blob: ae3d39e612c8319b278dbf920181e4f5d5ce7af1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package cli
import (
type TabCompleteFn func() []string
var tabCompleteEntries = map[*cobra.Command]TabCompleteFn{}
func AddTabCompleteFn(cmd *cobra.Command, cb TabCompleteFn) {
if cmd.ValidArgs != nil || tabCompleteEntries[cmd] != nil {
panic("tab completion values generated twice for command " +
tabCompleteEntries[cmd] = cb
func GenerateTabCompleteValues() {
for cmd, cb := range tabCompleteEntries {
cmd.ValidArgs = cb()
func pkgNameList(filterCb func(*pkg.LocalPackage) bool) []string {
names := []string{}
proj, err := project.TryGetProject()
if err != nil {
return names
for _, pack := range proj.PackagesOfType(-1) {
if filterCb(pack.(*pkg.LocalPackage)) {
names = append(names, pack.FullName())
return names
func targetList() []string {
targetNames := pkgNameList(func(pack *pkg.LocalPackage) bool {
return pack.Type() == pkg.PACKAGE_TYPE_TARGET &&
!strings.HasSuffix(pack.Name(), "/unittest")
// Remove "targets/" prefix.
for i, _ := range targetNames {
targetNames[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(
targetNames[i], TARGET_DEFAULT_DIR+"/")
return targetNames
/* @return A slice of all testable package names. */
func testablePkgList() []string {
packs := testablePkgs()
names := make([]string, 0, len(packs))
for pack, _ := range packs {
if pack.Type() != pkg.PACKAGE_TYPE_UNITTEST {
names = append(names, pack.FullName())
return names
func unittestList() []string {
return pkgNameList(func(pack *pkg.LocalPackage) bool {
return pack.Type() == pkg.PACKAGE_TYPE_UNITTEST
func mfgList() []string {
targetNames := pkgNameList(func(pack *pkg.LocalPackage) bool {
return pack.Type() == pkg.PACKAGE_TYPE_MFG
// Remove "targets/" prefix.
for i, _ := range targetNames {
targetNames[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(
targetNames[i], MFG_DEFAULT_DIR+"/")
return targetNames
func completeRunCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
cmd_line := os.Getenv("COMP_LINE")
if cmd_line == "" {
fmt.Println("This command is intended to be used as part of " +
" bash autocomplete. Its not intended to be called directly from " +
" the command line ")
root_cmd := cmd.Root()
args = strings.Split(cmd_line, " ")
found_cmd, _, _ := root_cmd.Find(args[1:])
if found_cmd == nil {
/* this is worth a long comment. We have to find a command line
* with the flags removed. To do this, I look at the command
* path for the command without flags, and remove anything that
* doesn't match */
found_args := strings.Split(found_cmd.CommandPath(), " ")
last_arg := found_args[len(found_args)-1]
/* what is remaining after the last parsed argument */
ind := strings.Index(cmd_line, last_arg)
ind += len(last_arg)
extra_str := cmd_line[ind:]
if len(extra_str) == 0 {
/* this matched an exact command with no space afterwards. There
* is no autocomplete except this command (to add a space) */
/* skip flags for now. This just removes them */
/* skip over complete flags. So the current bash autocomplete will
* not complete flags */
cmd.Flags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
flg := fmt.Sprintf("--%s", flag.Name)
if flag.Value.Type() == "bool" {
/* skip the flag */
r := regexp.MustCompile(flg + "[\\W]+")
extra_str = r.ReplaceAllString(extra_str, "")
} else if flag.Value.Type() == "string" {
/* skip the string and the next word */
r := regexp.MustCompile(flg + "[\\W]+[^\\W]+[\\W]+")
extra_str = r.ReplaceAllString(extra_str, "")
sflg := fmt.Sprintf("-%s", flag.Shorthand)
if flag.Value.Type() == "bool" {
/* skip the flag */
r := regexp.MustCompile(sflg + "[\\W]+")
extra_str = r.ReplaceAllString(extra_str, "")
} else if flag.Value.Type() == "string" {
/* skip the string and the next word */
r := regexp.MustCompile(sflg + "[\\W]+[^\\W]+[\\W]+")
extra_str = r.ReplaceAllString(extra_str, "")
if len(extra_str) == 0 {
/* this matched an exact command with no space afterwards. There
* is no autocomplete except this command (to add a space) */
extra_str = strings.TrimLeft(extra_str, " ")
/* give flag hints if the person asks for them */
showShort := strings.HasPrefix(extra_str, "-") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(extra_str, "--")
showLong := strings.HasPrefix(extra_str, "--") ||
extra_str == "-"
if showLong {
r := regexp.MustCompile("^--[^\\W]+")
partial_flag := r.FindString(extra_str)
cmd.Flags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
flg := fmt.Sprintf("--%s", flag.Name)
if strings.HasPrefix(flg, partial_flag) {
if showShort {
r := regexp.MustCompile("^-[^\\W]+")
partial_flag := r.FindString(extra_str)
cmd.Flags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
if len(flag.Shorthand) > 0 {
flg := fmt.Sprintf("-%s", flag.Shorthand)
if strings.HasPrefix(flg, partial_flag) {
/* dump out valid arguments */
for _, c := range found_cmd.ValidArgs {
if strings.HasPrefix(c, extra_str) {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", c)
/* dump out possible sub commands */
for _, child_cmd := range found_cmd.Commands() {
if strings.HasPrefix(child_cmd.Name(), extra_str) {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", child_cmd.Name())
func AddCompleteCommands(cmd *cobra.Command) {
completeCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "complete",
Short: "",
Long: "",
Run: completeRunCmd,
Hidden: true,
/* silence errors on the complete command because we have partial flags */
completeCmd.SilenceErrors = true