vm)
if len(badRepos) == 0 {
// Found a perfect match. Return it.
return vm, nil
if best.failures == nil || len(badRepos) < len(best.failures) {
best.vm = vm
best.failures = badRepos
// Evaluate the next set of versions on the following iteration.
if !m.Increment() {
// All version sets evaluated. Return the best match.
return best.vm, best.failures
// Finds the first set of repo versions which satisfies the dependency graph.
// If there is no acceptable set, a slice of conflicts is returned instead.
// @param m Matrix containing all unpruned repo versions.
// @param dg The repo dependency graph.
// @return VersionMap The first perfect set of repo versions, or nil
// if there is no perfect set.
// @return []Conflict nil if a perfect set was found, else the set of
// conflicts preventing a perfect match from
// being returned.
func FindAcceptableVersions(m Matrix, dg DepGraph) (VersionMap, []Conflict) {
vm, failures := findClosestMatch(m, dg)
if len(failures) == 0 {
// No failures implies a perfect match was found. Return it.
return vm, nil
// A perfect version set doesn't exist. Generate the set of relevant
// conflicts and return it.
conflicts := make([]Conflict, len(failures))
// Build a reverse dependency graph. This will make it easy to determine
// which version requirements are relevant to the failure.
rg := dg.Reverse()
for i, f := range failures {
conflict := Conflict{
RepoName: f,
for _, node := range rg[f] {
// Determine if this filter is responsible for any conflicts.
// Record the name of the filter if it applies.
var filterName string
if node.Name == rootDependencyName {
filterName = "project.yml"
} else {
// If the version of the repo in the closest-match version map
// is the same one that imposes this version requirement,
// include it in the conflict object.
if newtutil.CompareRepoVersions(vm[node.Name], node.Ver) == 0 {
filterName = fmt.Sprintf(
"%s,%s", node.Name, node.Ver.String())
if filterName != "" {
conflict.Filters = append(conflict.Filters, Filter{
Name: filterName,
Reqs: node.VerReqs,
conflicts[i] = conflict
return nil, conflicts