blob: 8837134f04dfd2e8e1394342e45ba6da0012c2ae [file] [log] [blame]
SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is a synchronous 4-wire serial
interface commonly used to connect components in embedded systems.
For a detailed description of SPI, see
`Wikipedia <>`__.
The Mynewt HAL interface supports the SPI master functionality with both
blocking and non-blocking interface. SPI slave functionality is
supported in non-blocking mode.
Theory Of Operation
SPI is called a 4-wire interface because of the 4 signals, MISO, MOSI,
CLK, and SS. The SS signal (slave select) is an active low signal that
activates a SPI slave device. This is how a master "addresses" a
particular slave device. Often this signal is also referred to as "chip
select" as it selects particular slave device for communications.
The Mynewt SPI HAL has blocking and non-blocking transfers. Blocking
means that the API call to transfer a byte will wait until the byte
completes transmissions before the function returns. Blocking interface
can be used for only the master slave SPI type. Non-blocking means he
function returns control to the execution environment immediately after
the API call and a callback function is executed at the completion of
the transmission. Non-blocking interface can be used for both master and
slave SPI types.
The ``hal_spi_config`` method in the API above allows the SPI to be
configured with appropriate settings for master or slave. It Must be
called after the spi is initialized (i.e. after hal\_spi\_init is
called) and when the spi is disabled (i.e. user must call
hal\_spi\_disable if the spi has been enabled through hal\_spi\_enable
prior to calling this function). It can also be used to reconfigure an
initialized SPI (assuming it is disabled as described previously).
.. code:: c
int hal_spi_config(int spi_num, struct hal_spi_settings *psettings);
The SPI settings consist of the following:
.. code:: c
struct hal_spi_settings {
uint8_t data_mode;
uint8_t data_order;
uint8_t word_size;
uint32_t baudrate; /* baudrate in kHz */
The Mynewt SPI HAL does not include built-in SS (Slave Select)
signaling. It's up to the hal\_spi user to control their own SS pins.
Typically applications will do this with GPIO.
.. doxygengroup:: HALSpi