blob: 41f302e0ff971115e9b486fbfe08e379823cdfc4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package javax.faces.validator;
import org.apache.myfaces.core.api.shared._MessageUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.core.api.shared._ExternalSpecifications;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.el.ELContext;
import javax.el.ELResolver;
import javax.el.FunctionMapper;
import javax.el.ValueExpression;
import javax.el.ValueReference;
import javax.el.VariableMapper;
import javax.faces.FacesException;
import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import javax.faces.component.PartialStateHolder;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.el.CompositeComponentExpressionHolder;
import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation;
import javax.validation.MessageInterpolator;
import javax.validation.Validation;
import javax.validation.ValidatorFactory;
import javax.validation.groups.Default;
import javax.validation.metadata.BeanDescriptor;
import org.apache.myfaces.buildtools.maven2.plugin.builder.annotation.JSFJspProperty;
import org.apache.myfaces.buildtools.maven2.plugin.builder.annotation.JSFProperty;
import org.apache.myfaces.buildtools.maven2.plugin.builder.annotation.JSFValidator;
import org.apache.myfaces.buildtools.maven2.plugin.builder.annotation.JSFWebConfigParam;
* <p>
* <strong>BeanValidator</strong> is a {@link javax.faces.validator.Validator}
* that doesn't do any validation itself, but delegates validation logic to
* Bean Validation.
* </p>
* @since 2.0
name = "binding",
returnType = "javax.faces.validator.BeanValidator",
longDesc = "A ValueExpression that evaluates to a BeanValidator.")
public class BeanValidator implements Validator, PartialStateHolder
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BeanValidator.class.getName());
* Converter ID, as defined by the JSF 2.0 specification.
public static final String VALIDATOR_ID = "javax.faces.Bean";
* The message ID for this Validator in the message bundles.
public static final String MESSAGE_ID = "javax.faces.validator.BeanValidator.MESSAGE";
* If this init parameter is present, no Bean Validators should be added to an UIInput by default.
* Explicitly adding a BeanValidator to an UIInput is possible though.
@JSFWebConfigParam(defaultValue="true", expectedValues="true, false", since="2.0", group="validation")
= "javax.faces.validator.DISABLE_DEFAULT_BEAN_VALIDATOR";
* The key in the ServletContext where the Bean Validation Factory can be found.
* In a managed Java EE 6 environment, the container initializes the ValidatorFactory
* and stores it in the ServletContext under this key.
* If not present, the manually instantiated ValidatorFactory is stored in the ServletContext
* under this key for caching purposes.
public static final String VALIDATOR_FACTORY_KEY = "javax.faces.validator.beanValidator.ValidatorFactory";
* This is used as a separator so multiple validation groups can be specified in one String.
public static final String VALIDATION_GROUPS_DELIMITER = ",";
* This regular expression is used to match for empty validation groups.
* Currently, a string containing only whitespace is classified as empty.
public static final String EMPTY_VALIDATION_GROUPS_PATTERN = "^[\\W,]*$";
* Enable f:validateWholeBean use.
@JSFWebConfigParam(since="2.3", defaultValue = "false", expectedValues = "true, false", group="validation")
public static final String ENABLE_VALIDATE_WHOLE_BEAN_PARAM_NAME =
private static final Class<?>[] DEFAULT_VALIDATION_GROUPS_ARRAY = new Class<?>[] { Default.class };
private static final String DEFAULT_VALIDATION_GROUP_NAME = "javax.validation.groups.Default";
private static final String CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_VALUES_MAP = "oam.WBV.candidatesMap";
private static final String BEAN_VALIDATION_FAILED = "oam.WBV.validationFailed";
private String validationGroups;
private Class<?>[] validationGroupsArray;
private boolean isTransient = false;
private boolean _initialStateMarked = false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void validate(final FacesContext context, final UIComponent component, final Object value)
if (context == null)
throw new NullPointerException("context");
if (component == null)
throw new NullPointerException("component");
ValueExpression valueExpression = component.getValueExpression("value");
if (valueExpression == null)
log.warning("cannot validate component with empty value: "
+ component.getClientId(context));
// Obtain a reference to the to-be-validated object and the property name.
ValueReference reference = getValueReference(valueExpression, context);
if (reference == null)
Object base = reference.getBase();
if (base == null)
Class<?> valueBaseClass = base.getClass();
if (valueBaseClass == null)
Object referenceProperty = reference.getProperty();
if (!(referenceProperty instanceof String))
// if the property is not a String, the ValueReference does not
// point to a bean method, but e.g. to a value in a Map, thus we
// can exit bean validation here
String valueProperty = (String) referenceProperty;
// Initialize Bean Validation.
ValidatorFactory validatorFactory = createValidatorFactory(context);
javax.validation.Validator validator = createValidator(validatorFactory, context);
BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor = validator.getConstraintsForClass(valueBaseClass);
if (!beanDescriptor.isBeanConstrained())
// Note that validationGroupsArray was initialized when createValidator was called
Class[] validationGroupsArray = this.validationGroupsArray;
// JSF 2.3: If the ENABLE_VALIDATE_WHOLE_BEAN_PARAM_NAME application parameter is enabled and this Validator
// instance has validation groups other than or in addition to the Default group
boolean containsOtherValidationGroup = false;
if (validationGroupsArray != null && validationGroupsArray.length > 0)
for (Class<?> clazz : validationGroupsArray)
if (!Default.class.equals(clazz))
containsOtherValidationGroup = true;
// Delegate to Bean Validation.
Set constraintViolations = validator.validateValue(valueBaseClass, valueProperty, value, validationGroupsArray);
if (!constraintViolations.isEmpty())
Set<FacesMessage> messages = new LinkedHashSet<>(constraintViolations.size());
for (Object violation : constraintViolations)
ConstraintViolation constraintViolation = (ConstraintViolation) violation;
String message = constraintViolation.getMessage();
Object[] args = new Object[]{ message, _MessageUtils.getLabel(context, component) };
FacesMessage msg = _MessageUtils.getErrorMessage(context, MESSAGE_ID, args);
if (isValidateWholeBeanEnabled(context) && containsOtherValidationGroup)
// JSF 2.3: record the fact that this field failed validation so that any <f:validateWholeBean />
// component later in the tree is able to skip class-level validation for the bean for which this
// particular field is a property. Regardless of whether or not
// ENABLE_VALIDATE_WHOLE_BEAN_PARAM_NAME is set, throw the new exception.
context.getViewRoot().getTransientStateHelper().putTransient(BEAN_VALIDATION_FAILED, Boolean.TRUE);
throw new ValidatorException(messages);
// JSF 2.3: If the returned Set is empty, the ENABLE_VALIDATE_WHOLE_BEAN_PARAM_NAME application parameter
// is enabled and this Validator instance has validation groups other than or in addition to the
// Default group
if (isValidateWholeBeanEnabled(context) && containsOtherValidationGroup)
// record the fact that this field passed validation so that any <f:validateWholeBean /> component
// later in the tree is able to allow class-level validation for the bean for which this particular
// field is a property.
Map<String, Object> candidatesMap = (Map<String, Object>) context.getViewRoot()
if (candidatesMap == null)
candidatesMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
candidatesMap.put(component.getClientId(context), value);
private boolean isValidateWholeBeanEnabled(FacesContext facesContext)
Boolean value = (Boolean) facesContext.getAttributes().get(ENABLE_VALIDATE_WHOLE_BEAN_PARAM_NAME);
if (value == null)
String enabled = facesContext.getExternalContext().getInitParameter(ENABLE_VALIDATE_WHOLE_BEAN_PARAM_NAME);
if (enabled == null)
value = Boolean.FALSE;
value = Boolean.valueOf(enabled);
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(value);
private javax.validation.Validator createValidator(final ValidatorFactory validatorFactory, FacesContext context)
// Set default validation group when setValidationGroups has not been called.
// The null check is there to prevent it from happening twice.
if (validationGroupsArray == null)
return validatorFactory //
.usingContext() //
.messageInterpolator(new FacesMessageInterpolator(
validatorFactory.getMessageInterpolator(), context)) //
* Get the ValueReference from the ValueExpression.
* @param valueExpression The ValueExpression for value.
* @param context The FacesContext.
* @return A ValueReferenceWrapper with the necessary information about the ValueReference.
private ValueReference getValueReference(
final ValueExpression valueExpression, final FacesContext context)
ELContext elCtx = context.getELContext();
return _ValueReferenceResolver.resolve(valueExpression, elCtx);
* This method creates ValidatorFactory instances or retrieves them from the container.
* Once created, ValidatorFactory instances are stored in the container under the key
* VALIDATOR_FACTORY_KEY for performance.
* @param context The FacesContext.
* @return The ValidatorFactory instance.
* @throws FacesException if no ValidatorFactory can be obtained because: a) the
* container is not a Servlet container or b) because Bean Validation is not available.
private ValidatorFactory createValidatorFactory(FacesContext context)
Map<String, Object> applicationMap = context.getExternalContext().getApplicationMap();
Object attr = applicationMap.get(VALIDATOR_FACTORY_KEY);
if (attr instanceof ValidatorFactory)
return (ValidatorFactory) attr;
synchronized (this)
if (_ExternalSpecifications.isBeanValidationAvailable())
ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
applicationMap.put(VALIDATOR_FACTORY_KEY, factory);
return factory;
throw new FacesException("Bean Validation is not present");
* Fully initialize the validation groups if needed.
* If no validation groups are specified, the Default validation group is used.
private void postSetValidationGroups()
if (this.validationGroups == null || this.validationGroups.matches(EMPTY_VALIDATION_GROUPS_PATTERN))
this.validationGroupsArray = DEFAULT_VALIDATION_GROUPS_ARRAY;
String[] classes = this.validationGroups.split(VALIDATION_GROUPS_DELIMITER);
List<Class<?>> validationGroupsList = new ArrayList<>(classes.length);
for (String clazz : classes)
clazz = clazz.trim();
if (!clazz.isEmpty())
Class<?> theClass = null;
ClassLoader cl = null;
if (System.getSecurityManager() != null)
cl = (ClassLoader) AccessController.doPrivileged(
(PrivilegedExceptionAction) () -> Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
catch (PrivilegedActionException pae)
throw new FacesException(pae);
cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
// Try WebApp ClassLoader first
theClass = Class.forName(clazz,false,cl);
catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore)
// fallback: Try ClassLoader for BeanValidator (i.e. the myfaces.jar lib)
theClass = Class.forName(clazz,false, BeanValidator.class.getClassLoader());
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Could not load validation group", e);
// the class was found
this.validationGroupsArray = validationGroupsList.toArray(new Class[validationGroupsList.size()]);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Object saveState(final FacesContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new NullPointerException("context");
if (!initialStateMarked())
//Full state saving.
return this.validationGroups;
else if (DEFAULT_VALIDATION_GROUP_NAME.equals(this.validationGroups))
// default validation groups can be saved as null.
return null;
// Save it fully. Remember that by MYFACES-2528
// validationGroups needs to be stored into the state
// because this value is often susceptible to use in "combo"
return this.validationGroups;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void restoreState(final FacesContext context, final Object state)
if (context == null)
throw new NullPointerException("context");
if (state != null)
this.validationGroups = (String) state;
// When the value is being validated, postSetValidationGroups() sets
// validationGroups to javax.validation.groups.Default.
this.validationGroups = null;
// Only the String is saved, recalculate the Class[] on state restoration.
* Get the Bean Validation validation groups.
* @return The validation groups String.
public String getValidationGroups()
return validationGroups;
* Set the Bean Validation validation groups.
* @param validationGroups The validation groups String, separated by
public void setValidationGroups(final String validationGroups)
this.validationGroups = validationGroups;
private Boolean isDisabled()
return null;
private String getFor()
return null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isTransient()
return isTransient;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void setTransient(final boolean isTransient)
this.isTransient = isTransient;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void clearInitialState()
_initialStateMarked = false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean initialStateMarked()
return _initialStateMarked;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void markInitialState()
_initialStateMarked = true;
* Note: Before 2.1.5/2.0.11 there was another strategy for this point to minimize
* the instances used, but after checking this with a profiler, it is more expensive to
* call FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() than create this object for bean validation.
* Standard MessageInterpolator, as described in the JSR-314 spec.
private static class FacesMessageInterpolator implements MessageInterpolator
private final FacesContext facesContext;
private final MessageInterpolator interpolator;
public FacesMessageInterpolator(final MessageInterpolator interpolator, final FacesContext facesContext)
this.interpolator = interpolator;
this.facesContext = facesContext;
public String interpolate(final String s, final Context context)
Locale locale = facesContext.getViewRoot().getLocale();
return interpolator.interpolate(s, context, locale);
public String interpolate(final String s, final Context context, final Locale locale)
return interpolator.interpolate(s, context, locale);
final class _ValueReferenceResolver
* This method can be used to extract the ValueReference from the given ValueExpression.
* @param valueExpression The ValueExpression to resolve.
* @param elCtx The ELContext, needed to parse and execute the expression.
* @return The ValueReferenceWrapper.
public static ValueReference resolve(ValueExpression valueExpression, final ELContext elCtx)
ValueReference valueReference = valueExpression.getValueReference(elCtx);
while (valueReference != null && valueReference.getBase() instanceof CompositeComponentExpressionHolder)
valueExpression = ((CompositeComponentExpressionHolder) valueReference.getBase())
.getExpression((String) valueReference.getProperty());
if(valueExpression == null)
valueReference = valueExpression.getValueReference(elCtx);
return valueReference;
* This ELContext is used to hook into the EL handling, by decorating the
* ELResolver chain with a custom ELResolver.
final class _ELContextDecorator extends ELContext
private final ELContext ctx;
private final ELResolver interceptingResolver;
* Only used by ValueExpressionResolver.
* @param elContext The standard ELContext. All method calls, except getELResolver, are delegated to it.
* @param interceptingResolver The ELResolver to be returned by getELResolver.
_ELContextDecorator(final ELContext elContext, final ELResolver interceptingResolver)
this.ctx = elContext;
this.interceptingResolver = interceptingResolver;
* This is the important one, it returns the passed ELResolver.
* @return The ELResolver passed into the constructor.
public ELResolver getELResolver()
return interceptingResolver;
// ############################ Standard delegating implementations ############################
public FunctionMapper getFunctionMapper()
return ctx.getFunctionMapper();
public VariableMapper getVariableMapper()
return ctx.getVariableMapper();
public void setPropertyResolved(final boolean resolved)
public boolean isPropertyResolved()
return ctx.isPropertyResolved();
public void putContext(final Class key, Object contextObject)
ctx.putContext(key, contextObject);
public Object getContext(final Class key)
return ctx.getContext(key);
public Locale getLocale()
return ctx.getLocale();
public void setLocale(final Locale locale)