blob: 37d9e082e85550a79e14139d286e81afc21eac24 [file] [log] [blame]
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(C)2013 Semtech
Description: Generic SX1272 driver implementation
License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
Maintainer: Miguel Luis and Gregory Cristian
#ifndef __SX1272_H__
#define __SX1272_H__
#include "sx1272Regs-Fsk.h"
#include "sx1272Regs-LoRa.h"
* Radio wake-up time from sleep
#define RADIO_WAKEUP_TIME 1 // [ms]
* Sync word for Private LoRa networks
* Sync word for Public LoRa networks
* Radio FSK modem parameters
typedef struct
int8_t Power;
uint32_t Fdev;
uint32_t Bandwidth;
uint32_t BandwidthAfc;
uint32_t Datarate;
uint16_t PreambleLen;
bool FixLen;
uint8_t PayloadLen;
bool CrcOn;
bool IqInverted;
bool RxContinuous;
uint32_t TxTimeout;
uint32_t RxSingleTimeout;
} RadioFskSettings_t;
* Radio FSK packet handler state
typedef struct
uint8_t PreambleDetected;
uint8_t SyncWordDetected;
int8_t RssiValue;
int32_t AfcValue;
uint8_t RxGain;
uint16_t Size;
uint16_t NbBytes;
uint8_t FifoThresh;
uint8_t ChunkSize;
} RadioFskPacketHandler_t;
* Radio LoRa modem parameters
typedef struct
int8_t Power;
uint32_t Bandwidth;
uint32_t Datarate;
bool LowDatarateOptimize;
uint8_t Coderate;
uint16_t PreambleLen;
bool FixLen;
uint8_t PayloadLen;
bool CrcOn;
bool FreqHopOn;
uint8_t HopPeriod;
bool IqInverted;
bool RxContinuous;
uint32_t TxTimeout;
bool PublicNetwork;
} RadioLoRaSettings_t;
* Radio LoRa packet handler state
typedef struct
int8_t SnrValue;
int16_t RssiValue;
uint8_t Size;
} RadioLoRaPacketHandler_t;
* Radio Settings
typedef struct
RadioState_t State;
RadioModems_t Modem;
uint32_t Channel;
RadioFskSettings_t Fsk;
RadioFskPacketHandler_t FskPacketHandler;
RadioLoRaSettings_t LoRa;
RadioLoRaPacketHandler_t LoRaPacketHandler;
} RadioSettings_t;
* Radio hardware and global parameters
typedef struct SX1272_s
RadioSettings_t Settings;
* Hardware IO IRQ callback function definition
typedef void (DioIrqHandler)(void *arg);
* SX1272 definitions
#define XTAL_FREQ 32000000
#define FREQ_STEP 61.03515625
#define RX_BUFFER_SIZE 256
* ============================================================================
* Public functions prototypes
* ============================================================================
* \brief Initializes the radio
* \param [IN] events Structure containing the driver callback functions
void SX1272Init(RadioEvents_t *events);
* Return current radio status
* \param status Radio status.[RF_IDLE, RF_RX_RUNNING, RF_TX_RUNNING]
RadioState_t SX1272GetStatus(void);
* \brief Configures the radio with the given modem
* \param [IN] modem Modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa]
void SX1272SetModem(RadioModems_t modem);
* \brief Sets the channel configuration
* \param [IN] freq Channel RF frequency
void SX1272SetChannel(uint32_t freq);
* \brief Sets the channels configuration
* \param [IN] modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa]
* \param [IN] freq Channel RF frequency
* \param [IN] rssiThresh RSSI threshold
* \retval isFree [true: Channel is free, false: Channel is not free]
bool SX1272IsChannelFree(RadioModems_t modem, uint32_t freq, int16_t rssiThresh,
uint32_t maxCarrierSenseTime);
* \brief Generates a 32 bits random value based on the RSSI readings
* \remark This function sets the radio in LoRa modem mode and disables
* all interrupts.
* After calling this function either SX1272SetRxConfig or
* SX1272SetTxConfig functions must be called.
* \retval randomValue 32 bits random value
uint32_t SX1272Random(void);
* \brief Sets the reception parameters
* \param [IN] modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa]
* \param [IN] bandwidth Sets the bandwidth
* FSK : >= 2600 and <= 250000 Hz
* LoRa: [0: 125 kHz, 1: 250 kHz,
* 2: 500 kHz, 3: Reserved]
* \param [IN] datarate Sets the Datarate
* FSK : 600..300000 bits/s
* LoRa: [6: 64, 7: 128, 8: 256, 9: 512,
* 10: 1024, 11: 2048, 12: 4096 chips]
* \param [IN] coderate Sets the coding rate (LoRa only)
* FSK : N/A (set to 0)
* LoRa: [1: 4/5, 2: 4/6, 3: 4/7, 4: 4/8]
* \param [IN] bandwidthAfc Sets the AFC Bandwidth (FSK only)
* FSK : >= 2600 and <= 250000 Hz
* LoRa: N/A (set to 0)
* \param [IN] preambleLen Sets the Preamble length
* FSK : Number of bytes
* LoRa: Length in symbols (the hardware adds 4 more symbols)
* \param [IN] symbTimeout Sets the RxSingle timeout value
* FSK : timeout number of bytes
* LoRa: timeout in symbols
* \param [IN] fixLen Fixed length packets [0: variable, 1: fixed]
* \param [IN] payloadLen Sets payload length when fixed length is used
* \param [IN] crcOn Enables/Disables the CRC [0: OFF, 1: ON]
* \param [IN] FreqHopOn Enables disables the intra-packet frequency hopping
* FSK : N/A (set to 0)
* LoRa: [0: OFF, 1: ON]
* \param [IN] HopPeriod Number of symbols between each hop
* FSK : N/A (set to 0)
* LoRa: Number of symbols
* \param [IN] iqInverted Inverts IQ signals (LoRa only)
* FSK : N/A (set to 0)
* LoRa: [0: not inverted, 1: inverted]
* \param [IN] rxContinuous Sets the reception in continuous mode
* [false: single mode, true: continuous mode]
void SX1272SetRxConfig(RadioModems_t modem, uint32_t bandwidth,
uint32_t datarate, uint8_t coderate,
uint32_t bandwidthAfc, uint16_t preambleLen,
uint16_t symbTimeout, bool fixLen,
uint8_t payloadLen,
bool crcOn, bool FreqHopOn, uint8_t HopPeriod,
bool iqInverted, bool rxContinuous);
* \brief Sets the transmission parameters
* \param [IN] modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa]
* \param [IN] power Sets the output power [dBm]
* \param [IN] fdev Sets the frequency deviation (FSK only)
* FSK : [Hz]
* LoRa: 0
* \param [IN] bandwidth Sets the bandwidth (LoRa only)
* FSK : 0
* LoRa: [0: 125 kHz, 1: 250 kHz,
* 2: 500 kHz, 3: Reserved]
* \param [IN] datarate Sets the Datarate
* FSK : 600..300000 bits/s
* LoRa: [6: 64, 7: 128, 8: 256, 9: 512,
* 10: 1024, 11: 2048, 12: 4096 chips]
* \param [IN] coderate Sets the coding rate (LoRa only)
* FSK : N/A (set to 0)
* LoRa: [1: 4/5, 2: 4/6, 3: 4/7, 4: 4/8]
* \param [IN] preambleLen Sets the preamble length
* FSK : Number of bytes
* LoRa: Length in symbols (the hardware adds 4 more symbols)
* \param [IN] fixLen Fixed length packets [0: variable, 1: fixed]
* \param [IN] crcOn Enables disables the CRC [0: OFF, 1: ON]
* \param [IN] FreqHopOn Enables disables the intra-packet frequency hopping
* FSK : N/A (set to 0)
* LoRa: [0: OFF, 1: ON]
* \param [IN] HopPeriod Number of symbols between each hop
* FSK : N/A (set to 0)
* LoRa: Number of symbols
* \param [IN] iqInverted Inverts IQ signals (LoRa only)
* FSK : N/A (set to 0)
* LoRa: [0: not inverted, 1: inverted]
* \param [IN] timeout Transmission timeout [ms]
void SX1272SetTxConfig(RadioModems_t modem, int8_t power, uint32_t fdev,
uint32_t bandwidth, uint32_t datarate,
uint8_t coderate, uint16_t preambleLen,
bool fixLen, bool crcOn, bool FreqHopOn,
uint8_t HopPeriod, bool iqInverted, uint32_t timeout);
* \brief Computes the packet time on air in ms for the given payload
* \Remark Can only be called once SetRxConfig or SetTxConfig have been called
* \param [IN] modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa]
* \param [IN] pktLen Packet payload length
* \retval airTime Computed airTime (ms) for the given packet payload length
uint32_t SX1272GetTimeOnAir(RadioModems_t modem, uint8_t pktLen);
* \brief Sends the buffer of size. Prepares the packet to be sent and sets
* the radio in transmission
* \param [IN]: buffer Buffer pointer
* \param [IN]: size Buffer size
void SX1272Send(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size);
* \brief Sets the radio in sleep mode
void SX1272SetSleep(void);
* \brief Sets the radio in standby mode
void SX1272SetStby(void);
* \brief Sets the radio in reception mode for the given time
* \param [IN] timeout Reception timeout [ms] [0: continuous, others timeout]
void SX1272SetRx(uint32_t timeout);
* \brief Start a Channel Activity Detection
void SX1272StartCad(void);
* \brief Sets the radio in continuous wave transmission mode
* \param [IN]: freq Channel RF frequency
* \param [IN]: power Sets the output power [dBm]
* \param [IN]: time Transmission mode timeout [s]
void SX1272SetTxContinuousWave(uint32_t freq, int8_t power, uint16_t time);
* \brief Reads the current RSSI value
* \retval rssiValue Current RSSI value in [dBm]
int16_t SX1272ReadRssi(RadioModems_t modem);
* \brief Writes the radio register at the specified address
* \param [IN]: addr Register address
* \param [IN]: data New register value
void SX1272Write(uint16_t addr, uint8_t data);
* \brief Reads the radio register at the specified address
* \param [IN]: addr Register address
* \retval data Register value
uint8_t SX1272Read(uint16_t addr);
* \brief Writes multiple radio registers starting at address
* \param [IN] addr First Radio register address
* \param [IN] buffer Buffer containing the new register's values
* \param [IN] size Number of registers to be written
void SX1272WriteBuffer(uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size);
* \brief Reads multiple radio registers starting at address
* \param [IN] addr First Radio register address
* \param [OUT] buffer Buffer where to copy the registers data
* \param [IN] size Number of registers to be read
void SX1272ReadBuffer(uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size);
* \brief Sets the maximum payload length.
* \param [IN] modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa]
* \param [IN] max Maximum payload length in bytes
void SX1272SetMaxPayloadLength(RadioModems_t modem, uint8_t max);
* \brief Sets the network to public or private. Updates the sync byte.
* \remark Applies to LoRa modem only
* \param [IN] enable if true, it enables a public network
void SX1272SetPublicNetwork(bool enable);
* \brief Gets the time required for the board plus radio to get out of sleep.[ms]
* \retval time Radio plus board wakeup time in ms.
uint32_t SX1272GetWakeupTime(void);
void SX1272RxDisable(void);
#endif // __SX1272_H__