blob: cba66f3776e8127d8a212316a14939b408e6776c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <string.h>
#include "os/mynewt.h"
#include "inc/arc/arc_builtin.h"
#include "inc/arc/arc_exception.h"
#include <hal/hal_bsp.h>
#include <hal/hal_os_tick.h>
#include "os_priv.h"
extern uint32_t _f_sdata;
extern uint32_t _e_stack;
#define INITIAL_STATUS32 (0x80000000 | STATUS32_RESET_VALUE | \
(((INT_PRI_MAX - INT_PRI_MIN) << 1) & 0x1e))
/* Stack frame structure */
struct stack_frame {
#ifndef ARC_FEATURE_RF16
uint32_t r25;
uint32_t r24;
uint32_t r23;
uint32_t r22;
uint32_t r21;
uint32_t r20;
uint32_t r19;
uint32_t r18;
uint32_t r17;
uint32_t r16;
uint32_t r15;
uint32_t r14;
uint32_t r13;
uint32_t bta;
uint32_t r30;
uint32_t ilink;
uint32_t fp;
uint32_t gp;
uint32_t r12;
uint32_t r0;
uint32_t r1;
uint32_t r2;
uint32_t r3;
#ifndef ARC_FEATURE_RF16
uint32_t r4;
uint32_t r5;
uint32_t r6;
uint32_t r7;
uint32_t r8;
uint32_t r9;
uint32_t r10;
uint32_t r11;
uint32_t blink; /* R31 */
uint32_t lp_end;
uint32_t lp_start;
uint32_t lp_count;
uint32_t ei_base;
uint32_t ldi_base;
uint32_t jli_base;
uint32_t pc;
uint32_t status32;
/* TODO: determine how we will deal with running un-privileged */
//uint32_t os_flags = OS_RUN_KERNEL;
os_arch_ctx_sw(struct os_task *t)
if (!exc_sense()) {
asm("TRAP_S 1");
os_sr_t sreg;
sreg = cpu_lock_save();
return sreg;
os_arch_restore_sr(os_sr_t isr_ctx)
int status;
status = (_arc_aux_read(AUX_STATUS32) & AUX_STATUS_MASK_IE) ? 0: 1;
return status;
os_stack_t *
os_arch_task_stack_init(struct os_task *t, os_stack_t *stack_top, int size)
os_stack_t *s;
uint32_t *tmp;
uint32_t init_val;
struct stack_frame *sf;
/* Get stack frame pointer */
s = (os_stack_t *) ((uint8_t *) stack_top - sizeof(*sf));
sf = (struct stack_frame *) s;
/* Initially set all values to 0 */
memset(sf, 0, sizeof(struct stack_frame));
#ifndef ARC_FEATURE_RF16
* Init r25 - r16. We set each byte in the stack equal to its register
* number, in hex unless that register has a special purpose. For
* example, r25 = 0x25252525 and r3 = 0x03030303
init_val = 0x25252525;
tmp = s;
while (init_val >= 0x16161616) {
*tmp = init_val;
if (init_val == 0x20202020) {
init_val = 0x19191919;
} else {
init_val -= 0x01010101;
/* Init r4-r9 the same way */
init_val = 0x04040404;
tmp = (uint32_t *)&sf->r4;
while (init_val <= 0x09090909) {
*tmp = init_val;
init_val += 0x01010101;
sf->r15 = 0x15151515;
sf->r14 = 0x14141414;
sf->r13 = 0x13131313;
sf->r11 = 0x12121212;
sf->r11 = 0x11111111;
sf->r10 = 0x10101010;
sf->r30 = 0x30303030;
sf->r3 = 0x03030303;
sf->r2 = 0x02020202;
sf->r1 = 0x01010101;
sf->r0 = (uint32_t)t->t_arg;
sf->pc = (uint32_t)t->t_func;
sf->status32 = INITIAL_STATUS32; /* this is the top of the stack */
/* We should never return! Hopefully this will generate an exception */
sf->blink = 0xffffffff;
sf->gp = (uint32_t)&_f_sdata;
/* TODO: Do we need to do this? */
#if 0
/* Set registers R4 - R11 on stack. */
return (s);
* os arch start
* Starts the OS. On ARC platforms this is called from the TRAP exception
* handler.
* @return uint32_t
static void
uint32_t *ptr32;
struct os_task *t;
/* Get the highest priority ready to run to set the current task */
t = os_sched_next_task();
/* TODO: hacked priority here to 0 */
/* Intitialize and start system clock timer */
os_tick_init(OS_TICKS_PER_SEC, 0);
/* Mark the OS as started, right before we run our first task */
g_os_started = 1;
* OK, here is what this code is doing. We took an exception (a TRAP) to
* get here. All tasks that have been created have their stack pointers
* (t->stackptr) set to where they would be if they were swapped out (in
* other words, not running). At the beginning of this function we set
* the current task to the head of the run list. This makes it look like
* the task at the head of the run list was the one we took the exception
* from. In other words, no task swap is needed. In the case the stack
* pointer in the task structure is off by the CALLEE registers as they
* would not have been pushed if the exception had actually taken place
* during the currently running task. The exception code pushes the
* current stack pointer to the top of the exception stack. This basically
* does this: *ptr = stack pointer where ptr = &_e_stack - 1 word. Thus,
* we need to overwrite the value at _e_stack - 4 with where the stack
* pointer in the task we want run would have been had an exception taken
* place when that task was running (add back the callee regs).
ptr32 = &_e_stack;
*ptr32 = (uint32_t)t->t_stackptr + offsetof(struct stack_frame, bta);
* os arch os start
* This gets called in _start prior to the os starting. For the ARC platform,
* we are currently not running in any task and the stack pointer being
* used is the exception stack pointer.
* @return os_error_t
/* Cause a trap with reason 0 (os start) */
asm("TRAP_S 0");
return 0;
os_arch_trap_handler(void *exc_frame)
uint32_t parameter;
* Currently, only two traps should be generated: one to perform a context
* switch when a context switch was asked for at task (not interrupt)
* context.
parameter = _arc_aux_read(AUX_ECR) & AUX_ECR_PARAM_MASK;
if (parameter == 0) {
/* TODO: deal with this */
#if 0
os_error_t err;
int i;
/* Cannot be called within an ISR */
err = OS_ERR_IN_ISR;
if (__get_IPSR() == 0) {
err = OS_OK;
/* Drop priority for all interrupts */
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(NVIC->IP); i++) {
NVIC->IP[i] = -1;
NVIC_SetVector(SVCall_IRQn, (uint32_t)SVC_Handler);
NVIC_SetVector(PendSV_IRQn, (uint32_t)PendSV_Handler);
NVIC_SetVector(SysTick_IRQn, (uint32_t)SysTick_Handler);
* Install default interrupt handler, which'll print out system
* state at the time of the interrupt, and few other regs which
* should help in trying to figure out what went wrong.
NVIC_SetVector(NonMaskableInt_IRQn, (uint32_t)os_default_irq_asm);
NVIC_SetVector(-13, (uint32_t)os_default_irq_asm);
NVIC_SetVector(MemoryManagement_IRQn, (uint32_t)os_default_irq_asm);
NVIC_SetVector(BusFault_IRQn, (uint32_t)os_default_irq_asm);
NVIC_SetVector(UsageFault_IRQn, (uint32_t)os_default_irq_asm);
for (i = 0; i < NVIC_NUM_VECTORS - NVIC_USER_IRQ_OFFSET; i++) {
NVIC_SetVector(i, (uint32_t)os_default_irq_asm);
/* Set the PendSV interrupt exception priority to the lowest priority */
NVIC_SetPriority(PendSV_IRQn, PEND_SV_PRIO);
/* Set the SVC interrupt to priority 0 (highest configurable) */
NVIC_SetPriority(SVCall_IRQn, SVC_PRIO);
/* Check if privileged or not */
if ((__get_CONTROL() & 1) == 0) {
} else {
/* Set the trap handler exception */
exc_handler_install(AUX_ECR_V_TRAP, os_arch_trap_handler);
/* Init the idle task */
return 0;