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Mynewt FAQ - Newt
.. contents::
:depth: 1
Newt Commands: ``upgrade``, ``install``, ``sync``
**Q**: Whats the difference between ``newt upgrade``, ``newt install``, and ``newt sync``?
**A**: Only use ``newt upgrade``. The other two commands (``install`` and ``sync``) are deprecated and will be removed soon.
``newt size`` Command vs. Elf File Size
**Q**: I did a test build of blinky for nrf52 and got an elf-file of size 295424 bytes. If I use the newt size command for
the application it says something like: 18764 bytes. What does this mean?
**A**: Elfs have a lot of extra information. newt size will show the are in flash that is used which better matches the
``blinky.elf.bin`` file. Try ``running newt -ldebug build -v <your-target>`` and you will see something like this:
.. code-block:: console
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -R .bss -R .bss.core -R -O binary ...