blob: 149258fc9d57ae30c13b3e6c00d13602ddefae25 [file] [log] [blame]
newt install
Install project dependencies.
.. code-block:: console
newt install [flags]
.. code-block:: console
-f, --force Force install of the repositories in project, regardless of what exists in repos directory
Global Flags:
.. code-block:: console
-h, --help Help for newt commands
-j, --jobs int Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)
-l, --loglevel string Log level (default "WARN")
-o, --outfile string Filename to tee output to
-q, --quiet Be quiet; only display error output
-s, --silent Be silent; don't output anything
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output when executing commands
This command downloads the description for all the repositories specified in the ``project.yml`` file for the current project, and installs the correct versions of all the packages specified by the project dependencies.
You must run this command from within the current project directory. (Remember to ``cd`` into this project directory after you use ``newt new`` to create this project before you run ``newt install``.)