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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.shared.context.flash;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.SubKeyMap;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.ExternalContextUtils;
import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.context.Flash;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseId;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.faces.event.PostKeepFlashValueEvent;
import javax.faces.event.PostPutFlashValueEvent;
import javax.faces.event.PreClearFlashEvent;
import javax.faces.event.PreRemoveFlashValueEvent;
import javax.faces.lifecycle.ClientWindow;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared.config.MyfacesConfig;
import org.apache.myfaces.shared.util.ServletSpecifications;
* Implementation of Flash object
public class FlashImpl extends Flash implements ReleasableFlash
// ~ static fields --------------------------------------------------------
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(FlashImpl.class.getName());
* Use this prefix instead of the whole class name, because
* this makes the Cookies and the SubKeyMap operations (actually
* every String based operation where this is used as a key) faster.
private static final String FLASH_PREFIX = "oam.Flash";
* Key on application map to keep current instance
* Key to store if this setRedirect(true) was called on this request,
* and to store the redirect Cookie.
* Key to store the value of the redirect cookie
* Key used to check if this request should keep messages
* Key used to store the messages list in the render FlashMap.
* Session map prefix to flash maps
* Key for the cached render FlashMap instance on the request map.
* Key for the current render FlashMap token.
* Key for the cached execute FlashMap instance on the request map.
* Key for the current execute FlashMap token.
static final String FLASH_CW_LRU_MAP = FLASH_PREFIX + ".CW.LRUMAP";
* Token separator.
static final char SEPARATOR_CHAR = '.';
// ~ static methods -----------------------------------------------------
* Return a Flash instance from the application map
* @param context
* @return
public static Flash getCurrentInstance(ExternalContext context)
return getCurrentInstance(context, true);
public static Flash getCurrentInstance(ExternalContext context, boolean create)
Map<String, Object> applicationMap = context.getApplicationMap();
Flash flash = (Flash) applicationMap.get(FLASH_INSTANCE);
if (flash == null && create)
// synchronize the ApplicationMap to ensure that only
// once instance of FlashImpl is created and stored in it.
synchronized (applicationMap)
// check again, because first try was un-synchronized
flash = (Flash) applicationMap.get(FLASH_INSTANCE);
if (flash == null)
flash = new FlashImpl(context);
applicationMap.put(FLASH_INSTANCE, flash);
return flash;
* Returns a cryptographically secure random number to use as the _count seed
private static long _getSeed()
SecureRandom rng;
// try SHA1 first
rng = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e)
// SHA1 not present, so try the default (which could potentially not be
// cryptographically secure)
rng = new SecureRandom();
// use 48 bits for strength and fill them in
byte[] randomBytes = new byte[6];
// convert to a long
return new BigInteger(randomBytes).longValue();
// ~ private fields and constructor ---------------------------------------
// the current token value
private final AtomicLong _count;
private boolean _flashScopeDisabled;
public FlashImpl(ExternalContext externalContext)
_count = new AtomicLong(_getSeed());
// Read whether flash scope is disabled.
_flashScopeDisabled = MyfacesConfig.getCurrentInstance(externalContext).isFlashScopeDisabled();
// ~ methods from javax.faces.context.Flash -------------------------------
* Used to restore the redirect value and the FacesMessages of the previous
* request and to manage the flashMap tokens for this request before phase
* restore view starts.
public void doPrePhaseActions(FacesContext facesContext)
if (!_flashScopeDisabled)
final PhaseId currentPhaseId = facesContext.getCurrentPhaseId();
if (PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW.equals(currentPhaseId))
// restore the redirect value
// note that the result of this method is used in many places,
// thus it has to be the first thing to do
// restore the FlashMap token from the previous request
// and create a new token for this request
// try to restore any saved messages
* Used to destroy the executeMap and to save all FacesMessages for the
* next request, but only if this is the last invocation of this method
* in the current lifecycle (if redirect phase 5, otherwise phase 6).
public void doPostPhaseActions(FacesContext facesContext)
if (!_flashScopeDisabled)
// do the actions only if this is the last time
// doPostPhaseActions() is called on this request
if (_isLastPhaseInRequest(facesContext))
if (_isRedirectTrueOnThisRequest(facesContext))
// copy entries from executeMap to renderMap, if they do not exist
Map<String, Object> renderMap = _getRenderFlashMap(facesContext);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry
: _getExecuteFlashMap(facesContext).entrySet())
if (!renderMap.containsKey(entry.getKey()))
renderMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// remove execute Map entries from session (--> "destroy" executeMap)
// save the current FacesMessages in the renderMap, if wanted
// Note that this also works on a redirect even though the redirect
// was already performed and the response has already been committed,
// because the renderMap is stored in the session.
* Return the value of this property for the flash for this session.
* This must be false unless:
* - setRedirect(boolean) was called for the current lifecycle traversal
* with true as the argument.
* - The current lifecycle traversal for this session is in the "execute"
* phase and the previous traversal had setRedirect(boolean) called with
* true as the argument.
public boolean isRedirect()
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
boolean thisRedirect = _isRedirectTrueOnThisRequest(facesContext);
boolean prevRedirect = _isRedirectTrueOnPreviousRequest(facesContext);
boolean executePhase = !PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE.equals(facesContext.getCurrentPhaseId());
return thisRedirect || (executePhase && prevRedirect);
public void setRedirect(boolean redirect)
// FIXME this method has a design flaw, because the only valid value
// is true and it should only be called by the NavigationHandler
// in a redirect case RIGHT BEFORE ExternalContext.redirect().
// Maybe a PreRedirectEvent issued by the ExternalContext would be a good
// choice for JSF 2.1.
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
Map<String, Object> requestMap = externalContext.getRequestMap();
// save the value on the requestMap for this request
Boolean alreadySet = (Boolean) requestMap.get(FLASH_REDIRECT);
alreadySet = (alreadySet == null ? Boolean.FALSE : Boolean.TRUE);
// if true and not already set, store it for the following request
if (!alreadySet && redirect)
requestMap.put(FLASH_REDIRECT, Boolean.TRUE);
// save redirect=true for the next request
if (alreadySet)
log.warning("Multiple call to setRedirect() ignored.");
else // redirect = false
log.warning("Ignored call to setRedirect(false), because this "
+ "should only be set to true by the NavigationHandler. "
+ "No one else should change it.");
* Take a value from the requestMap, or if it does not exist from the
* execute FlashMap, and put it on the render FlashMap, so it is visible on
* the next request.
public void keep(String key)
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Map<String, Object> requestMap = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
Object value = requestMap.get(key);
// if the key does not exist in the requestMap,
// try to get it from the execute FlashMap
if (value == null)
Map<String, Object> executeMap = _getExecuteFlashMap(facesContext);
// Null-check, because in the GET request of a POST-REDIRECT-GET
// pattern there is no execute map
if (executeMap != null)
value = executeMap.get(key);
// Store it on request map so we can get it later. For example,
// this is used by org.apache.myfaces.el.FlashELResolver to return
// the value that has been promoted.
requestMap.put(key, value);
// put it in the render FlashMap
_getRenderFlashMap(facesContext).put(key, value);
PostKeepFlashValueEvent.class, key);
* This is just an alias for the request scope map.
public void putNow(String key, Object value)
.getRequestMap().put(key, value);
* Returns the value of a previous call to setKeepMessages() from this
* request. If there was no call yet, false is returned.
public boolean isKeepMessages()
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
Map<String, Object> requestMap = externalContext.getRequestMap();
Boolean keepMessages = (Boolean) requestMap.get(FLASH_KEEP_MESSAGES);
return (keepMessages == null ? Boolean.FALSE : keepMessages);
* If this property is true, the messages should be kept for the next
* request, no matter if it is a normal postback case or a POST-
* Note that we don't have to store this value for the next request
* (like setRedirect()), because we will know if it was true on the
* next request, if we can find any stored messages in the FlashMap.
* (also see _saveMessages() and _restoreMessages()).
public void setKeepMessages(boolean keepMessages)
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
Map<String, Object> requestMap = externalContext.getRequestMap();
requestMap.put(FLASH_KEEP_MESSAGES, keepMessages);
// ~ Methods from Map interface -------------------------------------------
// NOTE that all these methods do not necessarily delegate to the same Map,
// because we differentiate between reading and writing operations.
public void clear()
public boolean containsKey(Object key)
return _getFlashMapForReading().containsKey(key);
public boolean containsValue(Object value)
return _getFlashMapForReading().containsValue(value);
public Set<java.util.Map.Entry<String, Object>> entrySet()
return _getFlashMapForReading().entrySet();
public Object get(Object key)
if (key == null)
return null;
if ("keepMessages".equals(key))
return isKeepMessages();
else if ("redirect".equals(key))
return isRedirect();
return _getFlashMapForReading().get(key);
public boolean isEmpty()
return _getFlashMapForReading().isEmpty();
public Set<String> keySet()
return _getFlashMapForReading().keySet();
public Object put(String key, Object value)
if (key == null)
return null;
if ("keepMessages".equals(key))
Boolean booleanValue = _convertToBoolean(value);
return booleanValue;
else if ("redirect".equals(key))
Boolean booleanValue = _convertToBoolean(value);
return booleanValue;
Object resp = _getFlashMapForWriting().put(key, value);
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
PostPutFlashValueEvent.class, key);
return resp;
public void putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object> m)
public Object remove(Object key)
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
PreRemoveFlashValueEvent.class, key);
return _getFlashMapForWriting().remove(key);
public int size()
return _getFlashMapForReading().size();
public Collection<Object> values()
return _getFlashMapForReading().values();
// ~ Implementation methods -----------------------------------------------
* Returns true if the current phase is the last phase in the request
* and thus if doPostPhaseActions() is called for the last time.
* This will be true if either we are in phase 6 (render response)
* or if setRedirect(true) was called on this request and we are
* in phase 5 (invoke application).
private boolean _isLastPhaseInRequest(FacesContext facesContext)
final PhaseId currentPhaseId = facesContext.getCurrentPhaseId();
boolean lastPhaseNormalRequest = PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE.equals(currentPhaseId);
// According to the spec, if there is a redirect, responseComplete()
// has been called, and Flash.setRedirect() has been called too,
// so we just need to check both are present.
boolean lastPhaseIfRedirect = facesContext.getResponseComplete()
&& _isRedirectTrueOnThisRequest(facesContext);
return lastPhaseNormalRequest || lastPhaseIfRedirect;
* Return true if setRedirect(true) was called on this request.
* @param facesContext
* @return
private boolean _isRedirectTrueOnThisRequest(FacesContext facesContext)
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
Map<String, Object> requestMap = externalContext.getRequestMap();
Boolean redirect = (Boolean) requestMap.get(FLASH_REDIRECT);
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(redirect);
* Return true if setRedirect(true) was called on the previous request.
* Precondition: doPrePhaseActions() must have been called on restore view phase.
* @param facesContext
* @return
private boolean _isRedirectTrueOnPreviousRequest(FacesContext facesContext)
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
Map<String, Object> requestMap = externalContext.getRequestMap();
Boolean redirect = (Boolean) requestMap.get(FLASH_PREVIOUS_REQUEST_REDIRECT);
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(redirect);
* Saves the value of setRedirect() for the next request, if it was true
private void _saveRedirectValue(FacesContext facesContext)
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
// This request contains a redirect. This condition is in general
// triggered by a NavigationHandler. After a redirect all request scope
// values get lost, so in order to preserve this value we need to
// pass it between request. One strategy is use a cookie that is never sent
// to the client. Other alternative is use the session map.
// See _restoreRedirectValue() for restoring this value.
HttpServletResponse httpResponse = ExternalContextUtils
if (httpResponse != null)
Cookie cookie = _createFlashCookie(FLASH_REDIRECT, "true", externalContext);
externalContext.getSessionMap().put(FLASH_REDIRECT, true);
* Restores the redirect value of the previous request and saves
* it in the RequestMap under the key FLASH_PREVIOUS_REQUEST_REDIRECT.
* Must not be called more than once per request.
* After this method was invoked, the requestMap will contain Boolean.TRUE
* if setRedirect(true) was called on the previous request or Boolean.FALSE
* or null otherwise.
private void _restoreRedirectValue(FacesContext facesContext)
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
HttpServletResponse httpResponse = ExternalContextUtils
if (httpResponse != null)
// Request values are lost after a redirect. We can create a
// temporal cookie to pass the params between redirect calls.
// It is better than use HttpSession object, because this cookie
// is never sent by the server.
Cookie cookie = (Cookie) externalContext
if (cookie != null)
// the cookie exists means there was a redirect, regardless of the value
// A redirect happened, so it is safe to remove the cookie, setting
// the maxAge to 0 seconds. The effect is we passed FLASH_REDIRECT param
// to this request object
//MYFACES-3354 jetty 6.1.5 does not allow this,
//call setMaxAge(0) is enough
// Note that on portlet world we can't create cookies,
// so we are forced to use the session map. Anyway,
// according to the Bridge implementation(for example see
// org.apache.myfaces.portlet.faces.bridge.BridgeImpl)
// session object is created at start faces request
Map<String, Object> sessionMap = externalContext.getSessionMap();
// remove the value from the sessionMap
Boolean redirect = (Boolean) sessionMap.remove(FLASH_REDIRECT);
// put the value into the requestMap
* Saves the current FacesMessages as a List on the render FlashMap for the
* next request if isKeepMessages() is true. Otherwise it removes any
* existing FacesMessages-List from the renderFlashMap.
* @param facesContext
private void _saveMessages(FacesContext facesContext)
if (isKeepMessages())
// get all messages from the FacesContext and store
// them on the renderMap
List<MessageEntry> messageList = null;
Iterator<String> iterClientIds = facesContext.getClientIdsWithMessages();
while (iterClientIds.hasNext())
String clientId = (String);
Iterator<FacesMessage> iterMessages = facesContext.getMessages(clientId);
while (iterMessages.hasNext())
FacesMessage message =;
if (messageList == null)
messageList = new ArrayList<MessageEntry>();
messageList.add(new MessageEntry(clientId, message));
_getRenderFlashMap(facesContext).put(FLASH_KEEP_MESSAGES_LIST, messageList);
// do not keep messages --> remove messagesList from renderMap
* Restore any saved FacesMessages from the previous request.
* Note that we don't need to save the keepMessages value for this request,
* because we just have to check if the value for FLASH_KEEP_MESSAGES_LIST exists.
* @param facesContext
private void _restoreMessages(FacesContext facesContext)
List<MessageEntry> messageList = (List<MessageEntry>)
if (messageList != null)
Iterator<MessageEntry> iterMessages = messageList.iterator();
while (iterMessages.hasNext())
MessageEntry entry =;
facesContext.addMessage(entry.clientId, entry.message);
// we can now remove the messagesList from the flashMap
* Take the render map key and store it as a key for the next request.
* On the next request we can get it with _getRenderFlashMapTokenFromPreviousRequest().
* @param externalContext
private void _saveRenderFlashMapTokenForNextRequest(FacesContext facesContext)
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
String tokenValue = (String) externalContext.getRequestMap().get(FLASH_RENDER_MAP_TOKEN);
ClientWindow clientWindow = externalContext.getClientWindow();
if (clientWindow != null)
if (facesContext.getApplication().getStateManager().isSavingStateInClient(facesContext))
//Use HttpSession or PortletSession object
Map<String, Object> sessionMap = externalContext.getSessionMap();
sessionMap.put(FLASH_RENDER_MAP_TOKEN+SEPARATOR_CHAR+clientWindow.getId(), tokenValue);
FlashClientWindowTokenCollection lruMap = getFlashClientWindowTokenCollection(externalContext, true);
lruMap.put(clientWindow.getId(), tokenValue);
HttpServletResponse httpResponse = ExternalContextUtils.getHttpServletResponse(externalContext);
if (httpResponse != null)
Cookie cookie = _createFlashCookie(FLASH_RENDER_MAP_TOKEN, tokenValue, externalContext);
//Use HttpSession or PortletSession object
Map<String, Object> sessionMap = externalContext.getSessionMap();
sessionMap.put(FLASH_RENDER_MAP_TOKEN, tokenValue);
* Retrieve the map token of the render map from the previous request.
* Returns the value of _saveRenderFlashMapTokenForNextRequest() from
* the previous request.
* @param externalContext
* @return
private String _getRenderFlashMapTokenFromPreviousRequest(FacesContext facesContext)
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
String tokenValue = null;
ClientWindow clientWindow = externalContext.getClientWindow();
if (clientWindow != null)
if (facesContext.getApplication().getStateManager().isSavingStateInClient(facesContext))
Map<String, Object> sessionMap = externalContext.getSessionMap();
tokenValue = (String) sessionMap.get(FLASH_RENDER_MAP_TOKEN+
FlashClientWindowTokenCollection lruMap = getFlashClientWindowTokenCollection(externalContext, false);
if (lruMap != null)
tokenValue = (String) lruMap.get(clientWindow.getId());
HttpServletResponse httpResponse = ExternalContextUtils.getHttpServletResponse(externalContext);
if (httpResponse != null)
//Use a cookie
Cookie cookie = (Cookie) externalContext.getRequestCookieMap().get(FLASH_RENDER_MAP_TOKEN);
if (cookie != null)
tokenValue = cookie.getValue();
//Use HttpSession or PortletSession object
Map<String, Object> sessionMap = externalContext.getSessionMap();
tokenValue = (String) sessionMap.get(FLASH_RENDER_MAP_TOKEN);
return tokenValue;
* Restores the render FlashMap token from the previous request.
* This is the token of the executeMap for this request.
* Furthermore it also creates a new token for this request's renderMap
* (and thus implicitly a new renderMap).
* @param facesContext
private void _manageFlashMapTokens(FacesContext facesContext)
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
Map<String, Object> requestMap = externalContext.getRequestMap();
final String previousRenderToken
= _getRenderFlashMapTokenFromPreviousRequest(facesContext);
if (previousRenderToken != null)
// "restore" the renderMap from the previous request
// and put it as the executeMap for this request
requestMap.put(FLASH_EXECUTE_MAP_TOKEN, previousRenderToken);
if (facesContext.isPostback())
if (facesContext.getExternalContext().getClientWindow() == null)
// on a postback, we should always have a previousToken
log.warning("Identifier for execute FlashMap was lost on " +
"the postback, thus FlashScope information is gone.");
// Next token was not preserved in session, which means flash map
// is empty. Create a new token and store it as execute map, which
// will be empty.
requestMap.put(FLASH_EXECUTE_MAP_TOKEN, _getNextToken());
// create a new token (and thus a new Map) for this request's
// executeMap so that we have an executeMap in any possible case.
final String newExecuteToken = _getNextToken();
requestMap.put(FLASH_EXECUTE_MAP_TOKEN, newExecuteToken);
// create a new token (and thus a new Map) for this request's renderMap
final String newRenderToken = _getNextToken();
requestMap.put(FLASH_RENDER_MAP_TOKEN, newRenderToken);
// we now have the final render token for this request, thus we can
// already save it for the next request, because it won't change
* Get the next token to be assigned to this request
* @return
private String _getNextToken()
// atomically increment the value
long nextToken = _count.incrementAndGet();
// convert using base 36 because it is a fast efficient subset of base-64
return Long.toString(nextToken, 36);
* Create a new subkey-wrapper of the session map with the given prefix.
* This wrapper is used to implement the maps for the flash scope.
* For more information see the SubKeyMap doc.
private Map<String, Object> _createSubKeyMap(FacesContext context, String prefix)
ExternalContext external = context.getExternalContext();
Map<String, Object> sessionMap = external.getSessionMap();
return new SubKeyMap<Object>(sessionMap, prefix);
* Return the flash map created on this traversal.
* This FlashMap will be the execute FlashMap of the next traversal.
* Note that it is supposed that FLASH_RENDER_MAP_TOKEN is initialized
* before restore view phase (see doPrePhaseActions() for details).
* @param context
* @return
private Map<String, Object> _getRenderFlashMap(FacesContext context)
// Note that we don't have to synchronize here, because it is no problem
// if we create more SubKeyMaps with the same subkey, because they are
// totally equal and point to the same entries in the SessionMap.
Map<String, Object> requestMap = context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) requestMap.get(FLASH_RENDER_MAP);
if (map == null)
String token = (String) requestMap.get(FLASH_RENDER_MAP_TOKEN);
map = _createSubKeyMap(context, fullToken);
requestMap.put(FLASH_RENDER_MAP, map);
return map;
* Return the execute Flash Map.
* This FlashMap was the render FlashMap of the previous traversal.
* @param context
* @return
private Map<String, Object> _getExecuteFlashMap(FacesContext context)
// Note that we don't have to synchronize here, because it is no problem
// if we create more SubKeyMaps with the same subkey, because they are
// totally equal and point to the same entries in the SessionMap.
Map<String, Object> requestMap = context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) requestMap.get(FLASH_EXECUTE_MAP);
if (map == null)
String token = (String) requestMap.get(FLASH_EXECUTE_MAP_TOKEN);
map = _createSubKeyMap(context, fullToken);
requestMap.put(FLASH_EXECUTE_MAP, map);
return map;
* Get the proper map according to the current phase:
* Normal case:
* - First request, restore view phase (create a new one): render map n
* - First request, execute phase: Skipped
* - First request, render phase: render map n
* Render map n saved and put as execute map n
* - Second request, execute phase: execute map n
* - Second request, render phase: render map n+1
* Post Redirect Get case: Redirect is triggered by a call to setRedirect(true) from NavigationHandler
* or earlier using c:set tag.
* - First request, restore view phase (create a new one): render map n
* - First request, execute phase: Skipped
* - First request, render phase: render map n
* Render map n saved and put as execute map n
* - Second request, execute phase: execute map n
* Note that render map n+1 is also created here to perform keep().
* - NavigationHandler do the redirect, requestMap data lost, called Flash.setRedirect(true)
* Render map n+1 saved and put as render map n+1 on GET request.
* - Third request, restore view phase (create a new one): render map n+1 (restorred)
* (isRedirect() should return true as javadoc says)
* - Third request, execute phase: skipped
* - Third request, render phase: render map n+1
* In this way proper behavior is preserved even in the case of redirect, since the GET part is handled as
* the "render" part of the current traversal, keeping the semantic of flash object.
* @return
private Map<String, Object> _getActiveFlashMap()
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
if (PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE.equals(facesContext.getCurrentPhaseId())
|| !facesContext.isPostback())
return _getRenderFlashMap(facesContext);
return _getExecuteFlashMap(facesContext);
* Returns the FlashMap used in the reading methods of java.util.Map
* like e.g. get() or values().
* @return
private Map<String, Object> _getFlashMapForReading()
return _getExecuteFlashMap(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
* Returns the FlashMap used in the writing methods of java.util.Map
* like e.g. put() or clear().
* @return
private Map<String, Object> _getFlashMapForWriting()
return _getActiveFlashMap();
* Destroy the execute FlashMap, because it is not needed anymore.
* @param facesContext
private void _clearExecuteFlashMap(FacesContext facesContext)
Map<String, Object> map = _getExecuteFlashMap(facesContext);
//JSF 2.2 invoke PreClearFlashEvent
PreClearFlashEvent.class, map);
// Clear everything - note that because of naming conventions,
// this will in fact automatically recurse through all children
// grandchildren etc. - which is kind of a design flaw of SubKeyMap,
// but one we're relying on
// NOTE that we do not need a null check here, because there will
// always be an execute Map, however sometimes an empty one!
private void _clearRenderFlashTokenIfMapEmpty(FacesContext facesContext)
// Keep in mind that we cannot remove a cookie once the response has been sent,
// but we can remove an attribute from session anytime, so the idea is check
// if the map is empty or not and if that so, do not save the token. The effect
// is we can reduce the session size a bit.
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
Object session = facesContext.getExternalContext().getSession(false);
ClientWindow clientWindow = externalContext.getClientWindow();
if (session != null && clientWindow != null)
Map<String, Object> map = _getRenderFlashMap(facesContext);
if (map.isEmpty())
if (facesContext.getApplication().getStateManager().isSavingStateInClient(facesContext))
Map<String, Object> sessionMap = externalContext.getSessionMap();
// Remove token, because it is not necessary
FlashClientWindowTokenCollection lruMap = getFlashClientWindowTokenCollection(
externalContext, false);
if (lruMap != null)
Map<String, Object> sessionMap = externalContext.getSessionMap();
if (lruMap.isEmpty())
//refresh remove
sessionMap.put(FLASH_CW_LRU_MAP, lruMap);
protected FlashClientWindowTokenCollection getFlashClientWindowTokenCollection(
ExternalContext externalContext, boolean create)
Object session = externalContext.getSession(false);
if (session == null && !create)
return null;
Map<String, Object> sessionMap = externalContext.getSessionMap();
FlashClientWindowTokenCollection lruMap = (FlashClientWindowTokenCollection)
if (lruMap == null)
Integer ft = MyfacesConfig.getCurrentInstance(externalContext).getNumberOfFlashTokensInSession();
lruMap = new FlashClientWindowTokenCollection(new ClientWindowFlashTokenLRUMap(ft));
if (create)
sessionMap.put(FLASH_CW_LRU_MAP, lruMap);
return lruMap;
public void clearFlashMap(FacesContext facesContext, String clientWindowId, String token)
if ((!_flashScopeDisabled) &&
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
ClientWindow clientWindow = externalContext.getClientWindow();
if (clientWindow != null)
if (token != null)
Map<String, Object> map = _createSubKeyMap(facesContext, fullToken);
* Creates a Cookie with the given name and value.
* In addition, it will be configured with maxAge=-1, the current request path and secure value.
* @param name
* @param value
* @param externalContext
* @return
private Cookie _createFlashCookie(String name, String value, ExternalContext externalContext)
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(name, value);
if (ServletSpecifications.isServlet30Available())
_Servlet30Utils.setCookieHttpOnly(cookie, true);
return cookie;
* Returns the path for the Flash-Cookies.
* @param externalContext
* @return
private String _getCookiePath(ExternalContext externalContext)
String contextPath = externalContext.getRequestContextPath();
if (contextPath == null || "".equals(contextPath))
contextPath = "/";
return contextPath;
* Convert the Object to a Boolean.
* @param value
* @return
private Boolean _convertToBoolean(Object value)
Boolean booleanValue;
if (value instanceof Boolean)
booleanValue = (Boolean) value;
booleanValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString());
return booleanValue;
* Checks whether flash scope is disabled.
* @throws FlashScopeDisabledException if flash scope is disabled
private void _checkFlashScopeDisabled()
if (_flashScopeDisabled)
throw new FlashScopeDisabledException("Flash scope was disabled by context param "
+ MyfacesConfig.INIT_PARAM_FLASH_SCOPE_DISABLED + " but erroneously accessed");
// ~ Inner classes --------------------------------------------------------
* Class used to store a FacesMessage with its clientId.
private static class MessageEntry implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = -690264660230199234L;
private final String clientId;
private final FacesMessage message;
public MessageEntry(String clientId, FacesMessage message)
this.clientId = clientId;
this.message = message;