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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.config;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.faces.application.ProjectStage;
import javax.faces.application.StateManager;
import javax.faces.application.ViewHandler;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import org.apache.myfaces.buildtools.maven2.plugin.builder.annotation.JSFWebConfigParam;
import org.apache.myfaces.spi.InjectionProvider;
import org.apache.myfaces.util.lang.ClassUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.util.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.ELExpressionCacheMode;
* Holds all configuration init parameters (from web.xml) that are independent
* from the core implementation. The parameters in this class are available to
* all shared, component and implementation classes.
* See RuntimeConfig for configuration infos that come from the faces-config
* files and are needed by the core implementation.
* MyfacesConfig is meant for components that implement some of the extended features
* of MyFaces. Anyhow, using the MyFaces JSF implementation is no precondition for using
* MyfacesConfig in custom components. Upon using another JSF implementation
* (or omitting the extended init parameters) all config properties will simply have
* their default values.
public class MyfacesConfig
private static final String APPLICATION_MAP_PARAM_NAME = MyfacesConfig.class.getName();
* Set the time in seconds that check for updates of web.xml and faces-config descriptors and
* refresh the configuration.
* This param is valid only if project stage is not production. Set this param to 0 disable this feature.
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue="2",since="1.1", classType="java.lang.Long")
public static final String CONFIG_REFRESH_PERIOD = "org.apache.myfaces.CONFIG_REFRESH_PERIOD";
private static final long CONFIG_REFRESH_PERIOD_DEFAULT = 2;
* Define if the input field that should store the state (javax.faces.ViewState) should render
* id="javax.faces.ViewState".
* JSF API 1.2 defines a "javax.faces.ViewState" client parameter, that must be rendered as both the "name"
* and the "id" attribute of the hidden input that is rendered for the purpose of state saving
* (see ResponseStateManager.VIEW_STATE_PARAM).
* Actually this causes duplicate id attributes and thus invalid XHTML pages when multiple forms are rendered on
* one page. With the org.apache.myfaces.RENDER_VIEWSTATE_ID context parameter you can tune this behaviour.
* <br/>Set it to
* <ul><li>true - to render JSF 1.2 compliant id attributes (that might cause invalid XHTML), or</li>
* <li>false - to omit rendering of the id attribute (which is only needed for very special
* AJAX/Javascript components)</li></ul>
* Default value is: true (for backwards compatibility and JSF 1.2 compliancy)
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue="true", expectedValues="true, false, on, off, yes, no",since="1.1",
ignoreUpperLowerCase=true, group="state")
public static final String RENDER_VIEWSTATE_ID = "org.apache.myfaces.RENDER_VIEWSTATE_ID";
private static final boolean RENDER_VIEWSTATE_ID_DEFAULT = true;
* Use "&amp;amp;" entity instead a plain "&amp;" character within HTML.
* <p>W3C recommends to use the "&amp;amp;" entity instead of a plain "&amp;" character within HTML.
* This also applies to attribute values and thus to the "href" attribute of &lt;a&gt; elements as well.
* Even more, when XHTML is used as output the usage of plain "&amp;" characters is forbidden and would lead to
* invalid XML code.
* Therefore, since version 1.1.6 MyFaces renders the correct "&amp;amp;" entity for links.</p>
* <p>The init parameter
* org.apache.myfaces.STRICT_XHTML_LINKS makes it possible to restore the old behaviour and to make MyFaces
* "bug compatible" to the Sun RI which renders plain "&amp;" chars in links as well.</p>
* <p>
* See: <a href="">HTML 4.01 Specification</a>
* See: <a href="">Jira: MYFACES-1774</a>
* </p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue="true", expectedValues="true, false, on, off, yes, no",since="1.1.6",
ignoreUpperLowerCase=true, group="render")
public static final String STRICT_XHTML_LINKS = "org.apache.myfaces.STRICT_XHTML_LINKS";
private static final boolean STRICT_XHTML_LINKS_DEFAULT = true;
* This param renders the clear javascript on button necessary only for
* compatibility with hidden fields feature of myfaces. This is done
* because jsf ri does not render javascript on onclick method for button,
* so myfaces should do this.
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue="false", expectedValues="true, false, on, off, yes, no",since="1.2.3",
ignoreUpperLowerCase=true, group="render")
public static final String RENDER_CLEAR_JAVASCRIPT_FOR_BUTTON =
private static final boolean RENDER_CLEAR_JAVASCRIPT_FOR_BUTTON_DEFAULT= false;
* Define an alternate class name that will be used to initialize MyFaces, instead the default
* javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.
* <p>This helps MyFaces to detect the mappings and other additional configuration used to setup the
* environment, and prevent abort initialization if no FacesServlet config is detected.
* </p>
public static final String DELEGATE_FACES_SERVLET = "org.apache.myfaces.DELEGATE_FACES_SERVLET";
* Indicate if the facelet associated to the view should be reapplied when the view is refreshed.
* Default mode is "auto".
* <p>This param is only valid when partial state saving is on.
* If this is set as true, the tag-handlers are always reapplied before render view, like in facelets 1.1.x,
* allowing c:if work correctly to "toggle" components based on a value changed on invoke application phase.
* If the param is set as "auto", the implementation check if c:if, c:forEach,
* c:choose and ui:include with src=ELExpression is used on the page and if that so, mark the view
* to be refreshed.</p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0", defaultValue="auto", expectedValues="true,false,auto", tags="performance",
ignoreUpperLowerCase=true, group="state")
public final static String REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS =
private final static String REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS_DEFAULT = "auto";
* Enable or disable a special mode that enable full state for parent components containing c:if, c:forEach,
* c:choose and ui:include with src=ELExpression. By default is disabled(false).
* <p>This param is only valid when partial state saving is on.
* If this is set as true, parent components containing c:if, c:forEach,
* c:choose and ui:include with src=ELExpression are marked to be restored fully, so state
* is preserved between request.</p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0", defaultValue="false", expectedValues="true, false, on, off, yes, no",
tags="performance", ignoreUpperLowerCase=true, group="state")
* If set to <code>true</code>, tag library XML files and faces config XML files using schema
* will be validated during application start up
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0", expectedValues="true, false, on, off, yes, no", ignoreUpperLowerCase=true)
public final static String VALIDATE_XML = "org.apache.myfaces.VALIDATE_XML";
private final static boolean VALIDATE_XML_DEFAULT = false;
* Wrap content inside script with xml comment to prevent old browsers to display it. By default it is true.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0.1", expectedValues="true, false, on, off, yes, no", defaultValue="false",
ignoreUpperLowerCase=true, group="render")
private final static boolean WRAP_SCRIPT_CONTENT_WITH_XML_COMMENT_TAG_DEFAULT = false;
* Enable/disable DebugPhaseListener feature, with provide useful information about ValueHolder
* variables (submittedValue, localValue, value).
* Note evaluate those getters for each component could cause some unwanted side effects when
* using "access" type scopes like on MyFaces CODI.
* This param only has effect when project stage is Development.
public final static String DEBUG_PHASE_LISTENER = "org.apache.myfaces.DEBUG_PHASE_LISTENER";
private final static boolean DEBUG_PHASE_LISTENER_DEFAULT = false;
* Change default getType() behavior for composite component EL resolver, from return null
* (see JSF 2_0 spec section 5_6_2_2) to
* use the metadata information added by composite:attribute, ensuring components working with
* chained EL expressions to find the
* right type when a getType() is called over the source EL expression.
* To ensure strict compatibility with the spec set this param to true (by default is false,
* so the change is enabled by default).
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0.10", expectedValues="true, false", defaultValue="false", group="EL")
public final static String STRICT_JSF_2_CC_EL_RESOLVER =
private final static boolean STRICT_JSF_2_CC_EL_RESOLVER_DEFAULT = false;
* Define the default content type that the default ResponseWriter generates, when no match can be derived from
* HTTP Accept Header.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0.11,2.1.5", expectedValues="text/html, application/xhtml+xml",
defaultValue="text/html", group="render")
private final static String DEFAULT_RESPONSE_WRITER_CONTENT_TYPE_MODE_DEFAULT = "text/html";
* Enable or disable a cache used to "remember" the generated facelets unique ids and reduce
* the impact on memory usage, only active if javax.faces.FACELETS_REFRESH_PERIOD is -1 (no refresh).
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue = "true", since = "2.0.13, 2.1.7", expectedValues="true, false",
group="viewhandler", tags="performance",
desc="Enable or disable a cache used to 'remember' the generated facelets unique ids " +
"and reduce the impact over memory usage.")
public static final String VIEW_UNIQUE_IDS_CACHE_ENABLED =
private static final boolean VIEW_UNIQUE_IDS_CACHE_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true;
* Set the size of the cache used to store strings generated using SectionUniqueIdCounter
* for component ids. If this is set to 0, no cache is used. By default is set to 100.
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue = "100", since = "2.0.13, 2.1.7",
group="viewhandler", tags="performance")
public static final String COMPONENT_UNIQUE_IDS_CACHE_SIZE =
private static final int COMPONENT_UNIQUE_IDS_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT = 100;
* If set false, myfaces won't support JSP. JSP are deprecated in JSF 2.X. Default value is true.
* If this property is set is false, all related logic for JSP is skipped.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0.13,2.1.7", expectedValues="true,false", defaultValue="true",
desc="If set false, myfaces won't support JSP. JSP are deprecated in " +
"JSF 2.X. Default value is true.",
group="EL", tags="performance ")
public final static String SUPPORT_JSP = "org.apache.myfaces.SUPPORT_JSP";
private final static boolean SUPPORT_JSP_DEFAULT = true;
* If this param is set to true, a check will be done in Restore View Phase to check
* if the viewId exists or not and if it does not exists, a 404 response will be thrown.
* This is applicable in cases where all the views in the application are generated by a
* ViewDeclarationLanguage implementation.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.1.13", defaultValue="false", expectedValues="true,false",
public static final String STRICT_JSF_2_VIEW_NOT_FOUND =
private final static boolean STRICT_JSF_2_VIEW_NOT_FOUND_DEFAULT = false;
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue = "false", since = "2.2.0", expectedValues="true, false", group="render",
desc="Enable or disable an early flush which allows to send e.g. the HTML-Head to the client " +
"while the rest gets rendered. It's a well known technique to reduce the time for loading a page.")
public static final String EARLY_FLUSH_ENABLED =
private static final boolean EARLY_FLUSH_ENABLED_DEFAULT = false;
* This param makes components like c:set, ui:param and templating components like ui:decorate,
* ui:composition and ui:include to behave like the ones provided originally in facelets 1_1_x.
* See MYFACES-3810 for details.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.2.0", defaultValue="false", expectedValues="true,false",
public static final String STRICT_JSF_2_FACELETS_COMPATIBILITY =
private final static boolean STRICT_JSF_2_FACELETS_COMPATIBILITY_DEFAULT = false;
* This param makes h:form component to render the view state and other hidden fields
* at the beginning of the form. This also includes component resources with target="form",
* but it does not include legacy 1.1 myfaces specific hidden field adition.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.2.4", defaultValue = "false", expectedValues = "true,false",
public static final String RENDER_FORM_VIEW_STATE_AT_BEGIN =
private final static boolean RENDER_FORM_VIEW_STATE_AT_BEGIN_DEFAULT = false;
* Defines whether flash scope is disabled, preventing add the Flash cookie to the response.
* <p>This is useful for applications that does not require to use flash scope, and instead uses other scopes.</p>
public static final String FLASH_SCOPE_DISABLED = "org.apache.myfaces.FLASH_SCOPE_DISABLED";
private static final boolean FLASH_SCOPE_DISABLED_DEFAULT = false;
* Defines the amount (default = 20) of the latest views are stored in session.
* <p>Only applicable if state saving method is "server" (= default).
* </p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue="20",since="1.1", classType="java.lang.Integer", group="state", tags="performance")
public static final String NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION = "org.apache.myfaces.NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION";
* Default value for <code>org.apache.myfaces.NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION</code> context parameter.
public static final int NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION_DEFAULT = 20;
* Indicates the amount of views (default is not active) that should be stored in session between sequential
* <p>Only applicable if state saving method is "server" (= default). For example, if this param has value = 2 and
* in your custom webapp there is a form that is clicked 3 times, only 2 views
* will be stored and the third one (the one stored the first time) will be
* removed from session, even if the view can
* store more sessions org.apache.myfaces.NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION.
* This feature becomes useful for multi-window applications.
* where without this feature a window can swallow all view slots so
* the other ones will throw ViewExpiredException.</p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0.6", classType="java.lang.Integer", group="state", tags="performance",
defaultValue = "4")
* Indicate the max number of flash tokens stored into session. It is only active when
* javax.faces.CLIENT_WINDOW_MODE is enabled and javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD is set
* to "server". Each flash token is associated to one client window id at
* the same time, so this param is related to the limit of active client windows per session.
* By default is the same number as in
* (org.apache.myfaces.NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION /
* org.apache.myfaces.NUMBER_OF_SEQUENTIAL_VIEWS_IN_SESSION) + 1 = 6.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.2.6", group="state", tags="performance")
public static final String NUMBER_OF_FLASH_TOKENS_IN_SESSION =
* Indicate the max number of client window ids stored into session by faces flow. It is only active when
* javax.faces.CLIENT_WINDOW_MODE is enabled and javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD is set
* to "server". This param is related to the limit of active client
* windows per session, and it is used to cleanup flow scope beans when a client window or view becomes
* invalid.
* By default is the same number as in
* (org.apache.myfaces.NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION /
* org.apache.myfaces.NUMBER_OF_SEQUENTIAL_VIEWS_IN_SESSION) + 1 = 6.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.2.6", group="state", tags="performance")
* This parameter specifies whether or not the ImportHandler will be supported
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.2.9", defaultValue="false", expectedValues="true,false", group="EL")
public static final String SUPPORT_EL_3_IMPORT_HANDLER = "org.apache.myfaces.SUPPORT_EL_3_IMPORT_HANDLER";
private final static boolean SUPPORT_EL_3_IMPORT_HANDLER_DEFAULT = false;
* This parameter specifies whether or not the Origin header app path should be checked
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.3", defaultValue="false", expectedValues="true,false")
public static final String STRICT_JSF_2_ORIGIN_HEADER_APP_PATH =
private final static boolean STRICT_JSF_2_ORIGIN_HEADER_APP_PATH_DEFAULT = false;
* Allow slash in the library name of a Resource.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.1.6, 2.0.12", defaultValue="false",
expectedValues="true, false", group="resources")
public static final String STRICT_JSF_2_ALLOW_SLASH_LIBRARY_NAME =
private static final boolean STRICT_JSF_2_ALLOW_SLASH_LIBRARY_NAME_DEFAULT = false;
* Define the default buffer size that is used between Resource.getInputStream() and
* httpServletResponse.getOutputStream() when rendering resources using the default
* ResourceHandler.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.1.10, 2.0.16", defaultValue="2048", group="resources")
public static final String RESOURCE_BUFFER_SIZE = "org.apache.myfaces.RESOURCE_BUFFER_SIZE";
private static final int RESOURCE_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT = 2048;
* Validate if the managed beans and navigations rules are correct.
* <p>For example, it checks if the managed bean classes really exists, or if the
* navigation rules points to existing view files.</p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0", defaultValue="false", expectedValues="true, false")
public static final String VALIDATE = "org.apache.myfaces.VALIDATE";
* Defines if CDI should be used for annotation scanning to improve the startup performance.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.2.9", tags = "performance", defaultValue = "false")
public static final String USE_CDI_FOR_ANNOTATION_SCANNING
= "org.apache.myfaces.annotation.USE_CDI_FOR_ANNOTATION_SCANNING";
private static final boolean USE_CDI_FOR_ANNOTATION_SCANNING_DEFAULT = false;
* Controls the size of the cache used to check if a resource exists or not.
* <p>See org.apache.myfaces.RESOURCE_HANDLER_CACHE_ENABLED for details.</p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue = "500", since = "2.0.2", group="resources",
classType="java.lang.Integer", tags="performance")
public static final String RESOURCE_HANDLER_CACHE_SIZE =
private static final int RESOURCE_HANDLER_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT = 500;
* Enable or disable the cache used to "remember" if a resource handled by
* the default ResourceHandler exists or not.
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue = "true", since = "2.0.2", group="resources",
expectedValues="true,false", tags="performance")
public static final String RESOURCE_HANDLER_CACHE_ENABLED =
private static final boolean RESOURCE_HANDLER_CACHE_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true;
* Servlet context init parameter which defines which packages to scan
* for beans, separated by commas.
public static final String SCAN_PACKAGES = "org.apache.myfaces.annotation.SCAN_PACKAGES";
* Indicates the port used for websocket connections.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.3")
public static final java.lang.String WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT_PORT = "javax.faces.WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT_PORT";
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue = "300000")
public static final String WEBSOCKET_MAX_IDLE_TIMEOUT = "org.apache.myfaces.WEBSOCKET_MAX_IDLE_TIMEOUT";
private static final long WEBSOCKET_MAX_IDLE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 300000L;
* Defines how to generate the csrf session token.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.2.0", expectedValues="secureRandom, random",
defaultValue="none", group="state")
private static final String RANDOM_KEY_IN_WEBSOCKET_SESSION_TOKEN_DEFAULT = "random";
public static final String RANDOM_KEY_IN_WEBSOCKET_SESSION_TOKEN_SECURE_RANDOM = "secureRandom";
public static final String RANDOM_KEY_IN_WEBSOCKET_SESSION_TOKEN_RANDOM = "random";
* Define the time in minutes where the view state is valid when
* client side state saving is used. By default it is set to 0
* (infinite).
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.1.9, 2.0.15", defaultValue="0", group="state")
public static final String CLIENT_VIEW_STATE_TIMEOUT =
private static final Long CLIENT_VIEW_STATE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 0L;
* Adds a random key to the generated view state session token.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.1.9, 2.0.15", expectedValues="secureRandom, random",
defaultValue="random", group="state")
private static final String RANDOM_KEY_IN_VIEW_STATE_SESSION_TOKEN_DEFAULT = "random";
public static final String RANDOM_KEY_IN_VIEW_STATE_SESSION_TOKEN_SECURE_RANDOM = "secureRandom";
public static final String RANDOM_KEY_IN_VIEW_STATE_SESSION_TOKEN_RANDOM = "random";
* Set the default length of the random key added to the view state session token.
* By default is 8.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.1.9, 2.0.15", defaultValue="8", group="state")
* Sets the random class to initialize the secure random id generator.
* By default it uses
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.1.9, 2.0.15", group="state")
* Sets the random provider to initialize the secure random id generator.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.1.9, 2.0.15", group="state")
* Sets the random algorithm to initialize the secure random id generator.
* By default is SHA1PRNG
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.1.9, 2.0.15", defaultValue="SHA1PRNG", group="state")
* Defines how to generate the csrf session token.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.2.0", expectedValues="secureRandom, random", defaultValue="none", group="state")
public static final String RANDOM_KEY_IN_CSRF_SESSION_TOKEN
= "org.apache.myfaces.RANDOM_KEY_IN_CSRF_SESSION_TOKEN";
private static final String RANDOM_KEY_IN_CSRF_SESSION_TOKEN_DEFAULT = "random";
public static final String RANDOM_KEY_IN_CSRF_SESSION_TOKEN_SECURE_RANDOM = "secureRandom";
public static final String RANDOM_KEY_IN_CSRF_SESSION_TOKEN_RANDOM = "random";
* Indicates that the serialized state will be compressed before it is written to the session. By default true.
* Only applicable if state saving method is "server" (= default) and if
* <code>org.apache.myfaces.SERIALIZE_STATE_IN_SESSION</code> is <code>true</code> (= default).
* If <code>true</code> (default) the serialized state will be compressed before it is written to the session.
* If <code>false</code> the state will not be compressed.
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue="true",since="1.1", expectedValues="true,false", group="state", tags="performance")
public static final String COMPRESS_STATE_IN_SESSION = "org.apache.myfaces.COMPRESS_STATE_IN_SESSION";
private static final boolean COMPRESS_STATE_IN_SESSION_DEFAULT = true;
* Allow use flash scope to keep track of the views used in session and the previous ones,
* so server side state saving can delete old views even if POST-REDIRECT-GET pattern is used.
* <p>
* Only applicable if state saving method is "server" (= default).
* The default value is false.</p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0.6", defaultValue="false", expectedValues="true, false", group="state")
private static final boolean USE_FLASH_SCOPE_PURGE_VIEWS_IN_SESSION_DEFAULT = false;
* Add autocomplete="off" to the view state hidden field. Enabled by default.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.2.8, 2.1.18, 2.0.24", expectedValues="true, false",
defaultValue="true", group="state")
public static final String AUTOCOMPLETE_OFF_VIEW_STATE =
private static final boolean AUTOCOMPLETE_OFF_VIEW_STATE_DEFAULT = true;
* Set the max time in miliseconds set on the "Expires" header for a resource rendered by
* the default ResourceHandler.
* (default to one week in miliseconds or 604800000)
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0", defaultValue="604800000", group="resources", tags="performance")
public static final String RESOURCE_MAX_TIME_EXPIRES = "org.apache.myfaces.RESOURCE_MAX_TIME_EXPIRES";
private static final long RESOURCE_MAX_TIME_EXPIRES_DEFAULT = 604800000L;
* Indicate if the classes associated to components, converters, validators or behaviors
* should be loaded as soon as they are added to the current application instance or instead
* loaded in a lazy way.
public static final String LAZY_LOAD_CONFIG_OBJECTS = "org.apache.myfaces.LAZY_LOAD_CONFIG_OBJECTS";
private static final boolean LAZY_LOAD_CONFIG_OBJECTS_DEFAULT = true;
* Define a custom comparator class used to sort the ELResolvers.
* <p>This is useful when it is necessary to put an ELResolver on top of other resolvers. Note set
* this param override the default ordering described by JSF spec section 5.
* </p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(since = "1.2.10, 2.0.2", group="EL",
desc = "The Class of an Comparator&lt;ELResolver&gt; implementation.")
public static final String EL_RESOLVER_COMPARATOR = "org.apache.myfaces.EL_RESOLVER_COMPARATOR";
@JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.1.0", group="EL",
desc="The Class of an java.util.function.Predicate&lt;ELResolver&gt; implementation."
+ "If used and returns false for a ELResolver instance, such resolver will not be installed in "
+ "ELResolvers chain. Use with caution - can break functionality defined in JSF specification "
+ "'ELResolver Instances Provided by Faces'")
public static final String EL_RESOLVER_PREDICATE = "org.apache.myfaces.EL_RESOLVER_PREDICATE";
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue = "500", since = "2.0.2", group="viewhandler", tags="performance",
desc="Controls the size of the viewId related caches: " +
public static final String VIEWID_CACHE_SIZE = "org.apache.myfaces.VIEWID_CACHE_SIZE";
private static final int VIEWID_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT = 500;
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue = "true", since = "2.0.2", expectedValues="true, false", group="viewhandler",
desc="Enable or disable the cache used to 'remember' if a view exists or not and reduce the impact " +
"of sucesive calls to ExternalContext.getResource().")
public static final String VIEWID_EXISTS_CACHE_ENABLED = "org.apache.myfaces.VIEWID_EXISTS_CACHE_ENABLED";
private static final boolean VIEWID_EXISTS_CACHE_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true;
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue = "true", since = "2.3-next", expectedValues="true, false", group="viewhandler",
desc="Enable or disable the cache used to 'remember' if a view is protected or not.")
public static final String VIEWID_PROTECTED_CACHE_ENABLED = "org.apache.myfaces.VIEWID_PROTECTED_CACHE_ENABLED";
private static final boolean VIEWID_PROTECTED_CACHE_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true;
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue = "true", since = "2.3-next", expectedValues="true, false", group="viewhandler",
desc="Enable or disable the cache used to 'remember' the derived viewId from the rawViewId.")
public static final String VIEWID_DERIVE_CACHE_ENABLED = "org.apache.myfaces.VIEWID_DERIVE_CACHE_ENABLED";
private static final boolean VIEWID_DERIVE_CACHE_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true;
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue=".jsp", since="2.3", group="viewhandler")
public static final String JSP_SUFFIX = "org.apache.myfaces.JSP_SUFFIX";
private static final String JSP_SUFFIX_DEFAULT = ".jsp";
* Enforce f:validateBean to be called first before any JSF validator.
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue="false", expectedValues="true, false", since = "2.2.10", group="validation")
public final static String BEAN_BEFORE_JSF_VALIDATION
= "org.apache.myfaces.validator.BEAN_BEFORE_JSF_VALIDATION";
private final static boolean BEAN_BEFORE_JSF_VALIDATION_DEFAULT = false;
* comma delimited list of plugin classes which can be hooked into myfaces
@JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.0")
public static final String FACES_INIT_PLUGINS = "org.apache.myfaces.FACES_INIT_PLUGINS";
* If the flag is true, the algoritm skip jar scanning for faces-config files to check if the current
* application requires FacesServlet to be added dynamically (servlet spec 3). This param can be set using
* a system property with the same name too.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.2.10", expectedValues = "true, false", defaultValue = "false",
tags = "performance")
public static final String INITIALIZE_SKIP_JAR_FACES_CONFIG_SCAN =
private static final boolean INITIALIZE_SKIP_JAR_FACES_CONFIG_SCAN_DEFAULT = false;
* If this param is set to true, the check for faces servlet mapping is not done
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0.3", defaultValue="false")
public static final String INITIALIZE_ALWAYS_STANDALONE = "org.apache.myfaces.INITIALIZE_ALWAYS_STANDALONE";
* This parameter specifies the ExpressionFactory implementation to use.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="1.2.7", group="EL")
public static final String EXPRESSION_FACTORY = "org.apache.myfaces.EXPRESSION_FACTORY";
* Define how duplicate ids are checked when ProjectStage is Production, by default (auto) it only check ids of
* components that does not encapsulate markup (like facelets UILeaf).
* <ul>
* <li>true: check all ids, including ids for components that are transient and encapsulate markup.</li>
* <li>auto: (default) check ids of components that does not encapsulate markup (like facelets UILeaf).
* Note ids of UILeaf instances are generated by facelets vdl, start with "j_id", are never rendered
* into the response and UILeaf instances are never used as a target for listeners, so in practice
* there is no need to check such ids. This reduce the overhead associated with generate client ids.</li>
* <li>false: do not do any check when ProjectStage is Production</li>
* </ul>
* <p> According to specification, identifiers must be unique within the scope of the nearest ancestor to
* the component that is a naming container.</p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0.12, 2.1.6", defaultValue="auto", expectedValues="true, auto, false",
group="state", tags="performance")
public static final String CHECK_ID_PRODUCTION_MODE
= "org.apache.myfaces.CHECK_ID_PRODUCTION_MODE";
private static final String CHECK_ID_PRODUCTION_MODE_DEFAULT = "auto";
public static final String CHECK_ID_PRODUCTION_MODE_TRUE = "true";
public static final String CHECK_ID_PRODUCTION_MODE_AUTO = "auto";
@JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.1", defaultValue = "false", expectedValues = "true, false", tags = "performance")
private static final boolean MARK_INITIAL_STATE_WHEN_APPLY_BUILD_VIEW_DEFAULT = false;
* Class implementing ResourceResolver interface used to locate facelet resources.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.0", alias = "facelets.RESOURCE_RESOLVER")
* Indicates if expressions generated by facelets should be cached or not.
* Default is noCache. There there are four modes:
* <ul>
* <li>alwaysRecompile (since 2.1.12): Only does not cache when the expression contains
* a variable resolved using VariableMapper</li>
* <li>always: Only does not cache when expressions are inside user tags or the
* expression contains a variable resolved using VariableMapper</li>
* <li>allowCset: Like always, but does not allow cache when ui:param
* was used on the current template context</li>
* <li>strict: Like allowCset, but does not allow cache when c:set with
* var and value properties only is used on the current page context</li>
* <li>noCache: All expression are created each time the view is built</li>
* </ul>
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0.8", defaultValue="noCache",
expectedValues="noCache, strict, allowCset, always, alwaysRecompile",
group="EL", tags="performance")
public static final String CACHE_EL_EXPRESSIONS = "org.apache.myfaces.CACHE_EL_EXPRESSIONS";
* Wrap exception caused by calls to EL expressions, so information like
* the location, expression string and tag name can be retrieved by
* the ExceptionHandler implementation and used to output meaningful information about itself.
* <p>Note in some cases this will wrap the original javax.el.ELException,
* so the information will not be on the stack trace unless ExceptionHandler
* retrieve checking if the exception implements ContextAware interface and calling getWrapped() method.
* </p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.0.9, 2.1.3" , defaultValue="true", expectedValues="true, false")
private static final boolean WRAP_TAG_EXCEPTIONS_AS_CONTEXT_AWARE_DEFAULT = true;
* Defines if the last-modified should be cached of the resources when the ProjectStage is Production.
* If the cache is disabled, each last-modified request will read the last-modified from the file.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.3-next" , defaultValue="true", expectedValues="true, false")
public static final String RESOURCE_CACHE_LAST_MODIFIED
= "org.apache.myfaces.RESOURCE_CACHE_LAST_MODIFIED";
private static final boolean RESOURCE_CACHE_LAST_MODIFIED_DEFAULT = true;
* Indicate if log all web config params should be done before initialize the webapp.
* <p>
* If is set in "auto" mode, web config params are only logged on "Development" and "Production" project stages.
* </p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(expectedValues="true, auto, false", defaultValue="auto")
public static final String LOG_WEB_CONTEXT_PARAMS = "org.apache.myfaces.LOG_WEB_CONTEXT_PARAMS";
private static final String LOG_WEB_CONTEXT_PARAMS_DEFAULT = "auto";
* This parameter enables automatic extensionless mapping for all JSF views.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.3", expectedValues = "true, false", defaultValue = "false")
public static final String AUTOMATIC_EXTENSIONLESS_MAPPING =
public static final boolean AUTOMATIC_EXTENSIONLESS_MAPPING_DEFAULT = false;
* Indicate the class implementing FacesInitializer interface that will
* be used to setup MyFaces Core contexts.
* <p>This is used when some custom task must be done specifically when
* a myfaces web context is initialized or destroyed, or when MyFaces should
* be initialized in some custom environment.
* </p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(since = "2.0.1", desc = "Class name of a custom FacesInitializer implementation.")
public static final String FACES_INITIALIZER = "org.apache.myfaces.FACES_INITIALIZER";
* Define the class implementing InjectionProvider interface to handle dependendy injection,
* PostConstruct and PreDestroy callbacks.
* <p>This also can be configured using a SPI entry (/META-INF/services/...).</p>
@JSFWebConfigParam(name="org.apache.myfaces.spi.InjectionProvider", since="2.2")
public static final String INJECTION_PROVIDER = InjectionProvider.class.getName();
@JSFWebConfigParam(name="org.apache.myfaces.WEBSOCKET_MAX_CONNECTIONS", since="2.3")
public static final String WEBSOCKET_MAX_CONNECTIONS = "org.apache.myfaces.WEBSOCKET_MAX_CONNECTIONS";
public static final Integer WEBSOCKET_MAX_CONNECTIONS_DEFAULT = 5000;
* Defines if the clientbehavior scripts are passed as string or function to the jsf.util.chain.
* "As string" is actually the default behavior of both MyFaces (until 2.3-next) and Mojarra.
* "As function" is quite usefull for CSP as no string needs to be evaluated as function.
* Our jsf.util.chain supports both of course.
@JSFWebConfigParam(name="org.apache.myfaces.RENDER_CLIENTBEHAVIOR_SCRIPTS_AS_STRING", since="2.3-next", defaultValue = "false")
public static final boolean RENDER_CLIENTBEHAVIOR_SCRIPTS_AS_STRING_DEFAULT = false;
* Defines if a session should be created (if one does not exist) before response rendering.
* When this parameter is set to true, a session will be created even when client side state
* saving or stateless views are used, which can lead to unintended resource consumption.
* When this parameter is set to false, a session will only be created before response
* rendering if a view is not transient and server side state saving is in use.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.3.6", defaultValue="false", expectedValues="true,false")
public static final String ALWAYS_FORCE_SESSION_CREATION =
protected final static boolean ALWAYS_FORCE_SESSION_CREATION_DEFAULT = false;
* Defines the {@link java.util.ResourceBundle.Control} to use for all
* {@link java.util.ResourceBundle#getBundle(java.lang.String)} calls.
public static final String RESOURCE_BUNDLE_CONTROL =
// we need it, applicationImpl not ready probably
private ProjectStage projectStage = ProjectStage.Production;
private boolean strictJsf2AllowSlashLibraryName;
private long configRefreshPeriod = CONFIG_REFRESH_PERIOD_DEFAULT;
private boolean renderViewStateId = RENDER_VIEWSTATE_ID_DEFAULT;
private boolean strictXhtmlLinks = STRICT_XHTML_LINKS_DEFAULT;
private boolean renderClearJavascriptOnButton = RENDER_CLEAR_JAVASCRIPT_FOR_BUTTON_DEFAULT;
private String delegateFacesServlet;
private boolean refreshTransientBuildOnPSS = true;
private boolean refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto = true;
private boolean refreshTransientBuildOnPSSPreserveState = REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS_PRESERVE_STATE_DEFAULT;
private boolean validateXML = VALIDATE_XML_DEFAULT;
private boolean wrapScriptContentWithXmlCommentTag = WRAP_SCRIPT_CONTENT_WITH_XML_COMMENT_TAG_DEFAULT;
private boolean debugPhaseListenerEnabled = DEBUG_PHASE_LISTENER_DEFAULT;
private boolean strictJsf2CCELResolver = STRICT_JSF_2_CC_EL_RESOLVER_DEFAULT;
private String defaultResponseWriterContentTypeMode = DEFAULT_RESPONSE_WRITER_CONTENT_TYPE_MODE_DEFAULT;
private boolean viewUniqueIdsCacheEnabled = VIEW_UNIQUE_IDS_CACHE_ENABLED_DEFAULT;
private int componentUniqueIdsCacheSize = COMPONENT_UNIQUE_IDS_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT;
private boolean supportJSP = SUPPORT_JSP_DEFAULT;
private boolean strictJsf2ViewNotFound = STRICT_JSF_2_VIEW_NOT_FOUND_DEFAULT;
private boolean earlyFlushEnabled = EARLY_FLUSH_ENABLED_DEFAULT;
private boolean strictJsf2FaceletsCompatibility = STRICT_JSF_2_FACELETS_COMPATIBILITY_DEFAULT;
private boolean renderFormViewStateAtBegin = RENDER_FORM_VIEW_STATE_AT_BEGIN_DEFAULT;
private boolean flashScopeDisabled = FLASH_SCOPE_DISABLED_DEFAULT;
private Integer numberOfViewsInSession = NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION_DEFAULT;
private Integer numberOfSequentialViewsInSession = NUMBER_OF_SEQUENTIAL_VIEWS_IN_SESSION_DEFAULT;
private Integer numberOfFlashTokensInSession;
private Integer numberOfFacesFlowClientWindowIdsInSession;
private boolean supportEL3ImportHandler = SUPPORT_EL_3_IMPORT_HANDLER_DEFAULT;
private boolean strictJsf2OriginHeaderAppPath = STRICT_JSF_2_ORIGIN_HEADER_APP_PATH_DEFAULT;
private int resourceBufferSize = RESOURCE_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT;
private boolean useCdiForAnnotationScanning = USE_CDI_FOR_ANNOTATION_SCANNING_DEFAULT;
private boolean resourceHandlerCacheEnabled = RESOURCE_HANDLER_CACHE_ENABLED_DEFAULT;
private int resourceHandlerCacheSize = RESOURCE_HANDLER_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT;
private String scanPackages;
private long websocketMaxIdleTimeout = WEBSOCKET_MAX_IDLE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;
private Integer websocketEndpointPort;
private String randomKeyInWebsocketSessionToken = RANDOM_KEY_IN_WEBSOCKET_SESSION_TOKEN_DEFAULT;
private long clientViewStateTimeout = CLIENT_VIEW_STATE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;
private String randomKeyInViewStateSessionToken = RANDOM_KEY_IN_VIEW_STATE_SESSION_TOKEN_DEFAULT;
private int randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenLength = RANDOM_KEY_IN_VIEW_STATE_SESSION_TOKEN_LENGTH_DEFAULT;
private String randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomClass;
private String randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider;
private String randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgorithm
private String randomKeyInCsrfSessionToken = RANDOM_KEY_IN_CSRF_SESSION_TOKEN_DEFAULT;
private boolean serializeStateInSession = false;
private boolean compressStateInSession = COMPRESS_STATE_IN_SESSION_DEFAULT;
private boolean useFlashScopePurgeViewsInSession = USE_FLASH_SCOPE_PURGE_VIEWS_IN_SESSION_DEFAULT;
private boolean autocompleteOffViewState = AUTOCOMPLETE_OFF_VIEW_STATE_DEFAULT;
private long resourceMaxTimeExpires = RESOURCE_MAX_TIME_EXPIRES_DEFAULT;
private boolean lazyLoadConfigObjects = LAZY_LOAD_CONFIG_OBJECTS_DEFAULT;
private String elResolverComparator;
private String elResolverPredicate;
private boolean viewIdExistsCacheEnabled = VIEWID_EXISTS_CACHE_ENABLED_DEFAULT;
private boolean viewIdProtectedCacheEnabled = VIEWID_PROTECTED_CACHE_ENABLED_DEFAULT;
private boolean viewIdDeriveCacheEnabled = VIEWID_DERIVE_CACHE_ENABLED_DEFAULT;
private int viewIdCacheSize = VIEWID_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT;
private String jspSuffix = JSP_SUFFIX_DEFAULT;
private boolean beanBeforeJsfValidation = BEAN_BEFORE_JSF_VALIDATION_DEFAULT;
private String facesInitPlugins;
private boolean initializeSkipJarFacesConfigScan = INITIALIZE_SKIP_JAR_FACES_CONFIG_SCAN_DEFAULT;
private String expressionFactory;
private String checkIdProductionMode = CHECK_ID_PRODUCTION_MODE_DEFAULT;
private boolean partialStateSaving = true;
private String[] fullStateSavingViewIds;
private int faceletsBufferSize = 1024;
private boolean markInitialStateWhenApplyBuildView = MARK_INITIAL_STATE_WHEN_APPLY_BUILD_VIEW_DEFAULT;
private String resourceResolver;
private String[] viewSuffix = new String[] { ViewHandler.DEFAULT_SUFFIX };
private String[] faceletsViewMappings = new String[] {};
private String faceletsViewSuffix = ViewHandler.DEFAULT_FACELETS_SUFFIX;
private ELExpressionCacheMode elExpressionCacheMode;
private boolean wrapTagExceptionsAsContextAware = WRAP_TAG_EXCEPTIONS_AS_CONTEXT_AWARE_DEFAULT;
private boolean resourceCacheLastModified = RESOURCE_CACHE_LAST_MODIFIED_DEFAULT;
private boolean logWebContextParams = false;
private int websocketMaxConnections = WEBSOCKET_MAX_CONNECTIONS_DEFAULT;
private boolean renderClientBehaviorScriptsAsString = RENDER_CLIENTBEHAVIOR_SCRIPTS_AS_STRING_DEFAULT;
private boolean alwaysForceSessionCreation = ALWAYS_FORCE_SESSION_CREATION_DEFAULT;
private ResourceBundle.Control resourceBundleControl;
private boolean automaticExtensionlessMapping = AUTOMATIC_EXTENSIONLESS_MAPPING_DEFAULT;
private static final boolean MYFACES_IMPL_AVAILABLE;
private static final boolean RI_IMPL_AVAILABLE;
boolean myfacesImplAvailable;
myfacesImplAvailable = true;
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
myfacesImplAvailable = false;
MYFACES_IMPL_AVAILABLE = myfacesImplAvailable;
boolean riImplAvailable;
riImplAvailable = true;
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
riImplAvailable = false;
RI_IMPL_AVAILABLE = riImplAvailable;
public static MyfacesConfig getCurrentInstance()
return getCurrentInstance(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext());
public static MyfacesConfig getCurrentInstance(FacesContext facesContext)
return getCurrentInstance(facesContext.getExternalContext());
public static MyfacesConfig getCurrentInstance(ExternalContext extCtx)
MyfacesConfig config = (MyfacesConfig) extCtx.getApplicationMap().get(APPLICATION_MAP_PARAM_NAME);
if (config == null)
config = createAndInitializeMyFacesConfig(extCtx);
extCtx.getApplicationMap().put(APPLICATION_MAP_PARAM_NAME, config);
return config;
public MyfacesConfig()
private static MyfacesConfig createAndInitializeMyFacesConfig(ExternalContext extCtx)
MyfacesConfig cfg = new MyfacesConfig();
cfg.projectStage = ProjectStage.valueOf(getString(extCtx, ProjectStage.PROJECT_STAGE_PARAM_NAME, null));
catch (Exception e)
// ignore, it's logged in ApplicationImpl
if (cfg.projectStage == null)
cfg.projectStage = ProjectStage.Production;
cfg.renderClearJavascriptOnButton = getBoolean(extCtx, RENDER_CLEAR_JAVASCRIPT_FOR_BUTTON,
cfg.renderViewStateId = getBoolean(extCtx, RENDER_VIEWSTATE_ID,
cfg.strictXhtmlLinks = getBoolean(extCtx, STRICT_XHTML_LINKS,
cfg.configRefreshPeriod = getLong(extCtx, CONFIG_REFRESH_PERIOD,
cfg.delegateFacesServlet = getString(extCtx, DELEGATE_FACES_SERVLET,
String refreshTransientBuildOnPSS = getString(extCtx, REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS,
if (refreshTransientBuildOnPSS == null)
cfg.refreshTransientBuildOnPSS = false;
cfg.refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto = false;
else if ("auto".equalsIgnoreCase(refreshTransientBuildOnPSS))
cfg.refreshTransientBuildOnPSS = true;
cfg.refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto = true;
else if (refreshTransientBuildOnPSS.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ||
refreshTransientBuildOnPSS.equalsIgnoreCase("on") ||
cfg.refreshTransientBuildOnPSS = true;
cfg.refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto = false;
cfg.refreshTransientBuildOnPSS = false;
cfg.refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto = false;
cfg.refreshTransientBuildOnPSSPreserveState = getBoolean(extCtx, REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS_PRESERVE_STATE,
cfg.validateXML = getBoolean(extCtx, VALIDATE_XML,
cfg.wrapScriptContentWithXmlCommentTag = getBoolean(extCtx, WRAP_SCRIPT_CONTENT_WITH_XML_COMMENT_TAG,
cfg.debugPhaseListenerEnabled = getBoolean(extCtx, DEBUG_PHASE_LISTENER,
cfg.strictJsf2CCELResolver = getBoolean(extCtx, STRICT_JSF_2_CC_EL_RESOLVER,
cfg.defaultResponseWriterContentTypeMode = getString(extCtx, DEFAULT_RESPONSE_WRITER_CONTENT_TYPE_MODE,
cfg.viewUniqueIdsCacheEnabled = getBoolean(extCtx, VIEW_UNIQUE_IDS_CACHE_ENABLED,
cfg.componentUniqueIdsCacheSize = getInt(extCtx, COMPONENT_UNIQUE_IDS_CACHE_SIZE,
cfg.supportJSP = getBoolean(extCtx, SUPPORT_JSP,
if (cfg.supportJSP && ClassUtils.simpleClassForName("javax.servlet.jsp.JspApplicationContext", false) == null)
cfg.supportJSP = false;
cfg.strictJsf2ViewNotFound = getBoolean(extCtx, STRICT_JSF_2_VIEW_NOT_FOUND,
cfg.earlyFlushEnabled = getBoolean(extCtx, EARLY_FLUSH_ENABLED,
if (cfg.projectStage != ProjectStage.Production)
cfg.earlyFlushEnabled = false;
cfg.strictJsf2FaceletsCompatibility = getBoolean(extCtx, STRICT_JSF_2_FACELETS_COMPATIBILITY,
cfg.renderFormViewStateAtBegin = getBoolean(extCtx, RENDER_FORM_VIEW_STATE_AT_BEGIN,
cfg.flashScopeDisabled = getBoolean(extCtx, FLASH_SCOPE_DISABLED,
cfg.strictJsf2AllowSlashLibraryName = getBoolean(extCtx, STRICT_JSF_2_ALLOW_SLASH_LIBRARY_NAME,
cfg.numberOfSequentialViewsInSession = getInt(extCtx, NUMBER_OF_SEQUENTIAL_VIEWS_IN_SESSION,
if (cfg.numberOfSequentialViewsInSession == null
|| cfg.numberOfSequentialViewsInSession < 0)
+ " is not valid, must be an value >= 0, using default value ("
catch (Throwable e)
Logger.getLogger(MyfacesConfig.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Error determining the value for "
+ ", expected an integer value > 0, using default value ("
cfg.numberOfViewsInSession = getInt(extCtx, NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION,
if (cfg.numberOfViewsInSession == null || cfg.numberOfViewsInSession <= 0)
"Configured value for " + NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION
+ " is not valid, must be an value > 0, using default value ("
catch (Throwable e)
Logger.getLogger(MyfacesConfig.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Error determining the value for "
+ ", expected an integer value > 0, using default value ("
+ NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION_DEFAULT + "): " + e.getMessage(), e);
Integer numberOfFlashTokensInSessionDefault;
if (cfg.numberOfSequentialViewsInSession != null&& cfg.numberOfSequentialViewsInSession > 0)
numberOfFlashTokensInSessionDefault = (cfg.numberOfViewsInSession
/ cfg.numberOfSequentialViewsInSession) + 1;
numberOfFlashTokensInSessionDefault = cfg.numberOfViewsInSession + 1;
cfg.numberOfFlashTokensInSession = getInt(extCtx, NUMBER_OF_FLASH_TOKENS_IN_SESSION,
cfg.numberOfFacesFlowClientWindowIdsInSession = getInt(extCtx,
cfg.supportEL3ImportHandler = getBoolean(extCtx, SUPPORT_EL_3_IMPORT_HANDLER,
cfg.strictJsf2OriginHeaderAppPath = getBoolean(extCtx, STRICT_JSF_2_ORIGIN_HEADER_APP_PATH,
cfg.resourceBufferSize = getInt(extCtx, RESOURCE_BUFFER_SIZE,
cfg.useCdiForAnnotationScanning = getBoolean(extCtx, USE_CDI_FOR_ANNOTATION_SCANNING,
cfg.resourceHandlerCacheEnabled = getBoolean(extCtx, RESOURCE_HANDLER_CACHE_ENABLED,
if (cfg.projectStage != ProjectStage.Production)
cfg.resourceHandlerCacheEnabled = false;
cfg.resourceHandlerCacheSize = getInt(extCtx, RESOURCE_HANDLER_CACHE_SIZE,
cfg.scanPackages = getString(extCtx, SCAN_PACKAGES,
String websocketEndpointPort = extCtx.getInitParameter(WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT_PORT);
if (websocketEndpointPort != null && !websocketEndpointPort.isEmpty())
cfg.websocketEndpointPort = Integer.valueOf(websocketEndpointPort);
cfg.websocketMaxIdleTimeout = getLong(extCtx, WEBSOCKET_MAX_IDLE_TIMEOUT,
cfg.randomKeyInWebsocketSessionToken = getString(extCtx, RANDOM_KEY_IN_WEBSOCKET_SESSION_TOKEN,
cfg.clientViewStateTimeout = getLong(extCtx, CLIENT_VIEW_STATE_TIMEOUT,
if (cfg.clientViewStateTimeout < 0L)
cfg.clientViewStateTimeout = 0L;
cfg.randomKeyInViewStateSessionToken = getString(extCtx, RANDOM_KEY_IN_VIEW_STATE_SESSION_TOKEN,
cfg.randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenLength = getInt(extCtx, RANDOM_KEY_IN_VIEW_STATE_SESSION_TOKEN_LENGTH,
cfg.randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomClass = getString(extCtx,
cfg.randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider = getString(extCtx,
cfg.randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgorithm = getString(extCtx,
cfg.randomKeyInCsrfSessionToken = getString(extCtx, RANDOM_KEY_IN_CSRF_SESSION_TOKEN,
cfg.serializeStateInSession = getBoolean(extCtx, StateManager.SERIALIZE_SERVER_STATE_PARAM_NAME,
cfg.compressStateInSession = getBoolean(extCtx, COMPRESS_STATE_IN_SESSION,
cfg.useFlashScopePurgeViewsInSession = getBoolean(extCtx, USE_FLASH_SCOPE_PURGE_VIEWS_IN_SESSION,
cfg.autocompleteOffViewState = getBoolean(extCtx, AUTOCOMPLETE_OFF_VIEW_STATE,
cfg.resourceMaxTimeExpires = getLong(extCtx, RESOURCE_MAX_TIME_EXPIRES,
cfg.lazyLoadConfigObjects = getBoolean(extCtx, LAZY_LOAD_CONFIG_OBJECTS,
cfg.elResolverComparator = getString(extCtx, EL_RESOLVER_COMPARATOR,
cfg.elResolverPredicate = getString(extCtx, EL_RESOLVER_PREDICATE,
cfg.viewIdExistsCacheEnabled = getBoolean(extCtx, VIEWID_EXISTS_CACHE_ENABLED,
if (cfg.projectStage == ProjectStage.Development)
cfg.viewIdExistsCacheEnabled = false;
cfg.viewIdProtectedCacheEnabled = getBoolean(extCtx, VIEWID_PROTECTED_CACHE_ENABLED,
if (cfg.projectStage == ProjectStage.Development)
cfg.viewIdProtectedCacheEnabled = false;
cfg.viewIdDeriveCacheEnabled = getBoolean(extCtx, VIEWID_DERIVE_CACHE_ENABLED,
if (cfg.projectStage == ProjectStage.Development)
cfg.viewIdDeriveCacheEnabled = false;
cfg.viewIdCacheSize = getInt(extCtx, VIEWID_CACHE_SIZE,
cfg.jspSuffix = getString(extCtx, JSP_SUFFIX,
cfg.beanBeforeJsfValidation = getBoolean(extCtx, BEAN_BEFORE_JSF_VALIDATION,
cfg.facesInitPlugins = getString(extCtx, FACES_INIT_PLUGINS,
cfg.initializeSkipJarFacesConfigScan = getBoolean(extCtx, INITIALIZE_SKIP_JAR_FACES_CONFIG_SCAN,
cfg.expressionFactory = getString(extCtx, EXPRESSION_FACTORY,
cfg.checkIdProductionMode = getString(extCtx, CHECK_ID_PRODUCTION_MODE,
// Per spec section 11.1.3, the default value for the partial state saving feature needs
// to be true if 2.0, false otherwise.
// lets ignore this on 3.x
cfg.partialStateSaving = getBoolean(extCtx, StateManager.PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING_PARAM_NAME,
cfg.fullStateSavingViewIds = StringUtils.splitShortString(
getString(extCtx, StateManager.FULL_STATE_SAVING_VIEW_IDS_PARAM_NAME, null),
cfg.faceletsBufferSize = getInt(extCtx, ViewHandler.FACELETS_BUFFER_SIZE_PARAM_NAME,
cfg.markInitialStateWhenApplyBuildView = getBoolean(extCtx, MARK_INITIAL_STATE_WHEN_APPLY_BUILD_VIEW,
cfg.resourceResolver = getString(extCtx, FACELETS_RESOURCE_RESOLVER,
cfg.viewSuffix = StringUtils.splitShortString(
getString(extCtx, ViewHandler.DEFAULT_SUFFIX_PARAM_NAME, ViewHandler.DEFAULT_SUFFIX),
' ');
cfg.faceletsViewMappings = StringUtils.splitShortString(
getString(extCtx, ViewHandler.FACELETS_VIEW_MAPPINGS_PARAM_NAME, null),
cfg.faceletsViewSuffix = getString(extCtx, ViewHandler.FACELETS_SUFFIX_PARAM_NAME,
String elExpressionCacheMode = getString(extCtx, CACHE_EL_EXPRESSIONS,;
cfg.elExpressionCacheMode = Enum.valueOf(ELExpressionCacheMode.class, elExpressionCacheMode);
cfg.wrapTagExceptionsAsContextAware = getBoolean(extCtx, WRAP_TAG_EXCEPTIONS_AS_CONTEXT_AWARE,
cfg.resourceCacheLastModified = getBoolean(extCtx, RESOURCE_CACHE_LAST_MODIFIED,
if (cfg.projectStage == ProjectStage.Development)
cfg.resourceCacheLastModified = false;
String logWebContextParams = getString(extCtx, LOG_WEB_CONTEXT_PARAMS,
if (logWebContextParams.equals("false") || (logWebContextParams.equals("auto")
&& (cfg.projectStage == ProjectStage.SystemTest || cfg.projectStage == ProjectStage.UnitTest)))
cfg.logWebContextParams = false;
cfg.logWebContextParams = true;
cfg.websocketMaxConnections = getInt(extCtx, WEBSOCKET_MAX_CONNECTIONS,
cfg.renderClientBehaviorScriptsAsString = getBoolean(extCtx, RENDER_CLIENTBEHAVIOR_SCRIPTS_AS_STRING,
cfg.alwaysForceSessionCreation = getBoolean(extCtx, ALWAYS_FORCE_SESSION_CREATION,
String resourceBundleControl = getString(extCtx, RESOURCE_BUNDLE_CONTROL, null);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resourceBundleControl))
cfg.resourceBundleControl = (ResourceBundle.Control) ClassUtils.newInstance(resourceBundleControl);
cfg.automaticExtensionlessMapping = getBoolean(extCtx, AUTOMATIC_EXTENSIONLESS_MAPPING,
return cfg;
private static boolean getBoolean(ExternalContext externalContext, String paramName, boolean defaultValue)
String value = externalContext.getInitParameter(paramName);
if (value == null)
return defaultValue;
if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("on") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))
return true;
else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("false") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("off") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("no"))
return false;
return defaultValue;
private static String getString(ExternalContext externalContext, String paramName, String defaultValue)
String value = externalContext.getInitParameter(paramName);
if (value == null)
return defaultValue;
return value;
private static int getInt(ExternalContext externalContext, String paramName, int defaultValue)
String value = externalContext.getInitParameter(paramName);
if (value == null)
return defaultValue;
return Integer.parseInt(value);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
return defaultValue;
private static long getLong(ExternalContext externalContext, String paramName, long defaultValue)
String value = externalContext.getInitParameter(paramName);
if (value == null)
return defaultValue;
return Long.parseLong(value);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
return defaultValue;
public boolean isMyfacesImplAvailable()
public boolean isRiImplAvailable()
public boolean isStrictJsf2AllowSlashLibraryName()
return strictJsf2AllowSlashLibraryName;
public long getConfigRefreshPeriod()
return configRefreshPeriod;
public boolean isRenderViewStateId()
return renderViewStateId;
public boolean isStrictXhtmlLinks()
return strictXhtmlLinks;
public boolean isRenderClearJavascriptOnButton()
return renderClearJavascriptOnButton;
public String getDelegateFacesServlet()
return delegateFacesServlet;
public boolean isRefreshTransientBuildOnPSS()
return refreshTransientBuildOnPSS;
public boolean isRefreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto()
return refreshTransientBuildOnPSSAuto;
public boolean isRefreshTransientBuildOnPSSPreserveState()
return refreshTransientBuildOnPSSPreserveState;
public boolean isValidateXML()
return validateXML;
public boolean isWrapScriptContentWithXmlCommentTag()
return wrapScriptContentWithXmlCommentTag;
public boolean isDebugPhaseListenerEnabled()
return debugPhaseListenerEnabled;
public boolean isStrictJsf2CCELResolver()
return strictJsf2CCELResolver;
public String getDefaultResponseWriterContentTypeMode()
return defaultResponseWriterContentTypeMode;
public boolean isViewUniqueIdsCacheEnabled()
return viewUniqueIdsCacheEnabled;
public int getComponentUniqueIdsCacheSize()
return componentUniqueIdsCacheSize;
public boolean isSupportJSP()
return supportJSP;
public boolean isStrictJsf2ViewNotFound()
return strictJsf2ViewNotFound;
public boolean isEarlyFlushEnabled()
return earlyFlushEnabled;
public boolean isStrictJsf2FaceletsCompatibility()
return strictJsf2FaceletsCompatibility;
public boolean isRenderFormViewStateAtBegin()
return renderFormViewStateAtBegin;
public boolean isFlashScopeDisabled()
return flashScopeDisabled;
public Integer getNumberOfViewsInSession()
return numberOfViewsInSession;
public Integer getNumberOfSequentialViewsInSession()
return numberOfSequentialViewsInSession;
public Integer getNumberOfFlashTokensInSession()
return numberOfFlashTokensInSession;
public Integer getNumberOfFacesFlowClientWindowIdsInSession()
return numberOfFacesFlowClientWindowIdsInSession;
public boolean isSupportEL3ImportHandler()
return supportEL3ImportHandler;
public boolean isStrictJsf2OriginHeaderAppPath()
return strictJsf2OriginHeaderAppPath;
public int getResourceBufferSize()
return resourceBufferSize;
public boolean isUseCdiForAnnotationScanning()
return useCdiForAnnotationScanning;
public boolean isResourceHandlerCacheEnabled()
return resourceHandlerCacheEnabled;
public int getResourceHandlerCacheSize()
return resourceHandlerCacheSize;
public String getScanPackages()
return scanPackages;
public long getWebsocketMaxIdleTimeout()
return websocketMaxIdleTimeout;
public Integer getWebsocketEndpointPort()
return websocketEndpointPort;
public long getClientViewStateTimeout()
return clientViewStateTimeout;
public String getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionToken()
return randomKeyInViewStateSessionToken;
public int getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenLength()
return randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenLength;
public String getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomClass()
return randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomClass;
public String getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider()
return randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomProvider;
public String getRandomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgorithm()
return randomKeyInViewStateSessionTokenSecureRandomAlgorithm;
public String getRandomKeyInCsrfSessionToken()
return randomKeyInCsrfSessionToken;
public boolean isSerializeStateInSession()
return serializeStateInSession;
public boolean isCompressStateInSession()
return compressStateInSession;
public boolean isUseFlashScopePurgeViewsInSession()
return useFlashScopePurgeViewsInSession;
public boolean isAutocompleteOffViewState()
return autocompleteOffViewState;
public long getResourceMaxTimeExpires()
return resourceMaxTimeExpires;
public boolean isLazyLoadConfigObjects()
return lazyLoadConfigObjects;
public String getElResolverComparator()
return elResolverComparator;
public String getElResolverPredicate()
return elResolverPredicate;
public int getViewIdCacheSize()
return viewIdCacheSize;
public String getJspSuffix()
return jspSuffix;
public boolean isBeanBeforeJsfValidation()
return beanBeforeJsfValidation;
public String getRandomKeyInWebsocketSessionToken()
return randomKeyInWebsocketSessionToken;
public String getFacesInitPlugins()
return facesInitPlugins;
public boolean isInitializeSkipJarFacesConfigScan()
return initializeSkipJarFacesConfigScan;
public String getExpressionFactory()
return expressionFactory;
public String getCheckIdProductionMode()
return checkIdProductionMode;
public boolean isPartialStateSaving()
return partialStateSaving;
public String[] getFullStateSavingViewIds()
return fullStateSavingViewIds;
public int getFaceletsBufferSize()
return faceletsBufferSize;
public boolean isMarkInitialStateWhenApplyBuildView()
return markInitialStateWhenApplyBuildView;
public String getResourceResolver()
return resourceResolver;
public String[] getViewSuffix()
return viewSuffix;
public String[] getFaceletsViewMappings()
return faceletsViewMappings;
public String getFaceletsViewSuffix()
return faceletsViewSuffix;
public boolean isViewIdExistsCacheEnabled()
return viewIdExistsCacheEnabled;
public boolean isViewIdProtectedCacheEnabled()
return viewIdProtectedCacheEnabled;
public boolean isViewIdDeriveCacheEnabled()
return viewIdDeriveCacheEnabled;
public ELExpressionCacheMode getELExpressionCacheMode()
return elExpressionCacheMode;
public boolean isWrapTagExceptionsAsContextAware()
return wrapTagExceptionsAsContextAware;
public boolean isResourceCacheLastModified()
return resourceCacheLastModified;
public boolean isLogWebContextParams()
return logWebContextParams;
public int getWebsocketMaxConnections()
return websocketMaxConnections;
public boolean isRenderClientBehaviorScriptsAsString()
return renderClientBehaviorScriptsAsString;
public boolean isAlwaysForceSessionCreation()
return alwaysForceSessionCreation;
public ProjectStage getProjectStage()
return projectStage;
public ResourceBundle.Control getResourceBundleControl()
return resourceBundleControl;
public boolean isAutomaticExtensionlessMapping()
return automaticExtensionlessMapping;